Bioweapon News

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** Since June 2021 I have had about 100+ unique visitors per day. Over the past few weeks numbers have dropped to about 40. Google tends to block or divert people who use certain words in a search engine. I found this out when using Firefox/Google, but with Yandex (Russia) no problem.
I don’t advertise on this blog, since I have no desire to make extra cash – it only costs about NZ$1/week to run this website.
I make no effort to promote this website & blog. However, today I joined twitter.
This website & blog has been created to help my fellow human beings. We will make little progress unless most of us follow the true spiritual path. Also, the truth about what is happening in the world has to reach as many people as possible.

Currently New Zealand has been/is being battered by tropical cyclones.
Cyclone Hale 11/01
Cyclone Gabrielle 14/02
I believe that the deep state mongrels are hell bent in destroying food crops, orchards, etc. & displacing people from the land. They aim to confine people in “Smart Cities” – Prison Cities!!

Stew Peters to Alex Jones: It’s a Bioweapon & the Solution Is Nuremberg 2.0!

Ohio Train Derailment Is DOD False Flag!
DOD Whistleblower, Green Beret Surgeon, Dr. Pete Chambers – Dr. Jane Ruby Show

“The Unvaccinated Are NOT Safe”!!
Strange Blood Artifacts In Vaxxed And Unvaxxed!!
Dr. Ana Mihalcea Warns Health Ranger As Both Discuss The Imminent Dangers Of Modern Living!!
IITM: Listening to this interview will give people a clearer picture of how vast and widespread the damage actually has been. People think if they just avoid vaccinated people, get bottled water and eat organic, that they will escape the damage, but I’m not convinced that survival is as easy as that.
Some Notes:
ranch animals – mRNA injections
food supply contaminated with metals
rain water contamination & also bottled water
EDTA to Detox – My experience: Take 1/8 t with water or juice before bed. It will bind with desirable heavy metals like zinc & copper, so a time gap after dinner & before brekky.
vinyl chloride – medical use, also hydrogel-even in insulin-can clot
my take-must block 5G
detox needed & clean living
keep spirits up – reduce stress – it kills
Dr Ana’s newsletter

*Buy a 90.10 Power Capsule – for protection from WIFI, for health, to decontaminate water. I will post details later.

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NEWS UPDATE – 24th Feb

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The Deep State has been keeping busy:

  • Biden, Congress and the World Health Organization have approved a treaty that allows WHO to take over control over the individual American’s own health.
  • Presently the Dole Food Company was under Cyber Attack with all North American production shut down.
  • On Thurs. 23 Feb. five environmental scientists heading to evaluate the disaster in East Palestine, Ohio were killed in a plane crash. Trump was in Palestine with needed food and supplies, while Biden kept quiet and refused federal aid to victims and investigators got closer to finding cause of derailment of the train owned by the Cabal’s BlackRock.
  • On that same Thurs. 23 Feb. multiple victims including media reporters, were shot in Pinehillls, Florida; a fire involving Uranium broke out at the Tennessee National Security Complex where America’s first atom bomb was developed and two major earthquakes hit Central Asia and Turkey.
  • Texas border agents caught on camera forcing to daily release hundreds of illegal migrants into the US.
  • Make a Stand for Health Freedom: Biden and the US Congress has made a treaty with the World Health Organization that allows WHO to override the sovereignty of Americans.
  • You can help in the fight to have Sovereignty over your own health: EXIT THE WHO | Stand for Health Freedom
  • A Feb. 23 2023 Remix News report that the Biden Administration blew up the Nord Stream gas pipelines running from Germany to Russia, with the help of Norway, is being billed the biggest story the majority of the global media is trying its best to ignore. However, some countries, security experts, former government officials, and even a number of top European newspapers are refusing to let the explosive claims be buried by the next news cycle, with calls for an international investigation growing louder.
  • The Biden Administration readies an additional $10 billion in economic assistance for Ukraine, says Yellen – even as the US ignores and refuses funding for the Ohio disaster.
  • Why? The Cabal’s BlackRock owns the majority of stock in the Railroad that caused the Ohio disaster – and were suspected behind the Fires in California that destroyed homes and millions of acres of timber.
  • Expect more False Flag Suicides as the Epstein papers are released.

Q) The Storm Rider: European News outlets NOW reporting U S. could be behind the Nord Stream ATTACK.

  • This is very important as millions of people in Europe began sharing the news information through Facebook and social media. This is going to open doors to investigations in Europe – that leads to exposing the War
  • A report that the Biden administration blew up the Nord Stream gas pipelines running from Germany to Russia, with the help of Norway, is being billed the biggest story the majority of the global media is trying its best to ignore. However, some countries, security experts, former government officials, and even a number of top European newspapers are refusing to let the explosive claims be buried by the next news cycle, with calls for an international investigation growing louder.
  • The international media once went along with claims of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Can the same media be trusted to investigate the Nord Stream sabotage attacks?
  • Feb. 23 2023 Remix News, John Cody: Did the US blow up Europe’s Nord Stream pipelines? Europe’s media considers the possibility. A report that the Biden administration blew up the Nord Stream gas pipelines running from Germany to Russia, with the help of Norway, is being billed the biggest story the majority of the global media is trying its best to ignore. However, some countries, security experts, former government officials, and even a number of top European newspapers are refusing to let the explosive claims be buried by the next news cycle, with calls for an international investigation growing louder.
  • Of course, Russia was the first country pushing aggressively for an investigation, and China was not far behind. In an illustration of China’s skeptical position on the issue, Wang Wenbin, spokesman of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said: “What has perplexed people is that officials and media of the United States have remained unusually silent on this, and related European countries also seem to be heavy in misgivings. These abnormal reactions make it more convincing that the Nord Stream explosions are extremely complex. Given the seriousness of the criminal act of undermining a major transnational infrastructure facility and its grave consequences, the international community is entitled to demand a thorough investigation.”
  • Q ANONS already knew long before hand these EVENTS and that the CIA was behind the explosions.
  • What’s more interesting is the Democratic, Republicans and normies in shock China is joining with Russia in the WAR
Continue ReadingNEWS UPDATE – 24th Feb

Restored Republic via a GCR

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Judy Byington 23rd Feb

The Storm is Coming!
Trump Says World War III Has Never Been Closer

Patriots, Stay United.
The Strongest Weapon a Country Can Have is a Patriot On a Mission

Watch For
Global Currency Revaluation
EBS That Exposes
Election Fraud
Covid Hoax
Child Trafficking

The White Hats are about to initiate a worldwide controlled demolition of the Cabal Matrix through taking down the Banking System, illicit Crypto Currencies, Medical and Pharmaceutical Systems, our poisoned food supply and Operation Mockingbird – the Mass Media Program for Mind Control of the masses.

The world as we know it is on its last breath.

It would be wise to have a month’s supply of food, water, cash and essential items on hand.

Trump says World War III has never been closer but then, the Global Currency Reset to gold/asset-backed currencies has never been closer to completion; Putin hosts massive Holy War Rally; the Ohio Chemical spill although tragic, was not what you think; the Global Economy is crashing; Central Banks across the globe were closing and the head of the Cabal – the Rothschilds – have delisted from the Stock Exchange.

The Real News for Wed. 22 Feb. 2023:

A Reminder of The Event – it is Biblical:

  • There is going to be a BIG Biblical Scenario where they make out it’s WW3 but really they are activating Militaries then bombing all of these Satanic Luceriferian landmarks. Enacting GESARA funds and We The People rebuild.
  • THE EVENT has many facets too it: The World Wide Blackout to change over to TESLA Energy. Knocking out Media Satellites, QFS, Rods of God on Dams & 34 Buildings & much more.
  • What are some of the very BIG Satanic Illuminati landmarks in the world? Q showed us: Vatican, Buckingham Palace, White House x 2 (USA, Germany), 3GD in China. CERN on the Swiss/French Border possible. The 34 Buildings will be in the EVENT. They are very significant. Ie Whitehouse, Royal Castles, Buckingham Palace, Vatican, Getty Museum, Playboy Mansion and the like.
  • This will surely make the Stock Market collapse as will Precision Cyber linked to Executive Orders 13818 & 13848. It is all a show.
  • Swapping from Rothschild’s Central Bank Notes to Rainbow Treasury Notes now backed by Precious Metals (Not Oil/Wars)

Big Pharma in Wuhan = Israel Israel/Khazarians controls CCP, the Media etc

34 Satanic Buildings and Dams will Fall. Rods of God/DEW worldwide

Planes & Trains grounded

Lights/Power switched off

Changing over to Tesla Free Energy

Bitcoin Servers/Data Center hit and turned off for good.

99.5% of Crypto gone China Coins. Enter ISO20022 Coins backed by Precious Metals.

WW3 Scare Event. Nuke Sirens

Water Event

Stock Market Crash

Global Martial Law

CASTLE ROCK -Scenario Julian Assange.

Quantum Systems. Project Odin Switched on.


Election Flipping via Military Courts – FISA

Military Tribunals/confessions/10 day movie – 3 × 8 hr sessions.

10 countries will be running EBS to cover the whole World.



The ISRAELI MOSSAD control the WORLD’s MEDIA out of the US.

Project Odin as mentioned by Ron Code Monkeyz is a POWERFUL Anti-Deplatforming Tool.

Project Odin is part of Quantum Starlink. Our new Quantum Systems are to be protected by Secret Space Programs out of the Cabal’s reach.

Q2337 tells you Mossad Media Assets will be removed. Think people like Alex Jones, Anderson Cooper etc and also Mossad Satellites.

Israeli intelligence – stand down.

Media assets will be removed.

This part of 2527 tells you that something powerful is going to knock out Mossad Media Satellites. This will blackout the media worldwide, Switch us over to the Quantum Systems. This is PROJECT ODIN.

All in All give the reason to Activate the Military EBS.

If you look up the TURKSAT Rocket that launched from the USA in January you will see it was specifically for MILITARY COMMS to peoples TV’s & RADIO’s in AFRICA, MIDDLE EAST, EUROPE & CENTRAL ASIA.

Metal Detox to Get Jab out of Your System, QAnon:

  • We don’t know what the future holds and what internal damage is being caused by the Jab, other than blood clots and a reduction in your immune system allowing internal hidden illness to be more prevalent, or an already existing medical condition to get worse.
  • To get the Jab out of your system start your natural Metals Detox, along with the Ivermectin Protocol: Ivermectin [or CDS – chlorine dioxide xolution if you can get/make it], lemon juice in water, HCQ (vitamin C [add MSM], Quinine [or Quercetin]– top two ways to boost your immune system), White Pine Needle Tea, green veggies, blueberries, beets, garlic, elderberries, lemons, tomatoes. [Also iodine (Lugols) & Selenium]
  • Glutathione or NAC are unnatural ways to detox ** Nothing wrong with that – NAC is an amino acid which converts to glutathione in the body. We put it in our cereal every morning!
Continue ReadingRestored Republic via a GCR

Moses – Part 1

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Moses is an important figure in a number of religions. What is the truth about Moses? Was he a Hebrew or an Egyptian? He led the Exodus & the pharoah’s charioteers were engulfed by a wall of water – a divine intervention?

The following is a translation from –
‘An Open Word’ – Billy Meier 1975
“Religion of God”
Correction: 1350 B.C.—> 1453 BCE
Historical dates are out by about 100 years earlier.

