Banks Failing Worldwide

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Judy Byington:
NESARA/ GESARA Laws were as result of 209 nations pledging to a 1,000 year Peace Treaty in order for their countries to participate in the Global Currency Reset and Quantum Financial System.

According to Bruce, the NESARA USA part was set to be announced by the US Congress Speaker of House Kevin McCarthy on Sat. 1 April or Sun. 2 April.

With the Alliance Special Forces now seriously hunting down, arresting and carrying out death sentences on those Satanists, I wonder how April Fools Day will play out for them this year?

Support our President Trump, Flags Out
Fly the American Flag, Trump Flag, Let them hear and see us
Show them who the Majority Is
Flags on cars, trains, buses, overpasses, homes etc. Flags Everywhere
Take a pic of your flag posted all over Social Media
We are the Majority
For Our President
For Our Country

The QFS Destroys the Central Banking System.
Crisis Gone GlobalBanks continued to fail worldwide as the new Global Financial System took over.
All banks which were not Basil III and IV Compliant by Tues. 28 March would be closed and bought out at $1 each by the World Capital Bank, which was owned by the Chinese Elders.
The Chinese Elders and their World Capital Bank already owned all movie studios as well as the banks HSBC, Wells Fargo, Chase Manhattan, Bank of America, Lloyds of London, the IMF and Deutsche Bank, including their hotel chains, real estate developments and mortgages.

On the new Global Financial System run through the StarLink Satellite System, there was complete transparency and security for your bank account. Bitcoin and Etherium will not be worth anything, while the gold/ asset-backed currencies of various countries will be at a 1:1 with each other. Money transactions will be expressed in XRP digital currency that records all transactions to catch the spending of dirty money.
Under the GFS, Banks will no longer lend monies, but rather function as financial service centers that include wealth managers. In 3-5 years Banks were expected to no longer be needed.
On 1 April 2023 a New Beginning for People of the World will be implemented through Freedom from Debt Laws NESARA (US) and GESARA (Global).
The NESARA part was set to be announced by the US Congress Speaker of House Kevin McCarthy on Sat. 1 April according to Bruce.
US Social Security Recipients would see an increase of at least $1,000, perhaps more, in their monthly checks beginning 1 April 2023.
With the EBS we will be asked to return our homes within 3-5 hours, where we will have 10-12 days of EBS broadcasting of documentaries to tell people what was going on.

By Mon. 20 March – the first day of Spring – the Global Currency Reset of 66 nations began after the Iraqi Dinar revalued in-country and began trading on the Forex. (According to Bruce,“Iraqi citizens have been exchanging in country at a decent rate just under seven and that’s the in-country rate for dinar.”)
By Wed. 22 March currencies of over 200 countries and 11,000 institutions had completed their digital integration of bank accounts from the Global Central Banking System to the Quantum Financial System (GFS) ran through #ISO20022 and the new StarLink Satellite System.
By Thurs. 23 March those over 200 countries and 11,000 institutions had completely disconnected from the old Cabal SWIFT fiat monies CBDC System and switched over to the new gold/ asset-backed Quantum Financial System.
“Operation Sandman” was complete – a collaboration of 100+ nations’ global agreement to simultaneously sell off their US Treasury holdings, sending them back to the US to collapse the US Dollar and end the dominance of the Petrodollar.

JFK Secrets on Telegram:

  • Central Banks are shutting down — bankrupted. Old financial systems bankrupted. Congress, White House, IRS, Federal Reserve is shut down — U.S. Corporation is bankrupted.
  • Gold-backed currency, digital assets, QFS, Nesara/ Gesara is growing! QFS Nesara Gesara is manifested.
  • The Global/Galactic Alliance are still working on removing the vise-grip on humanity from the DS cabal — currently removing the satanic spell on the global mass. The Great Awakening journey will be more intense & get more turbulent.
  • Earth & humanity are under construction while business is still open. The DS are in full panic mode, desperate & wounded & is lunging wild attacks.
  • Satanic energies cannot hide anymore as it is prevalent for all to see throughout the matrix society. True colors are being revealed. Much more ugly truths shall be revealed to the public.

Crisis in Israel – “Israel Will Be Last!”
(Q said that Israel would be last).
As protests against the Israeli government increase, the US Embassy in Yerushalayim has told Americans to leave Israel immediately. The international airport is closed, hotel chains are shutting down and doctors only take urgent cases. All shopping malls, schools, universities, national parks, government offices, museums and banks are closed.
…and not a word has been said about it in the Mainstream Media.

France: Large demonstrations against the government continue for over a week.
Germany:Germany braces for biggest strike in decades – Bild
African Nation of Chad Has Taken Over Assets of Exxon Mobil

We appeared to be weeks, days, or perhaps hours away from a Global Financial Collapse, Nuke Scare & activation of the Emergency Broadcast System worldwide 10 Day Lockdown & Blackout that carried with it, a Diana-JFK Jr.-Caroline-Michael Jackson Come-back.

Anonymous High Up Contact: Remember, everything is “smoke & mirrors”… from the possible Trump arrest to the Big Guy / fake president’s arrest. The war is still happening largely behind the scenes, with major [DS] players, in every profession, being taken out one-by-one! Whenever the military hammer finally does fall, it will primarily be an “ankle brace” round up & the mass incarnation of the remaining “small fries,” many of whom have already been convicted under Military Law. The Alliance is now focused on the evil ones capabilities to “make war” and do massive damage… i.e. the Alliance is focused on the destruction of their monetary supply (Central Banks / Fed). Once this final phase of the mission is complete, all else will manifest rather quickly! I still maintain, in 7 days, 7 weeks, or in 7 months… no one knows, but a select few.

Prosecutorial Misconduct – Violation of Oath of Office – Treason in Case Against Trump, Community Support Foundation: “A new Bombshell Document has destroyed the Manhattan DA’s Case against Trump. On Wed. 22 March Trump was set to be indicted, charged with a felony and set for arrest. Instead, the New York Grand Jury investigating Trump was dismissed after a 2018 letter surfaced from Michael Cohen’s lawyer. The letter was addressed to the FEC and declared that Cohen used his own personal funds to pay Stormy Daniels. The Trump Camp was not a party to the transaction and did not reimburse Cohen for the payment. The document was among close to 600 pages of evidence in favor of Trump that the DA had intentionally withheld from the Grand Jury investigating Trump. – It’s OVER.”

Today we have popular anti – Liberal revolutions (farmers in the Netherlands and Belgium, populists in Italia, Left and Right Populists combined in France etc). We are witnessing a European spring as Europe slowly is getting rid and shedding the yoke of Neo Liberal Technocracy and its dictatorship of Capital, Surveillance and Scientism.

U.S. Senate votes 68-23 to end COVID-19 “national emergency” that’s been in place since 2020.

Klaus Schwab

  • Klaus Schwab was founder of the World Economic Forum. His father was industrialist and fascist Eugen Schwab, who was close to Hitler.
  • Klaus was born in Nazi Germany in 1938. At the time, his father not only ran the strategic company “Escher-Wyss,” but ran his own concentration camp, where prisoners had to work for free. The income from this company gave Klaus Schwab a comfortable existence.
  • Schwab was regarded by independent researchers as the organizer of the COVID pandemic, biological terrorism, mass genocide and the main ideologist of modern Western fascism.
  • Satanic Bloodlines such as the Schwabs around the world were bringing people to their knees and have been for generations — Schwab was a Rothschild from his mother’s side.
Continue ReadingBanks Failing Worldwide

Trump Indictment Off

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Extracted from a GCR

Trump Indictment Called Off – Prosecutor Had Withheld 600 Pages of Evidence
Supreme Court Refuses to Hear Brunson Case = Again!

