Answer to Question #16 of 77 questions from different persons, put to Billy from Michael Horn, in May 2013.
Translation by –
Jacob Smits, Holland
Bruce Lulla, USA
Mariann Uehlinger Mondria, Switzerland

Q.16: What is intuition and how does it work?

The following is an extract.
SHOW ALL gives the full answer.

Absolute unknowledge prevails in the sciences of psychology, psychoanalysis and psychiatry, for example, with regard to the fact that the human being not only has a subconscious, i.e. a subconsciousness, but also has an unconscious, i.e. an unconsciousness, which directly precedes the conscious and material consciousness.

This unconscious can be comparatively understood as a ‘secretary’ coming before the consciousness, which autonomously takes in and sorts incoming impulses and perceptions, i.e. facts, after which it provides the ‘preprocessing’ in a corresponding form, before the whole is passed on to the conscious-of-itself material-consciousness.

This unconscious, which is not identical with the subconsciousness, has the ability to perceive everything lightning-fast which arises in and around the human being, the conscious material-consciousness is not capable of, and namely because it has a slower perceptual speed than the preceding unconscious.

So it comes about, that for example, if a dangerous situation, a happening, a situation or something else occurs, the unconscious reacts much faster and processes everything mentally in a flash, and indeed at a speed which is unascertainable for the real-consciousness, as this is not possible at this speed for the self-conscious consciousness.

Under normal circumstances feelings are never created first and then thoughts arise from these, as is erroneously assumed and claimed, but rather that only firstly through conscious thoughts, feelings are also created. Feelings arise in some situation, which are created by the rapid succession of thoughts of the unconsciousness, without these firstly being created by conscious thoughts.

Through an intuition can something, a thing, an issue, a situation, a happening, an assessment; a thought-feeling-impulsation or a mode of behavior and so forth, be rightly appraised in a flash.
In this case, intuition is usually understood as a flash-thought, which is based on processes of the unconscious, i.e. unconsciousness which comes before the real-consciousness and comes about without conscious reflexion, i.e. without previous consideration.

The unconscious, i.e. unconsciousness, which comes before the actual consciousness, works autonomously together with the subconsciousness and in an unconscious and imperceptible wise for the human being.
Thereby the unconscious creates solutions with the stored knowledge-impulses of the subconsciousness and brings results, which are perceived as intuitive first thoughts as well as flash-thoughts, imaginations or feelings, i.e. as intuition of various form, which, however, do not occur through consciously controlled thought processes, but rather only intuitively.

Intuitive capabilities can be furthered through constant training, and namely by furthering the conscious real-consciousness through all sorts of mental quickness exercises in such a wise that the thought-speed is furthered.

Fact is that the faster the human being can organize, care for and carry out his/her conscious thoughts and feelings, the more capable is he/she to think faster and faster, to control everything and also to organize it in a logical sequence and to handle it.

The whole thing enhances the capability of the conscious consciousness in this respect, that it becomes faster and faster in the perception- and processing-capability, which in turn leads to the effect that also the preceding ‘secretary’, i.e. the unconscious, i.e. the unconsciousness becomes faster concerning the perception and processing, because in this respect it always has to be superior in speed to the real-consciousness.

Such exercises of quick-thinking, quick-assessing and quick-acting are an effective training, through which also the intuitive capabilities as well as the activity of the brain are furthered and also an alert conscious consciousness-activity takes place.

This is a form of development, which means, that by this, so to speak, also a state of a ‘higher consciousness’ can be won.

If a high niveau (level) is reached, then therethrough also the intuition can be directed to a certain extent, and indeed in the wise, that the acquired life knowledge is thought-feeling-based spoken to and perceived and registered by the unconscious, in order to couple it together with the subconsciousness and to use it.

If this happens, namely that the unconscious gets in connection with the subconscious, i.e. the subconsciousness, then, as a result, logical aspects are formed from its entire knowledge and from impulses out of the storage-banks, after which the whole is expressed then as an intuition.

Of course it’s blazing nonsense, if, for example, it is claimed by the esoterics, that through the whole thing it can be seamlessly passed over into a so-called channeling, i.e. in consciously brought about contacts with spiritual beings (spirits) or with extraterrestrials, because neither a channeling in any such kind and wise is possible nor contacts with so-called spiritual, i.e. spirit beings.

Such drivel corresponds to an imagination, i.e. a delusion, from which simply human beings of delusional esoteric, occult, religious and sectarian form are befallen, because in this respect they are not capable of rational thoughts and feelings due to a delusion-belief or have lost this ability through suggestive sectarian insinuations, through laziness or neglect.

In colloquial speech and in literature various synonyms are used for intuition, such as first thought, flash-thought, gut feeling, instinct, serendipity, sixth sense, inspiration, a good nose and ‘brainwave’, etc., although various of these names are completely wrong, such as, inspiration, sixth sense, a good nose and serendipity, which fundamentally are to be expressed with other values.