Obamas Grandmother Eva Braun

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Interesting reveal from Navy Intel…

We didn’t win WWII. We lost to the N@zi They withdrew to rephrase and infiltrate worldwide. Hitler did NOT die in a bunker in 1944. That was his butler who also doubled his body. He escaped to Argentina along with other SS, where he lived a long life when he died in a car accident in 1957 Eva Braun went with him and their daughter Ann born in 1942. While in Argentina Eva and Adolf had 3 daughters who were taken to Germany to be raised in the ” motherland “. Their names are: Angela, Theresa and Dalia.
Other Nazi jews fled to South America and Antarctica where they had a base under the ice.

Many of N@zi’s scientists were brought to the US, given false names and hired by the government to bring their technology to the US. The US thought it was better that they had them than the Russians. This was called Operation Paperclip.

After Hitler died in Argentina in 1957, Eva Braun changed her name to Madelyn Lee Payne took their daughter Ann and moved to the US. She married Stanley Dunham and her name became Madelyn Dunham. Ann became Stanley Ann Dunham. Ann was 19 when she got pregnant with a Kenyan national called Barack Obama. She moved to Kenya and gave birth to her son Barry. In time, she realized that the man she married ” had already married had children and returned to America with her son. Shortly after her return to America, she married Lolo Soetoro and had a second child, daughter, Maya.

Hitler was also a Rothschild. His mother was Klara Polzi who worked as a maid in the Austrian home of Solomon Meyer Rothschild where she got pregnant with him. She returned to Germany to give birth to Adolph and later married Alois Schicklgruber who later changed his name to Hitler. The bloodlines are very important to the Illuminati and they keep their children on the farm or have illegitimate children to spread their bloodlines far and wide.

Enter Barry Soetoro. If you’ve been following so far, your jaw should be on the ground. Let me make it clear for you. Barry Soetoro, Barack Obama II, Hitler’s grandson, a Rothschild by blood. This might explain why his aunt Angel Merkel, Chancellor of Germany kissed him and looked at him so lovingly during a visit there. His other two aunts are Theresa May, former UK Prime Minister and Dalia Grybauskaite, the President of Lithuania.

Hitler’s plan for a 3th Reich has been spilled in today’s 4th Empire of the Jew World Order and his offspring have been placed in high level strategic countries for the Illuminati cause of an NWO, NWO N@zi Jew World Order and THIS is what is being taking down.
Obama was an illegitimate president on so many levels.

Mum & Grandma
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Kill Shot Poisons

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Karen Kingston – 7 Patented Poisons in CV19 Injections

The Covid-19 injections contain graphene oxide & graphene hydroxide as well as mRNA which causes body cells to make spike proteins. The GO, GOH & spike proteins can be regarded as poisons in the way that they affect the body. Karen Kingston says that there are in fact 7 patented poisons i.e. they were designed to maim & kill.

Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and a former Pfizer employee who has researched and written about many aspects of the so-called CV19 vaccines. It was never intended to cure anything, and the paperwork proves it at Big Pharma and the CDC. Kingston explains, “We are being lied to at such a level it is difficult for people to comprehend. The American people and global citizens were told the injections were vaccines. In fact, when you look at the patents, they call them bioweapons. They call them ‘toxins,’ they call them ‘agents of chemical biowarfare’. . . . Specifically, there is a 2017 patent related to what they are calling a ‘vaccine’. The patent is titled vaccine nanotechnology. . . .It is owned by the NIH and when you read this nanotechnology patent in section 9 it clearly states in some embodiments the small molecule is a toxin, a toxin from a chemical weapon, an agent of biowarfare. What they call a ‘vaccine’ in the patent they say we are going to inject people with bioweapons.”

More stunning information is being uncovered by Kingston’s research and analysis of both government and vaccine maker documents. It appears the vaccine is more than one of several possible treatments all in one injection. Kinston explains, “We are told the mRNA produces just a small sequence of the spike protein. Through my research, I found separate patents for the spike protein. There are seven different spike proteins in the actual patents. This should all be part of the SARS COV II patent. It should not have a separate patent. . . .They all do different things per the patent and per the research.”

So instead of getting on experimental mRNA injection, could people be injected with a cocktail of separate and different spike proteins? Kinston says, “I am hypothesizing based the spike proteins have separate patents and separate licensing deals. The scientists say they jimmied the spike protein independent of the mRNA viral sequence. What I am saying in some of what they are calling vaccines, yes people are being injected with RNA producing spike proteins. They can also be injected directly with spike proteins . . . made separately and frozen separately. These spike proteins do have their own patents, they do have their own separate licensing agreements. . . . So the spike proteins could be made separately and frozen separately, these poisons, and then encapsulated and stuck in the formulation. That is what I am saying. . . . Keep in mind, in the world patent . . . it says in some embodiments can include a delivery device, and that can deliver an agent or a toxin over a period of hours, days, weeks, months or years. . . . This is important for a legal reason because every lawsuit says people were injected with mRNA which produces a toxin which is a spike protein. But it turns out, the toxin was in there independent of the mRNA. . . . It’s not a vax. It’s just a direct bioweapon.”

Kingston says that all kinds of problems are coming from the CV19 shots and the different patented spike proteins in them. She says some of these spike proteins cause extreme cancer, some cause heart disease, still others cause auto immune disease and some even mimic snake venom. That is just to name just a few of the diseases that are showing up in the real world data.

In closing, Kingston says, “It’s demonic what is in these vials and it needs to stop.”
(There is much more in the 58 min interview.)
Kingston’s new website is called KarenKingston.net. Kingston will be posting original articles and videos on the site soon.

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