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Further Update 29-09

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Red October: Communication Shutdown

  • As Pope Francis traveled to Asia and tried to have a meeting with President XI, but was denied and turned away …. This last attempt was by the ROTHSCHILDS family and Rockefellers/OBAMA [ DS] in a made effort to Stop XI from Military operations to take down the CCP Regime and also asking XI to opening up the BRICS MONETARY RESERVE to the VATICAN banks. .. But XI did not make any attempt to meet the Pope. Within hours the ROTHSCHILDS ordered their next move to arrest XI and begin the COUP and activate MSM on the arrest of XI. (fortunately their plans had fallen apart for the moment..AS I had reported XI was in safe protections after the meeting with Putin).
  • Several CCP commanders loyal to XI Arrested several of the military commanders who helped in the Coup and stopped the full Coup from escalation for the current moment.
  • XI and Putin had met earlier and discussed Growing black U.S. military operations with UK forces killing and targeting Russian Forces with Drones…. And what the next steps were to counter these offences in a major move).
  • The CIA [ DS] with mini Military subs had long planned to Explored the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline.. As BIDEN had publicly stated before he had operations in place to bring down the pipeline without German consent .
  • Last week as Russian Subs entered the Mediterranean Waters and cut gas pipelines to France from Algeria, the CIA counter move of taking down Nord Stream 2 Gas lines brings a long awaited Nuclear War (awaited by Cabal) even closer (this EVENT was long planned by OBAMA, CLINTONS and DAVO Group to bring in a nuclear war through DARKWINTER22 classified projects. The agenda of depopulation and nuclear fallout would connect clearly to new vaccines countering supposedly radiation exposure to survivors and much more New World operations).
  • The Nuclear Event is staged. All these events have to happen so as to lead to full Military intervention and connects to future world Military Tribunals.
  • No oil for U.S. and Europe means a Shut Down! There will be no gas for everyday things and businesses. Complete shutdown EXPECTED. .. COMMUNICATION SHUTDOWN

Mount Report One:

  • What we have today is the Banking System that is ORDERING them to buy things with which to destroy the world. Who do they use to do all of their dirty work?
  • “Although the Masons and Knights of Malta are ordered to obey the Duke of St. Petersburg, they violated their Blood Oaths, and the System is collapsing according to Putin’s Staff and CIA that I spoke with.”
  • So I spoke with Putin staff and the CIA… who agree that because the secret societies disobeyed their Orders, the whole system is coming down, and there is NOTHING anybody can do at this point.
  • The Recruits come from special private clubs:

1. Skull & Bones – Higher ranking Politicians; Presidents

2. Knight’s of Malta – Rome – Four Star Generals

3. Masons – the minions doing all the work; 99% are great people, but top 2% know what is going on

4. Catholic Organizations – the monetary activities; Catholics are easily corrupted since the Pope is the Ruler, and he declared himself as ‘Lucifer incarnate’.

5. And many others

Continue ReadingFurther Update 29-09

Great Awakening 28-09

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Communications Shutdown Imminent!
Biden Crime Family Arrested by White Hat Military!
Canadian Parliament Seized by Canadian Military and US Federal Marshalls!
Chinese Communist Party Double Coupe Happening Right Now!
UN Storm Troopers Takeover London!
Russian Pipeline to Europe Blown Up!
American Farmers Warn of Severe Food Shortages!

JFK Jr.: We’ve entered the closing Act initiating the EBS, Military Tribunals and Full Disclosure Of The Galactic Alliance. Prepare to archive and be offline. SHUTDOWN.

As of Tues. 13 Sept. 2022 the Federal Reserve and their Central Banks were officially Bankrupt: Watch for Runs on Banks and Bank Closures.
Major banks within the US – Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Chase and several others – were now insolvent and have filed for bankruptcy.

Hal Turner News says Russia will declare war on Fri. 30 Sept, the Vatican’s payment deadline for the owners of US Inc, United Nations, World Bank, and IMF. The US Inc, British Crown and Vatican laundering of slush funds to the Cabal corporations of State Street, Vanguard and Blackrock would now stop.

What you are seeing is a war – an invisible war that Trump keeps talking about. It’s a war between Trump and his Secret Service against the elites, bankers and mainstream media. A war between good and evil.
*Pay attention to the bigger picture. Trump has arrested and caught more pedophile and child trafficking rings in the world… but I bet you didn’t know that because the mainstream (George Soros funded media) make out that he’s a moron. Trump will go down in history in the coming weeks.
*There is no need to panic or have fear. This whole thing is working out as it needs to for Trump and his team to remove the corruption and power that has taxed your hard earned dollars, loaded your loans and credit cards with interest and pulled wool over your eyes. We have been living as slaves to the system for long enough.
*You’re going to see some big names get called out, to the point where you don’t want to believe it.
*If you still believe that 9/11 was a terrorist attack from Osama Bin Ladin who trained donkeys to fly cessnas, which then magically upskilled into Boeing’s and flew aluminum planes into 580m steel reinforced towers that collapsed like a deck of cards, not to mention tower 7 which was a block away but folded. (Let’s not forget the 6 seals who took Osama down that were killed in a mysterious chopper crash. RIP fellas). You’re in for a wakeup call.
*Some of the big banks WILL go bankrupt, they are already on their knees, Income tax WILL go away and the elites will no longer rule you or the world.
*Do the research for yourself. Read the Clinton emails on Wikileaks. Once you read that you’ll believe the rest. Many of the most powerful people are more sick and evil than you could ever imagine. Start listening to Trump’s daily press briefings. This is not about politics. Read between the lines.

Tues. 27 Sept. Benjamin Fulford Report:

  • A world revolution looms when the people of the planet wake up. In many countries there are signs that some kind of world revolution is taking place. These include the power struggle in China, the unrest in Iran, the military mobilization of Russia, the declaration of war by Texas, the royal riots in the UK and much more. All of this points to a kind of historic worldwide black swan event, possibly in October.
  • Let’s start with the events in China. The Internet was buzzing with rumors caused by Jennifer Tseng’s report, a link to which is given below.
  • We checked Tseng, and it turned out that she is a member of the Falun Gong sect, run by the US State Department by Khazar mafia boss Elliott Abrams. Nevertheless, the report turned out to be very reliable. It shows a video of an 80-kilometer military column moving to encircle the capital Beijing. It notes that a major meeting of Chinese military leaders took place, which was not attended by Xi Jinping, the nominal head of the Chinese armed forces. Two members of the politburo associated with the military, at the meeting, which is very unusual, did not mention Xi in their speeches. In addition, a high-ranking northern general, who was supposed to have been dismissed by Xi, was sitting in the front row at the meeting. In addition, Xi apparently quickly abandoned the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit in Uzbekistan and hurried back to China, but he has not been seen in public since.
  • In China, there is a real split between the military and intelligence groups around Jiang Zemin and the group around Xi Jinping. There can be no doubt that there is a major power struggle going on between the two groups.
  • Those who surround Xi want to make him dictator for life at the big meeting of the Communist Party of China, which takes place every five years in October. The other is fiercely opposed to Xi and the personality cult surrounding him. A source from the Asian secret society close to Xi assured us that the rumors were false and Xi is fine. Our sources close to Jiang did not respond to our messages.
  • The last thing we note is that the move against Xi was taken after he refused to meet with a Khazar mafia agent posing as Pope Francis in Kazakhstan. The Pope attended the “world religious conference” in the future world capital of the Khanty-Mansiysk Astana. There is a photo from the concert at that rally sent to us by Polish intelligence.
  • In any case, there can be no doubt that the Chinese government is under attack because it is telling the world an inconvenient truth about the West’s real track record. In the latest example, China has accused the US of illegally stealing 80% of Syria’s oil production, even though more than 14 million Syrians are in dire need of humanitarian aid after years of Western sanctions.
Continue ReadingGreat Awakening 28-09

China in Turmoil 26-09

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Simon Parkes:

  • The CCP desperately wants to get rid of Xi Jinping, while the Dragon Elders work very closely with him.
  • The House Arrest is simply a method to protect him.  It is NOT the deep state arresting him… it is the good guys.  The Americans call it ‘protective custody’. He can move around and do what he wants.
  • WARNING:  It is a very CRUCIAL time in China. For the past TEN DAYS there is a rapid COLLAPSE of the Banking system. The Mortgage system is on its head in China. The people are trying to break into the banks to get their money out… the CCP military is deployed around the banks. There is a complete MELTDOWN in a number of BIG CITIES in China. China is in TURMOIL.
  • The CCP is moving troops and the Dragon Elders are moving troops under the official Chinese Army.  So they are like a chess board… they are ‘declaring one side or the other’… so that is a better way to say it, since the Chinese are really ‘Masters of War’.  They are declaring which side they are on.

Chinese Communist Party Double Military Coup Has Begun: Judy Byington

  • A major War/ infighting was taking place inside the Chinese military and CCP Regime. A Full coup would start.
  • Just days after PUTIN and President XI met and discussed Renaming the CCP after the coming Planned take down of the Communist regime….. The DEEP STATE CCP made their move against the White Hat’s in their country and pulled a military Coup of their own, sending thousands of soldiers into Beijing with military Units and hundreds of Armed military assault vehicles that lined the highways up to 50 miles long ( 80 Km long) and arresting President XI and his top officials.
  • The Deep States CABAL ROTHSCHILDs /Rockefellers in China along with CCP MIL. and black society Dragon families that run the world Adrenochrome Industry along with human trafficking and weapons trade, all decided it was time to try and take over the BRICS MONETARY RESERVE OPERATIONS and Arrest XI and start their campaign to stop the current WHITE HATS Military coup taking place.
  • I had mentioned last month in my report the White Hat’s ALLIANCE in China had Mil Ops that was Militarizing the Chinese Students through Universities, and these Students would be a large part in the Military planned coup my the ALLIANCE. This plan now is taking AFFECT as thousands of Universities have been Activated (Students) to start the campaign and uprising.
  • With the help of the ALLIANCE the past three years the well placed information DROPS of The PLANDEMIC/ BIO VACCINES / FORCED LOCKDOWNS leading to deaths and COLLAPSE of the economy, regional stores and local trading, have all led to tens of Thousands of Universities and Millions of Students being prepared to fight for their country in case of a Black hat military Coup OPERATION (which has now taken place).
  • In the weeks and months to come, the FIGHT to free the Chinese People from the Communist regime that has Ruled, killed hundreds of millions of their own people is now coming into a CIVIL WAR for FREEDOM.
  • As the Biden crime family and their many dealings with CCP (Hunter Biden’s involvement with a Chinese investment fund called Bohai Harvest RST (BHR) and several other illegal investment’s into Asian money laundering rings) begins to get EXPOSED and the REPUBLICAN U.S. house Committee have all the evidence on but await the 2022 ELECTIONs to take back the house and EXPOSE Biden. Russia gate, fauci , bring real light into congress on Hunter laptop and EXPOSURE OF BIG TECH in conspiring a military coup with democratic leaders and [DS] military and UN powers.
  • The exposure of Military coups have begun. Durham and Trump will connect all.
  • President XI and his family had not returned home since his meeting with Putin days back. Chinese sources confirm the current XI in house arrest is a DOUBLE.
  • With the power of technology, and CIA advanced mask creations that cannot be detected, even in up close communications with agents wearing face masks… These features of mask have become a norm for ELITES to use ( DOUBLES)/// as MI6 sources reveal even the Queen had been dead over ten years ( I suspect three years) and her DOUBLE wore these MASK.

Inside the Storm: Judy Byington

  • TURKEY/CHINA Alliance: In the spring of 2022 NATO, U.S. [DS] military w/ UN was puzzled as China delivered (flew in direct from Turkey) state of the art high-tech Missile guidance systems and hundreds of Club K box container missiles and heavy artillery shipped from CHNIA, TURKEY, Romania and then trucked into SERBIA.
  • After the first delivery of guidance missiles systems on Chinese Military aircrafts were delivered to SERBIA the Chinese flew over U.S. military bases near the regions (if you remember I did a drop on this story back in spring)….. Then Chinese Air Force abruptly returned to Turkey and All went DARK/ Sky scanners were turned off and scrambled.
  • Now the reason why TURKEY, the largest military unit inside of NATO, was helping China and SERBIA is because TURKEY has now joined the Chinese/RUSSIAN ALLIANCE with INDIA, Belarus, Pakistan, Iran, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Maldives, Egypt United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Myanmar, Mongolia, Cambodia, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Afghanistan.
  • The DEEP STATE MSM promptly pushed for Chinese President Xi arrest in world [DS] MSM news. I had reported XI was well aware of a counter Coup happening and is protected heavily by military Alliance and in safe locations.
  • XI made this statement at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit in Uzbekistan last week. There, Xi declared war on the KM, stating: “We must prevent outside forces from starting a color revolution.”… this message was loud and clear, directly sent to ROTHSCHILDs, SOROS, ROCKEFELLER ORGS. VATICAN they are under surveillance.
  • With TURKEY joining the ALLIANCE openly, the direct message was sent to NATO & UN: YOU ARE DONE! The COLLAPSE of UN and NATO. (To be restructured by White Hats in 2025).
  • INFIGHTING inside NATO and UN was happening and infiltration by White Hats ALLIANCE was giving DECLASSIFIED updates to NATO/UN commanders because White Hats were in the midst of TURNING TURKEY AND SERVAL OTHER COUNTRIES AGAINST THE DEEP STATE MILITARY REGIMEN>NATO, CABAL UN GLOBAL AGENDA military headed by KAZARIAN Mafia, VATICAN, ROTHSCHILDs ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT.
  • The UK is currently in talks with RUSSIA/ CHINA on publicly announcing to joining the Chinese MONETARY system.
  • If this happens, then the EU will fall abruptly as others EU countries WILL wage in joining CHINA / Chinese gold/ precious metals backed monetary SYSTEM as Hungary/ SERBIA/ Belarus is already planning in secret negotiations to join the systems immediately.
  • As the countries inside the growing military Whites Hats ALLIANCE come together they are cutting off oil and gas to [DS] MILITARY resources in NATO. UN structures.
  • The complete cutoffs of Chinese Dragon Clans FINANCIAL FUNDING to VATICAN, DEEP STATE MILITARY W/ PUTIN Destroying the world money laundering system. These operations have left the U.S. military BROKE as soldiers now are forced to food stamps. And oil has been cut/ severally decreasing to NATO.UN DEEP STATE MIL. OPERATIONS.
  • When Republicans/ Patriots/ Democratic turn coats plants take control of the House, the EXPOSURE of the Deep State Crime syndicate operations will be EXPOSED that is connected globally.
  • It’s all for military purposes from securing phone data from [DS] Operatives to installing full grid control of the internet and social media to banking systems and All would lead to Marshal law 11.3.
Continue ReadingChina in Turmoil 26-09

10 Days of Darkness 20-09

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Key Points from “10 Days of Darkness” video with “Juan O Savin”, posted on September 20, 2022. Q) The Storm Rider, Forwarded from Nicholas Veniamin.