* Trump Indictment Called Off – Prosecutor found to have withheld almost 600 Pages of pro-Trump evidence from the Grand Jury investigation.
*Supreme Court Refuses to Hear Brunson Case, again. Biden and Congress appeared to have committed Treason by not upholding their Oath of Office to support the Constitution and investigating 50 cases of possible voter fraud in the 2020 Election, yet the Supreme Court has twice now refused to even review the case. Do we have a corrupt Judicial System?

The New Quantum Financial System was now taking over the Cabal’s Central Bank System – which was collapsing.
Since Friday 10 March 2023, over 200 US banks and 1,400 banks worldwide have collapsed, plus the Federal Reserve was bankrupt.
Since that same Friday 10 March, banking systems have been using the new Unified Payment Interface (UPI) on the Quantum Financial System (QFS) for foreign currency swaps.
On Mon. 13 March The Kingpin of the Global Currency Reset – the Iraqi Dinar – revalued in-country and began trading on the Forex.
On Mon. 20 March, a week later, a Global Currency Reset of 66 nations happened on this first day of Spring. More nations would follow to eventually add up to 209 nations in the new gold/ asset-backed system.
By Wed. 22 March, through #ISO20022 and the new StarLink Satellite System, currencies of the world had completed their digital integration of bank accounts from the Global Central Banking System to the Quantum Financial System (QFS).
“Project Sandman” has also completed, where 100+ nations’ global agreement ended the dominance of the US Dollar and Petrodollar.

Changeover to the new Global Financial System:
The Stock Market is rigged. When the Market drops and we’re in a down trend, 95% of normal people are losing it all as they can’t Short Sell the market.
The Deep State doesn’t want small businesses in America [or around the world]. Big corporations don’t want the competition for their new system. The system they are developing is the same system that Mussolini developed in Italy. It’s called Fascism.
Inflation is one way of getting rid of the Deep State corrupt system and ushering in a news people’s system. This is what we are witnessing right now with the Global Currency Reset on the Quantum Financial System.
Central Banks were shutting down — bankrupted. Old financial systems bankrupted. Congress, White House, IRS, Federal Reserve has been shut down — U.S. Corporation is bankrupted.
Only gold-backed currencies that have a digital gold certificate can be transferred through the QFS.
Without the ability to certify existing money into the new QFS, all Central Bank activities will cease to have any relevance within this new financial system.
A country that is not GESARA compliant will be left out of the QFS and eventually will be left out of the international trade.

Brunson Case:
Wed. 22 March Brunson vs. Adams: “The Supreme Court has declined to docket the second petition for rehearing. The Loy Arlan Brunson case will probably be moving forward to the Supreme Court or the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, within the next 30 days.”
Juan O Savin: BRUNSON vs ADAMS is a case against 385 persons in Congress, plus Biden, Harris and Pence. The people named in the suit voted to certify the 2020 Election.
Anybody in Government service swears an oath to protect the Constitution from all enemies Foreign and Domestic. The fact that Congress certified the vote without verifying meant they didn’t protect the citizens’ Constitutional Right to fair representation. This is a Treasonous act. The remedy is they can no longer hold office.

*The Alliance has confirmed that their goal of defeating the Deep State has been far more complex, time-consuming and difficult than had been anticipated and planned for. It is becoming increasingly obvious that world-changing information is about to be made public, probably sooner than expected.
*This coming November Donald Trump was likely to be re-elected as the first President of the new Republic of America. This was likely to be accompanied by the much-anticipated mass arrests. There are literally over one hundred seventy thousand sealed criminal indictments ready to be executed, with some already executed.
*Trump was to be indicted on Wednesday 22 March and would have been asked to surrender for arraignment next week. However, on that Wed. the Trump Grand Jury was called off for the day, delaying a possible indictment vote. That afternoon it was learned that the chief prosecutor for the State of New York had withheld almost 600 pages of evidence from the Grand Jury hearing Trump’s case.
*Anonymous High Up Contact: Remember, everything is “smoke & mirrors”… from the possible Trump arrest to the Big Guy / fake president’s arrest. The war is still happening largely behind the scenes, with major [DS] players, in every profession, being taken out one-by-one! Whenever the military hammer finally does fall, it will primarily be an “ankle brace” round up & the mass incarnation of the remaining “small fries,” many of whom have already been convicted under Military Law. The Alliance is now focused on the evil ones capabilities to “make war” and do massive damage… i.e. the Alliance is focused on the destruction of their monetary supply (Central Banks / Fed). Once this final phase of the mission is complete, all else will manifest rather quickly! I still maintain, in 7 days, 7 weeks, or in 7 months… no one knows, but a select few. 

Amazon Implementing Mark of the Beast:

  • Amazon is rolling out biometric tech at shopping malls across the US that allows you to go into a shop and pay with your hand.
  • Amazon One: They are essentially showing us a sneak peak of their new mark of the beast tech ‘creatively’ called “Amazon One”, that most of you connected the dots already that it’s a reference to one world order.
  • The fact that you are carrying biometric information at your palm and letting the Amazon handle it should be enough for concern, but many of these microchips will be a target of different hackers trying to steal your private information. Now if a man made this technology, then trust me a man will hack this technology as well.
  • This has one and only purpose to slowly groom you to accept the microchip when it is offered to you. Since the technology advanced sufficiently to allow people to buy things using their bodies, it’s a very short step to then putting that technology inside your body.

Dan Bongino on Telegram:

10,000 DUMBS (tunnel systems) on Earth. The US has 1,800.

It is not easy to solve this one. Turn it off. Take control. A lot of variables.

People, children, weapons, WMDs, Bio-plants, clone fabrications, evolved super-soldiers, Emergency stop switches. Traps, etc, Extraordinary belief.

7.7 billion people on Earth.

0.02% Super Elite = 1.54 million.

1% Elite = 77 million Elite.

10% = 770 million military / CIA on earth, 3-letter agencies.

In ALL countries Corrupt police. Intelligence agencies. Managers, Militias organizations. Underground Blackwater soldiers. Corrupt doctors, lawyers, scientists, officials. Pharmaceutical companies, big tech companies.

In total 190 countries on earth.

Over 800 million forces and distributed military in many countries within the dark network of global elite control.

The White hats, military – they do everything they can to keep death rates as low as possible.

Continue ReadingTrump Indictment Off


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**I will be posting on my health blog about how to detox & how to protect from the radiations. A link will be placed here & elsewhere.**
*Note: North America has become highly contaminated, in my opinion:
1) Toxic metals & other contaminates have been widely sprayed in the sky.
2) Nuclear radiation from Fukushima has contaminated the skies for years.
Click the following & then the “Nuclear Emergency Tracking Center”
Normal background radiation level is about 20 cpm.
e.g. LA: Currently about 250 cpm which is greater than about 12x what it should be!
I can distinctly rememner that when I was studying nuclear physics as part of my physics degree in 1962, I measured the background radiation at VUOW in Wellington, New Zealand, as 19 cpm.

New Stew Peters – Imminent 5G Induced Genocide: Vaccinated Vulnerable To 5G Kill Grid’s Deadly Tech!
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
Is 5G actually a greater threat than the bioweapon itself?
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is here to report his latest findings on the dangers of 5G technology.
5G microwave radiation is a far greater threat than the so-called “vaccine” because it effects everyone.
Dr. Barrie Trower is described as a “real life James Bond” and is an expert on the dangers of 5G.
Microwave radiation has been a weapon since the 1930s.
We’ve gotten used to using microwave ovens but the radiation is a weapon and can be used to cause almost any symptoms of any disease.
It can also be used for geoengineering.
The elites and globalists are using 5G technology to create a “kill switch” that can genocide entire populations.
Dead crops and livestock could be a result of 5G radiation.
In 2022, Federal Judge Frederic Block stopped Verizon from putting up cellular antennas in small Connecticut and Vermont towns clarifying that local governments can stop their construction.