Monotheism & Akhenaton:
1215 But if one goes back even further and looks for the beginnings of Judaism, one is suddenly astonished to find that this cult religion basically found its beginning with a certain Pharaoh Akhenaton, with an Egyptian, who as the first known great figure in the history of religion invented monotheism – the one-god religion.
1216 The outcome of this mystery leads back to Egypt, 1350 [1453] years before the so-called Christian era, towards the end of the 18th dynasty.1217 At that time a certain king Amenophis IV proclaimed a new cult religion in the name of ATON as the only deity.
1218 Full of religious zeal, this new religious figure saw himself as a kind of prophet and, of course, as an important reformer in the matter of his latest inspiration – the one-deity cult religion.
1219 Thus he also changed his name as of the sixth year of his reign and called himself, always with his dear God Aton in mind, accordingly Ech-n-Aton (Akhenaten), which means approximately interpreted: ‘It pleases the Aton’ or what is much more probable: ‘Light of Aton’ (thus, nevertheless, a light or an arm candlestick of his own graces, if one considers that Akhenaten played the extended arm of the God Aton by his reforming and prophethood).
1220 As king, he was at the same time the chief honcho, the chief priest of the new cult, held services in the “palace” of the obelisk and composed hymns in praise of God, which emphasized monotheism quite clearly: “O thou only God, beside whom is no other …” and: “God alone shalt thou honor and love with all thy heart,” etc. etc. (Doesn’t that sound a lot like Christian religious doctrine?)
1223 However, to spread the new religion, it required more than just holding services in the royal family.
1224 Moses, Akhenaten’s brother, who was the first priest in the new monotheistic religion, was therefore designated as the implementer.

1225 Moses (Egyptian: child), however, quickly realized that he would meet with little success with his mission among the Egyptians and therefore chose – like all reformers – the path of least resistance; the lowly people, the poor people, who had always suffered under the yoke of the bigwigs and lords and were looking for ways out, which is why these people were a found and plentiful source of sustenance for Moses.
1226 Thus he buried his dream of succeeding Akhenaten and turned to those who were known as nomadic shepherds and gypsies and a society thrown together from afar, and who were called Hebrews.
1227 A term by which the gypsies were titled at that time.
1228 Unaware until then of any system, of belonging together, and of no religion of their own, they quickly allowed themselves to be conned into his religion by the now missionary Moses, in the hope that by accepting the religion they could abandon the nomadic and slave life and become resident in the Egyptian cities.
1229 But this was a bad mistake on the part of the Hebrews, because the Egyptians did not want to have anything to do with them in this form, since these were a group of people who, as a result of criminality, inbreeding and fornication, met with evil hatred among the Egyptians, not least because the Hebrews were multiplying and spreading rapidly.
1230 This was considered so harmful and shameful even by the Pharaoh that he issued an order to kill all male children of the Hebrews immediately after birth.

Moses Leads the Hebrews:
1231 Now in these Hebrews Moses saw his great chance, he who had first commanded the armies of Pharaoh and who had led war against Abyssinia.
1232 As a priest he saw a completely new possibility for himself, namely to become the highest leader of a people in the time of Akhenaten.
1233 It did not bother him in the least that the Gypsies (Hebrews) were not a real people, but an outcast society thrown together from all directions.
1234 But it was also very convenient for him that these Hebrews were still abysmal pagans and had never belonged to a religion of their own, so they were easily accessible to the new teaching.1235 Since Akhenaten’s monotheistic religion rejected any notion of hell, witchcraft and magic were also frowned upon, but Moses was a master in them.
1236 Since the Hebrews very quickly fell into an evil delusion after adopting the new religion, Moses found in them the most suitable people in whom, through his tricks and alleged magic arts and in conjunction with the new religion, he could achieve and enforce his goal of rule without much effort.
1237 Thus, the Hebrews offered him the most ideal field of activity, which he also worked and exploited to the best of his ability, even if he had to use the frowned-upon witchcraft, magic, and all sorts of sleight-of-hand and conjuring tricks to do so.
1238 However, everything was even easier for him to ascend immediately to their leader, by his promise that he would liberate the Hebrew people from the Egyptians, by whom they were endlessly exploited and despised.
1239 In this way, the Hebrews were taught an Egyptian religion by an Egyptian founder of the religion, whereby, of course, all the rites were also adopted and retained in the Jewish faith to this day.
1240 For example, circumcision, which was basically nothing more than a hygienic measure (for the same reason, in later times, the founder of Islam, Muhammad, adopted circumcision, along with many other rites).
1241 A purity ritual, therefore, of which the Egyptians of that time were particularly proud.

The Exodus:

Possible Exodus Route
Location of Santorini

1242 After the death of Akhenaten, approx. 1350 B.C., Moses saw his chance coming to bring the Hebrews finally under his rule and to lead them away from Egypt.
1243 The Hebrew people at that time amounted to between 4000 and 6000 people, whom Moses snatched from Egypt at night and in the mist, but this was not exactly pleasing to the new Pharaoh, since he lost a considerable number of free labor slaves, which is why he had the fugitives pursued.
1244 Moses, however, turned with his new people to the northeast, along the Mediterranean Sea, through the Sinai Desert.
1245 At that time, this was the shortest and easiest way to freedom, because at that time the Suez Canal did not yet exist, since it was built between 1859 and 1869, so it was not yet an obstacle.
1246 Unhindered, Moses and his great following went along the sea and reached the height of Lake Sinai, which at that time still drew its water from the ebb and flow of the Mediterranean Sea.
1247 As a well-traveled man, Moses was well aware of this fact, which is why he deliberately took this route when he learned that ‘his’ people were being pursued by Pharaoh’s army.
1248 He arranged it therefore in such a way that he had crossed the isthmus between the Mediterranean and lake Sinai with his people just at the time, when the flood began and the the Pharaoh’s army advanced into the dangerous and death-bringing narrowness.
Eruption of Santorini Volcano: From a contact between Billy Meier & Quetzal
1453 BCE: The Destroyer [Comet] gets dangerously close to the earth and causes severe disasters. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, elemental storms and floods of enormous proportions are the result. Volcanic ash easily obscures the sun, which lasts for several weeks. The Santorini volcano in the Hellenic Sea explodes, triggering a 180-meter high Tsunami that rolls across the Mediterranean and far into the Nile region of Egypt, flooding everything. Not only do many people die as a result, but also countless animals whose carcasses decompose after the flood rolls back, causing much harm. By this happening the are triggered (Moses time/Moses), whereby also the water of the Nile turns red because of the blood of the innumerable killed life forms and their torn and mutilated bodies. The flood rolling back again pushes back over the Mediterranean and forward to the northeast, where it then floods Syria lands and causes enormous horrors and devastations.
** See note later about the Destroyer Comet.

I believe that the perfect timing of the crossing of the “Reed Sea” (not the Red Sea – too deep) was not by chance or foresight.
I also believe that Moses was given the right time to do so by Jehav – the leader of the Giza Intelligences at that time – not to be benevolent, but to make use of this band of undesirable Hebraons (Hebrews).
I asked this question of Billy at the FIGU forum in December, 2009:
Q: Who was the Gizeh Intelligences God at the time of Moses?
A: Jehav was the one.
Also, in his book “An Open Word”, Billy always refers to “God” as Jehovah. His reply to my question re this:
A: In the book “An Open Word“ the name Jehova was used as a general term for the old “Hebraon gods“.
Note: Jehav murdered his father to gain leadership & later he was murdered by his son who then became the leader.
Jehovah was the leader at one stage.
So much for the gods (God) in which people have (have had) great faith. They were flesh & blood human beings like ourselves, who were trying to enslave us – just like the “Elite” of today.
“When will they ever learn!”
1249 Moses’ calculation worked out perfectly, and the effect of this stratagem was catastrophic: the Pharaoh’s army was swept away by the approaching flood and drowned miserably in Lake Sinai.
1250 According to today’s time calculation these events lie round 3450 years back and fall exactly at that time, when in the wild Hellenenland (Greece) the volcano Santorini exploded and an approx. 1800 m [Correction – 180m] high tsunami chased over the Mediterranean, which struck Egypt then with a devastating force and brought an immense catastrophe over the country.
1251 Masses of aquatic and terrestrial animals were crushed, and their blood dyed the waters deep red.
1252 It is only natural that many diseases and all kinds of plagues could not be avoided.
1253 Moses, however, knew how to exploit these events in his favor and preached them as God’s punishment, etc., thus convincing the delusional Hebrews of his mission to God.

Hebrew Conquerors:
1254 After the spectacular escape from Egypt, the Hebrews wandered the land for about forty years, murdering and robbing, and gradually conquered the land promised to them by Moses.
1255 It did not disturb them in any way that they exterminated and slaughtered the population of whole regions in such a way that they first made friends with them and then celebrated festivities with wine, in order to slaughter these friends then bestially, when they were drunk.
1256 Even women and children were not spared in any way.
1257 When Moses was 120 years old (this age is not determined very precisely), he was almost certainly (the proof is unfortunately missing) murdered by the Hebrews; probably out of gratitude for having kidnapped and freed them from Egypt’s bondage.

Jewish Chronicle & the Jewish Torah (Old Testament)
1258 For about 800 years no one cared about the story of Moses.
1259 But about 650 years before Christ, somehow suddenly there was a desire to write down a Jewish chronicle and religious history.
1260 Some clever scribes then made the stories about Moses – the Jewish Torah.
1261 For this only very old and confused oral traditions and assertions served, which were written down then by the scribblers as words of God and Moses history.
1262 With which success and with which accuracy this happened moreover – after eight centuries -, everybody can calculate himself.

Insanity & Nonsense:
1263 How inadequate and fantastic this Jewish Torah (in Christianity called ‘Old Testament’ or Bible) is built up and lacks the actual reality is evident from many of the claims of this Torah which are close to insanity.
1264 As the Bible reports, about one million Hebrews are said to have fled from the land of Egypt.
1265 Apart from the fact that Egypt did not have a million ‘souls’ at that time, such an enormous people would not have had to flee from the Pharaoh’s army of only about 6000 men, but on the other hand a million people could not have existed in the inhospitable and deadly desert.
1266 It would not have been possible to cross the isthmus between the Mediterranean Sea and the Sinai Sea between two tides (the exact number of the refugees can unfortunately not be given, because there is no real evidence for this, but with certainty there should not have been more than 6000 people, if everything is calculated according to the most accurate facts).
1267 According to the 1st book of Moses the number of the Israelites at their entry into Egypt should have amounted to 70 ‘souls’ (sixty and ten).
1268 But already 215 years later, at the time of Moses, they are said to have multiplied so much that their number of men in arms already amounted to 600,000.
1269 Women and children together, however, may have amounted to at least double this number, i.e. at least 1,200,000, which then results in the imposing number of altogether 1,800,000.
1270 A madness, which all reason and logic and probability vain idiocy condemns, even if the Hebrews had known how to turn their wives and daughters into birthing machines and birthing factories.
1271 About 2000 years ago (the beginning of the so-called Christian era), there were about 500 million people living on earth, which increased to around 600 million by the year 1600.
1272 So that’s 1600 years during which humanity, with a base population of 500 million, multiplied by a huge 100 million.
1273 With only 70 people (as the Jewish foundation, so to speak), the Hebrews would have developed into a giant nation in only 215 years.
1274 An insanity and nonsense without equal, if one considers that 600 million humans took thus approximately 400 years since the Middle Ages until the year 1978, in order to beget a further 3.5 billion humans.

The Destroyer Comet:
The Destroyer originated in the old Lyra-system, as did the moon.
4million years ago: The Destroyer caused a planet, which was many millions of years older than the earth, to break up, a fragment of which entered our space-time and joined the earth as a satellite, the moon, a few million years ago.
970,000 years ago: The much slower Destroyer came into the SOL-System for the first time and caused an immense earth catastrophe. Both the moon & the DC passed through a dimension gate.
The Destroyer has caused much havoc on Earth in the past. The Plejaren gave it a nudge last century, so it wont return.

Continue ReadingMoses – Part 1

WHO Pandemic Coup D’etat

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Breaking: United States to Sign Over Sovereignty to WHO
**This also applies to other WHO nations.