  • 1.) 2 minute mark: Juan is letting us know that the Federal Reserve is neither Federal, nor a reserve! It is a European corporation and not part of our federal government.
  • The Cabal’s source of strength and power (the “Federal Reserve” and their “bagmen” the IRS) are finished! (Though most of knew this in March of 2020 when the then Secretary of the Treasury, Steve Mnuchen stated they had ‘merged the balance sheet of the Federal Reserve with the balance sheet of the Treasury.’).
  • The U.S. Courts have found that the IRS and the Federal Reserve are Puerto Rico corporations, who literally have offices there a few blocks from each other. The IRS is not listed in the Federal Registry. Why would that be if they were a part of the U.S. government?
  • If you had in the past had to go to Court to challenge the IRS, you went to what is called an “Administrative Court”, which is like a Court of Records, or a County Clerk’s Office.”
  • This means the core of Nesara (then quickly Gesara) will take place, which is the integral part of part of the restoration and restitution of all things that have been stolen from us as slaves to the deep state central banking system, (Federal Reserve/IRS).
  • 2.) At the 7 minute mark he starts talking about the high level witch Maria Abramovich (who as he states, is a guy), who was appointed by the U.N. to be “Artistic Director”/Ambassador to Antarctica.
  • Not long after Trump won the 2016 election, Newt Gingrich went to Antarctica. Then others such as a delegation from the Coptic church went there to hold high level ceremonies.” (He adds he will a little bit later when the dust settles explain how Antarctica figures into all of this).
  • 3.) 10 minute mark: September 23-24 “Drama, some significant drama around that time”. “October 8th watch Congress and the discussion centered around the 25th Amendment (which is about what happens to the presidency if the President dues or becomes incapacitated or disabled).”
  • 4.) 11 minute mark Juan says around that time (10/29 on) he thinks that is when “we will have a full stop, everything freezes in its tracks for 10 days while things get sorted out, REORGANIZED (shifted to Quantum, probably…my opinion).”
  • 5.) 12 minute mark the Military Court evidence can be held and presented quite differently than in non-military courts, (in my opinion here, because of the brilliant foresight of President Trump’s Executive Order 13848… Outlining the specifics of what groups and their punishment for high treason in interfering in our National election. Because the Military is sworn to uphold preserve and protect our Nation, they will be the ones to adjudicate the outcome of the 2020 Presidential election at Gitmo in a Military Tribunal).
  • Juan goes on to say that “Very costly preparations have been going on at Gitmo for upgrading and expanding the Military Courtrooms, which includes 2 new courtrooms and an evidence room, which was just finished a few months before, for special council to view all the evidence in a classified setting by the attorneys, as well as a 200 million dollar hospital designed especially for geriatric patients is going to be finished and ready to go by the middle of October.”  This October, humm, I wonder who ordered that? Obviously the White Hats.
  • 6. 13:12 minute mark Juan says “There is something coming, and it is not years away, it is almost here! When the ‘full stop’ happens, even a 10 days of stopping all communications, it does not necessarily include power, though there might be in certain areas the grid is off for some reason, they have got to make some changes on the cell phone stuff.
  • Some of the bad guys who think they are safe communicating with each other with their satellite phones…well Space force isn’t about outer space, it is about digital space. We can turn their phones off whenever we want.
  • 7.) 23:32 minute mark Juan says if “I am correct, and we don’t have elections (midterm elections are set for November 8th), then what kind of angst, or turmoil might be present? Is the 25th amendment going to be in play? When would that get played? Is it sometime in October?”
  • 8.) 26 minute mark Juan says, “If the election does not take place, you might be under some sort of ‘military environment’ (Marshall Law), for a period of time, is that a week or two or a month? We still have to have an election. We do have a military that has an obligation to ensure and protect honest elections and get us to a point in time where the elections can take place. Some people might have to go visit a desert island (Gitmo). Some drama is about to be happening in South Carolina.”
  • 9.) 28 minute mark, Juan says it would probably be wise to not have your money in fiat currency, etc or anything connected to that system, he says you probably might want to consider getting into gold and silver.
  • 10.) 31 minute mark Juan says “You might get tired of winning! Be careful what you ask for! This is what we have been waiting for!Don’t complain that the waves are too big, and that it’s scary.
  • 11.) 33 minute mark Juan says “The 10 days of darkness is a communication shutdown. There will not be any internet, or any communications, so you won’t be going anywhere (Martial Law), you won’t be going to the ATM or the gas station, (no internet, nothing will work), the EBS announcement will be on. You may very well have a ‘Cuban Missile crisis’ type of event going on, that the systems (the enemies computers) will be diverted to the good guys to take over and stop.
  • Remember, Space Force is not about outer space it is about cyberspace. The power will be transferred and it will be very clear who is in charge. All the questions everyone has will be answered, so just relax, take a deep breath. Pray and take care of each other!”
Continue Reading10 Days of Darkness 20-09

Upcoming Events 26-09

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Where We Are Right Now, Phil Godlewski: Even if the dates are off a little, the Events are real – going by what is known:

  • There will be a liquidity and credit crisis as banks and online payment systems are about to suffer a huge outage in Europe and the United States. There are already talks of a liquidity and credit crisis happening in inner circles. This is big.
  • SaturdayBanks and online payment systems will suffer an outage in Europe and the United States spreading worldwide. Talks of a Liquidity and credit crisis happening will spread rapidly.
  • Sunday- Customers will try to get money from banks but will be turned away. Talks of bank runs on twitter and facebook will be promptly banned. Late-Sunday night Euro-zone banks will suffer a liquidity issue and fail critical margin levels.
  • Monday 26thLiquidity crisis contagion will spread to the United States. Financial instruments much like those used by Archegos will blow up across the entire financial sector. Bank of America, JP Morgan, and Goldman Sachs are rumoured to be insolvent along with others. The Super Rich will attempt to pull their money out of the banks only to be denied. Stock market will drop 20% and is closed for the day. Tether and other stable coins will fail causing crypto currencies to crash as they become illiquid. Short-Mid term is that crypto currencies will become worthless.
  • TuesdayEurozone total melt down. Bank deposits are bailed and most people will lose all their money. Social protests erupt. U.S. stock market will drop another 20% before being halted for the day again. Hedge funds will collapse and banks are stuck with meme stock shorts which will be revealed to be in the trillions. Banks fail critical margin levels and the DTCC will be forced to cover the shorts. DTCC insurance policy will fail as the insurers never had money to begin with and the Federal Reserve is stuck with the bag.
  • WednesdayStock market will drop another 20% before getting stopped. Subprime finally hits and housing prices crash by 50% and more. Meme stock, silver, gold, commodity trading is frozen and halted but this will only make the problem worse. Dollar insolvency is all over international news, while silver and gold skyrocket. U.S bonds will be dumped sending interest rates into the stratosphere. Mainstream media will now blare the Great Depression 2.0 and the collapse is here.
  • Thursday U.S. government will begin to collapse and pressure on the current Admin to resign. Stock market will drop even more for a total of 85-96% since the crash on Monday. Grocery stores will now be empty as supply chains completely break down. Rumours of a coup against the U.S. government will begin to pick up on social media and gain public approval. Massive protests against the government, wall street, and the banks will erupt. Police will be deployed and attempt to brutally suppress the protests but they will be unsuccessful.
  • FridayVoter fraud data is going to be dumped on the internet and this will add fuel to the fire. Reveals stolen elections going back 40 years. Government figures will go into hiding. Meme stock and silver/commodities shorts issue reaches international media and heads of state will demand answers from the U.S. because they too are exposed through weird financial instruments. BRICS will pick up steam to replace the dollar then and now. Dollar is declared non-grata in many countries in the world with legislation fast tracked to convert dollar denominated debt to other fiat to prevent a total credit freeze.

Calendar of Possible Upcoming Events: Judy Byington

  • Mon. 26 Sept. Predicted Stock Market Crash, the end of Shemita (Sabbath Year)
  • Fri. 30 Sept. Vatican’s payment deadline for the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and other families that owned US Inc, United Nations, World Bank, and IMF. The US Inc, British Crown and Vatican laundering of slush funds to the Cabal corporations of State Street, Vanguard and Blackrock would now stop.
  • October will see big Global financial changes.”…Charlie Ward Charlie Ward: Special Intel Report – “The End of September” (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (
  • Fri. 30 Sept: Vatican has pulled the fiat monies of all it’s entities into the Vatican Bank.
  • October Event: Pre-Quake Signals, 6000 Year Event, Sunspots.
  • Sat. 1 Oct: Global Currency Reset, beginning of new fiscal year, the world pulls credit from US Inc.
  • Sat. 8 Oct. Drama (Congress) – an October mega Black Swan Event triggered by the Cabal, was set to occur.This could be a bloody revolution, anarchy, or a peaceful transition. (The Cabal has planned riots in 17 major cities).
  • In October the Chinese Communist Partywill convene to make amendments to their constitution that will lead to “new strategies of governance” – likely a democratic state.
  • Tues. 8 Nov. 2022 Elections:I have on extremely good authority from three different sources that the USA election in November 2022 will not happen. This has already gone through the Supreme Court – SCOTUS – and they used a Shadow Document to overturn the 2020 Election.”…Charlie Ward
  • 9 Nov. 2022: World War 3 Announced + Fake Nuclear Attacks + Martial Law Stay at home order (9/11/22)
  • Nov 18th Major Satanic Event: 322 Skull and Bones day of the year and Illuminati founder died.
Continue ReadingUpcoming Events 26-09

USA MIL.OPS: 26-09

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MIL.OPS: To take down the Deep State military: Judy Byington

  • What was in the 11,000 documents the FBI seized including Illegal IRAN Nuclear DEAL connecting OBAMA to blackmailed by the Iranian regimen who entrapped him into believing Osama Bin Laden was in Pakistan and the Killing of the fake Bin Laden would lead to Obama second term as President (knowing he had been lied too and had to pay BILLIONS to IRAN to keep the secret going).
  • The drops on the RAID are connected CLASSIFIED information on CIA projects that connect Clintons to money laundering ring through several channels UN, IRAN, Kazakhstan.
  • MAJOR UPDATE; TRUMP MEETS WITH LAWYERS AND SPECIAL MATTER and discuss jurisdiction and who has the power to classify unclassified documents.
  • THE FBI were heavily invested in retrieving unclassified documents that were part of Sealed indictments that are part of the TRUMP VS. CLINTONS. TRUMP VS. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
  • In these documents were sealed indictments against the Clintons Foundation, Luciferian brotherhood illuminati that have CONTROL inside the MILITARY COMMANDS. LEADERS THROUGH THE UNITED STATE GOVERNMENTS , BRANCHES AND SECTORS.
  • These sealed indictments WERE sealed until they came into the hands of Minnesota district courts through Woodrow law firm. (Look into federal court filings in Minnesota district court and Florida district court filings.
  • DONALD J. TRUMP VS. HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON / & DONALD J. TRUMP VS. THE UNITED STATES) Military Tribunal number to look into 42-2016-DR-D3626-HJ
  • The FBI wanted all the sealed military Indictments that connected The Clintons, Obama [DS] Military commanders and Leaders of U.S. Gov. Branches to the World human trafficking NETWORKS
  • Currently the Brooklyn judge Special Master is overlooking the Documents to see if they WILL be processed as CLASSIFIED or Witness or  Testimony or affidavits and who can rule over the DOCUMENTS
  • These military operations and set ups (FORCED FBI RAIDS. Planted Raids by the ALLIANCE) are All meant to come into the PUBLIC DOMAIN and PUBLIC COURTS.
  • That’s why TRUMP publicly stated, he WILL “Fire tens of thousands of civil servants and gut the Government”
  • The SAGA OF EPSTEIN is only beginning.

Continue ReadingUSA MIL.OPS: 26-09

EVENT ALERT 23-10-22

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GCR Extract – Byington

*Fri. 23 Sept.
Black Swan Scare Event: Arrest of King Charles?
*Sat. 24 Sept (Satanic 666 Day)
Extinction Event False Flag Nuclear World War III, and/or other False Flags?
*Sun. 25 Sept.
JFK Jr., Princess Diana Live?
*Mon. 26 Sept.
A Global Financial Crisis Predicted Stock Market Crash?