Pfizer Shot a Bioweapon:
It has been confirmed by the pharmaceutical analyst Karen Kingston that the Pfizer shot (& others) is a bioweapon & that jabbed people interact with external devices due to the effective “chip” within them – as seen in the MAC addresses picked up by the iphone app “Find my bluetooth device”.
*My partial transcript:
Graphene oxide is in the Pfizer shots which are manufactured in China.
Filed under emergency authorisation laws. They said that they would deliver a “safe & effective” vaccine [widely quoted around the world, Including our the New Zealand former P/M. Jacinda Adern]. The FDA & Pfizer worked together. ignored the laws, delivered a harmful biological agent, which according to 18 U.S.C. 175 is a “bioweapon”.
If FDA law is followed you can “get away with murder” & fraud! Fraud is the bioweapon!
This is not a “vaccine”!
Bioweapon Law:
**175. Prohibitions with respect to biological weapons
Definition – For purposes of this section the term “for use as a weapon” includes the production, transfer, develop, acquisition, retention, or possession of any biological agent, toxin, or delivery system for other than prophylactic, protective, bona fide research. or other peaceful purposes.

Pfizer/Moderna knew about the effects of jabs.
The pegulated lipo nanoparticle is a weapon of bio warfare used in all of these shots & the graphene oxide:
*is poisonous
*is connected to 5G – the purpose of the PEG nano is to create the electromagnetic field that can interact with external devices such as smart phones (in a patent). These things self-assemble when near a router or an iphone, as seen under a microscope. They disaeemble, shrink & seemingly disappear (not so) when the WIFI is blocked or switched off.
Humans are effectively connected to external devices & the internet – shown in 2021 by Karen Kingston.


Blood Before – Fibrin Background
Metals & Hydrogel Polymers
Artifact in Blood
Artifact in Blood
Blood After EDTA
Fibrin Clot
Blood After EDTA Magnified

*Notes which I made:
Metals & Hydrogel Polymers as Weapon Systems
Metals in blood – more easily to detect people from satellites.
Metals via inhalation?
RNA not in some jabs – most?
Hydrogels – self assembling – polymers with metals – C nanotubes & different heavy metals – changes electrical properties of blood.
Mark Steele: Only in body as a weapon – not for protection.
Structures grow out of lipid nanoparticles.
Wetware gathers biometric data.
neural link
Radioactive Cesium – in vials.
Antoinetta Gatti -PhD Nanopatholigist – 44 different vaxxes – very complex – nano metals
contaminates in bread & biscuits, etc.
Unvacconated – Metals Testing after 1500mg EDTA Cgelation:
Pulls out metals & GO, dissolves hydrogels.
Metaks found – Pb, Ga, Ni, W, Pt, U, Cs
Al & Ba – from Geoengineering – especially North America – Chem Trails
Cesium found in blood of this smoker (Cs) – tobacco plant an accumulator?
Every human has “wetware” inside them: Not just C19.

Morgellons – artificial fibers first found in 1990’s – sprayed on people – Geoengineering – made out of polyvinyl alcohol – a hydrogel – and PEG (polyethylene glycol)(as in C19 shots as lipid nano – has quantum dot tech – semiconduxtive metals. Both have self-assembly features.

Biosensing & transforming for the transhumanist agenda.
Whole planet transformed to meet this AI synthetic biology goal – we are in the final stages of that.
Going on for 30 years – people sick by being sprayed with metals & synthetic bio., all of nature transformed & ingredients are the same. Now injected.
5G kill switch – fibres explode as with Morgellons – hydrogel sensitive to heat, electrical fields.
Quantum field program for this.
Transmitted by vapour from vaxxed.
In food, water.
Swabbed (PCR tests) have MAC addresses-Mexico.
Roulleaux formation in the blood is not the clot.
Fibrin in background under microscope – acidic environment.
White cells trying to eat the fibre – a polymer – plastic.
fibrinin agglomerates
fibrin dissolved by: serapeptase, plasminex – from fermented soybeans – nattokinase
alkaline diet important
self spreading jabs
most people are contaminated
survival of humanity under threat
myth that unvaxxed safe
long covid – actually vaxxed
cognitive control of people
But most people don’t – they are submissive – easy to control.


Massive!! – Mark Steele weapons expert goes through LED street light to prove it’s a Weapon!!


Continue ReadingDETOX & PROTECT – Update

The Storm is Upon Us

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*Detox & also protect yourself from WIFI – especially 5G. Beware the transfer from jabbed to unjabbed.

Extracts from Judy Byington GCR

Banks Around the World Are Imploding in a Black Swan Event
*Did you grab some cash out of the bank because there are already markets that have been reported stating they can’t take bank cards.
*Do you have enough food, water, meds, pet feed, etc. for at a minimum 2-3 weeks (or longer if possible)?  Are you keeping your car gas’d up? 
*What will happen to those not prepared? Maybe they will make do with what they have to get by.  Maybe they will need help from the military for food rations.  Do you have a plan in place if marauders take to the streets? The military should be around to help make sure that doesn’t happen. 

Bank Collapses and Closures:
Wed. 15 March Sean Foo: The SVB collapse has spread a contagion now affecting regional banks in the United States. Regional banks are seeing a crazy stock plunge as investors are pulling out their money. But it gets worse. The SVB bailouts have set up a bailout crisis that could spike inflation higher if more banks collapse. The higher interest rates go, the more pain the banks will feel.
Black Swan Event: Silicon Valley Bank Collapse:
The Mexican Drug Cartels pulled out $42 billion from Silicon Valley Bank, crashing the bank. Silicon had $40 billion in Mexican Drug Cartel money exit fast – all tied to New Hampshire trusts and other funds hiding in South Dakota. This SV Bank event is an attack on drug cartels.
SVB funneled money to certain politicians.

Bank Collapses and Closures:
Wed. 15 March Sean Foo: The SVB collapse has spread a contagion now affecting regional banks in the United States. Regional banks are seeing a crazy stock plunge as investors are pulling out their money. But it gets worse. The SVB bailouts have set up a bailout crisis that could spike inflation higher if more banks collapse. The higher interest rates go, the more pain the banks will feel.
Black Swan Event: Silicon Valley Bank Collapse:
The Mexican Drug Cartels pulled out $42 billion from Silicon Valley Bank, crashing the bank. Silicon had $40 billion in Mexican Drug Cartel money exit fast – all tied to New Hampshire trusts and other funds hiding in South Dakota. This SV Bank event is an attack on drug cartels.
SVB funneled money to certain politicians.
JUST IN – First Republic Bank downgraded to “junk” by S&P on elevated risk of deposit outflows.
Credit Suisse Shares Tumble to New Record Low, Saudis Pull Funding, Trading Halt.
Who Benefited From Silicon Valley Bank Executive, PAC Donations Before Collapse?