ALL WHO nations would be expected to sign up on 27th Feb.

The Parties to this WHO CA+ document… Have agreed as follows:
“The world together equitably Vision: The WHO CA+1 aims for a world where pandemics are effectively controlled to protect present and future generations from pandemics and their devastating consequences, and to advance the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health for all peoples, on the basis of equity, human rights and solidarity, with a view to achieving universal health coverage, while recognizing the sovereign rights of countries, acknowledging the differences in levels of development among countries, respecting their national context and recognizing existing relevant international instruments. The WHO CA+ aims to achieve greater equity and effectiveness for pandemic prevention, preparedness and response through the fullest national and international cooperation.”

This must be vigorously opposed. It is far ranging. We don’t want:
“One Health surveillance”
Public health to be deemed to include climate, or racism, or fisheries management, and this being used to claim that addressing carbon emissions is a health issue and therefore a health ‘emergency.

From The Epoch Times…

Written under the banner of “the world together equitably,” the zero draft grants the WHO the power to declare and manage a global pandemic emergency. Once a health emergency is declared, all signatories, including the United States, would submit to the authority of the WHO regarding treatments, government regulations such as lockdowns and vaccine mandates, global supply chains, and monitoring and surveillance of populations.

“They want to see a centralized, vaccine-and-medication-based response, and a very restrictive response in terms of controlling populations,” David Bell, a public health physician and former WHO staffer specializing in epidemic policy, told The Epoch Times. “They get to decide what is a health emergency, and they are putting in place a surveillance mechanism that will ensure that there are potential emergencies to declare.”

The WHO pandemic agreement calls for member states to implement “One Health surveillance”. One Health is a concept that has been embraced by the UN, the CDC, the World Bank and other global organizations.

“The term originally meant a way of seeing human and animal health as linked—they sometimes are—so that you could improve human health by acting more broadly,” Bell said. “It has become hijacked and now is used to claim that all human activities, and all issues within the biosphere, affect health, and are therefore within Public Health’s remit. So public health can be deemed to include climate, or racism, or fisheries management, and this is being used to claim that addressing carbon emissions is a health issue and therefore a health ‘emergency.’”

Continue ReadingWHO Pandemic Coup D’etat

Ohio Cabal Fear Tactic – Update 21/02

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** Scroll down for the Update.

Do not be alarmed by the Ohio fear porn. It’s happened before – remember the Covid fear campaign.
The bad guys & gals are wanting to reduce the food supply & drive people off the land. Don’t fall for it. This chemical spill & burn-off is not as bad as the MSM traitors tell us.
This is a must video – 16 min:
NEW Dr. Lee Merritt: Ohio Chemical Spill — It’s Not What You Think
My look at what was in the train, what it can do, and what it means…Dr. Lee Merritt
Get the word out to your fellow countrymen. No fear, no panic, stay calm. Dr. Sircus says to alkalise with baking soda.

Worldwide Destruction:
The deep state is destroying food crops & factories around the world & the transport of food.
New Zealand: We have been much better off than many countries, but now it is time for the ‘sleepers’ to wake up.
We are well below the tropics. It is rare for destructive tropical cyclones to come down this far. This season there have been 3. The one in January was destructive, but the recent one, Gabrielle, was the worst ever. Much damage has been done, with orchards & food crops destroyed. The price of fruit & veges has soared & will continue to do so.
I believe that these storms have been manipulated using HAARP.


Dr. Lee Merrritt Continued:
take down food supply /land grab /build smart cities
The Tanks:
1) 4 carloads of vinyl chloride: volatile liquid
no leaks – they burned it —> phosgene + HCl
acid disperses – short term event
phosgene (WWI gas) – disperses in big open areas – degrades —> CO2 & HCl
2) 1 cart ethyl ether (?) acroid – small leak, not very toxic
3) 1 cart iso butylene – no leakage – it burned – no concerns
4) 1 cart butyl acroids – spilled & caught fire spontaneously (?)- major leak -rapidly disperses (dilutes in water)- tested river & shows rapid dilution – looks like oil slick. Breaks down in sunlight, biodegrades in ground.
5) 1 cart ethylene glycol (antifreeze)- toxic – not in atmosphere – so on ground (localised)
Sprayed on wings of planes.

When we burn rubbish, dioxins can form. Black smoke looks bad – carbon which has not oxidised into CO2. When I burn a huge pile of branches from trees, etc., on our 1.5 acres in town, initially a lot of smoke is given off, but later the fire is so hot that mainly complete combustion occurs – the intense heat radiates quite a distance, so you can’t get close. At the start the smoke drifts towards neighbours, but later,there is minimal smoke – whew!

ETA: “You can’t farm your land since this stuff drops on it.”
Get out of the system. Stop believing the hysteria. This applies to people worldwide.
10,000 people died in Fukushima. A dosimeter will determine if it is safe – confiscated when Fukushima happened. Zero died of radiation (Dr. Lee). It is very deadly to dislocate people. Japanese people don’t move – generations stay.
The same with Chernobyl. Small town nearby – 3,600 died of translocation.

New Dr. Pete Chambers – Emergency Broadcast! From East Palestine – All May Not Be As It Seems!!!
*This video is a must.
Dr. Pete Chambers joins us for an emergency broadcast from the ground near East Palestine to report that not all may be what it seems, even in alternative media.
Dr. Chambers reports residents are being scared into leaving the area due to the “Smart City” agenda planned for East Palestine, with a shock discovery mid-interview by Maria and Dr. Chambers!

Local citizens not concerned – there have been spills before.
An agenda in the US – relocate people, bring in people (mainly young males) across the Southern Border. Create smart cities – “Imprison” people in them. Depopulate rural areas.
A similar case in Australia – Lismore – flooding.

Continue ReadingOhio Cabal Fear Tactic – Update 21/02


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David Nino Rodriguez & Loy Brunson – The SCOTUS Nuclear Bomb! An Urgent Message!!

Loy has asked United States Patriots for urgent help. So that is why I am posting this here.
Loy said that this is an urgent message. This is a very critical time. Nino – “We could potentially be giving the Democrats the ammunition to fire back & pack the court.” It’s as if both sides have discovered a nuclear weapon, but the good guys have the chance of a first strike.

If you are a patriot, watch the video & lend your support. This is critical for the US & the world.

Some other important news:
Large Chemical Tank Ablaze & ANOTHER Train Derailment! US National News & World Reports! – The Poplar Report
* The deep state is desperate & is causing chaos.

Q: The Plan To Save The World
“Our Founding Fathers Would Have Hanged Them for Treason! The Great Awakening Has Brought the Storm, Now the Storm Is About to Break Them! Incoming NSA Exposure!”
*A 13 minute powerful video.
Joe M’s signature film, the classic ‘Plan To Save The World’, said to have redpilled millions into realizing Trump is the good guy fighting to save us from the globalist cabal who is behind every bad thing that has happened to the world over the past 100 years at least.

This classic piece starts off with an overall introduction to the idea of “criminals” which we can all understand, but then escalates into a crescendo of understanding as we realize everything is connected, and we don’t have to keep drinking in Sato-liberal Marxist ideas deliberately put on us in the media to destroy society and usher in a horrible new world where everything is run by a handful of evil elites. A MUST WATCH for anyone who wants a true perspective.

New SGAnon & Patriot Underground: Train Derailment Attack Analysis – Younger Demographic Waking Up Fast – FF Alien Invasion & Project Bluebeam – EBS Triggers & Takedown Of MSM – DARPA Recon Balloons & EMP Scenarios

Continue ReadingURGENT MESSAGE – Loy Brunson

WHO Marburg PLANDEMIC-Update

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The Deep State is panicking & is desperate to regain control. It is up to all sorts of dirty tricks:
* The train derailment in Ohio.
* An Alien invasion:
Senator Kennedy Warns People to ‘Lock Your Doors’ After Classified Hearing on UFO ‘Objects’
That Have Been Shot Down – Says They Have ‘Been Here For A Long, Long, Long Time’
How Much Was The Senator Joking When He Made The ‘Lock Your Doors Tonight’ Comment?
Was He Shaken By What He Learned In The Briefing? Was He Told ‘We Are Not Alone’?
* Another virus: Marburg
Is it a virus? See UPDATE below.

We were warned that there would be another Pandemic, so a Plandemic was created.
*Equatorial Guinea reports 9 Marburg deaths. WHO calls for an emergency meeting.
*Africa has reported a new virus outbreak. This virus is reportedly as deadly as Ebola. At least 9 people have already died. The WHO has called for an emergency meeting. Should you be worried?
*Marburg virus outbreak: researchers race to test vaccines.

Health officials worldwide are sprinting to test whether experimental vaccines can protect against a deadly illness, after Equatorial Guinea confirmed its first outbreak of Marburg virus disease on 13 February. The virus is related to Ebola, and causes similar symptoms of haemorrhagic fever. It has a fatality rate of up to 88%.
The World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva, Switzerland, convened an urgent meeting yesterday (14th Feb) to discuss the feasibility of testing Marburg vaccines that are in various stages of development. But the odds are against a successful trial, they say, because other control measures such as quarantine could end the outbreak before a single vaccine dose can be administered.
“I cannot emphasize enough the need for speed,” said John Edmunds, an epidemiologist at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, at the WHO meeting.

We have been through this before. They want to get those jabs into us. So:
panic, panic, panic
fear, fear, fear – fear porn!

Look forward to tests (PCR?), masks, lockdowns, regular radio & TV propaganda.
Then untested jabs to maim & kill us. With more GO.
The unjabbed will be targeted.

** Above all – resist, don’t fear, don’t comply, don’t be treated as an ignorant sucker! Take precautions – supplements; be prepared to detox if needed.

UPDATE: Dr. Ariyana Love
*See her Telegram channel
I would like to contribute to the conversation with Astrid Stuckleberger, Dr. Lee Vilet, Ann Vandersteele and the lovely gentleman who’s name I’m not familiar with.

The 5G roll out in Wuhan and Italy was predated with the roll out of the H7N9 biological weapons system in the form of a “flu vaccine”. Italy and Wuhan were mandated “flu vaccines” in 2018 that contained the H7N9.

Also, the radiation frequency from the 5G weapons system is most definitely being cranked up but Marburg is not only radiation, it’s also chemical poisoning. Marburg is induced using a chemical and technological weapons system that’s activated using radio waves, through the 5G. “Marburg” was injected into the population using the covid jabs and PCR swabs. A Marburg pandemic will be staged now as the poison within the delayed release nanotech gets activated and released via 5G.
Another very serious issue is the fact that the majority of humanity is now emitting Bluetooth signals from the jabs and the PCR swabs and people are overloaded with graphene. GMO parasites have taken control of their central nervous system while the Neurolace mesh network has grown in almost everyone. People are now changed and connected to the “Internet of Bodies” through Elon Musk’s Starlink.

EPIGENETICS: Vaccines Are Deleting Human Genes & Transfecting Cells With Ebola/Marburg
By Dr. Ariyana Love (Updated Nov. 23, 2021) Stockholm University just released a scientific horror.

