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On Tues. 1 Oct. the US Inc. Corp. fiscal year ends; has not been funded by Congress for the next fiscal year and thus will be forced to close down, ending the fiat monetary system.
This will be the end of the USA corporation.

* On Tues. 1 Oct. the new United States of America Republic will start its new fiscal year under a gold-backed US Note as part of the Global Currency Reset.
* On Tues. 1 Oct. 2024 the gold-backed Chinese Yen will replace the fiat US Dollar to determine the price of oil on the Forex for international trading and thus the fiat US Dollar will cease to exist because it has no value and cannot be used for international trade.
* On Tues. 1 Oct. the Quantum Financial System Global Currency Reset activates with at least 144 countries currencies being gold/asset-backed and trading at a 1:1 with each other, which means that NESARA/ GESARA also activates across the World.

In the first week of October the Emergency Broadcast System will activate while President Trump and the Global Military Alliance will be executing the largest Sting Operation in history and the EBS broadcasts documentaries 24/7 on the state of those arrests.
On Tues. 1 Oct. 2024 Congress adjourns for 30 days (Congress can only be arrested when it’s not in session).

Benjamin Fulford: If you want to get reliable updates as to the world situation, then listen to his videos -they are short, to the point & end with questions from the viewers. His videos always start with Ben giving the date. If this does not happen, it will be an old video that someone has uploaded.

Benjamin Fulford Full Report Update September 29, 2024:
At 1:00 pm Tuesday in Japan an armed group, including Benjamin Fulford, will be going to the United States Embassy to arrest the fake United States Anbassador Rahm Emanuel, who is resposible for the murder of over 500,000 Japanese.
This will coincide with midnight on Monday EST USA, when the new United States of America Republic will begin.

US Headed for Civil War as Red October Begins:
Benjamin Fulford
September 30, 2024
Look at this article which I could not copy & paste.

Compiled Sun. 29 Sept. 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty-Two Multiple Personalities”






On Tues. 1 Oct. 2024 President Trump and the Global Military Alliance will be executing the largest Sting Operation in history. Military forces across the globe have been mobilized – US, Canada, UK, EU, and beyond – over 80 nations were involved. They’ve already charged, arrested, held State Grand Juries and Military Tribunals on and/or executed over half a million global elites for Crimes Against Humanity. The US was considered to house the largest Child Sex Trafficking organization in the World. These criminals who prey on the world’s children, were finally facing justice.

Prepare for chaos and ten days of communication darkness during Mass Arrests: Worldwide Military operations were now in motion. Military Troops across the Globe have been mobilized for a nation and Worldwide lockdown. In the US 50,000 elite troops joined special Military units from Russia, Brazil, Europe, France and Germany who were placed in Texas, Florida, New York City and Washington DC for high profile arrests of Elite Cabal Members, Bankers, Politicians and Media Moguls.

The just arrested Hollywood entertainer and mega star P Diddy was a key figure in a vast, global human trafficking network that was allowed to stretch across borders under the protection of law enforcement, judges and international governments. Young girls and boys from mainly Southeast Asia and Central America who dreamed of fame, found themselves trapped, drugged, exploited and even disappeared. They were moved through private planes to corrupt officials, hidden estates, private islands, luxury properties, high-end hotels and Diddy’s infamous mansion on Star Island. Through Blackmail he amassed a web of compromising material on the elite—politicians, celebrities and businessmen alike who participated in the children and teens torture, rape and murder of Adrenochrome flowing Pedophile Party Rites to honor Satan.

Military Movements:
ON WED. 25. 2024, ELITE TROOPS BEGAN FLOODING INTO THE U.S. FROM SECRET MILITARY ALLIANCES, gearing up for the final strike to dismantle the Cabal.

· HIGH ALERT! 50,000 Elite Troops Mobilized for EBS Lockdown! The Final Phase Has Begun—10 Days of Darkness, Mass Arrests, and Nationwide Operations Now in Motion!

· Fort Bragg, North Carolina, became the staging ground for the largest military build-up since World War II. Over the past 48 hours, new units from the 82nd Airborne Division, along with Task Force Orange, the Pentagon’s most secretive intelligence-gathering unit, have been brought into Fort Bragg to prepare. Bases in Nevada, Colorado, and California were also central to covert operations, with Delta Force and Navy SEALs leading the charge.

· The 50,000 U.S. troops were joined by specialized units from Europe. Sources confirm that French Foreign Legion and German KSK commandos have been deployed to New York City and Washington D.C., where they are poised to make high-profile arrests of elite Cabal members, including bankers, politicians, and media moguls.

· Meanwhile, in Washington State and Montana, the Canadian Military has mobilized elite Joint Task Force 2 (JTF2) operatives to assist in operations targeting Cabal-controlled political figures in the Pacific Northwest. DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bases) beneath Denver International Airport, Cheyenne Mountain, and Dugway Proving Ground were the most critical targets of the mission.

· Washington D.C., New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago remain prime targets for mass arrests, though operations are planned for all 50 states. National Guard units will back up Federal Marshals if resistance occurs, ensuring that every state capital is struck simultaneously.

· In Texas and Florida, special units from Russia and Brazil have been deployed to assist in operations focused on taking down Cabal Financial Institutions in major cities like Miami, Dallas, and Houston. These elite forces will secure financial centers, ensuring that the wealth of the elites is returned to the people.