Thurs. 22 Sept. 2022 The Big Call, Bruce:
*Central Banks were owned by the Rothschilds in various countries across the world. Most countries have moved from Central Banks to a National Bank. The National Banks will hold their currencies.
Some countries have not divorced themselves from the Central Banks. The banks in these countries are in deep situations now – that puts everyone in the country in trouble.
*BRICS – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa has now aligned into 82 countries that will be 90 countries by this weekend.
Japan, India, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and other Middle East Countries are among the 29 countries in the revaluation baskets. Other countries will be included in a second basket.
*Charlie Ward, who is in charge of getting out the word on GESARA, said that on Sept. 24 – the last day of the year on the Julian Calendar – GESARA/NESARA debt forgiveness will be announced.
*Interest paid on bank loans, car loans, mortgages, money earned on our birth certificates, etc. will be paid back starting in October.
The General Public will start around Oct 2, 3.
Tier 4B should be notified this weekend and has to get started by the end of the month (between the 25-28 Sept).

Restored Republic:
*“On Fri. 23 Sept. will World War III be declared? King Charles arrested? Bye-Bye Biden? Get ready! Buy food and water. Withdraw cash from banks, etc. You are about to witness the Liberation of Humanity – the biggest transfer of wealth and power in human history.”…Great Awakening Q + Trump
*Sat. 24 Sept. marks the last day of the Golden Jubilee year, while the next day Sun. 25 Sept. was the Feast of Trumpets, which marks a New Year, or new beginning on the Hebrew calendar. 
*This will SHOCK the WORLD: It’s time…American HEROES Start for a BiG Day. Donald J. Trump Office LIVE. Donald J. Trump is going to talk about everything, no more fake news. The Deep State is going down. Be ready to hear the truth:
*JFK Jr. is Alive and will be Live on Telegram at 12 Noon EST Sun. 25 Sept. Q Warriors, we need your help. If you own a group or channel please share this invite link with your followers:
*Princess Diana is Alive and will be Live on Telegram at 3pm EST Sun. 25 Sept. The Celebration day will be recorded in history and will be an official holiday. Follow the Princess Diana
*Robin Williams is Alive: Stay awake and investigate everything for yourself. Don’t fall in the trap. Join:
*John McAfee is Alive and it’s time to expose everything on his private channel. Join now. They tried to keep him quiet, but they didn’t succeed. Clinton -> Biden -> Epstein It’s all part of their plan to cover everything up. McAfee promised to drop a TRUTH BOMB on his private channel and put everyone involved in jail. Join his private channel (this invitation link works for the next 24 hours):
*Woman brilliantly summarizes what the Great Reset is and what the end goal of it will be.
*Previously Hidden Video Showing A Cruise Missile Hitting The Pentagon On 9-11 (Video) 

Calendar of Events:
*False Flag Events At Any Time: Sky Event (Red Sky fake nuclear attack) (Purple Sky St-Germain Violet Flame Tesla Free Energy Activation) Global Planned Cyber Attacks by “Russia”. Operation London Bridge: Great Reset Global Market Crash starting in London. Trump Arrest. Pope’s Death. Remember: The Alliance has seized Military Power from the Deep State (with control over all Satellites, Communication Grids, Banking Servers, Data and Financial Transactions).
*The Thurs. 8 Sept. announcement of Queen Elizabeth II’s death freed the World from British Admiralty Rule and insured the collapse of the World Cabal Deep State Regime.
*Fri. 23 Sept: 33 Hollywood productions showed RED ALERT Predictive Programming for World War 3 Black Swan Scare Event: King Charles arrest. Fri. 23 Sept – King Charles Arrest – Checkmate. Fri. 23 Sept. Bye-Bye Biden! It started! Declaration of World War 3 coming up Friday 23rd probably. Get ready! Buy food and water. Withdraw cash from banks, etc. …Great Awakening Q + Trump.
*Sat. 24 Sept. Drama all over the place: Intel from various sources indicated that a massive Extinction Event, a Global Financial Crisis and/or other False Flags may occur on Sat. 24 Sept, which was also Satanic Cabal Numerology 666 Day. Sept 24th 2022 is 666 Occult Day; 2+4=6; 9 reverse is 6; 2+0+2+2=6; 666 Apocalypse Day! Get ready for war! “Looks like the dirty FBI aka Deep State was planning a False Flag on 24 Sept, the same day as Trump’s next rally!”…Santa Surfing. False Flag Attack planned 24 Sept. 7-12 noon at zip code 66066 (satanic symbolism)? Advertising for Crisis Actors in Oskaloosa, Kansas 66066. Could they be targeting Oskaloosa High School or a grade school for a school shooting? World Trembles After Germany Issues “24 September 2022” Ominous Prediction Mount: “The Deep State was trying to pull off a massive “12 firecracker (nuclear) strike” on Sept 24 (and blame it on Russia). Those 12 firecrackers are already planted in places like Paris, London, Cambridge, Berlin and Warsaw. You will be obliterated.” Sept. 24th is 666 day. 2+4=6. Something major is coming now! …Great Awakening World Q + Trump. An expected Sat. 24 Sept. NESARA Announcement would mean that Federal and State Income Tax was no more, with a 15% Consumption Tax on new items only and no tax on Food, Medicine, Wages, or anything else.
*Sun. 25 Sept. at 11 am Central Time (12 pm EST) JFK Jr. Explains Everything. Join: Sun. 25 Sept. 3:00 pm EST Princess Diana Live on her Telegram Channel. “I knew it. I knew everything right from the start. I knew how they organized everything, I knew the person that was supposed to drive the car. I knew when they would pronounce my death. The only thing is that they didn’t know I knew, so I managed to get out of that situation alive. There is only one person that helped me with everything and I’m forever grateful to him (Trump). That’s why I decided to fight for his cause and help him. Soon I will show you the real faces of Charles, Camila and many others. They are not who they say they are. …I was different than them, that’s why I couldn’t fit. They wanted to get rid of something that could destroy them. They saw me as their enemy, but I was people’s best friend.’’ Celebration Day will be recorded in history and will be an official holiday.
*Mon. 26 Sept. Predicted Stock Market Crash, the end of Shemita (Sabbath Year)Fri. 30 Sept. Vatican’s payment deadline for the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and other families that owned US Inc, United Nations, World Bank, and IMF. The US Inc, British Crown and Vatican laundering of slush funds to the Cabal corporations of State Street, Vanguard and Blackrock would now stop.
*Sat. 1 Oct: Global Currency Reset, beginning of new fiscal year, the world pulls credit from US Inc.
*Sat. 8 Oct. Drama (Congress)  – an October mega Black Swan Event triggered by the Cabal, was set to occur. This could be a bloody revolution, anarchy, or a peaceful transition. (The Cabal has planned riots in 17 major cities).

Global Weather Manipulation:
*Germany: Special Qperations for cleaning out Underground Tunnels and arrests have been ongoing for years. Power outages show us the concentration of Military Operations. There will not be one big outage. These are happening from region to region, city or villages. Even streets.
*New York 21.09.22! In the United States, water continues to arrive in cities as the flooding of DUMBS and Tunnel Systems continue. Watch the Water. It’s coming from underground.

Continue ReadingEVENT ALERT 23-10-22

The Great Awakening Alert

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Q + Trump: “You are about to witness the Liberation of Humanity –
The biggest transfer of wealth and power in human history.”
25th September

*The world is watching Q and the King. The Queen is out, now was time for Checkmate and removal of the King. 1st arrest will be the King probably Friday 23 Sept.
*This will trigger MASS GLOBAL AWAKENING and World War 3, Global Cyber Attacks on critical infrastructure, banks, etc. It’s “The End Of The World” as we know it.
*A two hour Documentary on the Q Movement: The Rothschild’s & Rockefeller’s Federal Reserve Central Banking System, Global Elite Taken to GITMO by US Special Forces: Bombshell! Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp: Global Elite Taken to GITMO By US Special Forces! – Must Video | Opinion – Conservative | Before It’s News (

On Mon. 19 Sept. Global Elites attending the funeral of Queen Elizabeth were briefed by the Alliance on the upcoming collapse of their governments and banking systems, which would lead to Debt Relief for The People.
New gold/asset-backed Global Monetary System set for the beginning of the new fiscal year Sat. 1 Oct. 2022.

Continue ReadingThe Great Awakening Alert

ET Gods

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There is a list of posts on the side right of this blog which are linked to the posts. This list may only be visible on a desktop.
The primary aim of this website & blog is to alert people to the teachings of the truth as revealed by the “prophet” Billy Meier & the 6 prophets who came before Billy. There is also much more knowledge which Billy has given us, since he has been in communication with the Plejaren from the age of 5.

There are 2 recent articles at my website which may be of interest. Here are the links:
Sodom and Gomorrah:

Aztec Gods:

Continue ReadingET Gods

NESARA/GESARA Announcement?

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Extracts from Sept. 21 GCR

NESARA/GESARA Announcement
Sat. 24 Sept?
NESARA Announcement Means Federal and State Income Tax is No More, Only a 15% Consumption Tax on New Items Only, with None on Food, Medicine, Wages
The Alliance has seized Military Power from the Deep State (with control over all Satellites, Communication Grids, Banking Servers, Data and Financial Transactions).
Central Banks were Bankrupt: Watch for Runs on Banks and Bank Closures
Homeless Encampments Set to Explode Across the Globe

Restored Republic:

  • The Alliance has seized military power from the Deep State (all Satellites, Communication Grids, Banking Servers, Data and financial transactions).
  • The Vatican Exposed as a World Terror Organization:
  • The White Hat Military in the UK now had King Charles III under Military control.
  • Diana Alive! After the death of Queen Elizabeth II, King Charles immediately went into a meeting with someone called “Her Majesty.” There were rumors that Princess Diana was back and King Charles wanted to stop her! Follow this channel:
  • On Mon. 19 Sept. Elites attending the funeral of Queen Elizabeth were briefed by the Alliance on the upcoming collapse of their governments and banking systems, which would lead to Debt Relief for The People.
  • On Mon. 19 Sept. King Charles was ordered to appear at an International Tribunal regarding his role and knowledge about the abduction of ten Canadian native children by Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip, and what he knew about the murder of the only living witness to the abduction, William Combes.
  • According to Q + Trump on Telegram the Three Days of Darkness followed by Ten Days of Revelations began on Queen Elizabeth’s announced death on 8 Sept. – which brought us to Tues-Wed. 20, 21 Sept.
  • Trump & Co. About to Play Their Hand, Deep State Players Screwed:
  • Naomi Biden claimed Joe Biden died 4 years ago and was replaced with twin. This invalidates the Presidency.
  • The CIA through Blackstone, Blackrock, Vanguard, and States Street…owns about 30 percent of all corporations around the world.  Most of the nations are owned by the CIA, about 30 percent.
Continue ReadingNESARA/GESARA Announcement?

Controlled Zombies Walk Amongst Us – Update

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This is not the world that we want to live in.

Biden Signs Executive Order:
This is designed to unleash Tran-Humanist Hell on America and the World. Human beings will be data mined for their most personal possession, their DNA and genomic properties, and the government will offer no protection. It will actually be encouraged and seen as a green light for biomedical practitioners worldwide. It is the goal of the technocratic proprietors of Agenda 2030 to catalogue, map out, and monitor every living thing on earth. Here is one of the most disturbing excerpts from Biden’s executive order: “We need to develop genetic engineering technologies and techniques to be able to write circuitry for cells and predictably program biology in the same way in which we write software and program computers…including through computing tools and artificial intelligence…”

Karen Kingston EXPOSES Biden’s Satanic Executive Order Forcing TRANSHUMANISM
Start at 27:20
Transhumanism: “Using bio-technology combined with supercomputers to allegedly augment the functionality of humans.”
The Covid-19 pandemic & jabs were nothing more than a movement for surveillance under the skin & enslavement.
To make people more machine-like & more controllable.
The jabs are gene-editing tech – they contain nanotech made in China to connect people to the internet.
Also, as of August 22 they lauched the “qupid quantum computing system”.
Now there is a system to collect & analyse the data & now they have the tech to release on the human population under the skin & through Starlink 5G to send signals to & from the tech.
Biden’s EO – [Transhumanism]:
“We need to develop genetic engineering techs to write circuitry for cells & predictvely program biology in the same way in which we write software & program computers. We will unlock the power of biological data including through a computing tool & artificial intelligence.”

There is no Transmission, or Shedding, from Vaccinated Persons; it is Irradiation.

Electromagnetic radiation alters matter through resonance
Electromagnetic resonance of graphene occurs – maximum effect, hence damage, occurs at 26GHz (5G) – most of EU & rest of world.
Protons vibrate – electromagnetic (em) resonance – a proton emits em radiation when excited by rf (radio frequency) – so a transfer of energy from proton to proton.
One person can transmit these vibrations to others who are not jabbed, who rhen feel bad:
irregular period, bleedings & nosebleeds.
So, we have an irradiation, not a biological contagion.
GO absorbs radiation & multiplies it – so the jabbed are “walking routers”. They are radiation sources.
The greater the concentration of the jabbed, the higher the damage done to everyone.
You have to have a structure which will resonate with that frequency from antennas or people with GO.
60 GHzis the resonant frequency of oxygen.
Hydrogen & oxygen are major components of body cells.

HORROR…watch Sudden Adult Deaths….Must must must watch…hold on to your heart!!!
People around the world have dropped dead because of the “death shot”!

Criminal mRNA Injections and How They Kill
Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi says “God help the world” as he warns that the main effects of the mRNA Bio-weapon Injections will be explosions in viral infections, cancers, tuberculosis and many other diseases.”