Here are some videos worth viewing:
Even if you only watch part. Download – I use a great downloader – ‘4K Video Downloader’ – it does not work on all videos.
“Emergency Defence against WHO – No More Virus Psyops – The Facts/Dr Astrid Stückelberger, Dr Lee Vliet”
It takes a lot of time to write transcripts. Here are some notes which I made –
symptoms don’t indicate the disease – probably emf (WIFI)
AI replacing doctors
viruses don’t spread rapidly
in nature, viruses are less severe with time as they mutate
they will weaponise pics – fear porn
Marburg Virus – weaponised version? Will they spread it around so that cases can be created worldwide?
don’t let fear porn influence you
packaging of so-called mRNA is poisonous – not biological
vials – nothing biological – it is nanotech
mRNA obsession – to confuse us – to side-track us
metals & GO in jab cause inflammation
distractions – genetics. mRNA
evil things in vials – frequencies radiated
change in energy of people after vax – especially as more jabs taken
GO – so they can monitor from a distance/track/trace
zombie world – transmit movement to jabbed – they can be controlled
coroner – circuitry still in body after no blood – in cemetry (even when buried – bluetooth signals picked up)
WHO – no longer do we want this – WHO controls our govts – took out sovereignty of countries
Govts promoting poison jabs – as “ordered” by WHO?!
Get out of WHO – against constitution, etc
there are no good manufacturing processes of jabs

‘Elon Musk SLAMS Globalists Agenda, As WHO Announces Next Virus Outbreak! – Redacted News’

Also this is a “must-see” video. WIFI is a killer. Barry Trower is a em weapons expert.
Published on 12 Feb 2023
Barrie Trower and Reiner Fuellmich – 5G: Microwave as a Weapon – International Crimes Investigative Committee
* 2 BILLION women targeted – the placenta & ovaries are not protected from WIFI by the immune system.
The fetal eggs will be damaged by the WIFI radiations – passed on to 4 generations, hence lineage will END.
* A transcript would be great, but no time to do so.

Continue ReadingWHO Marburg PLANDEMIC-Update


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Many powerful groups have tried to prevent the implementation of NESARA. From its very inception Bush Sr., the corporate government, major bank houses, and the Carlyle group have opposed NESARA. To maintain secrecy, the case details and the docket number were sealed and revised within the official congressional registry, to reflect a commemorative coin and then again it was revised even more recently. This is why there are no public Congressional Records and why a search for this law will not yield the correct details until after the reformations are made public.
The NESARA law requires that at least once a year, an effort be made to announce the law to the public.
Three current US Supreme Court judges control the committee in charge of NESARA’s announcement. These Judges have used their overall authority to secretly sabotage NESARA’s announcement.

DADDY BUSH – Mass Murderer:
On September 10, 2001, George Bush Sr. moved into the White house to steer his son on how to block the announcement. The next day, on September 11, 2001, at 10 am Eastern Daylight Time, Alan Greenspan was scheduled to announce the new US Treasury Bank system, debt forgiveness for all U.S. citizens, and abolishment of the IRS as the first part of the public announcements of NESARA. Just before the announcement at 9 am, Bush Sr. ordered the demolition of World Trade Center to stop the international banking computers, on floors one and two in the North Tower, from initiating the new U.S. Treasury Bank system. Explosives in the World Trade Center were planted by both CIA and Mossad operatives and detonated remotely from Building 7, which was demolished later that day in order to cover-up their crime.

The Evidence
Where Did the Buildings Go?

Remote pilot technology was used in a flyover event to deliver a payload of explosives into the Pentagon at the exact location of the White Knights in their new Naval Command Center who were coordinating activities supporting NESARA’s implementation nationwide. With the announcement of NESARA stopped dead in its tracks, George Bush Sr. decapitated any hopes of returning the government back to the people.

The NESARA Law is the most ground breaking reformation to sweep not only the US, but our planet in its entire history. The NESARA act does away with the Federal Reserve Bank, the IRS, the shadow government, and much more. The Global Alliance plans to implement a copy of NESARA called GESARA for the peoples of the world.

A Farmer Claims Lawsuit that eventually became NESARA Law, was started in the 1970s after farmers began losing their property to the banks based on fraudulent contracts, money manipulation and court fraud.
By 1978 retired Military General Roy Schwasinger Jr. had brought a lawsuit against US Inc. by the Farmer’s Union that began working it’s way through the US Court System.
In the process of the lawsuit going through the US court system it was brought out in Court that in the early 1900s the privately owned US Inc. corporation owned by bankers Rothschilds, Rockefellers and others, had illegally changed the Constitution so they could take over the US economic system so as to establish and own the Federal Reserve System and IRS.

US Taxpayer dollars were collected by the IRS through the independently owned US Inc, then sent to the British Crown’s independently owned City of London, then the monies went on to the independently owned Vatican Bank, where it was dispersed to their Central Banks across the world. About a month later the monies were returned to the New York Central Bank, where US citizens were charged interest to use their own monies – thus running up the National Debt.

By the year 2000 the Farmer’s Union suit had worked it’s way up through the Court System to the Supreme Court, which ruled in favor of the farmers claims.
The successful lawsuit was then presented to Congress, but it took the Navy Seals and Delta Force, guns in hand, to make sure Congress passed the NESARA LAW, National Economic Security And Reformation Act.
CLINTON never implemented NESARA:
Bill Clinton was US President at the time, but had no interest in signing NESARA into law. On October 10, 2000, under orders from U.S. military generals, elite Naval Seals and Delta Force stormed the White House and under gunpoint forced Bill Clinton to sign NESARA. During this time Secret Service and White House security personnel were ordered to stand down, disarmed, and allowed to witness this event under a gag order.
Clinton never implemented NESARA, nor have any US presidents since – with the exception of Donald Trump, who was about to accomplish the task through help of the Global Alliance.

In 2001 after much negotiation the Supreme Court justices ordered the current Congress to pass resolutions ‘approving’ NESARA. This took place on September 9, 2001, eighteen months after NESARA became law.
Certain members of Congress ruled NESARA be held in secret under a gag order and changed the name to National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act.

Few have ever heard of this [NESARA] law due to an extremely strict gag order placed upon politicians, media personnel, and bank officers. Members of Congress will not tell us any of this because they have been ordered by the U.S. Supreme Court Justices to ‘deny’ the existence of NESARA, or face charges of treason punishable by death.
Some members of Congress have actually been charged with ‘obstruction.’ When Minnesota Senator Paul Wellstone was about to break the gag order, but before he could, his small passenger plane crashed killing his wife, daughter, and himself.

If fear isn’t enough to keep Congress in line, money is. The CIA routinely bribes senators with stolen loot from the bank roll programs. Every senator has been bribed with a minimum of $200 million dollars deposited in a Bank of America account in Canada.
You will never hear the media networks report about NESARA. To maintain silence, major news networks such as CNN are paid in the tune of $2 billion dollars annually.
Not only is Congress bribed but the entire Joint Chiefs of Staff and upper tier of the government including the president receives these payments as well. Only the Provost Marshall has the lawful authority to arrest these individuals, but sadly he won’t do his job either. It seems the United State military is full of pencil pushing politicians who care more about advancement then doing their job.
And not surprisingly, much disinformation about NESARA can be found on the Internet. What is on the Internet about NESARA is CIA agent Harvey Barnard’s NESARA law the National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act, which would have made reforms to the economy and replace the income tax with a national sales tax. This law was rejected by Congress in the 1990’s.
But there is little mention of the National Economic Security and Reformation Act on Wikipedia or its ramifications.


  1. Zeros out all credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities. This is the Federal Reserve’s worst nightmare, a “jubilee” or a forgiveness of debt.
  2. Abolishes the income tax
  3. Abolishes the IRS. Employees of the IRS will be transferred into the US Treasury national sales tax area.
  4. Creates a 14% flat rate non-essential ‘new items only’ sales tax revenue for the government. In other words food and medicine will not be taxed; nor will used items such as old homes.
  5. Increases benefits to senior citizens
  6. Returns Constitutional Law to all courts and legal matters.
  7. Reinstates the original Title of Nobility amendment. Hundreds of thousands of Americans under the control of foreign powers will lose their citizenship, be deported to other countries, and barred from reentry for the remainder of their life. And millions of people will soon discover their college degrees are now worthless paper.
  8. Establishes new Presidential and Congressional elections within 120 days after NESARA’s announcement. The intern government will cancel all “National Emergencies” and return us back to constitutional law.
  9. Monitors elections and prevents illegal election activities of special interest groups.
  10. Creates a new U.S. Treasury, ‘rainbow currency,’ backed by gold, silver, and platinum precious metals, ending the bankruptcy of the United States initiated by Franklin Roosevelt in 1933.
  11. Forbids the sale of American birth certificate records as chattel property bonds by the US Department of Transportation.
  12. Initiates new U.S. Treasury Bank System in alignment with Constitutional Law
  13. Eliminates the Federal Reserve System. During the transition period the Federal Reserve will be allowed to operate side by side of the U.S. treasury for one year in order to remove all Federal Reserve notes from the money supply.
  14. Restores financial privacy
  15. Retrains all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law
  16. Ceases all aggressive, U.S. government military actions worldwide
  17. Establishes peace throughout the world
  18. Releases enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes
  19. Enables the release of over 6,000 patents of suppressed technologies that are being withheld from the public under the guise of national security, including free energy devices, antigravity, and sonic healing machines.

Support the Brunson Scotus Case

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Support the Brunson Brother’s case in the US Supreme Court. This is easily done – they will do it for you for a small donation of US$2 or more. I have just done this. Where it says “State”, I entered “Wellington, New Zealand”.
You can add a few words – I wrote that this case was important, not just for US citizens, but for all freedom loving people form around the world.

Go To:

Copied from that link:

Help build Momentum!
Send or Sign Your Brunson SCOTUS Letter:
Restore Our Republic
It’s Easy! Send your own Letter or Fill out our form and We’ll send one for you…
Watch the Video

A rehearing petition is now accepted, filed, docketed by SCOTUS, the new conference date is February 17. Hence, “we the people” with your letters will show SCOTUS the desperately needed support for a victorious outcome!

This case is in a new appeal process, Regardless of your previous letters, show SCOTUS your support and continue to send letters so they know this case matters!

Here’s what to do
Send a letter or We’ll send one for you.

Watch this video for inspiration:
“Charlie Ward: What Happened To Nesara/Gesara?”
Charlie shares Intel about Nesara/Gesara and what the status of it is.. Things are really heating up and Charlie has a lot of Intel to share!

Continue ReadingSupport the Brunson Scotus Case

Queen Diana & JFK Jnr:

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JFK Jr. Goes Public With Some Executed Cabal & Exposes ‘The Movie’ Actors – The Masks Come Off in 10 Days
Saturday, February 11, 2023 15:09

Hello Everyone,
I’ve known Donald J. Trump as long as I have known myself. Donald J. Trump was my friend for a long time. However, I didn’t expect that Donald J. Trump would help me as much as he DID.
Donald J. Trump was the person that warned me about the government.
Donald J. Trump was the person that told me the government’s PLANS.
Donald J. Trump was the person that helped me GET AWAY.
Donald J. Trump was the person that helped me STAY ALIVE for so many years.


Continue ReadingQueen Diana & JFK Jnr:

Swamp Creatures Exposed

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Swamp Creatures Exposed by JFK Jr. – More Heads Are Rolling – ‘Mission Complete’!
‘Big Announcement Tomorrow’!
Sunday, February 12, 2023 17:05
The truth is pouring out now, just as we said it would!! Heads are rolling!!
Mission Complete for the following:
Macron – France
Boris Johnson – UK
Kim – N. Korea
Anthony Albanese – Australia
Yoshihide Suga – Japan
Nicola Sturgeon – First Minister of Scotland
Erdogan – Turkey
Shehbaz Sharif – Syria
Chris Hipkins – New Zealand
Pedro Sanchez – Spain – Executed
Alexander De Croo – Belgium – Executed
Karl Nehammer – Austria – Executed

I have selected this image as an example, since I am a New Zealander. The former Prime Minister of New Zealand, Jacinda Adern, has done a runner!
Chris Hipkins was the former Minister of Health. He made a statement last year that he wanted the unjabbed to be questioned in 2023 as to why they were not following the ‘propaganda’ to receive the “Death Shot”!!