Last Hour Alert What NO ONE talks about:
The WORLD BANK COLLAPSE started and no one is reporting on this. In the US, Latin America and Europe, this is how things are:

A few days ago, the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, which was named one of the safest banks in the US according to Forbes. It’s the biggest bank drop since Lehman Brothers in 2008. The 4 largest banks have lost 52 billion dollars of value on the stock market. Today, US banks are down.
First Republic Bank -6%
PacWest Bancorp -12%
American banks are collapsing at an incredible rate. The chain reaction that it generates highlights the serious situation that the European giant Credit Suisse is going through and its now historic collapse that is dragging down world banks and markets.
-Credit Suisse 21.5%
-BNP Paribas 11.5%
-Société Générale 12.5%
-Commerzbank 9.5%
-Deutsche Bank 8.1%
-BBVA 9%

CREDIT SUISSE PLUMS 30%! They already call it the EUROPEAN LEHMAN BROTHERS and it has a PROBABILITY of BANKRUPTCY of 47%! JUST a few HOURS ago it was 36%! Your Credit Default Swaps SOAR to 875 POINTS from 430, that’s +104% IN A SINGLE DAY! The Latin American stock markets extend their losses, among the most affected the Merval of Buenos Aires. The main stock indices in Mexico now down. The share price of France’s largest bank, BNP Paribas, is now down 10.8%.

Fall in European stock markets. Bitcoin and most cryptocurrencies are now losing globally. We are LIVE LIVE the DEMOLITION of the ECONOMY for ITS GREAT RESET AND NO ONE SAYS ANYTHING! Sources: Reuters/Stock Markets.

Rothschilds Banks Which Were Collapsing:
Mexico: Bank of Mexico
Moldova: National Bank of Moldova
Mongolia: Bank of Mongolia
Montenegro: Central Bank of Montenegro
Morocco: Bank of Morocco
Mozambique: Bank of Mozambique
Namibia: Bank of Namibia
Nepal: Central Bank of Nepal
Netherlands: Netherlands Bank
Netherlands Antilles: Bank of the Netherlands Antilles
New Zealand: Reserve Bank of New Zealand
Nicaragua: Central Bank of Nicaragua
Niger: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Nigeria: Central Bank of Nigeria
Norway: Central Bank of Norway
Oman: Central Bank of Oman
Pakistan: State Bank of Pakistan
Papua New Guinea: Bank of Papua New Guinea
Paraguay: Central Bank of Paraguay
Peru: Central Reserve Bank of Peru
Philippines: Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
Poland: National Bank of Poland
Portugal: Bank of Portugal
Qatar: Qatar Central Bank
Romania: National Bank of Romania
Rwanda: National Bank of Rwanda
San Marino: Central Bank of the Republic of San Marino
Samoa: Central Bank of Samoa
Saudi Arabia: Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency
Senegal: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Serbia: National Bank of Serbia
Seychelles: Central Bank of Seychelles
Sierra Leone: Bank of Sierra Leone
Singapore: Monetary Authority of Singapore
Slovakia: National Bank of Slovakia
Slovenia: Bank of Slovenia
Solomon Islands: Central Bank of Solomon Islands
South Africa: South African Reserve Bank
Spain: Bank of Spain
Sri Lanka: Central Bank of Sri Lanka
Sudan: Bank of Sudan
Surinam: Central Bank of Suriname
Swaziland: The Central Bank of Swaziland
Sweden: Sveriges Riksbank
Switzerland: Swiss National Bank
Tajikistan: National Bank of Tajikistan
Tanzania: Bank of Tanzania
Thailand: Bank of Thailand
Togo: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Tonga: National Reserve Bank of Tonga
Trinidad and Tobago: Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago
Tunisia: Central Bank of Tunisia
Turkey: Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey
Uganda: Bank of Uganda
Ukraine: National Bank of Ukraine
United Arab Emirates: Central Bank of United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom: Bank of England
United States: Federal Reserve, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Vanuatu: Reserve Bank of Vanuatu
Venezuela: Central Bank of Venezuela
Vietnam: The State Bank of Vietnam
Yemen: Central Bank of Yemen
Zambia: Bank of Zambia
Zimbabwe: Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe

“Beware the ides of March” is a quote that can be found in William Shakespeare’s history play, Julius Caesar. It refers to the day that Caesar was assassinated in 44 BC. 
The ides of March is the 15th of March. On the Roman calendar, it is the 74th day of the year and is marked by numerous religious holidays.
Today, it is remembered for its connection to the death of Julius Caesar at the hands of Brutus. It is a turning point in Roman history, one that is described in the powerful language in Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare: “Be ready…be alert, stay united, stay safe.   

More to come.

Continue ReadingThe Storm is Upon Us

Message to Patriots – JFK Jnr

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** NOTE: Dr. Ana Mihalcea has found that the state of the blood of the unjabbed is now as bad as that of the jabbed.
Everyone must:
Protect themselves from WIFI
*I will create a post to show you how.

JFK Jnr:

You need to give yourself more credit.

!!Yes YOU!!

Some of you, today are doubting what you’ve done to fight this fight.

Some of you, today, are wishing you’d stepped up sooner. Pushed back harder. Fought more battles.

I’m telling you, you need to give yourself more credit.

You’re here.

You didn’t get the vaccine.

You stopped wearing the masks.

You told your friends and family what you REALLY think.

You tried to help them see things too.

You might’ve lost friends.

Some of you lost spouses.

Some of you haven’t spoken to your children in far too long.

Some of you haven’t spoken to your siblings or parents in far too long.

Not because you chose to, but because they left you.

They thought you’d lost your mind – that you supported a “racist” – that you peddled conspiracy theories, that you were endangering their lives.

You’ve been kicked off platforms.

Some of you have lost your jobs or been pushed so hard you had to find new ones.

Some of you have been fined, harassed and even assaulted.

Yet you’re STILL here.

You’re still here.

You’re fighting for the truth. You’re searching for the truth. You don’t care how ugly it is. No subject is off limits for you. All you want to do is know what’s true and to be left TF alone to live in your God given freedoms.

You pray. Not just for yourself, but for your enemies too.

Your heart cries out in pain because you FEEL. You still feel and you see the world suffering.

Give yourself credit.

You may not have gone to a protest. You may not have called a congressman. You may not have gone to a school board meeting. You may not have sent money to someone in need.

But you ARE still here. And you need to know that you matter, and you are still making a difference. Give yourself credit for that.

Just don’t go back to sleep. Don’t tune everything out. Don’t get the jab. Don’t wear the masks. Stand your ground in the ways you’ve ALREADY done. You’ve PROVEN you can do it. Keep doing it.

You know you’re on the side of truth and guess what?  That’s God’s side. God made it clear that we must always seek what is true. Do you doubt the truth?

You know you don’t.

So don’t doubt yourself either. You’ve got this. We’ve got this. But most of all, GOD’S got this!

Don’t give up now. Keep your head up warrior. You’ve done more than you give yourself credit for.