Covid virus made in a lab so that it would become more dangerous. But our immune system is more clever, so the objective of these “criminals” did not succeed. Covid may be a little more dangerous than normal corona viruses, but not such that we need a vaccine.
Lipid packages are not to be injected into the bloodstream – manufacturers warning. 5-20% may do so.

New Zealand – The Immunisation Advisory Centre: “We are aware that occasionally consumers are requesting that the vaccinators aspirate the needle [pull back slightly to check for any minor blood vessels] prior to administration of the COVID vaccine. While this is currently not best practice and may be more uncomfortable for the patient, there is no danger associated with accommodating the consumer’s requests.”
*This means that aspiration is not recommended!!

This can explain why people have serious reactions.
The research company said these packages are to be used in research only, not in humans.
A lawyer in Dec last year found out about this – she said that something is being used that has never been tested for use in humans or animals. It is not licensed for use.

A very important article appeared in a major scientific journal. They took just the packages & did animal experiments, the first is to be published. The packages used in the pre-clinical trial is highly inflamatory. When injected anywhere in the mouse it immediately provokes a very strong inflammation. If put in the nose, many die.
These packages have been used for over a year.

Highly Coordinated Global Conspiracy To Commit Genocide Via Weaponised Covid Injections Exposed
The following detailed chronological analysis lays bare just how stealthy and nefarious the genocidal Covid Super Vaccination Agenda truly is.

Myocarditis alone is fatal in 56% of patients in less than 5 years. Giant-cell myocarditis causes over 80% mortality in 5 years.

Continue ReadingControlled Zombies Walk Amongst Us – Update

King Charles

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King Charles ordered to appear before International Tribunal on November 1

Charles Windsor, the so-called King of England, was ordered today to appear before a Special International Tribunal. The Tribunal will convene on November 1, 2022 to investigate Charles’ knowledge of and complicity in Crimes against Humanity committed by his parents, Elizabeth and Philip Windsor, and their Church, State, and Corporate accomplices.
The Legal Notice to Appear was delivered to Charles Windsor at Buckingham Palace and other locations by Sheriffs of the Court.
The November 1 Tribunal asks that anyone with knowledge or evidence of Charles Windsor’s complicity in any of these crimes contact the Court immediately at . Rewards and immunities from prosecution will be provided in return for such evidence.
The Queen’s (Deep State’s) Funeral: The Guardians US Space Force Military Intelligence Agency and the Alliance have seized military power from the Deep State (all Satellites, Communication Grids, Banking Servers, Data and financial transactions) and given the Operations back to the real UK Military Peoples Army and Generals.The White Hat Military in the UK now have King Charles III under Military control. It’s expected that King Charles will be a failure (planned) and will collapse the Committee of 300 who run the Western World governments and Fortune 500 companies. The Plan to use King Charles III to massively fail will lead to Nuremberg Trials and World Tribunals. The Elites attending the funeral will be briefed on coming Events which include collapse of their governments and banking systems, which will lead to Debt Relief for The People.
The UK was in a ten day mourning period which would end on Tues. 20 Sept. – the same time period that Q and Trump on Telegram have indicated was the Ten days of Disclosure.
The Three Days of Darkness followed by Ten Days of Revelations, began on the Queens announced death on 8 Sept. That would then bring us to Tues-Wed. 20, 21 Sept.

The world was ruled by four corporations: Black Rock, State Street Corp., Vanguard Group and FMR, owned by several families including the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Onassis, Kennedys, McDonalds, Disney, Bundy, Bush and Collins. These companies have made a fortune in human trafficking, weapons, drugs, prostitution, global terrorism and operations under a false flag. They sit on the boards of governors of the International Monetary Fund, all Central Banks, the World Bank and the Federal Reserve System. They also own oil, food, pharmaceutical, chemical and technology giants.

Nick Fleming: NESARA is a restoration of Freedom, a celebration of Life and Sovereignty, with Abundance available to One and All. NESARA is the restoration of hope for a future for our children and our children’s children. NESARA is the future of this Shining Nation, this great Nation of One People, serving God, with all honor and humility. NESARA is the standard for restoring the Sovereignty of the World.

  • A Fair Financial System: With the End of Poverty, Penury, Slavery, Indebtedness, the Leverage of the “Straw Man,” the Leverage of Paper (Bonds, Liens, Notes of all kinds), with the private, off-ledger manipulation of Paper through these many Acts of Corruption will end. This World of Lack created with this slight of hand, ponzi scheme, will Shift. In a Lawful Society without debt, without bonds, without rigged trade, with a Lawful Financial System under NESARA, We the People will thrive. The criminals committing these harmful, self-serving acts will be removed. Their assets seized. Their ability to receive any further payment ended.
  • A Fair Judicial System: The Unconstitutional, Gestapo-led, dictatorial, Admiralty courts, supporting the entitled few, the Agenda of the Globalists, in pursuit of a Social Credit Scoring System, and a micro-chipped humanity, with their absolute control over every facet of Life; will end under NESARA. A return to Common Law, and Common Good Sense, with Respect for Others and Honoring Good People, like those demonstrating Integrity, Generosity and Service to Others. Will the Quantum System, coordinating the rollout of the 1776 Constitution, to every Free, Sovereign Nation State in the world, tell this story?
  • A Fair Medical System: The Medical Institutions, the Pharmaceutical Institutions, the accountable institutions that supported the World Health Organization’s Agendas, (2030, 2025, etc., etc.), and the World Economic Forums Agendas to impoverish, if not outright kill 4/5ths of the total population, under the Eugenicists plans, will end under NESARA and the restored Republic of the United States Constitution. The malefactors responsible for the cruelties inflicted on Humanity will be removed and their ability to influence, serve, will end forever. Their assets will all be seized and given to We the People they have harmed.
Continue ReadingKing Charles

Change is Imminent – Dark to Light

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Will This Be “A Week to be Remembered“?

A Black Swan Blackout Shutdown is upon us.
It Was Necessary.
Incoming – A Week to be Remembered.
Change is Imminent.
The Devil has been Defeated.
Dark to Light.

“Trump Arrest Incoming!
Trump Arrest will Trigger The Storm”
…Great Awakening World Q + Trump

It was recommended to be prepared for what lies ahead to have at least two-three weeks of cash, food, water and goods for your own needs.

*From a GCR of 19th Sept:

The Bankrupt Central Banks haven’t received the fiat US Dollar from the Bankrupt Federal Reserve since last Tues. 13 Sept.

All Banks were required to switch from the old fiat monetary system to the new gold/asset-backed Republic System by Wed. midnight 14 Sept.

By Mon. 19 Sept. the new gold/asset-backed US Note was present in all Tier 1, 2, 3 Banks.

The UK was in a ten day mourning period which would end on Tues. 20 Sept. – the same time period that Q and Trump on Telegram have indicated was the Ten days of Disclosure.

Simon Parkes: “The banks may be shutting down. Accounts will be frozen and there will be no online payments.  This was the event planned for September 24th. The Pentagon says to take out cash now. This bank shut down will last from 2-10 days, the extent of which will depend on the opposition from the other side.”

By Sat. 1 Oct. the Global Currency Reset was set to be activated for the general public.

Calendar of Upcoming Events:
Trump arrest, King Charles Checkmate, Operation London Bridge, Great Reset Global Market Crash starting in London, World War 3 Announced + Fake Nuclear Attacks + Martial Law Stay at home order (9/11/22), Sky Event (Red Sky fake nuclear attack) (Purple Sky St-Germain Violet Flame Tesla Free Energy Activation), Global Planned Cyber Attacks by “Russia”, Pope death.

  • Mon. 19 Sept. Queen Elizabeth Funeral – one of the biggest gatherings of world power brokers in recent world history.
  • The UK was in a ten day mourning period which would end on Tues. 20 Sept. – the same time period that Q and Trump on Telegram have indicated was the Ten days of Disclosure.
  • Sat. 24 Sept. Drama: Intel from various sources indicated that a massive Extinction Event, and/or a Global Financial Crisis may occur on Sat. 24 Sept, which was also Numerology 666 Day. Banks may be shutting down for up to ten days. Bruce: We are expecting announcements on NESARA/GESARA around Sept. 24, 25.World Trembles After Germany Issues “24 September 2022” Ominous Prediction
  • Fri. 30 Sept. was the Vatican’s payment deadline for theRothschilds, Rockefellers and other families that owned US Inc, United Nations, World Bank, and IMF. The US Inc, British Crown and Vatican laundering of slush funds to the Cabal corporations of State Street, Vanguard and Blackrock would now stop.
  • Sat. 8 Oct. Drama (Congress) An October mega Black Swan Event triggered by the Cabal, was set to occur. This could be a bloody revolution, anarchy, or a peaceful transition. (The Cabal has planned riots in 17 major cities).
  • Sun-Mon 23, 24 Oct. Drama Militia
  • Sat. 29 Oct. Full Stop – everything could freeze for ten days.
  • In October the Chinese Communist Party will convene to make amendments to their constitution that will lead to “new strategies of governance” – likely a democratic state.
  • Tues. 8 Nov. 2022 Elections: “I have on extremely good authority from three different sources that the USA election in November 2022 will not happen. This has already gone through the Supreme Court – SCOTUS – and they used a Shadow Document to overturn the 2020 Election.”…Charlie Ward
  • Nov 18th 322 Skull and Bones day of the year and Illuminati founder died.

Brief History of the Global Currency Reset:

  • In the late 1700s a group in Eastern Europe (Illuminati Families, Rothschilds), known as the Cabal, began taking control of the Global Monetary System using fiat or paper currency that was not asset backed. To counter this movement some sovereign families of Asia and Europe dominated by the Chinese Royal Dragon Families, pooled their gold assets into secretive off ledger private banking trusts now known as the Global Collateral Accounts.
  • In the US the privately-owned (Rothschilds, Rockefellers) Federal Reserve System in reality started around 450 years ago with creation of a Vatican Trust Account attached to the generational wealth of several nations. This World Financial System was set up by and mainly funded through gold of the ancient Chinese Royal Dragon Families of Asia.
  • Switzerland was the home and legal origin of United Nations Charters and housed Cabal organizations of the International Monetary Fund, World Trade Organization and Bank of International Settlements.
  • Through the Crown City of London and Vatican Bank the Bank of International Settlements in Basel Switzerland controlled all Central Banks of what was known as the G7 nations.
  • The Cabal operated monetary system in the US went back to founding of the United States of America Corporation in 1871, re-organized in 1907, Jeckyl Island in 1910 and forming of the privately owned Federal Reserve in 1913. They discarded the US Constitution, manipulated funds of Central Banks across the globe and used the US Federal Reserve to plunder global assets rather than utilizing the monies for their original Humanitarian purposes, thereby enriching their own and fellow global Elites’ pockets.
  • In 2015 the new US Republic located the new US Treasury on an Indian Reservation in Nevada near Reno.
  • White Hat Military Operations silently seized the Chain of Command of the Vatican Empire. Vatican Inc. Down: In 2016 Dr. Charlie Ward’s team removed 650 plane loads of gold from the 150 mile long tunnel beneath the Vatican that ran to Switzerland. The gold was returned to countries of original origin, mainly the US.
  • In April 2016 certain patriotic members of Congress formed the new US Republic, US Treasury and US currency notes.
  • In that same April 2016 the Dragon Families excused all US debt when their gold from the Vatican-Switzerland Tunnel was placed in the new US Treasury in Reno.
  • City of London Inc. Down through Operation London Bridge: On Thurs. 8 Sept. 2022 the announcement of death of Queen Elizabeth II freed the World from British Admiralty Rule and insured the collapse of the World Cabal Deep State regimen.
  • Operation London Bridge coming up to a theater near you. But it doesn’t look like it will go as planned for them. We’ll have 3 days darkness followed by 10 days of Revelations instead. …Great Awakening Q+ Trump
  • The US Inc., British Crown and Vatican laundering of slush funds to the Cabal corporations of State Street, Vanguard and Blackrock will stop. The monies were laundered through 14 countries controlled by the Queen that included the UK, Canada, Russia, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, New Zealand, Australia and South Africa. These 14 countries were now heading into Republic states.
  • Tues. 13 Sept. was the last time the Federal Reserve delivered fiat US Dollars to the Banks.
  • On Wed. 14 Sept. midnight all Banks that wanted to participate in the new Global Monetary gold/asset-backed system reorganized from the old fiat dollar system into the new Restored Republics System.
  • JFK Jr., Republic VP: The paymaster issue has surprisingly been fixed already. Wires still can be done the old Swift way until everything moves into the QFS. We’re almost completely done merging from the old Cabal Swift Systems. It will end in October. The money transfers, wires and every banking transaction will be through the new QPI and not Swift in October.We can still be using the old systems until October and then I’m sure allot of the financial and banking scenarios good and bad will be happening.
  • By Mon. 19 Sept. new gold/asset-backed US Treasury Notes had been delivered to all Tier 1,2 Banks.
  • According to Simeon Parkes beginning Mon.-Tues. 19, 20 Sept thebanks could be shut down for 2-10 days (length depending on opposition from the Cabal), with accounts frozen and no online payments.
  • On Thurs. 15 Sept. EF Hutton, a friend to Charlie Ward, (head of the QFS Task Force) said, “Everything (problems) with the Paymasters was an expected False Flag, which moves us forward to completely destroy the Cabal. So from the Queen “dying” and others steps like yesterday (with the Paymasters) needed to transition in the new QFS/ DITIGAL/ NESARA/ GESARA are all taking place in October.”
  • Fri. 16 Sept. JFK Jr, 19th Vice President: We’ve initiated the EBS, Military Tribunals and Full Disclosure with several countries going back to lockdown for the Omicron variant, which is the Military code for the cleanup operation for the CCP Pedophiles & Traitors. Sending out the 5:5 MIL OPS was a confirmation SIG in our primary objective-rescuing our children from tunnels & DUMBS. As the remaining countries lockdown and reports of COVID-19 diagnosis continue, the news unlocks the map of events. Prepare to archive and be offline SHUTDOWN.
  • Simon Parkes: “The banks may be shutting down as soon as this weekend. Accounts will be frozen and there will be no online payments.  This was the event planned for September 24th.  The Pentagon says to take out cash now.  This bank shut down will last from 2-10 days.  The extent of it will depend on the opposition from the other side.” Simon Parkes RV/GCR Intel Update 9-16-22 | √ HO1 – Holistic Overview #1 – The #1 AIO Holistic View to understand topics better!
  • By Sat. 1 Oct. the Global Currency Reset was set to be activated for the general public.