Continue ReadingSwamp Creatures Exposed

Norway’s Act of War

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Norway’s Act of War Assures Russian Attack Predicted in 1987
From Michael Horn (They Fly Blog)

The responsibility for the now essentially unstoppable fulfillment of the long-foretold events still rests with all of humankind

In addition to the already known tensions between Russia and Sweden, Finland, and Norway, new information from respected journalist Seymour Hersh about Norway’s alleged role in the – American-initiated – destruction of the Nordstream pipelines, which appears to be an act of war, contributes to assuring the fulfillment of these prophecies from Henoch:

248. Yet Russia will not rest and will attack Scandinavia, and in doing so will embroil all of Europe. And months before that, a terrible tornado will have swept across northern Europe, causing great devastation and destruction.

249. It must still be stated that the Russian attack will occur during the summer, in fact, starting from Arkhangelsk. Denmark will not be dragged into the war, due to the insignificance of this country.

262. The aggressors from the East will force the French Army to join their military forces and lead a war of conquest against the northern countries of Europe, invading and conquering Sweden and Norway. Subsequently, these northern countries will be annexed by Russia.

263. Military forces will also attack Finland, whereby many will be killed and an enormous destruction will be caused, after which the complete dissolution of the country will occur and the Russian forces will settle in it for a very long time.

The significance of the specificity of the identification of Russian troop movements to Arkhangelsk – long before they ever occurred – was not lost on this formerly skeptical physician/physicist who had first-hand knowledge of the area from his time in the military.

Cause and Effect
Anyone who has a basic understanding of cause and effect need only read the articles linked from here to realize the terrible accuracy of the prophecies and predictions from Billy Meier, the Plejaren and the other prophets of old. Nonetheless, the responsibility for the now essentially unstoppable fulfillment of the long-foretold events still rests with all of humankind and the pathetically incompetent, greedy, power-hungry “leaders” that the people themselves have elevated, or allowed, to ascend to their positions.


Continue ReadingNorway’s Act of War

Turkey-Syria Quakes DEW Activated

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Dutchsinse Records Mind Blowing Video Of Turkey Earthquake Mystery Spiral Near Epicentre Of Earthquake Area And Storm That Followed!!
Wednesday, February 8

In this video you see the weather system over the quake area rotating anticlockwise, as does the radar pulses to the East & birds are also seen doing the same & being in a very agitated state. It is as if there is a strong, rotating electromagnetic field in that region which is energising the quake fault zone. The screen shot to the left show the radar pulses.

Quakes are natural, but it seems as these quakes were triggered by a DEW – HAARP perhaps.
So, mass murder!!
The damage, the pain & suffering caused should shock the world.

Similar to what happened in Christchurch, New Zealand in 2011 -following one in 2010?
At the time, rainbow-like formations were seen in the sky.
“The Mw 6.2 ( ML 6.3) earthquake struck the Canterbury region in the South Island, centred 6.7 kilometres (4.2 mi) south-east of the centre of Christchurch, the country’s second-most populous city. It caused widespread damage across Christchurch, killing 185 people, in the nation’s fifth-deadliest disaster .”

Strange cloud formation over Bursa, Turkey a week before the earthquake – connected?
“Last week, i looked at this, thought it was unusual… but now, a week on, after a massive tragedy in Turkey – is there a connection? HAARP? Direct energy beam?”

“Shocking Aerial Footage” – 3,000 Dead So Far In Turkey-Syria Quake, 1,000s Of Buildings Collapsed
* Here you will find video clips of the quakes.

OPERATION TURKEY TREMBLORS: Hard evidence points to same powerful DEW geo-weapons U.S. used to trigger the devastating 2010 Haiti earthquake (all the same manmade signatures)

*ZOG Earthquake Weaponry Strategically
Inflicts Overwhelming Catastrophic Damage Across South-Central Turkey—Whodunit & Why?
*ZOG = Zionist Occupied Government such as those which currently
rule the United States, United Kingdom and the State of Israel.

SOTN – Editor’s Note:
The videos in the following post reveal the sheer enormity and gravity of the immense back-to-back earthquake and aftershock that just struck Turkey and Syria in the red areas shown above.
Because of its highly geostrategic location, there is no doubt that these 7.5 and 7.8 quakes were triggered by highly advanced earthquake weaponry which only very few countries possess.
What that really means is that all the usual suspects — US, UK & Israel — are the most likely perpetrators. How so? Because when the $64,000 question is asked — “Cui bono?” — those three geoterrorist states always come up first, second and third—THAT’S WHY!

The unusually widespread and extraordinary degree of destruction wrought by these earthquakes serves as the first major clues proving that this was yet another barbaric act of Zio-Anglo-American geoterrorism. But why? There are actually many reasons why the Axis of Evil is hellbent on bringing Turkey to its knees.
• Turkey has refused to permit Sweden (and Finland) into NATO pending the outcome of the “harboring terrorists” issue
• Turkey has been working closely with Russia, Syria and Iran to permanently resolve the Syrian conflict
• Turkey has been collaborating with Russia all along to help negotiate a peace treaty with Ukraine
• Turkey’s territory has become Russia’s Plan B where it concerns natural gas pipelines that were once operative in Ukraine, as well as presenting an alternative to the destroyed Nord Stream pipelines
• Turkey has made major purchases of armaments from Russia including the S-400 air defense system against the strict demands of the United States
• Turkey has been in an intensifying cold war with fellow NATO member Greece which is viewed as highly disruptive to the central mission of the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization
• Turkey has also recently attacked the Syrian Kurds who are considered the U.S. partner in the fake fight against ISIS (Israeli Secret Intelligence Service)
• Turkey was targeted by the Zio-Anglo-American Axis just last week with economic sabotage after the US and several European nations shut down their consulates in Istanbul after falsely warning of terrorist attacks
• Turkey’s Interior Minister recently lambasted US ambassador Jeffry Flake, accused Washington of “working to hurt his country” and incriminated the Western nations for waging “psychological warfare” to undermine tourism in Türkiye, all just 3 days prior to this transparently vengeful geoterrorist attack.

Continue ReadingTurkey-Syria Quakes DEW Activated

Worldwide Unmasking of the UN, WHO & WEF

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What follows are two critical videos which expose the truth about these corrupt organisations & their common agendas.

The Secret Is Out: Abbreviated.
Soon they will not be able to walk down the streets (including pro-genocide Catholic leadership/priests).
The mainstream media (MSM)/Vatican are all complicit in design, not only for hiding the reality of child trafficking (adrenochrome), but supporting the C19 genocide narrative.
Humans do not act or think this way.
Once you know this fact everything fits.
The lizard-brain mentality trait is now easy to spot, plus those afflicted cannot deviate from the exposed demonic global hive-mind narrative.
Proof- Total systematic cancelling of the good priests and doctors.
They need us, but we sure as hell do not need these psychopathic nutjobs or the Soros/Antifa/WEF/UN/NWO/Commie/Francis agenda and the Great Reset global hive-mind BS, plus there are more of us.
How else could this evil plan been orchestrated if not through a single global coordinated satanic-like hive-mind?

New Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: Worldwide Unmasking of the United Nations
Feb 6
The United Nations are currently rolling out Agenda 2030, with the notorious “sustainability goals”. This worldwide project aims to completely transform every aspect of human existence: food, sexuality, family, work, finance, health, education, everything! This will supposedly put an end to poverty, hunger, inequality, sickness, and other bad things. A former executive director who worked at the UN for two decades, tells a different story. He explains that the UN is controlled by criminals who use it to enrich themselves, and enslave humanity.

WHO Whistleblower Astrid Stuckelberger Exposes What Is Really Planned for All of Us – The Plan 2024
Feb 6
Dr. Jane welcomes World Health Organization whistleblower Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger who unveils the WHO plan to implement tyrannical digital control systems across the world and reveals why her microphone was cut off during her presentation at a recent international conference in Sweden. This is the Dr Jane Ruby Show and you’re about to enter Truth in Medicine.
In the 41st session of the Corona Investigative Committee Dr. Astrid said the rules under which countries work with WHO virtually put WHO in charge of all rules and formal edicts and announcements — with Gates being right there as part of the executive board like an unofficial member state, making decisions that affect the entire world.

Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger is a health scientist who does research, training and teaching in public health. Early on in her career, she began working with the World Health Organization, doing research which she says was “science for politics.”
As a writer, she published 10 books, and more than 170 scientific articles, policy papers, governmental, European Commission or UN reports.
As her career advanced, she started getting asked by politicians to organize events in public health. And then, in her capacity working with research ethics for WHO, she was asked by Geneva University to work on international health regulations in 1999.
She also worked with Georgetown University and others to be ready for a pandemic and to act quickly in the event one happened.

During the 41st session of the committee Dr. Astrid Stückelberger, a Swiss health scientist and researcher, blew the whistle on the inner workings of the WHO, where she worked for 20 years.

In a stunning confession, she says Switzerland is the center of corruption, and that GAVI and Bill Gates have total immunity from everything they do.

She talks about the “suspicious” activities of Bill Gates and the reservations she has about the actions of the WHO, GAVI and Gates.

Worse, when the pandemic began, she found that many breaches to international health regulations were occurring, and more.

The rules under which countries work with WHO virtually put WHO in charge of all rules and formal edicts and announcements — with Gates being right there as part of the executive board like an unofficial member state, making decisions that affect the entire world.

According to a peer reviewed study published in a respected journal by the world’s most authoritative vaccine scientists, Bill Gates DTP vaccine killed 10 times more African girls than the disease itself.

The vaccine apparently compromised their immune systems. Although, such study was never performed before 2017, Bill Gates and the Vaccine Alliance GAVI and WHO pushed the vaccines on unsuspecting African babies.

Bill Gates funded and British led GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation) has created a system called “Performance based funding” whereby they financially punish nations based on their compliance or non-compliance to vaccination programs.

However, the figure of GAVI’s vaccine related deaths is much higher and according to Madhav Nalpat, the Director of the Department of Geopolitics & International Relations at Manipal University, critical drugs produced by Big Pharma have resulted in as many as 38 million premature deaths.

The BMGF funds international NGOs such as GAVI and PATH, which follow its policy of favouring the brands produced by US-EU companies such as Ely Lilly, Pfizer, GSK, Merck, Novartis and other such companies known for the high price of several of the medicines marketed by them.

Although exact figures are difficult to come by, a health expert claimed that the “intolerably high prices of critical drugs produced by Big Pharma have resulted in as many as 38 million premature deaths in underdeveloped countries during the past decade”, and that this figure would have been “much more in case civil society groups in Europe had not agitated successfully for entry to cheaper substitutes from India for several extortionately priced drugs for killer diseases produced by pharma conglomerates in the developed world”.

GAVI is also associated with the British Eugenics Movement as well as other Eugenics-linked institutions like the Wellcome Trust and other manufacturers of the COVID-19 vaccine like AstraZeneca and Oxford University.

Continue ReadingWorldwide Unmasking of the UN, WHO & WEF

Criminal Complaint Against Swiss President

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**This case is so important that I followed up on it.
Criminal Complaint Against Swiss President By Vaccinated Man Who Claims He Was Deceived!!
Important Interview For The World With Dr. Reiner Fuellmich!!
Saturday, January 7, 2023 13:27
Former banker, movie producer & has been around (experienced). On Friday 2 December, retired Swiss banker Pascal Najadi filed a complaint against the President of Switzerland Alain Berset — who is also the Head of the Department of Home Affairs and a former minister of health — at the police station in his commune of residence.

According to the complaint, the Office of the Attorney General of Switzerland is to start investigations against Berset. As head of the Department of Home Affairs, he was also responsible for the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH). Berset was accused of abusing his office under Article 312 of the Swiss Criminal Code.

“Members of an authority or officials who abuse their official authority in order to procure an unlawful advantage for themselves or another or to inflict a disadvantage on another shall be punished with imprisonment of up to five years or a fine,” the paragraph reads.