Mon. 13 March Black Swan Event: Banking Collapse, Q) The Storm Rider

  • This is nothing new for Patriot Anons who have been following my channel and several channels the past 2 years and half as we have been warning of this EVENT coming.
  • They are using this Event as a False Flag to steal the news story cycles and cover up the Gain of Function, Biden investigation, Plandemic exposure, Nord Stream, CIA Operations.
  • The TRUTH is the big part of the U.S. markets and banking collapse took place in October 2021 and since then the Rockefeller, Rothschild, CIA, Deep State Pentagon Regimen have been changing, fixing Stock Market Reports, the U.S. yearly financial reports and stealing money from investors.
  • In the past two years, thousands of Banks across the world closed, including top insurance companies and retailers through Germany, France, UK and the U S.
  • In the past five months Major Banks and investors have been pulling money from the banks. A Banking Collapse has been buzzing in the biggest investors reports across the Globe.
  • THE REAL TRUTH: Trump, Putin, XI, Modi, Bin Salman have pushed the Great Reset Agenda forward by years and created massive panic among Future 500 Companies, Blackrock, State Street, Wall Street controlled by the Deep State Rockefellers, Rothschilds CIA.
  • Game Theory Operations insure the collapse of the Deep State Cabal under their own plans.
  • Friday was the signal collapse of the banking sectors in public domain collapse (which means they hid the Banking Collapse that is now in the public domain and growing.
  • Now the Great Reset Button has been pushed and forced in an untimely manner years ahead of trine.
  • Confusion has set in Middle American, Africa, Europe and the US. as the Global Warming Agenda is being exposed. Oil and gas markets are in confusion and Europe is experiencing it’s hugest Energy Collapse seen in decades – a major crisis.
  • This is happening just as China/ Russian sees the biggest increase in their markets and Chinese Yuan replaces the American dollar as the #1 trading money in the world.
  • The U.S. Rockefeller CIA is inside a public collapse. The only choice they now have is to initiate The Great Reset Banking Agenda (all too early with too many mistakes being made). World investors have jumped ship. The original Deep State plan to use Chinese CCP money has been blocked. The European Rothschilds have gone private hiding their money.
  • The Middle East sectors who planned to invest in the CIA- Obama- Soros- DAVOS Great Agenda have now cancelled their allegiance to the Western Deep State Regimen and are backing BRICS
  • In 2021 the US Deep State was going to launch their Digital Currency – Central Banking Digital Currency. This US Deep State Central Bank Digital Currency will collapse.
  • Both the Deep State and White Hat Alliance want the banking collapse to happen. The White Hats have a Game Theory Operation in place (The Plan).
  • Right now the world markets are in panic and Deep State Fortune 500, BlackRock, Rothschilds were going bankrupt.
  • They were hoping that the Ukraine War, Global Warming, Plandemic, Vaccines would fund their Agenda and keep the world Central Fiat Banking System running smoothly into The Great Reset Deep State Agenda, but that didn’t happen.
  • XI stopped the Chinese Communist Party Deep State major investors from giving BlackRock/ State Street/ DAVOS Group the money they all needed.
  • Bin Salman stopped two Trillion being sent to DC/ DAVOS Regime and went with China.
  • Right now Trump and White Hats at Cheyenne Mountain were forcing the full collapse of the Deep State US Inc.
  • How did Q the Storm Rider know in January 2020 that we were going into a Nuclear Event? He knew the World Banking Collapse was going to happen.
  • The Virus Exposure would go to Congress, Vaccines would be exposed, Musk was backed by the Military to acquire TWITTER.

Restored Republic:

  • JFK Secrets on Telegram: “Corroborated now by 3 people in my sphere, and my own research. In my assessment, it is now my very strong belief that: SCOTUS has accepted the Brunson case in a 5-4 decision, and will hear it. SCOTUS will rule on the merits of the case, not the posturing of it. The US Military is involved in the background with this process, and made contact with the Supreme Court in the last 7 days.” #NothingCanStopWhatIsComing #WWG1WGA “It must go through the Courts. It must carry weight” Q
  • Help save your right to vote in fair and free elections by adding your name to the Brunson Petition, adding the wording for the Justices “Misprision of Treason” through sending an Affidavit to SCOTUS. Those Affidavits that included the wording “Misprision” seemed to have had a significant impact. In this case Misprision meant that Congress may have committed Treason by not investigating claims of 2020 Election Fraud. If SCOTUS was aware of that Election Fraud and didn’t do anything about it, then those Judges too, could be guilty of committing Treason. Patriots worldwide can help Save the US Constitution by Adding their name to the Brunson Petition. See:
Continue ReadingMessage to Patriots – JFK Jnr

NESARA GESARA Announced in Dubai – Update

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On Wed. 8 March International Activation of NESARA/GESARA was announced in Dubai by President Trump and Dr. Charlie Ward.

Alliance Special Forces Were in the Process of Arresting 64,000 CIA MS13 Cartel Members for Drug, Arms and Human Trafficking – Which Was Causing Panic in Certain US Banks & their Middle America Money Laundering Operations.

On Fri. 10 March the S&P 500 Slumped as the Stock Market Extended Weekly Losses After the FDIC Shut Down the Mega Large Silicon Valley Bank, while Wells Fargo Customers Claimed that Money was Missing from Their Online Banking Accounts.

The Covid Virus Has Been Discovered to be Manmade and Funded by US Taxpayer Dollars, While Pfizer was Being Sued Trillions Due to Vax-Caused Deaths and Disabilities

Under Control of the Vatican:
Constitutional Law Does Not Exist in US Courts – which swore loyalty to the Crown of England – that was under control of the Vatican. US Inc. was actually crafted by the Khazarian Mafia in coordination with the Crown of England, Vatican Jesuits and Occult Pagan Secret Societies. All levels of the US Inc. were corporations under control of the Vatican, which owned and operated under the Crown of England per Treaty of 1213.  
To protect our God-given Freedoms it was essential that We The People return the US government so as to function under principles of the original US Constitution – and use that as a model for New Republics across the Globe.

Judy Byington Note:
We have been told that the Military has given the Green Light for the Global Currency Reset and on Wed. 8 March the US Treasury released the codes; all Tier 1 Banks have received those codes and loaded them into their computers. The Kingpin of the Global Currency Reset, the Iraqi Dinar, has revalued with rates fluctuating on bank screens.

Brunson Case at Supreme Court:
Tues. 7 March SCOTUS To Review Brunson Case, again: Dan Scavino on Telegram: “Corroborated now by 3 people in my sphere, and my own research. In my assessment, it is now my very strong belief that SCOTUS has accepted the Brunson case in a 5-4 decision, and will hear it. SCOTUS will rule on the merits of the case, not the posturing of it. The US Military is involved in the background with this process, and made contact with the Supreme Court in the last 7 days.”
Dan Scavino is a political adviser who served in the Trump administration as White House Deputy Chief of Staff for Communications from 2019 to 2021 and Director of Social Media from 2017 to 2021.
Misprision of Treason: Whoever owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be possible, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both. – 18 U.S. Code § 2382
Help save your right to vote in fair and free elections by adding your name to the Brunson Petition, adding the wording for the Justices “Misprision of Treason” through sending an Affidavit to SCOTUS. Those Affidavits that included the wording “Misprision” seemed to have had a significant impact. In this case Misprision meant that Congress may have committed Treason by not investigating claims of 2020 Election Fraud. If SCOTUS was aware of that Election Fraud and didn’t do anything about it, then those Judges too, could be guilty of committing Treason.

Q) The Storm Rider: We are headed into The Major part of the STORM and the Deep State is in PANIC.
The CIA/Pentagon/Obama Regime shut down Tucker Carlson for the time being. Tucker Carlson Tuesday and Wednesday MAJOR Drops of January 6 videos were suppressed.

Why did FOX go against the DEEP STATE and give FULL permission for the Jan. 6 videos to be aired? Just two weeks ago Trump threatened FOX news, again, publicly. Rupert Murdoch (Fox owner) is currently in public spat with Trump. It’s all a show.
Military Alliance Operations have gone to CNN and some other [MSM] Channels and made sure they will play ball with the White Hats when time comes.
If Fox and CNN do not choose the right path of exposing the Deep State and their own corruption, they will see the Death Penalty inside Treason and the Deep State Military coup against Trump that took place.
You were watching a movie unfold as Military Operations, Continuity of Government Devolution Plan was currently taking place and leading to 11.3 Military Occupation Laws of War.
Behind the Scene the White Hats are pulling the strings. How do you think MUSK acquired TWITTER?
You would have thought that Bill Gates, Bezos, Zuckerberg, the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, BlackRock, Vanguard Deep Regime would have pulled all their money together and bought out Twitter, but what happened? The Military Alliance Operations blocked the Deep State from re-acquiring Twitter.
Bin Salman and powerful allies of Trump control large portions of Big Tech with Tens of Thousands of the richest share holders through his subsidiary companies and investors. They blocked BlackRock/ Facebook/Google/Bill Melinda Gates Foundation top share holders in all major Big Tech companies from making a move on Twitter on behalf of the Deep State.
Trump says the Durham Probe exposing ‘the crime of the century,’ predicts it’s ‘just the beginning’
Inside the Devolution Plan: Thank you Ezra, Trump, Patel, Cheyenne Mountain. Trust the Plan.