Behind the Scenes at Queen Elizabeth’s Funeral Events:

  • The Guardians US Space Force Military Intelligence Agency and the Alliance have seized military power from the Deep State (all Satellites, Communication Grids, Banking Servers, Data and financial transactions) and given the Operations back to the real UK Military Peoples Army and Generals.
  • The White Hat Military in the UK now have King Charles III under Military control.
  • It’s expected that King Charles will be a failure (planned) and will collapse the Committee of 300 who run the Western World governments and Fortune 500 companies.
  • The Plan to use King Charles III to massively fail will lead to Nuremberg Trials and World Tribunals.
  • The Elites attending the funeral will be briefed on coming Events which include collapse of their governments and banking systems, which will lead to Debt Relief for The People.

Real News Headlines for Mon. 19 Sept. 2022:

  • Trump may still wait to be falsely indicted or arrested as part of the ending of this play we’re watching. Trump arrested? “The ultimate of hoaxes.” First arrest will shock the world Q said. Trump will be arrested soon. They are getting ready. This is predictive programming. Shits gonna hit the fan now!
  • Trump sends message to Alliance Military: “Mass Arrests Now!”
  • The US Supreme Court has voided the 2020 Election due to Election Fraud and foreign interference (Chinese Communist Party) in a US Election.
  • President Trump was back in Washington DC. No one has lived in the White House since Trump left after having signed the Insurrection Act of 1807, which placed the Military in charge of the country.
  • Emergency Alert System (EAS) on Standby for Midterms:
  • Canada: Anthrax has been found in the water supply, poisoning the water. Watch the water Q said!
  • The Federal Reserve and IRS were private corporations based in Puerto Rico.

Fake Telegram Channels:
Many FAKE telegram channels have been exposed. There were three official channels that were the primary source of all the inside information we are getting. At a rally Donald Trump announced three telegram channels for sharing truth and guidance about the plan. These three channels are private, but if you are one of us, make a request to join, and after you have been vetted and confirmed, your membership will be approved.
*I joined many suggested ones. Hopefully these 3 are the real McCoy!*
TRUMP LIVESTREAM (Sun. 18 Sept. 19:00 pm)

Princess Diana


Our Corrupt Federal Reserve (FED), Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and Anti Defamation League (ADL), were all founded by the Deep State in 1913 and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was founded by Nazis in the US after World War II:

  • Former IRS Agent explains why income tax is voluntarily and if enforced is technically illegal.
  • Congress is pouring a whopping $80 billion into the Internal Revenue Service over the next 10 years
  • Mike Lindell Announces Action After FBI Seizes His Phone:
  • Former CIA Station Chief: Intelligence Agencies Cannot ‘Be Reformed’ Unless POTUS Can ‘Fire Every Federal Employee:
  • Fox News: FBI raids 50 Trump supporters homes, launches full scale purge on political opposition.
  • ‘Secrets of the (Cabal) CIA’ – Full Documentary. The 1998 documentary directed by James Otis titled ‘Secrets of the CIA’ reveals how the CIA has been involved in numerous terrorist plots around the world. Ex-CIA agents discuss their experience with the organization and offer a rare glimpse inside this top secret agency.
  • Help Common Citizens Fight The Illegal Goliath IRS: The night of 24 June 2019 Ken Cromar (see Ken and Barbie vs. Goliath IRS below) completed and delivered the masters for Blu-ray & DVD duplication of two new productions, “A More Perfect Union – 30th Anniversary Digital Re-Master” and “MIRACLES: In God We Trust”.  
  • “Coincidentally” the next day, “Barbie & Ken” were hit with their first SWAT by 13+ US Marshals on a fraudulent IRS claim. It was exactly 9:24 am when Ken Cromar was doing his first LIVE radio interview to promote the two new films. The first question was: “Ken, why did you make the film MIRACLES: In God We Trust?”  Ken literally opened his mouth to answer the question, when he saw the SWAT team walk past his window!  “Uhhh…, uhh…,” he stammered on LIVE radio, “Sorry sir, I have a family emergency, and have to hang up!”  click!
  • Within 30-seconds Barbie & Ken’s “dream house” door was breeched and they with daughter Liberty were thrown out onto the street, instantly made homeless, not to return for 10 months.  (BTW, after their return, 5 months later they were hit a second time by the now famous 75-man SWAT on September 24, 2020 – ironically just 7-days after Constitution Day.)
  • Saturday September 17, 2022 was the 235th Anniversary of the signing of the Constitution.  Dear listener, would you like to have a copy of both of these films? — while simultaneously helping keep “Barbie & Ken” alive and in their fight for JUSTICE — shipped to you for only a minimum $25 donation? It could be our way of thanking George Washington and his Founder friends and two modern day freedom fighters in Barbie & Ken Cromar!
  • Imagine Americans learning about the MIRACLES that helped birth this nation, and watching George Washington sign the Constitution in a multi-million dollar feature film production reenactment shot at Independence Hall in Philadelphia in “A More Perfect Union”.
  • The Cromars would appreciate your help and would hold this Special Offer which includes a FREE pocket Constitution, open through end of September 30th.
  • Teaser clip tabs of both films AND the Donation tab are available at: 
Continue ReadingChange is Imminent – Dark to Light

Queen’s Death Pantomime

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*Extracts from a GCR

“The Queen’s Death was announced 17 Months after Prince Phillip Died, 911 Days since the Pandemic started and 1776 Days since the first Q Drop. Patriots were in Control.” …Q

Game Over!
Say it out loud and feel it:
London Bridge is falling down,
Falling down, falling down.
London Bridge is falling down,
My fair lady…

Red Alert – London Has Fallen
V for Vendetta Prophecy.
V for Vengeance is Now! London has fallen.
Project London Bridge Activated.
Black Swan Event Global Reset Market Crash started. Watch the water ripple effect!

“Operation London Bridge coming up to a theater near you. But it doesn’t look like it will go as planned for them. We’ll have 3 days darkness followed by 10 days of Revelations instead. …Great Awakening” Q+ Trump

The World Freed from British Admiralty Rule:
The announcement of death of the Queen frees the World from British Admiralty Rule and insures the collapse of the World Cabal Deep State regimen.

The US Inc., British Crown and Vatican laundering of slush funds to the Cabal corporations of State Street, Vanguard and Blackrock will stop. The monies were laundered through 14 countries controlled by the Queen that included the UK, Canada, Russia, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, New Zealand, Australia and South Africa. These 14 countries were now heading into Republic states.

Debt Jubilee Officially Declared with Queen’s Passing:
Queen Elizabeth “died” Thurs. 8 Sept. 2022. Her staged death was a signal to bring down the financial Deep State infrastructure. It was the end of the 2,000 year-old capture and control Masonic financial system used by the Holy Roman Empire Vatican, Crown City of London and Washington DC. Inc.

Queen Elizabeth’s death was announced exactly 1776 days after Q’s first post on 28 Oct. 2017. The announcement of her death also came exactly 911 days after the day the pandemic was officially declared, said to be “the day the world changed,” on 3/11/20, and 77 years and 7 days after WW2 ended. No coincidences here. Right?
All 8 Obama Years to be Overturned. The Queen is dead!
In 2018 the Alliance Special Forces took the Queen’s Kajillion$ in Gold & stashed it in Cheyenne Mountain.

British Crimes Under the Queen:
A partial list of British crimes across the world under the reign of Elizabeth II:

1948-60: The British waged war in ‘Malaya’ to loot rubber and tin between 1948-60. It had been preceded by the Great Famine in India 1876–78 – one of the most neglected cases of British colonial crimes. It covered an area of 670,000 square kilometers and affected 59 million people. They also sprayed Agent Orange on food crops as part of their ‘starvation campaign’.

In 1952 Churchill argued Kenya’s fertile highlands should only be for white people and approved the forcible removal of the local pop. Hundreds of thousands of Kenyans were forced into camps.

n 1953, Britain under Churchill ordered the overthrowing of the democratically elected leader of ‘British Guiana’. He dispatched troops and warships and suspended their constitution all to put a stop to the govs nationalisation plan.

1962-70: Britain carried out a covert war in Yemen which led to 200,000 deaths between 1962-70 and killed with impunity in Aden.

On 30th Jan 1972, the Bloody Sunday massacre was perpetrated by the parachute regiment of the British Army who killed 14 civilians at a peaceful protest march. Following the massacre the British lied about the victims. In 1972, British soldiers shot 26 unarmed civilians during an anti-colonial protest march in Derry, Ireland. Fourteen people died on Bloody Sunday.

There was a war of aggression against the people of Biafra where starvation against children was justified as a weapon of war. Britain under the supervision of Queen wanted Biafrans dead so as to have access to oil.

Follow Q The Storm Rider:
*The death of the Queen insures the [COLLAPSE] of the WORLD CABAL DEEP STATE regimen. With 14 countries controlled by the Queen including Australia, New Zealand and Canada, these countries are heading into a REPUBLIC STATE.
*The long-awaited freedom from British and Queen control: The GDP of these countries into Trillions$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ WILL STOP paying the CABAL Installed Royal Monarch regimen.
*The holdings of the British Empire and Company in 14 counties around the world will stop the slush funds connected to world laundering operations through the UK, Canada, Russia, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, New Zealand, Australia and South Africa to the Vatican.
*The VATICAN in FEAR of losing its assets and control throughout the World, has asked STATE Street, VANGUARD and BLACKROCK to return assets back to the VATICAN Bank as the world collapse continues.
*Behind the scenes in the VATICAN top Cardinals, official’s loyal to the KAZARIAN Mafia, Jesuits leaders and the Knights of Malta have been in lockdown (imprisoned within the Vatican Walls and cannot leave the estate).
&Military OPERATIONS have silently seized the Chain of Command in the VATICAN Empire.
*This Chain of Command from the Military Order of the Knights of Malta control had installed the UN with KAZARIAN control.
*With the money flow ceasing and quickly disappearing through EU countries, NATO and the UN were inside a battle to gather money. The infighting was out of control as Germany hides their last crates of gold, Switzerland hides gold and the Vatican asks for all assets returned and stored in the Vatican Bank. Now with the Queen dying, the countries of Canada, Australia, and several others were breaking away from the Cabal controlled Monarchy. Money was quickly running out.
*Germany was expected to be the first European country in the Central Region to fall, with Military Martial Law beginning. France, the UK and Italy to follow.
*The next stage of the desperate attempt by the Deep State to sway attention away from the collapse was to create a Nuclear Event, or World 911 Scenario Event.
*”We are inside the Storm of the Century. Buckle up, Buttercups.” Q

White Hat Intel: Deep State World Collapse – The Storm
VATICAN announcement of ALL Central BANKING system assets across the Globe in nearly every country must be returned to the VATICAN Bank. This includes all paper/coin money including Gold, silver, precious metals and minerals. ALL deeds and collection of debts connected to World banks, housing markets, loans, marketed services and debts must Returned to the VATICAN between September 1 through September 30.

This MAJOR announcement from the VATICAN comes at the same time (a week apart) the death of the Queen of UK Majesty was publicly announced (but for my Q The Storm Rider subscribers I had said three months ago [they] were getting ready to announce her death and had been preparing the EVENTS.

As we inside the Great AWAKENING movement knew she was executed years before as a warning from MILITARY ALLIANCE GENERALS that the end of the DEEP STATE CABAL was nearing. Her death was recorded and sent to [DS] LEADERS & DARK MIL. GENERALS and was a direct Warning to the VATICAN and KAZARIAN MAFIA.

With the execution of George Bush Sr. (who planned the killing of JFK and help give massive power to the world CABAL in his lifetime and operated Human Trafficking networks with the Clintons CIA), the Q OPERATIONS began overtly in the Deep State Elite world corruption rings.

Underground news report over 50 Trump allies raided by FBI and served Subpoenas last Thurs. The DOJ issued grand jury indictments on TRUMPs organizations that collected money in fundraising to overturn elections.

World Events:
Possible GESARA/NESARA Announcement, Gold/asset-backed physical currency and digital USTN should be out to the public on Thurs. 15 Sept.

The Fiat US Dollar will be pulled from circulation in three or so months.

Mass Arrests Have Begun: Soon both Biden and Obama were expected to be publically arrested, both charged with many counts of Treason, including Election Fraud and the corrupt Nuclear Weapons deal Obama made with Iran called Project Pelican.
What was the Biden-ordered FBI Raid on Trump really about? Confiscating evidence Trump had on the Obama Iran Nuclear Deal, the FBI Cover Up and corruption connected to the UN. The UN International Nuclear Watchdog, the IAEA, was currently investigating Iran’s nuclear production specifically pertaining to Obama’s 2015 Nuclear Iran Deal.

The necessity for a gold standard is very clear. We have Europe imploding….. We have banks closing, dissolving and bankrupt….. We are watching the implosion of the fiat system….Russia is going to a gold standard…..Argentina is now joining BRICS…..Germany is trying to join BRICS.”