In the criminal complaint, he detailed how the health minister told Swiss television SRF on 27 October 2021 — a month before the referendum on extending the COVID certificate requirement — “with the certificate, you can show that you are not contagious.”
See this article for more:
** This Criminal Case is ongoing & it gives much hope for those around the world who have suffered from this Plandemic.

IMPORTANT UPDATE – Switzerland, Thailand
MUST SEE INTERVIEW: Masako Ganaha & Pascal Najadi on WEF, Injection Injuries.
Pfizer & Moderna should be investigated by Thai, Japanese, Swiss & other governments. Until then, other avenues must be explored. Here are several of them.

Pascal Najadi’s father, Hussain Najadi, was a co-founder of the WEF, in 1971, when it was called the European Management Forum. He was the head of what is now called the “Emerging Markets” area — which, back then, were called “Lesser Developed Countries.”
After a break with Klaus Schwab, Hussain Najadi left the organisation. He was an international banker based in Malaysia.
Hussain Najadi was assassinated in Malaysia in 2013 by a gunman.
It is unclear who may have been behind the assassination, but Pascal Najadi asserts that his father was assassinated in an attempt to cover up his allegations of corruption across the broader financial sphere in Malaysia. This is a dangerous task to undertake, and we hope Pascal Najadi can remain safe while continuing his father’s work.

  • Criminal charge filed against Swiss President & Health Minister:
    Pascal Najadi — a believer in the Swiss judicial system — has filed a criminal charge against the President of Switzerland & Minister of Health for lying about the usefulness of mRNA gene serum injections. The President of Switzerland — as recently as last month — went on TV and lied, stating that the vaccination would stop transmission of the disease. Practically everyone knows that this particular statement is false — but now the case is in the hands of the Swiss system of criminal investigations, and everyone patiently awaits the outcome of the investigation.
  • Suggestion to Thai authorities to investigate Pfizer & mRNA shots.
    Jurisdictional issues aside — one potential but highly effective solution to the greater mRNA debacle is thorough investigations and litigation across a wide variety of fronts.

Here’s another:
One of them is a potential investigation by Thailand, whose Princess is now brain dead, likely as a result of the mRNA injections: Mr. Najadi discusses this in detail in the interview above — along with the potential for the Swiss & Japanese governments to do the same.

At this point — it’s not unreasonable to expect the contracts Pfizer had signed under fraudulent pretenses to be discarded, so that criminal charges can be pursued against the company for the fraud perpetuated upon its billions of victims.

Continue ReadingCriminal Complaint Against Swiss President

Princess Unconscious After 3rd Pfizer Jab

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6th Feb. New Zealand Time
**Spread this around on Social Media.
Finally “The Empire Strikes Back” – We, The People!

Thai Princess Unconscious 3 weeks after 3rd Pfizer Jab
Thailand May Be First Country to Nullify Pfizer Contract

Dr. Bhakti talked to top advisors to the Thai Govt.
He said that the jab was a fake – based on fraud – safety studies never performed.
These advisors were shocked. They may declare the Pfizer Contract null, which would remove the immunity which Pfizer has against prosecution – top officials in the US could be extradited to Thailand to “face the music”!
Pfizer would than have to pay back to Thailand the jab money to compensate the people.

Prosecution in Switz Against President & Health Minister
A Swiss citizen said that he was fooled into taking the jab, by the actions of the above. An “abuse of process”!

SGT Report Breaking: Vax-COVID Prosecutions To Begin In Switzerland & Possibly Thailand! – Attorney Todd Callender & Dr. Lee Vliet

More Jab News:
Greg Hunter: At Least 1 Billion Dead Or Disabled From CV19 Bioweapon! – Dr. Betsy Eads

Dr. Judy Mikovits: Deaths In Germany Surge 276% As Immunocompromised Drop Dead!! German Government Releases/Retracts Data Showing Vaxxed Have AIDS!!
IITM: The gov’ts are so used to lying and the public is so used to accepting the lies, that this is where we are at now… a big mess!

Is It Time To Be Unlawful?

Continue ReadingPrincess Unconscious After 3rd Pfizer Jab


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Control, Control, Control – For the benefit of Big Pharma & the Elite!!

New Zealanders should be enraged by this move to take away more of our freedom. First it was an attack on our freedom of speech, then it was Covid & masks, PCR tests, lockdowns & mandatory jabs; now it is freedom to sustain & heal ourselves. NZers should sign the petition & even make a submission. Those people from other countries should take note, since if it is happening here, it is sure to occur elsewhere sooner or later.


Submission (Details of procedure & what to write – not too hard!):
Added at the bottom of this post.

NZ Government Reaches for Total Medical Control via a Therapeutic Products Bill
*The following is from NZDSOS – NZ Doctors Speaking Out With Science
In the ongoing incursion of government control over every aspect of our lives, a new Therapeutic Products Bill is being rushed through public consultation with a deadline of 15 February 2023. 
Around half the NZ population take supplements, and twice before pharma’s attempts to destroy natural health has been defeated by coordinated action from health companies, practitioners and the public. 

This time is different, however. “They” plan to further prevent access to many healthy foods, not just vitamins, minerals and nutraceuticals, simply because they are used to make health products! Remember, many herbs and spices have powerful medicinal effects. They are edible plants that have become prized, over thousands of years of observation, to have particular value to human health. Of course, Big Pharma hates competition and has a clear business imperative to create as many sick customers as possible, and we see it’s greedy hand all over this latest attempt to block access to health products. 

We have to make a stand for our rights and freedoms, which are being stripped at breath-taking speed. There is a true public health emergency of course, vaccine harms, that is completely ignored, along with all the victims. Having idiotically damaged the nations immune system, now they want to stop our attempts to nourish and repair it? There is overwhelming proof of the link between poor nutrition and almost all diseases, and covid vaccine harms are no exception.

The field of nutrigenomics and epigenetics, the absolute upside of biotech innovation, have led to some astonishing benefits from targeted food factors in the form of nutraceutical products, and the drug industry knows this. Do not let the politicians sacrifice human progress on the altar of corporate greed and deception. Stand Up. Lobby. Be heard. Fight!!

For millions of years, humans and animals have maintained their health by eating the fruits of the earth.
The necessity and benefits of a broad natural diet are evident from Egyptian skeletal remains from 6000 years ago, which suggest scurvy—a disease resulting from a lack of vitamin C. In 1753 a Scottish surgeon, James Lind demonstrated that scurvy could be treated with citrus fruit. The New Zealand government seems intent on changing history.

Just before Christmas, our Government introduced the Therapeutic Products Bill for its first reading. Public consultation is being rushed through the summer holidays here in the southern hemisphere and closes on February 15th. The Bill contains 423 pages of dense provisions with countless cross references. I am not sure whether any MPs actually read it before voting for its acceptance or whether the public could stand to do so. You can view my video summary of its draconian provisions here.

This is the kind of nation we will end up inhabiting:

Reverse Patenting
If a Natural Health Product is found to benefit a serious illness (such as lemons which benefit scurvy), according to the Bill it should be classed as a medicine. Consequently, according to the letter of the new law, only doctors will be allowed to prescribe lemons. Joking apart, most foods benefit serious illness. You might think there is no need to pass a law classifying them as medicines, but according to the government you would be wrong.

80% of drugs are in fact derived from the properties of plants. For years pharmaceutical companies have been trying to patent medicinal plants and secure a monopoly of their supply and use. But this effort largely failed in the patent courts. The remedy for pharmaceutical companies is contained in the Bill being introduced by our Labour government. If a plant is used to make a medicine or the molecular structure of any of its compounds is mimicked by a medicine, then the use of the actual plant should be restricted.

For this reason, in 2016, a bevy of well-paid Ministry of Health experts (???) produced an idiotic list of common plants that they envisioned should be restricted. Natural products in this list included cinnamon, eggplant, almond, mustard, tea (yes you did read that correctly), coconut, and many many others. The present Bill (the third attempt over the years to get this past Parliament) sets up the same conditions that prompted the 2016 list of restricted plants. A sort of frenzied desire to control the minutia of individual life driven by a mad instinct that the government always knows best.

More than 50% of NZ citizens use natural products, so you might think their availability should not be controlled by the government. Wrong again. The Bill requires the appointment of a regulator who will decide for us what among what we have eaten for millennia can be sold openly and what should be restricted. The idea that one person can decide for all of us what plants that grow in the earth, can be sold, eaten, or used puts New Zealand in a unique class among tin pot kingdoms. We can imagine as we gather around the family breakfast table a swarm of well-paid government experts with pens and questionnaires hovering close by for a final check.

The situation at the border is very similar. If a herb benefits health, it will be a medicine and therefore cannot be imported except with a permit. Border officials will be very busy examining packages and if they find anything healthy, tossing it in the bin. Am I exaggerating? No. Rauwolfia Serpentina is an Indian herb that reduces blood pressure. Studies such this one published in 2015 show it is a safe and effective treatment for high blood pressure, but it is banned here in New Zealand because some hypertension drugs contain synthetic copies of one of the many alkaloids found in the whole plant—reverse patenting at its best.

Why is the Government Intending to Regulate Natural Health Products?
A rational answer to this question is hard to find. A recent EU study found that natural health products are 45,000 times safer than pharmaceutical drugs. The government, however, apparently believes they are unsafe, but where is the evidence? It doesn’t exist. An imaginary NZ doctor explains to their teenage patient:

“Years ago, before you were born, dearly beloved, a person whose name is lost in the mists of time might have felt a little off colour after taking a vitamin tablet and then recovered quickly. Ever since then, the New Zealand government has quite rightly been very suspicious of vitamins and plants grown in soil. So they are introducing a new and very honest law for us all.” or words to that effect.

There are many continuous traditions of natural approaches to health that have been followed by cultures on every continent for thousands of years and still are. There are more modern ones too that have attracted followers guided by trained practitioners. These include Indian Ayurveda, Chinese medicine, Chiropractic, Homeopathy, etc. The idea that a regulator who is unfamiliar with these traditions should control their practice and availability is inherently flawed.

This Bill represents an attempt to impose a modern medical/pharmaceutical straight jacket on the process of medical choice. A straight jacket that will no doubt be administered by people who are unfamiliar with and even opposed to natural medicine. The apparent intention is to drive people towards pharmaceutical-based medicine. It is worth noting that modern medical misadventure and misprescription is the third leading cause of death—hardly a direction that deserves a monopoly.

The logic of insisting on total government control of medical choice escapes me. It fits with a perspective that has been steadily growing throughout the pandemic: the government is seeking to control every aspect of life and impose a kind of uniformity on the nation. This originates from a distorted one size fits all view of reality. Diversity is actually a great source of progress and happiness, not something to be stamped out—a discredited communistic perspective.

It is rather curious that for two years the government has been denying there is any connection between serious illness and mRNA vaccination despite tens of thousands of instances of illness proximate to inoculation and studies showing a statistical connection, as well as plausible biomolecular mechanisms. In contrast, on account of a very, very small handful of unproven historical complaints about natural health products, despite widespread safe use, they wish to control what we eat and what health choices we can make.

Whichever side of the vaccine debate you are on, it should be clear that the government cannot have it both ways. They can’t apply different and incompatible logic as it suits their agenda. All the more curious when many vaccine injured and long Covid sufferers are relying on natural health products to help get them through conditions which many of our medical professionals deny exist.

Last night I spoke to a medical doctor who described how his comments on the benefits of Vitamin C and D have been censored by his colleagues and officials. No surprise really, doctors only spend an hour or two learning about the principles of nutrition during the entire course of their long training. One of his colleagues told him the only benefit of vitamins is to change the colour of urine. That just about says it all. James Lind, who found that lemons cure scurvy, must be turning in his grave.