BREAKING NEWS: Emergency Injunction and Tribunal Order Was Served to WHO and All Criminal Defendants- Including Joe Biden!!
*Scroll down – 12 min

BREAKING NEWS: 237 Page International Tribunal verdict and order was sent from the U.S. to WHO, Joseph R. Biden, Trudeau, Tedros, King Charles and many other defendants to immediately cease and desist a criminal conspiracy to commit war crimes, genocide, crimes against humanity.

Tribunal Judge Pascal Najadi has met with Dr. David Martin, retired U.S. Army Lieutenant General Mike Flynn and others to discuss how to criminally charge the politicians in America who drafted the WHO Accord with High Treason against the United States of America. The U.S. military will not allow Joe Biden to sign over the U.S. Constitution. It will never happen.

Natural and common law are the highest forms of law in the land and overwrite any other legal process. A Canadian citizen with 7,000 other citizens charges Justin Trudeau with Treason. 37 lawyers working together in the United States for class action lawsuits regarding all Covid Crimes. The rulings of the Tribunal are law. Tribunal Writs of Mandamus “The lawful term writ of mandamus refers to an order by a court to a lesser government official to perform an act required by law, which he has refused or neglected to do.

This type of court order is a remedy that may be sought if a governmental agency, public authority, or corporation in service of the government, fails or refuses to do its public or statutory duty.”

Continue ReadingNESARA GESARA Announced in Dubai – Update

The Storm Has Begun

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Alliance Special Forces Are Presently Arresting 64,000 CIA MS13 Cartel Members
Leading to Panic in US banks & Their Middle America Money Laundering Operations

The CIA Mind Control Program MKULTRA was found to be still in existence and centered on the torture and Human Sacrifice of Children in Satanic Rites.
Constitutional Law Does Not Exist in US Courts. The United States of America was actually crafted by the Khazarian Mafia as the Crown of England, the Pagan core of the Vatican with Jesuits, and Secret Occult Societies. All levels of the US Inc. are corporations under control of the Vatican, which owns and operates the King of England per Treaty of 1213.
The Cabal’s murder of 125,000,000 million North American Indigenous Indians in order to take over their land was considered the largest mass genocide killings ever made in the World.
Presently Alliance Military Operations Mass Arrests were taking place with 64,000 arrests of MS13 Cartel members.
As a result, the CIA MS13 Regime was collapsing and billions of their assets have been seized.
This has led to panic in US banks connected to Money Laundering Operations of Middle America working with the Cartels.

The STORM: Massive Arrests have begun with a planned arrest of 64,000 MS13 Cartel members.

  • Trump had promised to eliminate MS13. This powerful Cartel Ms13 network financed by BLACKROCK corporations, run bank and money laundering operations through North America, Middle America and South America
  • Now the Military Alliance operations were working with El Salvador and US Military Training local military and police to start Massive Storm Arrests. Operations were underway to stop the CIA DARPA MS13 Killing Project.
  • The most deadliest of Cartels, the MS13 of South American, were being arrested in mass numbers.
  • At the same time of the 64,000 MS13 cartel arrests the US unsealed Terrorism Charges Against Men Identified as MS-13 Leaders.
  • It only would take less than 32 hours to round up over 16,000 top leaders, high level and mid commanders of ANTIFA. The Mil, NG, U.S. Marshals, Mil Reserve deputized as U.S. Marshal and U.S. Sheriff’s Departments could do a MASSIVE operation against ANTIFA. Does Mil. Have a secret PLAN in place?
  • “People Don’t Feel Safe!” – Shocking Results After El Salvador Arresting 64.000 Cartel Members
  • MS13 take command from CIA Project Hands that was created for 4rth and 5th generation warfare for violent colour revolutions, killing Government officials, Leaders, Elite spokespersons and perpetrating the CIA agenda forward to control Middle America.
  • In the 2000s CIA projects began bringing the MS13 KILLING MACHINE Cartel into U.S. cities into sophisticated organized regimens.
  • These deadly gangs killed and threatened  thousands of U.S. officials who ran banks, news industry’s, corporations and public sectors that were all part of Republican parties and democrats that would not play along with Deep State Agendas (most every Ms13 are unaware they are created and funded by CIA Deep State Military Operations, much like Antifa.)
  • In 2014 to 2016 the killing force of the MS13 CIA network reached its high points in their operations of blackmail/killings through the United States territories that brought thousands of Republican investors to their end and thousands of business’s came under control of MS13.
  • OBAMA did NOTHING and ignored the PLANNED ROCKEFELLERS CIA PROJECT MS13 CARTELS AGENDA to bring Republican, alike and rogue Democrats into MS13 Cartel to control through BLACKMAIL and EXTORTION.
  • With OBAMAs/ CIA DARPA spyware that tracked all data, phone’s emails. Computers, servers (Remember Snowden).
  • The Spyware also installed unwanted pornography, Pedophilia links, fake money statements into adversaries computers.
  • These BLACKMAIL OPERATIONS by the Deep State also went hand in hand with MS13 KILLING, Blackmail and Extortion PROJECTS.
  • The Military ALLIANCE figured out back in early 2000s after 911, that the MS13 KILLING projects would be instituted in the U.S. In 2008 (it’s reported by insiders) the Military ALLIANCE made plans to install TRUMP and use Trumps Presidential Power to declare the MS13 a Terrorist group and start Operations against the [ DS] Ms13 regime.
  • Immediately as Trump was elected, in 2017 he took mass action against MS13 (Trump knew that DARPA/ CIA/ Obama/ Clintons/ Rockefellers were controlling MS13 and had them arrested through the U.S. and deported tens of thousands of them (but only a few were reported in MSM).
  • Today in 2023 the Military Alliance Operations were taking place by collapsing the CIA MS13 killing machine operations. Over 64,000 MS13 and Cartels were arrested in one of the largest mass Sing Operations just 1500 miles south of the US Border.
  • The CIA had plans to use the MS13 to create thousands of military immigration groups in the U.S. by Summer 2023 and use the millions of illegal immigrants that came into the U.S. illegally and have them come under control of MS13 planned sectors.
  • These CIA operations were meant to cause Civil WAR.
Continue ReadingThe Storm Has Begun

“Mission Complete: NESARA/GESARA”

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The Swamp is Almost Dry
This fight is eternal, since the very beginnings of our society. The Swamp is almost dry. We are ready for the final blow! I am draining the Swamp, and the Swamp is trying to fight back. Don’t worry. We will win!”
…Donald J. Trump

What happens next will shock the world – it leads to the fall of the US government. Information made public by Tues. 6 March.”
…Mr. Pool, Telegram Mon. 6 March

Khazarian Mafia World Central Bank Financial System Collapse Imminent
KM Threatening Countries with Earthquakes if They Don’t Hand Over Their Gold

*Mon. 6 March BREAKING: Emergency crews are on scene for an explosion at a chemical plant in Cincinnati, Ohio.