“Between Sun.11 Sept and Thurs. 15 Sept. there would be a financial system change. Fiat money would be a little less available in the banks because on Thurs. 15 Sept. all countries’ new currencies will be announced as gold/ asset-backed.”

Thirteen former Defense secretaries and retired generals give WARNING. The officials, who signed the letter, are former Defense secretaries from the Trump, Obama, Bush and Clinton administrations and include Mark Esper, Ashton Carter, William Cohen, Robert Gates, Chuck Hagel, James Mattis, Leon Panetta and William Perry. The former chairs of the Joint Chiefs of Staff include Martin Dempsey, Joseph Dunford, Michael Mullen, Richard Myers and Peter Pace

Pope dissolves Knights of Malta leadership, issues new Constitution:
White Hat Military Operations have silently seized the Chain of Command of the Vatican Empire.
The Dragon families, Chinese Elders and Clan want Trump back in office. The Deep State Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Dupont, Bush family and Cabal lied to the Chinese Dragon/Elders and clans, saying that they would fix the world with Obama in office in 2008.

Underground Bases And Cloning Centers — Many celebrities, entertainers, athletes, musicians, models, writers, producers, actors, all kinds of people from various industries are silently brought to the cloning centers for “pay-to-play sessions.” — QWARRIORSWORLDWIDE

Sun. Sept. 11 2022 Never Forget 9/11:
9/11 wasn’t the first Inside Job: remember the Titanic and Pearl Harbor? They sacrificed thousands of lives to push their agenda. They used our own fear to take away our freedoms. We can never let that happen again.
Trump, speaking on the day of the attacks: “I said how could a plane, even a plane, even a 767 or a 747, or whatever it might’ve been… how could it possibly go through the steel? I happen to think that they had not only a plane, but they had bombs that exploded almost simultaneously, cuz I just can’t imagine anything being able to go through that wall.”
Larry Silverstein of Silverstein Properties, owner of the World Trade Center, infamously admits that Building 7 was a controlled demolition. Building 7 was not hit by a plane, yet collapsed on 9/11 at free fall speed in the afternoon. The media covered it up and many people aren’t even aware that a 3rd building collapsed. This is a smoking gun.
On September 15, 2006, the 5th anniversary of 9/11, in a press conference Skull & Crossbones member, President George Bush discussed how they planted bombs high enough in the tower so that the people above could not escape.
Patriots in the CIA warned about Mossad attacking us on 9/11 and were ignored. This is one of the main reasons Trump decided to run.
Jeffrey Epstein had a painting of Bush in his Manhattan home. It showed Bush playing with paper planes crashing into Jenga towers that represent the Twin Towers. They all knew 9/11 was an inside job.

Russian 9/11 Data Dump Revealed State Actors: 2014

9/11 was a CIA-coordinated Zio-Anglo-American black
operation executed with close collaboration between
Israel’s Mossad and Saudi Arabian financiers.”

— Veteran 9/11 Investigator

Undoubtedly the 9/11 attacks on New York City and Washington DC are the most misrepresented by officialdom in US history.
Whereas the assassination of John F. Kennedy is now understood to have been a classic CIA Execution Plan, it does not come close to 9/11 in terms of the number and magnitude of outright falsehoods, misleading statements, fake science and fraudulent facts submitted by officials and agents of the US Government.  The ‘official’ 9/11 Commission Report stands as the most fabricated document ever produced by US tax dollars.  Not only did the investigation avoid every serious inquiry about how two steel frame building came down after being dustified in NYC, it also subverted every initiative to ferret out the truth.

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John F Kennedy Jr, VP of USA

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GCR 8th September

Tues. 6 Sept. 6:00 pm EST (JFK Jr.?) lives and going live:
“It’s time for Justice! I will expose them. Prepare for the Real Storm! It was a Plandemic and they are going to pay for their crimes. To be in the shadows was the only choice I had. They wanted to destroy me. They want to destroy what they cannot control. I am ready to come out from the shadows. Now is the time!” …Q Victory

John F Kennedy Jr, 19th Vice President, WWG1WGA!:

  • My fellow Americans, over the course of the next several days you will undoubtedly realize that we are taking back our great country (the Land of the Free) from the evil tyrants that wish to do us harm and destroy the last remaining refuge of shining light.
  • On POTUS’ order, we have initiated certain fail-safes that shall safeguard the public from the primary fallout which is slated to occur 11.3 upon the arrest announcement of Mr. Podesta (actionable 11.4).
  • Confirmation (to the public) of what is occurring will then be revealed and will not be openly accepted. Public riots are being organized in serious numbers in an effort to prevent the arrest and capture of more senior public officials.
  • On POTUS’ order, a state of temporary military control will be actioned and special ops carried out. False leaks have been made to retain several within the confines of the United States to prevent extradition and special operator necessity.
  • Rest assured, the safety and well-being of every man, woman, and child of this country is being exhausted in full. However, the atmosphere within the country will unfortunately be divided as so many have fallen for the corrupt and evil narrative that has long been broadcast.
  • We will be initiating the Emergency Broadcast System (EMS) during this time in an effort to provide a direct message (avoiding the fake news) to all citizens. Organizations and/or people that wish to do us harm during this time will be met with swift fury – certain laws have been pre-lifted to provide our great military the necessary authority to handle and conduct these operations (at home and abroad).

Red Wave
Get Ready
No One Can Stop It!!!
The Likes of Which No One Has Ever Seen Before!
… Donald Trump 4 Sept. 2022

Judy Byington 8th September:

Join the Global Walkout:

It’s time to share this secret with you! Leaked Q Proof is a very important channel that will be used to post extremely sensitive evidence that has been revealed to us. The channel is owned and managed by “JFK Jr and the Q Army” – I can’t stress how important it is to join and share this channel with everyone you know. The evidence that will be posted there will be devastating for the fascists. It’s all coming to an end. New beginning for us! The channel will be made private so only those who join will be able to see and share the bombshell – This is the only place where we can share this evidence.” Join and share now: Leaked Q Proof Telegram Channel:

Global Currency Reset:

  • Next Sunday 11 Sept, the 21st Anniversary of 9/11 – the world’s economy was scheduled to shut down.
  • Though, the world’s economy was safe as it has gone through a Global Currency Reset.
  • All 209 nations have converted to gold/asset-backed currencies, which have been trading on the Forex since Sun. 28 Aug. 2022.

What was the Trump RAID really about?
Confiscating Evidence on Corruption regarding the Obama-Iran Nuclear Deal, the UN and FBI Cover Up.

  • In part of the 11,000 documents Trump had taken by the FBI, their main focus was around classified documents that exposed Obama in the 2015 Iran Nuclear Deal.
  • A war had begun inside the UN and NATO as infighting among the council, generals and leaders was silently erupting.
  • Back in 2010 the Alliance had fully infiltrated the UN and NATO and was secretly giving DECLAS to certain heads in the programs. That infiltration of White Hats inside the UN has begun international investigations into Obama and the Iran Nuclear Deal.
  • The payoffs went to the UN Council and top Elites who were bribed in the illegal deal with Iran. Over 400 Billion in U.S. tax payer monies created slush funds of 200 Billion.
  • The over site/Negligence/Corruption of UN-NATO in the Obama Iran Deal was fully documented with banking records/servers/computers and inside Agents with direct contacts to UN, NATO Leaders and payoffs.
  • The Obama-Iran cover up of the death of Osama bin laden connected to the FBI Raid.
  • Iran through the CIA gave Obama false information on the location of Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan. Immediately Obama sent Military Special Forces to arrest/detain/ kill Bin Laden.
  • Only minutes After Osama Bin Laden was killed in the operation, the Special Forces confirmed his death. With this President Obama held a special broadcast on major networks and told the American people they had killed Osama bin Laden. However, only minutes after Obama’s speech, the military forces confirmed it was a mistake and a lookalike/stand-in for Bin Laden was the person they had killed. (That’s why the fake Bin Laden lookalike was thrown over the mountain from the Helo and the false story that Bin Laden was buried at sea was a lie).
  • This would all lead to Obama, the Iran Nuclear Deal and world corruption – those who supported the illegal deal that could potentially connect to a Nuclear Holocaust or near Nuclear Event.
  • Trump sets the stage (Documents in possession). White Hats inside the FBI set the Stage (Raid). White Hats inside the UN/NATO set the Stage for an International investigation into Obama/Iran Deal through the IAEA.
  • That’s why Biden’s DOJ was after Trump papers.
  • Jane Sullivan, who pieced together the deal with Obama, now works for Biden as National Security Advisor. Sullivan’s spouse is the councilor (Top Aid) to Attorney General Merrick Garland who ordered the FBI Raid to seize the Nuclear documents.
Continue ReadingJohn F Kennedy Jr, VP of USA

Don’t Die From A Stroke

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“Don’t Want to Die From A Stroke”
August 24, 2022
Dr. Mark Sircus

You are more likely to die from a stroke if:
*You had a COVID vaccine.
*You had a COVID infection.
*If you pick up the Spike Protein from a vaccinated person [my take on it]

*Blogger’s Note: If you act quickly after a stroke or heart attack, the effects will be minimised.
Take DMSO – injected, orally or topical.
See: “The DMSO Handbook For Doctors” by Archie H Scott. Available from The Book Depository.
Anyone can learn from this non-technical book.

If you do not want to die from a stroke, do not take any of the COVID vaccines, and if you get a COVID infection, you will want to treat it right away with chlorine dioxide. Unfortunately, just having COVID will increase your chances of having a stroke.
Dr. Patrick D. Lyden, professor of neurology at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, said doctors were reporting “a surprising number of very severe strokes at this time” in COVID-19 patients. “I’ve seen that with my own eyes – otherwise healthy young people with COVID infection and a stroke.”

Heart attacks and brain strokes have been the two leading causes of hospitalization and death for Covid-19 vaccine recipients. In addition, we have seen increasing reports of ischemic stroke, hemorrhagic stroke, and cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST), after COVID-19 vaccinations.

From England, we read that Triple Vaccinated Children Aged 10-14 Were 146 X More Like To Die ‘Of Something.’ Dr. Richard Urso wrote, “I had a healthy 9-year-old here in Houston have a stroke. A healthy nine-year-old does not have a stroke. It doesn’t happen. A good friend who’s worked in physical therapy for years, here in Houston, told me that in the past 6 weeks: 17, 20, 22, 24, 27, 32, 35, and 38 years old are in the hospital for stroke. She’s never seen that ever. Maybe one of those a year. In a big city hospital, you might get a case a year. You don’t see 8 of them in a period of 6 weeks.”

These cases and all the vaccine deaths are getting harder to cover up, but medical and health authorities have done an excellent job of pretending none of this is happening. Nevertheless, COVID-19 patients are at increased risk for severe strokes, according to a new study also found that the overall risk of stroke is higher in younger patients.

Researchers analyzed data from 432 COVID-19 patients in 17 countries who suffered strokes and found they were more likely to have large vessel occlusion (LVO) than stroke patients in the general population. The analyses suggest coronavirus patients are mostly experiencing the deadliest type of stroke. Known as large vessel occlusions, or LVOs, they can obliterate large parts of the brain responsible for movement, speech, and decision-making in one blow because they are in the main blood-supplying arteries.

Clinicians should be aware of clinical presentation, diagnosis, and management of stroke associated with COVID-19 vaccination. Still, this awareness is kept from them and the general public because nothing should get in the way of the comprehensive administration of the most dangerous vaccines ever.

Dr. Ryan Cole: “Dr. Reisa Pretorius, in her papers, has shown that you can take the spike protein in the absence of platelets, put it into platelet-poor plasma, and cause immediate clumping of the proteins in the absence of this little cascade that we always go through to form a clot. So that spike protein in and of itself induces a highly unusual clumping of proteins in our bloodstream, and so this explains partially why we’re seeing some of these outcomes.”

Special Note: If you do a Google search you will see the name and integrity of Dr. Cole put into question. Personally, I do not believe a word of it. I have been listening to him since the beginning of the pandemic and his integrity seems as solid as a rock. Anything that suggests COVID vaccines are anything but as safe as apple pie needs to be repressed. As far as I am concerned COVID vaccines, at least 5 percent of the vaccine lots, are murderous. Prenatal and Neonatal Infant Deaths Skyrocket Worldwide Since COVID-19 Vaccines Started and in Europe and America alone official vaccine reporting systems are telling us over 65,000 deaths and about 5 million adverse events with half of them being serious. Multiply these numbers by five or ten to get a real picture of what is going on.

They put 3 HIV proteins in these shots
and gave the world vaccine-induced AIDS

A stroke, a sudden interruption of the blood supply, is a complex problem with numerous causes and presentations. It can be caused by heart problems, clogged arteries due to cholesterol, and even substance abuse. Mini-strokes often don’t cause permanent damage and can resolve on their own within 24 hours. But bigger ones can be catastrophic. So the quicker stokes are treated, the better chance of recovery, and that is why years ago, they tested the administration of magnesium in ambulances for stroke victims.

Fast treatment for stroke symptoms is critical, but when COVID vaccines cause strokes, chlorine dioxide is the treatment of choice if there is any hope of survival. Therefore, every COVID-vaccinated person should immediately start administering this small biocide to avoid vaccine damage.

Blood Clots Cause Strokes
Blood clots have emerged as the common factor unifying many of the symptoms of COVID-19. Researchers in Germany have discovered that the virus changes the size and stiffness of red and white blood cells in the human body. Moreover, these changes can last for months, possibly explaining the seemingly never-ending symptoms of COVID-19.

