The Elite (Cabal, Deep State, Khazarian Mafia, Satanists) have sought to control us, use us, murder us, deceive us, change us; this has been happening for hundreds, even thousands of years, right up to today. They use the MSM (Mainstream Media) to spread their propaganda, to distract us from the truth. They use fear as a weapon, so that we can be easily manipulated.
We were led to believe that Islamic terrorists flew passenger planes into the twin towers & the Pentagon. We can well remember the endless number of times we saw videos of planes flying into the twin towers & also thse towers “collapsing” – or so we were led to believe – repeat, repeat, repeat so that this bullshit was ingrained into our psyche. We had to be given someone to hate, so we were told that Osama Bin Laden was the mastermind – once again, repeated many times to drive the message home.
We were then driven into a state of confusion with all of the “red herrings” – alternative theories, such as “thermite”.
In fact 911 was an inside job, with help from the Israeli Mossad.
Once again the public were fooled. with the help of the MSM, complicit governments & the medical fraternity, or were they just dumb & without knowledge, or both. How many were bribed with monetary handouts?
Jacinda Adern the primeminister of New Zealand in 2020 repeatedly told us that the vaccine was “safe & effective” – as was often repeated in other countries.
Then fear: Cases were reported in all countries. Worthless PCR tests were rolled out & in fear most of the people lined up to receive the invasive PCR test.
Then lo & behold, a vaccine was created to save the day, so most of the people lined up to be saved by the Covid Bioweapon.
Our ET friends, the Plejaren, informed us that by the end of 2023, more than 22 million people on Earth had died because of the “Death Shot”. In New Zealand with a population of about 5 million, a Ministry of Health whistleblower, whose job was to record stats of those who died because of “the jab”, found that more than 10,000 had died because of the vaccine.
Ole Dammegard who has investigated many “false flags” around the world, has said that there are 3 stages in this “fear porn”:
“Problem – Reaction – Solution”
Problem: Spread of the virus.
Reaction: Fear – the public fear for the lives of themselves, children & relatives.
Solution: The government through their Health Ministry save the people by distributing a free vaccine.
Stew Peters: PARASITES
Including segments of interviews with:
Karen Kingston – A pharmaceutical analyst who read & interprets patents.
Dr. Lee Merritt.
Matthew Rife.
I made this transcript which contains the essential points:
Dr. Merritt:
Everybody has these bio-engineered parasites.
[N.B. There are also parasites in governments & it’s bureaucracies]
which cause:
cancer, ascariasis, multiplesclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis
All of which can be treated with parasite medication.
Parasites can take over your body.
Karen Kingston:
Bio-Tech Parasites – part tech – part biology
As you go through the patents & peer reviewed publications you find that most of the bio sequences for this nano weapon are from parasites & the documents say that they respond to their environment – chemicals, enzymes, etc.
Thats why ivomectin, hydroxychloroquine & antiparasitical treatments kill it or at least slow it down.
Also part tech – based on quantum dot & the bohr particle which is based on frequencies; so frequencies can also disable this technology.
Peer reviewed science magazine – electromagnetic frequencies which completely disable the spike protein – since it is not biological – it is nano-tech, so frequencies will disable it.
The 5G towers are part of the energy source for this AI nano-weapon, this Ai parasite which we are all being infected with to “spawn a new genetic species”.
Starlink was not built for our protection, it is not a military operation for our protection but to take down humanity.
The Starlink Network & the 5G Towers are needed to provide the fundamental energy source for these AI parasites.
A respiratory virus does not explain why people are magnetic or spinning around thinking that they are being attacked by demons.
A respiratory virus does not explain why if a woman is injected, her baby is murdered inside her womb, ripped from her body & she is left barren.
Genetically engineered magnetic hydrogels are self aware; they have cognitive ability – it’s in the patents, in the documentation – they are smart tech.
Man’s artificial weapon is a parasite which explains this.
Ivomectin is an antiparasitic.
Parasites can:
destroy all organs
cause turbo-cancers
Rife machines will destroy parasites.
Everyone has parasites:
Type 1: you & the parasite both benefit.
Type 2: they benefit & do no harm
Type 3: they benefit & do us harm (as in the Bio-Tech Parasite)
Koch Postulates never met by viruses or bacteria, but they have for parasites.