*On Sun. 5 March Big Shot Officials were ordered to a CIA Nuclear Bunker “Hotel” in West Virginia, others sent to DUMB Tunnel under Denver Airport. Some of their family members fled to Canada.

*JANUARY 6TH: Newly revealed surveillance footage from January 6th, 2021 shows two Capitol police officers escorting Jacob Chansley, the be-horned so-called “QAnon Shaman” who has come to symbolize the riot, through the halls of the Capitol and to the very door of the US Senate.

*In Trump’s latest speech, he sent codes for the Alliance Operations to go after Deep State Mainstream Media in open operations worldwide.
In Trump’s latest speech, the codes were sent worldwide for Alliance Operations to go after their Deep State Mainstream Media in open operations. These commands are public. The CIA is watching when Trump speaks and drops open Military Communications.
Within hours Musk went after the China Virus, cover up and exposure about the manmade virus (lab leak). Through Musk the story hit all major countries with minutes. Europe, UK, Canada and Australia reports started posting the lab leak of the manmade virus. The explosions of Musk talking about the lab leaks hit the Deep State Chinese Communist Party and they threatened Musk about exposing the Wuhan connections.

*The White Hat Military Intelligence Alliance has released super AI Bots and AI Tech that’s going to disrupt the Deep State AI Systems in Google, YouTube, Twitter and Big Tech.

*It’s in both the White Hat Alliance’s and the Deep State’s best interest for Trump to get arrested. The Deep State wants him taken down, while the Alliance sees it as a Chess Move to bring down the CIA.

*Behind the Scene the Military is divided. US Generals will take the greatest jump of their life to secure US safety and the Constitution by making huge moves against the Deep State inside the Pentagon, CIA and Military commands.

*Cabal Food Found in DUMB Tunnels: They found food and drink hidden by the cabal for consumption that could feed the WHOLE WORLD for the next 150 years. 14.2 billion tons of high quality food. They have been analyzed. The samples did not contain toxic substances that are normally released in the general population.

Mon. 6 March 2023 Khazarian Mafia Central Bank Financial System Collapse Imminent, Windlander Fulford:

  • The collapse of the Khazarian Mafia financial system is looking imminent with Credit Suisse the likely first domino. If it falls it will trigger a process that would lead to the collapse of multiple major banks and then after that the World Bank, the IMF and the big Kahuna, the UNITED STATES CORPORATION.
  • A full-fledged bank run on Credit Suisse is now underway as customers withdrew $120 billion last month alone. Now the New York Post reports sensitive personal information including social security identification, employment information, and contact details of customers who keep $50 million or more in the bank has been compromised.
  • “Yes, the Credit Suisse matter is very serious, think how many accounts are linked to every known elite criminal in the world,” a CIA source chimes in. This “Suisse Secrets” report from a year ago just touches the tip of the iceberg. “Suisse most likely will be the first major KM-controlled bank to be let go…This smells like end game,” a Mossad source says.
  • The head of MI6 agrees saying: “Credit Suisse is indeed implicated in international criminal fraud, in this case, the money laundry in Geneva of The Europe Union paying bribery to all of The Queen’s Prime Ministers to commit high treason. We have all the evidence. This is why I keep firing prime ministers in London. The Queen and Her Majesty’s husband were both murdered because of this among so many.” The shoot-to-kill licenses 001 and 002 are now in full play, he adds.
  • This implosion is not just about high-level gangsters but is likely to lead to the removal of most of the so-called leaders in the world, White Dragon Society sources say.
  • The revelations of Vatican bank bribery accounts below from the Obama administration are a sample of systematic KM bribery that could be reproduced across most of the Western-controlled countries of the world. 
  • Because banks all lend to the same people if one bank falls and pulls its loans, then the borrowers cannot pay other loans either so, the whole system comes tumbling down. “I know from very credible sources that Bank of America, Wells Fargo and JP Morgan Chase are insolvent and have bankruptcy proceedings active. They are ‘sealed’ from the public’s view,” the Mossad source adds. 
  • Despite the attempt to cover this up, bits and pieces are leaking. Chinese real estate developers have stopped about USD 53.6 Billion in loans to Western banks, Blackstone defaulted $580 million on a Manhattan building (40% vacancy); the second default on Nordic REIT (46% vacancy) totaling $2.1 Billion…PIMCO defaulted on $1.7 Billion and Brookfield defaulted on 2 Los Angeles bldgs with $783 million in mortgages.
  • This is expected to pull down the Swiss Octagon group and with it, their control over the G7 countries and various slave states around the world.
  • The big question is where is all the physical gold the Swiss have been storing in their vaults for more than 50 years? They have so far refused to honor legitimate requests to return either Chinese or Japanese imperial gold. If they no longer have the gold, this is very important because at the very top of the financial system, only real assets like gold are accepted: paper is not.
  • The Khazarian Mafia has been reduced to threatening to use earthquake weapons to force countries to hand over gold. Indonesian authorities tell us they are being told to hand over gold and other natural resources, or a very large earthquake will occur later this month. The threats came from the Dutch embassy in Jakarta. It was passed on to a high-level official in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia in Jakarta, Indonesian intelligence sources say.
  • That explains why Dutch “seismologist” Frank Hoogerbeets -who rose to international prominence after predicting the devastating earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria- predicts a “mega-earthquake” with a magnitude of 8.5 or higher “due to the special position of the Earth, Mercury and Saturn.” This pseudo-science is nothing other than a thinly veiled threat.
  • Indonesia is not alone. The KM is also trying to intimidate the Philippines into handing over its gold and other resources. The Philippine people are fighting back.

Continue Reading“Mission Complete: NESARA/GESARA”

Vax Bioweapon – Update

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Florida County Returns CDC Funds After Confirming Covid Vax is a Bioweapon
Karen Kingston talking to Stew Peters.
*16,000+ people in Florida whose deaths were cardiac related and due to the Covid bioweapon – no other cause.

Dr. Poornima Wagh, with doctorates in virology and immunology, and a 20-year career as a laboratory researcher and scientist exposes the lethal ingredients contained in the COVID-19 injections.
This is information many of us have been waiting for. Dr. Wagh gathered a team of 18 experts from around the world. Jointly they tested 2300 vials from all the main Covid Vax brands and reveals several surprising shocks. She also discusses whether any contain snake venom. Another another surprise was about vaccine shedding; true or false? This is truly an educational video that you won’t want to miss!
*Note: None were placebos.

Continue ReadingVax Bioweapon – Update

White Hats Control: Germany, Japan, UK, New Zealand

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Learning that my country, New Zealand, was under the control of the White Hats, gave me great joy & hope!