In December of 2021, Astra Zeneca scientists finally admitted something that had been known for many months, i.e., that their vaccine was causing deadly blood clots. A Utah mother blames COVID-19 vaccines after her 17-year-old son and her husband were hospitalized with rare blood clots soon after receiving the shots. “So it is true after all. After nearly one year of stonewalling and denials, they officially admit that the COVID vaccines can cause blood clots,” writes Vasko Kohlmayer.

Patients hospitalized with severe COVID-19 infections who have high levels of the blood-clotting protein factor V are at elevated risk for serious injury from blood clots such as deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism, according to a new study by Harvard Medical School

“On the other hand, critically ill patients with COVID-19 and low levels of factor V appear to be at increased risk for death from a form of coagulopathy that resembles disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)—a devastating, often fatal abnormality in which blood clots form in small vessels throughout the body, leading to exhaustion of clotting factors and proteins that control coagulation,” continues the medical scientists at Harvard.

Many medical scientists have looked at blood samples from vaccinated patients and seen disaster. Embalmers and funeral directors also notice very abnormal blood clots never seen before. Even the U.S. Department of Defense has weighed in on these dangers.

*Blogger’s Note: These should not be called ‘blood clots’. They are white Graphene Oxide clots which also contain metals from the jabs.

Many medical scientists have looked at blood samples from vaccinated patients and seen disaster. Embalmers and funeral directors also notice very abnormal blood clots never seen before. Even the U.S. Department of Defense has weighed in on these dangers. bloodstream. Instead, they found small clots all over.

A Dutch study published April 10 in the journal Thrombosis Research provided more evidence that the issue is widespread, finding that 38 percent of 184 covid-19 patients in an intensive care unit had blood that clotted abnormally.

Chlorine Dioxide Rides To The Rescue
Chlorine dioxide, that small, extremely safe medicine that the FDA would rather not exist, rides to the rescue of COVID infected patients and the billions of people who blindly took COVID injections programmed to force human body cells to produce spike proteins.

Chlorine dioxide works on the central damaging aspect of COVID vaccines, which is coagulation in the blood. “Normally, doctors prescribe an anticoagulant, such as warfarin, which is a substance equal to rat poison, which in the long term, will cause strokes, etc. So it’s not a solution at all. However, chlorine dioxide is a solution because we have seen that it directly dissolves mini clots before they get bigger,” says Dr. Andreas Kalcker.

“Oxygen deprivation is the cause of death for most covid-19 victims. Chlorine dioxide floods the blood with oxygen, immediately enriching the hemoglobin molecules on red blood cells and allowing patients to breathe again,” continues Kalcker.

Many sick and dying have red blood cells clumping together and are not moving freely. Severely clumped red blood cells (Rouleau) affect proper oxygenation because the red blood cells do not circulate well enough to deliver oxygen where it is needed. Early in the pandemic, New York physicians noted that it seemed COVID patients had been transported to 30,000 feet in altitude and were starving for oxygen. This video shows that after taking chlorine dioxide, the red blood cells regain proper size and shape and move freely through the blood.

Chlorine dioxide does not thin the blood as a blood thinner like Coumadin would. It simply allows a more free flow of hemoglobin cells around one another. It reduces the Rouleaux effect. It does not impact the patient’s ability to create blood clots normally.

Magnesium Helps Chlorine Dioxide
Magnesium has a fibrinolytic action, prolongs clotting time, delays peak thrombin time, slows down platelet clumping, and appears to reduce fibrinogen levels, all of which may prevent the development or extension of an infarct. In addition, the vasodilator action opens collateral circulation and reduces myocardial damage.

“Magnesium deficiency can cause metabolic changes
that may contribute to heart attacks and strokes.”
National Institute of Health

As documented in a N.Y. Times story, pediatric stroke is estimated to be the sixth leading cause of death in children. Meaning it affects thousands of infants and children every year. And studies show incident rates are increasing.

Older adults are not the only people in danger of suffering a stroke. Increasingly, children are also stricken, according to the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association. “Children and adolescents with stroke have remarkable differences in presentation (symptoms) compared with adults,” said E. Steve Roach, M.D., chair of the statement writing group and professor of pediatric neurology at the Ohio State University College of Medicine.

In a study of over 200 children who had suffered a stroke, nearly 80 percent were found to have abnormalities in the brain’s arteries. These abnormalities were due to inflammation, a narrowing or a tear in the artery walls, and researchers believe various infections or diseases caused them. But, of course, they did not even look at underlying magnesium deficiencies or the disturbances that vaccines provoke in the vascular system.

Dr. Tavia Mathers and Dr. Renea Beckstrand from Brigham Young University published in the Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners in 2009 that magnesium has been heralded as an ingredient to watch for 2010 and noted that magnesium is helpful for reduction of the risk of stroke. Population-based information suggests that people with low magnesium in their diet are at greater risk for stroke. In addition, clinical evidence suggests that magnesium is helpful in the treatment of a stroke.

Continue ReadingDon’t Die From A Stroke


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*I am creating this post since people in the USA should take note & be aware.

SOTN Editor’s Note: Joe Biden’s Philly “Speech from Hell” was a highly calculated political and military act on the part of his NWO globalist masters.  Because that declaration of war against MAGA Republicans was given so soon after he signed legislation authorizing the hiring of 87,000 IRS agents, the intentions ought to be quite clear. (Those IRS agents actually represent an illegal government-paid army of paramilitary mercenaries whose only mission is to terrorize the Right into compliance or face liquidation.)  Hence, the communist-run Biden administration will commence, first, with a stealthy purge of all high-profile conservatives from all American institutions well beyond what they have already perpetrated since Obama’s first term.  Many Patriots have already been rooted out of the U.S. Federal Government, Corporate America, Universities & Colleges, Medical Centers & Research Institutions, etc. via the patently unlawful Covid ‘vaccine’ mandates.  However, as of September 1, Team Biden is putting their Cultural Marxist Revolution on steroids.  Between now and Election Day, the Right should expect just about anything to occur that demonizes conservatives and disparages Christians across the USA.  This is it, folks!  These cultural marxists are about to morph into full-blown political bolsheviks as their totalitarian juggernaut rolls across the 50 states much like Chinese were shocked and awed during their devastating Cultural Revolution.  The famine (sound familiar) alone during that communist-directed genocide killed more than 30,000,000 people across China.

Now for the real “RED ALERT” here: This dire warning concerns the necessity for all folks on the Right to be acutely aware of the upcoming “False Flag Mass Casualty Events” already planned by the U.S. Intelligence Community to be blamed on MAGA Republicans.  The Left desperately needs a number of “shocking and heinous” mass shootings or mass bombings to blame on Trump supporters as a means of capturing undecided voters.  Between now and Election Day, every conservative ought to be on their best behavior; and especially stay away from any suspicious events and large public gatherings.  After all, most of those crowds are dominated by donkey Democrats, ultra-liberals, super-progressives, closet communists, cultural marxists, political bolsheviks, flaming anarchists, wannabe insurrectionists, virtue signalers, social justice warriors, LGBTQIA+ fanatics, woke protestors, and worse.  Most importantly, virtually all of these snowflake crazymakers have been vaxxed to the max with 2 or 3 Covid jabs plus a couple of boosters to boot.  Do you really want to spend your precious time in a horde of super-vaxxed transhumans who are shedding profusely—24/7?!?!

BOTTOM LINE: Look out. Watch out. And don’t stay out late between now and the first of the year.  Halloween is starting in September this year (yet another early October Surprise); and it’s gonna get very scary … as the POTUS Imposter just showed US all wearing his presidential costume while giving his “Speech from Hell” in his Philly haunted house. See: Here it comes America—the first SEPTEMBER SURPRISE!

*This Alt Media platform has a pretty good track record for calling out the BIG ONES before anyone else even knows what’s really happening.  In fact, SOTN posted the very first exposé on the Internet about the launching of OPERATION COVID-19 in Wuhan, China on January 22, 2020, several days before any other alternative news website (See: WUHAN CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC BIOENGINEERED).  Therefore, our best advice to all of our readers is that it’s time to prepare if you haven’t already.

Continue ReadingRED ALERT!


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Military Set Up Raid on Trump’s Mansion
Q Proof! Military Set Up Raid!
Military in Control.
*Watch the video:

*Knock Knock written on the cover.
*Q was writing: “Is there a benefit (think public optics) to allow your enemy to open the front door?
**Much more – look at the video.

“Something Big is Coming on Mon. 5 Sept. 12 Noon EST”
… John McAffe

Tues. 6 Sept. 6:00 pm EST: “I am ready to come out of the shadows. Now is the time!”
…(JFK Jr.?)

2020 Election Invalid
The US Supreme Court has Voided the 2020 Election due to Election Fraud.
…Lin Wood, Charlie Ward

The Global Currency Reset Has Already Occurred!!!
All 209 nation’s gold/asset-backed currencies started trading on the Forex back screens on Sun. 28 Aug.

We await a formal announcement to dissolve the US Presidency and Congress and bring in Martial Law until a new fair and transparent election can be held.

The Foreign-owned IRS From Hell: The US Inc. IRS was privately owned by the Rothschild/Rockefeller Bankers, while the US Court system and Lawyers answered not to the US citizens they were supposed to serve, but to the Crown Bar of England.

The Pope has called for all monies of the world’s Central Banks be moved to the Vatican Bank – a sign something big was happening.

The FBI, CIA, IRS and other US government agencies were being controlled by foreign entities of the New World Order.

Calendar of Events:
*“September will be a month of upheaval – a month when all the dirty things of this government will be exposed. Trump Warns of Dark Times Ahead: …Donald J. Trump Live on Telegram.
*“September and October were going to be very important months. A lot of things will happen. We will get a confession in that time about the theft of the 2020 Election. They are already caught.” …Charlie Ward
*By voiding the 2020 Election, the US government as now organized, would be dissolved. Mainstream Media Satellites would be taken down, the Emergency Broadcast System put into effect on the new Star Link Satellite System and nations around the world would go into Martial Law. The US would maintain Martial Law until a new Election could take place.
*In 29 hours to Mon. 5 Sept. 12 Noon EST: Something Big is Coming. All the right people are scared, very scared. Incoming: Epstein 98%. I am bulletproof. Trump is the legitimate president. …John McAffe.
*Tues. 6 Sept. 6:00 pm EST (JFK Jr.?) lives and going live: “It’s time for Justice! I will expose them in 4 days (from Fri. 2 Sept). Prepare for the Real Storm! It was a Plandemic and they are going to pay for their crimes. …To be in the shadows was the only choice I had. They wanted to destroy me. They want to destroy what they cannot control. I am ready to come out from the shadows. Now is the time!” …Q Victory, it’s not a conspiracy anymore.
*Sun. 11 Sept. (9/11) they will shut down the world’s economy according to Lin Wood.
*Tues. 8 November 2022 Elections: “I have on extremely good authority from three different sources that the USA election in November will not happen. This has already gone through the Supreme Court – SCOTUS – and they used a Shadow Document to overturn the 2020 Election.”…Charlie Ward

Durham Report:
John Durham announced: “BIDEN WILL BE REMOVED SOON.” After John Durham revealed that FBI agents who were involved in the Mar A Lago raid on President Trump’s home are actively under his criminal investigation, now he posted that Biden will be removed soon. You might want to follow his private channel:

The FBI, IRS and CIA were committing acts of Treason on US Citizens by order of foreign entities for the purpose of taking over America:
*The FBI was out of control, their latest being the raid of President Trump’s home where without a warrant to do so, rummaged through his family’s personal possessions.
*CIA: After World War II Nazi Mind Control Experts were given a safe haven in the US: By 1947 the CIA had been established under the National Security Act of 1947. The agency immediately implemented tortuous Mind Control methods on the developing brains of young children with the purpose of splitting their thinking patterns into multiple personalities. Their first published experiments were in the 1940s and 1950s using young male children institutionalized at the Fernald School in Massachusetts who were fed radioactive cereal. The purpose of the Mind Control experiments was to create Manchurian Candidates to do CIA bidding.
*IRS Swat Teams kicked seniors Ken and Barbie out of their home, threw away their entire personal possessions including expensive equipment Ken used to make a living, arrested them without reading them their rights, destroyed evidence Ken had filed for to bring into Court, denied them hearings and a fair trial and now had a warrant out for their arrest, having convicted them of living in and stealing from their own home. All AFTER a Federal Tax Court ruled they didn’t owe any monies to the IRS – the fact of which they were denied the right to bring forth in their jury trial.
*If they can do that to a US President, if they can do it to innocent children, if they can do that to common law-biding citizens Ken and Barbie, then what was next for you?
*You can do something about this Nazi-Style Government: Join the Global  Reignite Freedom Starting Sun. 4 Sept. 2022 8:00 pm GMT With one step at a time, hand in hand, we will walk out from the society they are trying to enslave us into. Join us at   info@reignitefreedom.com

*For the next time you tell someone the news is run by the CIA and they call you a conspiracy theorist: Sig Mickelson, President of CBS from 1954 to 1961: “We had been contacted by the CIA, as a matter of fact by the time I  became the head of the whole News and Public Affairs operation in 1954 the shifts had been established and I was told about them and asked if I’d carry on with them”

Continue ReadingBOOM WEEK ?

