All US Highways Will Begin To Shut Down on Thurs. 18 April, 2024
On Wed. 17 April Outages of 911 Services were reported in South Dakota, Iowa, Nebraska, Wisconsin, Texas, Florida and Nevada
Dark Days Ahead, Be Prepared
Trumpets will soon be heard over millions of phones, radios and TVs to represent the ancient time when Joshua of the Bible blew his horn as the Jews were liberated from slavery.
The trumpets will introduce Commander-in-Chief of the Global Military Alliance President Donald Trump who will then signal an Alliance takeover of the Fake News Mainstream Media so that final Mass Arrests can be made of over 500,000 Global and Political Elites who have been indicted for Crimes Against Humanity.
This will be the final phase of a fake World War Three and act as a trigger for Worldwide Military Command Centers to activate the Emergency Broadcast System in their countries.
In a Biblical Scenario, 34 Satanic landmarks across the Globe will be bombed, while GESARA funds were enacted so We The People could rebuild a World of Peace for Humanity.
Q+ has warned, “My Fellow Americans what you are about to go through will be very painful. You will learn that your whole life and the generations before you have been nothing but lies. It will take you a good six months to get over it. Some may never. The entire planet will be rewired. Every system and technology you know now will be obsolete. A lot of money is going to come back.”
“Hold on Patriots – things are about to get spicy: Earthquakes, Fires, Trump not debating, Elon turning, New Covid strain and mask mandates returning, but No One Can Stop What Is Coming (NCSWIC).” …The 17th Letter (JFK Jr, VP new American Republic) on Telegram Wed. 17 April 2024Since the JFK “Assassination” Over 400 Have Entered Victim Witness Protection Program: JFK Sr. is Alive; JFK Jr. is Alive; Elvis Presley is Alive; Princess Diana is Alive; Michael Jackson is Alive…and many more