Extracts from the 4th March GCR – Judy Byington:
Desperate Globalists Releasing Chaos: US Under Domestic Attack
All At Once 30 French Cities Erupted Against US & Biden Administration
Ohio Chemical Fallout was Massive – No Permanent Damage Expected
It’s Your Constitutional Right to Form and Belong to a Militia
Nikola Tesla, John Trump Time Machines in Operation at Cheyenne Mountain & CERN.
…Q The Storm Rider

  • The US and Europe were under attack with a poisoned food supply and chemical spills infiltrating our air, land and water.
  • 9/11 was an orchestrated collusion of different Deep State Intel Agencies such as the CIA, M16 and Israeli Mossad – the same that handled Epstein Island Child Trafficking in order to blackmail, bribe, honey pot and extort Global Elites to do their bidding for management of Academic, Medical, Political and Monetary Systems across the planet.
  • The White Hats were now in control of Germany, Japan, the UK and New Zealand.
  • The Chinese Communist Party has capitulated.
  • Was there Environmental Damage by the Deep State or was it Under Control of White Hats? Simon Parkes: Situation Update With David Mahoney (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (
  • The biggest moves are made behind the scenes. And if you don’t hear much on the mainstream media, don’t worry. The fight is not over yet! …Trump Mission, Telegram Fri. 3 March 2023
  • All assets deployed. Survival as a Nation. We Rise, or We Die. We, the People. …Secret Judge Q, Telegram Fri. March 2023

Restored Republic:
The Original US Constitution will be used as a model for New Republics across the Globe. Patriots worldwide can help Save the US Constitution by Supporting the Brunson Petition that shows rampant fraud in the 2020 Election has yet to be investigated. The second request for re-hearing of the Petition (and third Petition overall) will be received by the Supreme Court on Mon. 6 March. Help save your right to vote in fair and free elections and add your name to the Brunson Petition by sending an Affidavit to SCOTUS:

David Rockefeller is dead.
Evelyn Rothschild is dead.
The Roths / Rock cabal banks are bankrupt.
The Fed is bankrupt.
Bank of America & Wells Fargo are bankrupt.
Their New World Order is dead.
Their digital currency is dead.
Their [redacted] war is a massive defeat.
EVERYTHING about the Roths/Rocks is dead.

Fri. 3 March Great Awakening – Beginnings, Telegram: Deep State Regime Rothschilds

  • Banks were collapsing and going private to hide their collapse and corruption. The Rockefeller U.S. Capital Gains collapsed, with hundreds of Banks in U.S. and several U.S. Stock Agencies run by BlackRock/ Rockefeller collapsing.
  • NATO and the UN were going broke.
  • The White Hats U.S. Military have declined to support NATO in a Military War against Russia. U.S. Military reports and data intelligence assessments read that the NATO UN cannot survive. Any Military conflict without U.S. military support and the NATO UN would collapse in a month.
  • The U.S. Federal Reserve was closed and boarded up.
  • The U.S. Capital was closed and fenced in.
  • China, Russia, India and Middle East have stopped using the US fiat money banking system. Nobody was selling oil to the US.
  • We were inside Military Operations. The White Hats were running a Continuity of Government (meaning running a fake government as military operations in compliance with the Devolution Plan).
  • Q Patriot Anons were first to point out that Biden was being filmed in a fake White House studio which turned out to be true and continues today. There is a reason the White House is fenced in. They don’t want anyone to know that the Biden State of the Union was never filmed there.
  • The Military didn’t pick up Biden in Air Force One and bring him to the White House when he was supposedly elected. He had no Military escort while flying to the White House. The Military turned their back on Biden during his motorcade to the White House. Biden has no access to the U.S. top Military base in Cheyenne Mountain. Top U.S. Generals from Cheyenne Mountain and the White Hats at the Pentagon do not speak with Biden, do not brief him, nor did they appear at his State of the Union address.
  • The fake Deep State Mainstream Media was slowly collapsing. BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street which control the Mainstream Media and top companies, were in free fall.

Fri. 3 March Q) The Storm Rider /Official Page, Rockefeller Regime Created Rothschilds, Jesuits of the Vatican Masons, Malta

  • The surrender of the Rothschilds and the collapse of the Rockefeller stranglehold over the United States of America Corporation will allow us all to live like millionaires during the upcoming golden age of hydrogen. This is the big story behind all the news about the US debt limit being reached, the defeat of [redacted] and the takedown of the fake Biden regime.
  • The Rockefellers have used their control (via over 200 foundations) of the Fortune 500 companies to hide the fact they are the real masterminds behind the war in [redacted], the attempted vaccine genocide and much more. They are now being thrown under the bus.
  • To understand their involvement and their imminent defeat, let us start by looking at the members of the so-called regime of Joe Biden who belong to the Rockefeller-controlled Council on Foreign Relations:

Kamala Harris, Vice President (CFR through family; Harvard; DLA Piper; Uber through family)

Antony Blinken, Secretary of State (CFR member; Harvard and Columbia; WestExec)

Janet Yellen, Secretary of the Treasury (CFR member; Yale and Harvard; Brookings)

Lloyd Austin, Secretary of Defense (CFR member; WestExec; Raytheon)

Linda Thomas-Greenfield, UN Ambassador (CFR member; Albright Stonebridge)

Cecilia Rouse, Council of Economic Advisors (CFR director; Princeton; Rowe Price)

Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of Homeland Security (CFR member; Wilmer Hale)

Jake Sullivan, National Security Advisor (CFR author; Yale and Oxford; Carnegie)

Ron Klain, Chief of Staff (CFR through family; Harvard; O’Melveny and Meyers)

John Kerry, Special Envoy for Climate (CFR member; Yale)

usan Rice, Chief of Domestic Council (CFR member; Harvard, Oxford, and Stanford)

William J. Burns, Director of Central Intelligence (CFR member; Oxford; Carnegie)

Kurt M. Campbell, Indo-Pacific Tsar (CFR member; Harvard and Oxford; Asia Group)

Thomas Vilsack, Secretary of Agriculture (CFR member; Dairy Export Council)

Gina Raimondo, Secretary of Commerce (CFR member; Oxford; Point Judith Capital)

Eric S. Lander, Director of Office of Science and Technology (CFR member; Harvard)

Jeffery Zients, Counselor to the President (CFR member; Cranemere)

  • The very first act of the “Biden” regime was to protect Rockefeller oil interests by canceling the Keystone Pipeline which would have allowed the American people access to reliable oil supplies not controlled by the Rockefellers.
  • My involvement with this family began over a decade ago when I asked Japanese Finance and Economy Minister Heizo Takenaka why he handed over control of all of Japan’s stock market-listed corporations to institutions controlled by the Rockefellers and Rothschilds. These include Blackrock, State Street and Banking, and Vanguard. I was told Japan was forced to hand over its’ corporations because it was being threatened with earthquake weapons (this was before Fukushima).
  • The subsequent March 11, 2011 Fukushima mass murder attack on Japan also forced the country to shut down its nuclear power generation and buy oil controlled by the Rockefellers.
  • The recent pandemic and vaccine campaign is also leading to record profits for Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson etc. also controlled by the criminal KM families like the Rockefellers.
  • They have also done everything in their power to prevent the use of hydrogen as a cheap, non-polluting and virtually limitless fuel. Over 70% of the cost of modern economic activity comes from energy and the Rockefellers have been suppressing human progress to make sure that energy comes from expensive oil they control.
  • The list of their crimes is far too extensive to lay out any further here. The point is that recent world events are the result of an international alliance aimed at overthrowing the rule of the United States of America Corporation, their enforcement arm.
  • The desperate attempt by the Rockefellers to prevent bankruptcy by forcing everyone to use digital central bank currencies they plan to issue, MI6 sources say.
  • Instead, the world is going to cut off the Rockefellers by refusing digital currencies they produce after January 31st, multiple sources agree.
  • The bankruptcy of the Federal Reserve Board means the entire US financial system is imploding.
  • Bank of America is insolvent. So is Wells Fargo Bank..They are in chapter 11 but it cannot be revealed to the public. It will bring down the entire financial system and the ROCKEFELLER REGIMEN that control the CIA.[ DS] Pentagon…
  • This is why they are trying to create WAR for distraction and chaos and hope things will work in their favor.. But military ALLIANCE has safe guards in place.
  • Who let Woody Harrelson on SNL? Every monologue must be approved by the editors & producers! SNL also has a 10 second delay. Why wasn’t Woody immediately censored? Who made sure Woody would be allowed to go against the Rockefeller Regimen? Who’s pulling the strings from Cheyenne Mountain?
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