There is in fact no reasonable rationale for introducing restrictions on Natural Health Products, they are not harming anyone and studies show that many of them have significant benefits for health. The introduction of the new law will cost a lot and it will be paid for by financial levies on manufacturers, importers, suppliers, practitioners, and retailers. A single company selling 300 products, each making two health claims, will be liable for as much as $3 million in government charges. Ultimately these costs will be passed onto the public making natural health products unaffordable.

What the Bill Doesn’t Do
Gradually over the last few years, synthetic flavours and additives have been turning up in processed supermarket items. If you are buying vanilla ice cream, it is now usually labelled as containing natural vanilla flavour. This is not in fact made from natural vanilla beans, it is a synthetic flavour. The use of the term “natural” is intended to disguise this fact. In 2016 our Ministry of Health approved over 3,000 synthetic ingredients, many of them without safety testing.

The Therapeutic Products Bill will do nothing to correct the sleight of hand that is describing synthetic additives with an unknown safety profile as ‘natural’. I discuss many of the ways synthetic additives are affecting health in my book Your DNA Diet.

Nor will the Bill encourage the distribution of information about natural approaches to health that studies show are very beneficial in controlling common serious health conditions. Advice for example about diet, exercise, and the curbing of unhealthy habits such as smoking, excessive drinking, or ultra processed foods. Changes in lifestyle can be very influential in reducing cardiac problems as this BBC interview reports. Many other serious health condition outcomes could be improved in this way including cancer, obesity, diabetes, blood pressure, etc.

If the government wishes to encourage improvements in health and longevity, it would do well to launch a public education program about natural health products and approaches rather than seek to limit their use.

You could use some of what appears below.

Lawyer Sue Grey’s message on the petition:
The proposal to regulate foods and herbs and traditional medicines is unlawful, irrational, unreasonable and unnecessary and is contrary to the interests of New Zealanders.

I am opposed to this bill because:
Foods, herbs and traditional medicines belong to the people, not the government.
It is contrary to the interests of New Zealanders to restrict affordable access to our foods, herbs and traditional medicines.
The Bill is too complex and impossible to understand.The Bill is a poorly disguised attempt to privatise and block access to natural remedies with layers of costly red tape.
The Bill fails to recognise the considerable difference in risk between artificial and novel pharmaceutical drugs and natural products and that Pharmaceutical drugs are a significant cause of harm and death, whereas food and herbs are not.
New Zealanders need access to natural health practitioners. It is wrong to threaten them with civil and criminal penalties.

The NZ Government has NO mandate to reduce or remove our access to cheap, effective herbs, spices and nutritional supplements. This bill stinks of excessive influence of foreign corporations, and weak government that puts their profit ahead of our health.
Please take our foods, herbs and other safe, effective, traditional natural health products out of the Therapeutic Products Bill!

Another Example:
Dear Prime Minister, Ministers & Health spokespersons.

I write to formally notify you that I object to and oppose the inclusion of foods, herbs, Rongoa and other traditional medicines and food supplements in the proposed Therapeutic Products Bill.
The proposal to regulate foods and herbs and traditional medicines is unlawful, irrational, unreasonable and unnecessary and is contrary to the interests of New Zealanders.
I am opposed because:
Foods, herbs and traditional medicines belong to the people, not the government.
It is contrary to the interests of New Zealanders to restrict affordable access to our foods, herbs and traditional medicines
The Bill is too complex and impossible to understand
The Bill is a poorly disguised attempt to privatise and block access to natural remedies with layers of costly red tape
The Bill fails to recognise the considerable difference in risk between artificial and novel pharmaceutical drugs and natural products and that Pharmaceutical drugs are a significant cause of harm and death, whereas food and herbs are not.
New Zealanders need access to natural health practitioners. It is wrong to threaten them with civil and criminal penalties.
The NZ Government has NO mandate to reduce or remove our access to cheap, effective herbs, spices and nutritional supplements. This bill stinks of excessive influence of foreign corporations, and weak government that puts their profit ahead of our health
Please take our foods, herbs and other safe, effective, traditional natural health products out of the Therapeutic Products Bill!

%%your signature%%

Some Hints About Making a Submission:
MPs don’t like to read through screeds of evidence or hear your life story. They also won’t react well to you denigrating them either.

Keep it short
Make it personal but not long-winded
State what you want. You do not need to justify yourself. MPs work for us.
Useful comments you can add:
We don’t want natural health products regulated
Natural health products are much safer than many over-the-counter medications
We trust our own bodies and know what they need
Access to natural health supplements takes the pressure off the New Zealand health system by helping people to stay well
At least 50% of New Zealanders use supplements
As Maori, we have a right to easily access Rongoa, our traditional medicine
New Zealand boasts many people from diverse backgrounds. We all demand access to traditional medicine that has been used for centuries, whether it be Rongoa – Traditional Maori, Traditional Chinese Medicine or Traditional Western Herbal Medicine and everything in between.

Dr Guy Hatchard’s Points to Consider:
More than 50% of the NZ public use Natural Products. The structure of the proposed Bill is very
concerning. It establishes a regulator who will be empowered to take decisions and control
availability, it does not adequately specify what factors should influence his decisions. In other
words, it is an enabling bill of the type favoured by repressive regimes. Someone will be deciding
about and restricting our health options and choices.
There is absolutely no need to regulate Natural Health Products. The 2016 Natural Products Bill
planned by Labour pre 2008 was eventually abandoned after careful consideration of its impact. As
was the case then, I don’t see any evidence that the public is being disadvantaged under current
regulations nor is there any evidence they are being harmed by Natural Products. This is another
area where the government has no need to tighten regulation.
The Bill will place additional financial burdens on manufacturers and end users and it will introduce
uncertainty about products that have been sold and relied upon by millions of NZers. It will
substantially raise the cost of Natural health Products as the Bill specifies that the manufacturers
will bearing the costs of extensive and unnecessary regulation.
It is an underhand move to structure the Bill as regulation without specifying content. This is
designed to disperse and deflect public interest because as it stands the Natural Health Products
section has little indication about possible actions of the regulator, it is a blank cheque. It is sneaky
to have a short consultation period which spans the summer break.
The very long list of common herbals planned to be banned under the 2016 bill drawn up by
Medsafe with the help of the International Coalition of Medicines Regulatory Authorities (funded by
pharmaceutical interests) is still in existence. Some of these are even used regularly and
traditionally in cooking. Under the Bill there is nothing to stop the new regulator from simply
adopting this list as soon as appointed. This list would greatly disrupt the availability of traditional
remedies which many NZers rely on to maintain their health.

Traditional medicine has its own standards of practice. It is of note that Indian traditional medicine
Ayurveda would be particularly affected. Something of concern to a large segment of our
population and incidentally the Indian government. The same is true of Chinese herbal medicine.
This is government overreach at its worst. The idea that a government appointed regulator can
control the activities of dozens of complementary medicine practitioners is beyond absurd. Each
system of complementary health care has its own internal standards which have proved quite
sufficient for decades if not hundreds of years in some cases.
The 2016 MoH of permitted/restricted substances which will probably be adopted allowed more
than 3000 synthetic additives to be used without adequate safety testing, but restricted traditional
herbs that have been used safely for hundreds of years. Why would the government want to do

Example – Long, but you could use parts of it:
To the Health Select Committee
OBJECTION to the Therapeutic Products Bill
This is a written objection informing you of my opposition to the proposed Therapeutic Products Bill
It appears that the current Labour government is intent on limiting and controlling our ability to
freely access natural health products including vitamin and mineral supplements, traditional Maori
remedies, homeopathic remedies, herbal remedies, traditional Chinese medicine, condiments and
animal products such as deer velvet and fish oil capsules for health and wellbeing purposes. It is a
fundamental right to use and benefit from what nature has freely provided and make our own
decisions on how to manage our health. I strongly question why the government has this agenda to
tighten and regulate our right to access products which serve our physical, mental, emotional,
social and spiritual health and wellbeing.
Confidence in our medical system is at an all-time low and coupled with this we know that
pharmaceutical drugs are one of the leading causes of harm, injury and death in the world,
therefore it is unconscionable that restrictions and tightening of natural health products is being
To propose cinnamon (for example) be regulated is unfathomable when fatal medicine related
deaths in New Zealand are of far greater concern. I note consumer safety as one of the concerns
with which you state it is necessary to provide greater regulation. However there is no available
data indicating safety concerns on the natural products you wish to control, but there is no
shortage of data indicating the safety concerns, risks, adverse reactions, side effects and worse
from pharmaceutical products which I believe are part of an agenda to encourage greater Big
Pharma influence and control in our country.
Published medical paper with data from 1 January 2008 to 31 December 2013 extracted from the
National Coronial Information System indicating 703 medicine-related deaths. FYI searching for
deaths on turmeric and coconut could not be found in a search. Please supply details if you have
other data, unless you are searching and a death from coconut was indicated as being when one
fell on the head of the unfortunate person under the tree. Please be advised – this does not count.
Link: Fatal Toxicity Indices for Medicine-Related Deaths in New Zealand, 2008-2013 – PubMed
New Zealand consumers are aware that research indicating findings on nutrition, diet and lifestyle
factors provide proven health benefits. It is fair to say our kiwi identity is shaped to a large extent
by the unique natural surrounds of land and sea which provide and give support to the health and
wellbeing of our people as well as supporting an incredibly diverse and growing industry of health
products, ingredients, and foods that are unique to our country. For example kawa kawa, green
lipped mussels, bee pollen.
The holistic view to understanding the body and caring for the whole person is an approach to
health which considers multidimensional aspects of wellness and using natural health products is
strongly connected to this view as it harnesses the benefits of the products which are not part of
the conventional allopathic model. The allopathic model strongly supports pharmaceutical usage
and while this has its place it cannot override evidence that health products have a valuable role to
support wellbeing and enable favourable health outcomes.

Consumers in New Zealand must have this basic right to decide how they manage their own health
and wellbeing and the government has no place in restricting access to natural health products
unless this is part of an agenda to push unsuspecting New Zealanders into the alleopathic model
for healthcare which is strongly under the authority of pharmaceutical companies. This pathway
will lead to poorer health outcomes and loss of identity as a nation and for this the government will
be responsible.
I therefore stand against the Therapeutic Products Bill and oppose the amendments which are yet
again another attack on our freedoms and our rights to consume or use products of our choice.
This is a disgraceful and shameful piece of legislation and has no place in New Zealand and if it
comes to law you can be certain that we the people will ensure all those members of parliament
that vote for this will be actively campaigned against and replaced with ethical, conscious thinking
individuals who represent the true, healthy voice of New Zealanders.


Medical News

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Women – Pay Attention! Lies! Lies! Lies!
The Truth about Mannograms:
Could one of the most popular methods of early detection actually be a leading cause of cancer? Andreas Moritz says that mammograms cause more damage than any possible benefit. Find out what he says about the amount of radiation one gets from a mammogram and what kind of damage it can actually cause. MUST SEE & SHARE

Med Beds:
Med Beds use a technology to transform your body to its optimum health by using the original codes in your DNA. This technology has been tested. With this technology, our society will move to focus on wellness rather than illness in the medical field.  There will be no reason for any industry to profit from illnesses.  With the Med Beds, every human being will be able to freely restore health and live a healthy life into older ages than we’ve recently been able to experience.

Technology. This technology has been available for 50 years and is perfectly safe. The Secret Space Program has successfully used it over the last 50 years.

Med Beds are being set up in specialized healing centers.  Initially they will be available away from the current health care system. When the med bed technology is disclosed, hospitals and big pharma will be phased out.  This is because our medical system will not longer be based on illness but on wellness.

The technology will be completely funded by the white hats/military.

There will be no cost to use the Med Beds. They will be available to the public free of charge.  The cost of the Med Beds will be paid by the military and white hats.

Each country will have a central center for people to book an appointment. The first appointment will be a consultation which will involve a medical history and full body exam.  Then the patient’s information will be entered into a quantum computer in which the computer will decide the urgency of the patients’ medical needs.  A nearby center will be scheduled based on that assessment.

Launch.  Anticipated Launch.  Currently, it is anticipated that appointments will start mid-January 2022. That date may change due to military activity.

Initially, the Med Beds will be heavily controlled by the military for a time period, so the technology does not get abused.  There will not be any preferential treatment because of status in society.  All people will be treated fairly and beds will be available first for the people who are in critical need.

National.  When the Med Beds are released, a national call-in line will be set up for people to book appointments.

Production. Med Beds are being replicated using advanced technology. It’s estimated that 1,000 Med Beds per day can be produced for distribution.

Medical Staff. Med Beds are an advanced medical technology. At first Med Beds will only be available to specific healing centers and will not be available to purchase for your own clinic or home. Like all advanced medical technology, there is quite a bit of training needed to safely use the technology. It also takes a substantial amount of knowledge regarding biological, medical, and disease. For someone with no medical training, it would take at least 12 to 18 months of training. When they are first rolled out, the Med Beds will only be used by professional medical staff who have been trained by military personnel.

The clinics will be run by the medical departments of the military alongside benevolent beings.  Those who will be using the beds as practitioners will be asked to work by invitation only. Later, there will be courses and job openings available for medical professionals.

A person cannot operate this medical technology without medical training. For instance, if you have a patient with heart failure or with severe injuries from a car accident, you need to know first aid and how to treat the patient prior to entry into the Med Bed.

A professional will need to know how to read certain anomalies which the bed is picking up. Many people will not understand the MEDICAL technology.  This is not technology that someone can simply push a button to operate. It’s not like that at all.

Centers. My understanding is initially they will be in the main centers scattered throughout each state and not available for purchase. As far as I know your application will depend on need, already available services. There will be opportunity for other technologies while waiting if they are needed.

Training. Do you know if there will be a training schedule for either Med Beds or the lesser tech available for those that haven’t been indoctrinated at a university? There may be a short supply of doctors since many of them will be brought up on charges for crimes against humanity.

Basically, health care workers or people with medical knowledge who are truly of a higher vibration will be approached first. Initially medical professionals will be selected by invitation only.

People will be trained in all the types of Med Beds as each center will have multiple types of beds.  Each staff member will need to be trained to operate the Med Beds.

No Cost for Training. The military and benevolent beings will provide the training. There is no cost for the training initially. The type of training will be relevant to your individual background. For example, an assistant nurse will require more training than a brain surgeon.

Team. If you want to have a Med Bed Center, you’ll need six operating rooms and seven Med Beds; two in one of the rooms that would need to be extra-large.  There will need to be a pre-procedure room and a recovery room. Both with about 30 beds each. Also, an overnight ward with about 27 rooms, each with four or so beds. There would also need to be approximately 15 to 20 counselors plus any other holistic staff. You also need support staff like receptionists, cafeteria staff, cleaners, laundry staff, wards, etc. Then come the doctors and technicians who will be operating the beds. In addition, you’ll need many nurses for pre and post care. It’s an enormous task which is why for quite some time, Med Beds will be controlled by the military and alliance.

Initial Appointment. Procedures last anywhere from a few minutes to 15 hours depending on what you’re having done. So, when you call your national center, they will set up the initial consultation with the center near you. When arrive to the consultation session, the medical staff will go review your medical history. At that session, you will have a full body scan usually wearing a type of hospital gown that only lasts a few minutes.  Then they will discuss the findings of the scan and the details of your results.  You’ll discuss what you want done and that information will be entered in the computer. Then the computer will decide on where you will be placed on the list, and you will be notified of your treatment date, time and place.

On the day of your treatment, when you arrive, you’ll be asked to change into a gown and given a light sedative.  Then when you get on the bed, a sleeping gas will be released.  This gas will keep you asleep for the duration of your treatment. When the treatment is complete you will be moved to the recovery area and seen by medical professionals.  You may also be seen by counselors depending on what type of procedure you have experienced.

Sessions. The majority of issues will be healed with one visit. More complex cases may require up to 3 sessions.

Preparation for a Session. Everyone is given a sedative before going in the bed then put to sleep for the duration of the treatment whether it’s a few minutes or 15 hours.  Claustrophobia is not an issue.

Priority. The unvaccinated will take priority over vaccinated. People who have suffered side effects from willingly injecting poison into their bodies from vaccines will be treated after those who did not vaccinate. Tons of information has been available regarding the potential dangers of vaccines for some time.  Everyone was able to do their homework and learn about the potential harm.  Those who were born with severe illnesses and have diseases with other medical issues will access the Med Beds first. Everyone had a choice of whether to get a vaccine.  The risks were available for everyone to choose for themselves.

Even though there will be priorities for the unvaccinated, it is anticipated that all individuals needing treatment will be promptly treated.  There is no need for concern as to being treated in a Med Bed.

Homelessness. There will be humanitarian teams who will reach out to the homeless for treatment. No one is left behind.

Expectations. You will also need to realize, with Nesara/Gesara the world will change as we see it now. There won’t be homeless, panhandlers, poverty, suffering, or starvation. EVERYTHING will be changing.

Health Benefits. Med Beds can correct patient medical issues to restore an individual’s body to optimum state.

Regrowing Organs. The beds can replace or grow limbs and organs.

New Bones and Healing. For those who have a prosthesis, the prosthesis will be removed by the bed and dissolved so beneficial healing can be carried out.

Surgery. Surgeries in the Med Beds will give immediate results. For example, a baseball pitcher needing surgery can get into a Med Bed and be ready to pitch very soon after the treatment. In actuality, they will be ready to pitch before they wake up and get out of the Med Bed.

VAX Damage. The beds can reverse the damage caused by the vax, however those who are unvaxxed and have natural injuries, their injuries will be a priority.

Heart Patients. Med Beds heal heart issues of all types.

Addictions. Yes. Addictions can be healed.  But people will still need to work on why they became addicted in the first place.

Dissolving of surgery added pieces. The beds will dissolve any surgically added pieces and repair the damage, returning the body to the healthy state before the issues began.

Chemo. The Med Bed not only heals the damage done from chemo but returns the body to complete health removing all abnormal growths.

Allergies. Allergies will be eliminated.

Dentistry. All Dental issues will be repaired. And teeth will regenerate.  Teeth will also restraighten if needed.

Overweight. Yes. You can return to your ideal weight.

Vision & Hearing. Yes. Your vision and hearing can return to its optimum state. Cataracts can be corrected as well.

Scars. Scars will be repaired and will disappear.

Schizophrenia. Mental issues can be repaired.

Autistic. Autistic kids can be helped with healing.

Ortho. Ortho issues such as the adjustment of bones and bone correction will be handled as well.

Depression. DEPRESSION will be helped gradually. Eventually an individual will have to deal with the trauma in a positive way. There will be many spiritually trained counsellors both human and non-human to help anyone with depression.

Improvements. Med Beds can make someone more empathetic, intelligent, etc. Additional languages can be learned/downloaded as well.  It is important however, to have a reason to use the improvements you are requesting for download.  For instance, there wouldn’t be a reason to download all languages on this planet if you don’t plan to use them.  And a big part of the experience on this planet is the process of learning the knowledge that you need.

Perfect Health. Beds will restore your body to optimum health.

Heal the Mind. When you heal the mind, you heal the body.

Vitality. The Med Beds return individuals to optimum health. If you are 80 years of age for example, you will have the best health for and 80-year-old. That doesn’t mean you will be as agile and fit as if you were 30. Age regression is possible to extend your life.  Not everyone will be approved for age regression.  It’s not something that is taken lightly.  It will be approved for the right purposes.

Issues from Birth. The beds can correct issues that even showed up at birth.

DNA. Med Beds will reverse genetic expressions that are turned off such as MTHFR, estrogen dominance, and methylation issues with the detox and cleanup of DNA. 

Hair. You can change your hair color and your hair growth.

Eye. You can change your eye color.  Eyesight and eye issues can be repaired as well.

Height. Your height can be changed however, only under extreme circumstances.

Gender. Med Beds can switch gender back to your original gender if desired.

Memories. All memories will return if they were subdued.

Tattoos. Med Beds can remove tattoos.

Teeth. Teeth can be straightened and regrown.

Smoking. Med Beds can undo damage from years of smoking.

Knowledge. Information downloads are possible. Any information can be downloaded to your brain including other languages.  However, part of the human experience is the acquiring of knowledge. 

What is Excluded? Mental and emotional trauma will not be fixed. The technology can suppress the memories but at some point, you will need to deal with the trauma.

Ascension. It seems that the Med Bed only fixes the physical body, but the emotional and mental issues is something that each person will need to work on themselves. Obviously working on those issues is what makes an individual raise their vibration. So perhaps, having a machine to do that would hinder the ascension-process for the person.  That might be why the Med Bed stays focused on healing the physical body.

MAX Three Times. At this time, the only thing that the beds can’t do is age regress someone more than three times as the brain cells are not great for more than two regressions.

Beliefs. Some folks seem to believe that healing must engage our will and all the difficulties that implies. They may believe that they need to resist miraculous healing.

It’s everyone’s choice to believe things like this and we must respect their beliefs.

Free Will. Each person has free will. For those who are negative thinkers, they might leave a Med Bed session and by the next day be as they were prior to the Med Bed due to their thinking. Some people enjoy their problems and pain.

Med Beds and the new earth are not here to change people to how you prefer them to be. This technology is here to assist health and vitality physically. It is each soul’s [Person’s] choice to think, feel and behave a certain way in order for that soul [Person] to experience that particular life and it’s against universal law to interfere with that choice of experience.

Age Regression. The Secret Space Program has not perfected the technology to deal with the effects on the brain from age regression. Age regression is a very different process than healing. The technology works differently in age regression than it does for healing.

At the present time, if you age regress more than three times then dementia, scar tissue, neurological and motor skills issues become more likely.

Age Regression Limits. You can be age regressed twice safely. The third time, the brain cells begin to die.

Pets. The beds work on pets as well. That includes all animals.  Dogs, Cats, Horses and any living creature for that matter.  All animals can benefit from Med Bed technology. 

Lifestyle. People may need some education on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle so that they are not dependent on technology. It’s like if you have a treatment and then you keep going back and doing all the stuff you’ve been doing, your results may start to fade.  And yes, there will need to be better lifestyle choices in many cases.

Lifespan. You cannot choose to live forever. You can regress no more than three times after that brain cells begin to die. You would need a soul [spirit] transfer to continue [impossible].

100 Years+. Yes. You will be able to live more than 100 years and be healthy. In fact, it will be possible for people to be able to live for more than 200 years.

Frequency. The frequency and energy patterns access the DNA and the way it organizes itself geometrically. The DNA itself is an antenna, drawing the frequencies/energies from the primordial source (field).  Therefore, each person is specific in his personal expression of the source and even the physical appearance is an expression of its individual aspect.

Being Open to receiving the blessings is VITAL.

CONCERNS See answer in E.2.

Access to Med Beds. See answer in Section E

Testing of Med Beds. See answer in A.2.

Number of Visits for Results. See answer in E.1.

FDA. The FDA does not need to approve this technology. The FDA will be shut down. They are NOT for humanity.

Home use. Med Beds will not be able to be purchased for some time after the initial roll out. As for cost, there is no word on that issue.

Prosperity and Abundance for all. Expect for mankind to have health, prosperity and abundance in the near future.  The Med Beds are part of that prosperity.

Credits:  Information provided by Skye Prince from the Telegram Channel “Skye’s Med Bed Room” 2021, Document “Q&A-MedBeds” Consolidated writing by Vicki Lea 

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