US Nov Election Off

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“I have on extremely good authority from three different sources that the US Election in November will not happen. This has already gone through the Supreme Court. They used a Shadow Document to overturn the 2020 Election.”
…Charlie Ward on Sun. 28 Aug. 2022

*The 2020 Election has been voided by the US Supreme Court, according to Lawyer Lin Wood. We await a formal announcement to dissolve the US Presidency and Congress and bring in Martial Law.
On Sat. 3 Sept. the legal deadline for 2020 Election Ballots to be destroyed would be reached. Because Fraud in the 2020 Election had now been verified by 46 of the 50 US States, an announcement to void the 2020 Election should happen sometime this week.
By voiding the 2020 Election, the US government as now organized, would be dissolved. Mainstream Media Satellites would be taken down, the Emergency Broadcast System put into effect on the new Star Link Satellite System and nations around the world would go into Martial Law. The US would maintain Martial Law until a new Election could take place.
*Obama and Fauci founded the development of Covid-19 in the Wuhan Lab and both were now making big bucks off the vaccines – that were causing heart attacks and killing people in line with their New World Order Agenda.
*The FBI was stalking Trump Supporters at Mar-a-Lago and refused to investigate or even open cases on the Satanic Ritual Abuse of Children.
*Impeachment Was Being Filed Against Biden:
*“The Rothschild Flag rules over Israel.” …Juan O Savin

*There were blackouts for news out of the Kingpin of the GCR, Iraq; out of China (related to the Three Gorges Dam failure) and Canada – where the Cabal has ordered arrest of the Freedom Truckers.
By Thurs. 1 Sept there was scheduled Mass Arrests of Canadian Freedom Truckers, with a Blackout in Canada by order of the Cabal.
*On Sun. 9/11 the global economy was set to crash according to Attorney Lin Wood. Presently the value of the now-gold backed US dollar was going up fast on the Forex, while the New York Stock Market remained in free fall.
*The US IRS is Literally From Hell: After authorizing trillions in a spending spree Congress has found a way to not increase the National Debt by monetizing tax increases for the future. There will be no IRS tax forgiveness and they were increasing US Taxpayers debt to the IRS by six times. Last month Congress awarded the IRS $80 billion to hire 87,000 new IRS Agents, who they will weaponize and train in SWAT Teams to collect those monies from US citizens. This violation of human rights happened to seniors Ken and Barbie, and it’s on it’s way to happen to you.

**The Global Walkout: Help reignite Freedom throughout the world starting on Sun. 4 Sept. 2022 8:00 pm GMT.

Donald J. Trump Live on Telegram:
“September will be a month of upheaval – a month when all the dirty things of this government will be exposed. The current president is disgusting to people not only in the United States but all over the world. In a few days we will send something that will destroy and expose these Cabbalists. Information will be only among the people who want good for this country, and not the manipulators. Make sure you attract this to more people!”
Charlie Ward:
September and October were going to be very important months… “A lot of things will happen. We will get a confession in that time about the theft of the 2020 Election. They are already caught.”
I have on extremely good authority from three different sources that the USA election in November will not happen. This has already gone through the Supreme Court – SCOTUS – and they used a Shadow Document to overturn the 2020 Election.”
International Military Tribunals in Mariupol:
9 Nov. 2022 (9/11) Military Tribunals, Arrests Revelations. Nazi War Crimes Against Humanity. International Military Tribunals to take place in Mariupol Donezk Republic  and the US State Dept. was freaking out. “The International Tribunal in Mariupol can shed light on the true nature of the Kiev regime, of which the United States is carefully creating a bright and heroic image. American citizens will finally learn that their government is in fact helping those who deliberately kill and torture the Russian people in the Donbass and Ukraine.”

Continue ReadingUS Nov Election Off

No mRNA in Jabs?

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Independent researchers find no mRNA in COVID jabs
*This may or may not be so, but there is a lot of well researched info here,

Valentine9 hr ago
Just a layman here with questions. Do you know if all the researchers tested vials that were kept at the recommended very low temperature until the contents were tested? I ask because it seems that the temperature has an effect on the viability of mRNA. Also, we have all seen many reports on social media from people who claim to have been victims of a shedding syndrome, most notably the effects on women’s periods. This has been attributed to the spike protein spreading from the vaccinated to the unvaccinated and of course not graphene. Effects on the immune system are also not mentioned – another feature supposedly of the mRNA content. I am probably not being fair as your article just addresses what the researches found and is very thorough in that regard. Nonetheless, it left me with those questions (and more but I will stop here).


**Posted by “Pseudonym” – Who has a background in biomedical studies, political history, journalism, & the world’s traditional medical systems, Ayurveda, Chinese medicine & herbalism.

Please subscribe and stay tuned. I am a new Substacker and I would like to share the latest independent data and common sense scientific arguments here.

I am completely independent. My background is in biomedical studies, political history, journalism and the world’s traditional medical systems including Ayurveda, Chinese medicine and herbalism.

If you find errors or wish to contribute, please let me know in comments.

Best wishes to all of you. Thank you for remaining open.

Those who can remain open are the hope of the world.

Thanks for reading Pseudoscience and Its Discontents! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.
*See bottom of the above link.

Vials subjected to a variety of independent microscopic and spectroscopic observations and analyses have shown little nucleic acid material and lots of graphene oxide.

There exists a certain COVID vaccine harm theory that mRNA and its attendant spike protein are the means of vaccine delivery, as well as vaccine injury and harm.

However, independent scientists from a variety of countries across the Americas and Europe have examined all or nearly all varieties of COVID vaccine brands and all of them independently found no evidence of mRNA in the vials.

FIRST, it is important to point out that the “mRNA” alleged to be in the vials is not messenger RNA but rather modified synthetic polynucleotide strands, ie, modRNA. They are not real human biologics, but genetically modified synthetic molecules, ie, a work of chemistry and not strictly biology.

So was modRNA found in the COVID vaccine vials examined by independent researchers in the past year and a half? No, it was not.

This writer has reviewed nearly all of the publicly available micrographs and spectroscopy studies of the contents of these vials, and will keep reviewing more.

What researchers found instead of modRNA or mRNA was mostly graphene oxide with metal contaminant, including heavy metals such as aluminum and cadmium (constituents of “quantum dots”). Synthetic lipid material was not much remarked upon but found in only a very small amount. One researcher found the Trypanosoma  cruzi parasite in the Pfizer vaccine.

Graphene, a relatively new nanomaterial derived from the mineral graphite, was observed in various forms, such as “nanosheets” and “nanotubes” (tubules), suggesting its self-assembling capability as described in the scientific literature.

However, researchers also found lots of graphene “schrapnel” that had not assembled into any form, but was found in bits and chunks. This graphene schrapnel had otherwise conjoined with heavy metals and other toxic adjuvants to form graphene symplasts (chunks or aggregates of organic and inorganic material).

Unfortunately, graphene oxide is toxic to humans. Its nano size allows it to enter cells and wreak havoc on red blood cells in particular, as it is naturally magnetically drawn to the iron content in blood and to the body’s major fields: the heart and brain. Red blood cells clump around graphene and cannot flow through the bloodstream and take up oxygen. Graphene causes major blood stagnation, which leads to clots.

Graphene oxide is, as noted, strongly electromagnetically, thermally and acoustically conductive. This means graphene will react to these types of stimuli, because it is capable of absorbing and transmitting energy.

Graphene is also oxidative, acidic, strongly inflammatory, and physically razor-sharp – one-atom-thick razor sharp. It can not only slice through blood vessels and endothelia (tissue linings), but it can also strongly interact with cell membranes and DNA. 

Graphene oxide thus employs many mechanisms of harm in the body, resulting in hemorrhage and clotting, as well as necrosis and apoptosis (cell death).

It is also thought that graphene oxide is genotoxic. 

So this and future blog posts are meant to share the facts as they are known to only too few: The actual scientific evidence shows the COVID injections are not gene therapy shots, but graphene shots.

And, the actual scientific evidence also shows that the graphene shots can explain the severe clotting damage seen by embalmers of vaccinated persons better than current popular theories.

You will notice that most alt media outlets will downplay the graphene if it is mentioned at all. Graphene is not just an adjuvant or another heavy metal. Want to have a look at those characteristics again? 

Certainly we continue to investigate.

Upshot: There is no evidence of mRNA in the jab! There is evidence of graphene!

The independent Spanish-language scientific research group La Quinta Columna first identified graphene oxide in the vaccine vials via micro-Raman spectroscopy studies done by Dr. Jose Campra in summer of 2021.

(Independent media watchers should be sure to remember that Whitney Webb and Ryan Cristian of The Last American Vagabond poo-pooed these findings and tried to debunk them out of the gate. Certainly they are not science reporters, so how were they so sure as to what was in the vial, as it had never before been independently investigated?)

Quinta Columna’s research was confirmed by South American and European researchers as well as researchers in New Zealand and the US.

PhD and founder of a graphene nanomaterials company, the German Andreas Noack, who also wrote his PhD thesis about graphene oxide, further confirmed that the studies had correctly identified graphene oxide but that it was in its more harmful reduced form.

After he spoke about this in a public video last summer, his girlfriend reported that he died shortly thereafter. 

Veteran American lab researcher and virologist Dr. Poornima Wagh, whose father was an industry lab researcher and in whose lab she began her longtime career, confirmed that she and her research group of 20 have found no mRNA in any of the vials. Her group has tested over 2,000 vials of vaccines of nearly every brand in existence using Raman spectroscopy, she says.

Significantly, Wagh’s group found that the ingredients of all of the vaccines were the same across brands, which is surprising given the fact that different “delivery platforms” and ingredients are said to have been used in the vaccines.

Yet, despite the fact that the researchers found the jabs all contained the same ingredients, Wagh also said her group found 35 different levels of toxicity amidst this similarity.

Wagh’s group also claimed to find hydrogel-type materials that are alleged to turn into crystalline antennae. Indeed, the vaccines’ gelatinous character has been observed by Quinta Columna researcher Ricardo Delgado, a bioinformatician, who observed samples over time, among others.

(More on the work of Dr. Wagh’s lab in the next post, because they also tried to isolate the alleged SARS-CoV-2 virus and were unsuccessful. Wagh’s researchers found only human material, and no viral material.)

I also highly highly recommend her interview with Dr. Lee Merritt.

Neuroscientist Dr. Kevin McCairn says he found no mRNA in his Pfizer and Moderna samples using scanning electron microscopy X-ray detection analysis. McCairn says he did not find the elemental signatures of nitrogen or phosphorus, key components of nucleic acid material, when he tested Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. He also reported small amounts of lipid via Raman spectroscopy.

McCairn is also soliciting donations for further research.

Quinta Columna–affiliated Dr. Monteverde from Argentina has reported evidence produced by veteran Spanish biologist Juan Garberi that no RNA replication occurred in either of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines and therefore no “messenger RNA” could have been present.

The most comprehensive studies offered to the public so far (Wagh’s are not available), done by American naturopath Dr. Robert O. Young, also support the findings of the scientists affiliated with Spanish research group La Quinta Columna, Drs. Wagh, McCairn and others.

Young found mostly graphene-based nano-forms, as well as micron-size aggregates, or symplasts, of mostly organic elements, C and O mostly, which is constitutive of graphene, as well as Na and Cl (salt), and smaller amounts of metals including aluminum, silicon, cadmium and mercury.

He also identified the trypanosoma parasite in the Pfizer vaccine — if it is truly that and not some novel synthetic graphene-based micro-”organism”, which was also observed as researchers observed the material over time.

However, there may be some truth to this finding, as Dr. Mark Bailey’s excellent but flawed paper, “The Covid-19 Fraud War on Humanity”, showed a similar parasite in the blood of an unfortunate injected. Is Figure 4 not similar to the syncytium Dr. Young says is associated with this parasite? It appears so.

(Bailey’s paper was unfortunately rejected by the New Zealand court system, but I recommend it to everyone to share with the caveat of: there is no proof the jab is a gene editor.)

Young also performed one conventional RNA quantification of the Pfizer sample, via a spectrophotometer, to obtain the frequency of UV bands correlated to RNA.

Here is a key section of Young’s paper:

“The Quantification of mRNA in the Pfizer Vaccine

The quantification of RNA in the Pfizer sample was carried out with conventional protocols (Fisher).

According to NanoDropTM 2000 spectrophotometer calibration check specific software (Thermofisher), the UV absorption spectrum of total aqueous fraction was correlated to 747 ng/ml of unknown absorbing substances.

However, after RNA extraction with commercial kit (Thermofisher), quantification with RNA specific Qbit fluorescence probe (Thermofisher) showed that only 6 ng/ml could be related to the presence of RNA. The spectrum was compatible with the peak of rGO at 270nm.

According to microscopic images presented here, most of this absorbance might be due to graphene-like sheets, abundant in the fluids suspension in the sample.

The conclusions are further supported by high fluorescence from the sample with maximum at 340 nm, in accordance with peak values for rGO. It must be reminded that RNA does not show spontaneous fluorescence under UV exposure.” (bold added)

This result indicates that both UV absorbance and fluorescence data showed consistency with reduced graphene oxide, which is the form Noack indicated is in the injection.

Young found only absorbance data corresponding to RNA for a small portion of the sample.

His spectroscopic data showed a little nitrogen and phosphorus for Pfizer and Moderna, a little nitrogen for Astra Zeneca and neither for Janssen. RNA or “viral vector” vaccines should have some nitrogen and phosphorus there.

The FDA Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) letter for the Pfizer-BionTech vaccine approved a dose of .3 ml containing 30 mcg mRNA for up to six doses totaling 1.8 ml, to be diluted with sodium chloride at a roughly 1:1 ratio. The FDA approved five or six doses per vial, with Pfizer offering six doses per vial. Moderna offers seven doses per vial, two above the FDA’s approval.

As per the Pfizer EUA letter, the Product Description states:

“The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine is supplied as a frozen suspension in multiple dose vials; each vial must be diluted with 1.8 mL of sterile 0.9% Sodium Chloride Injection, USP prior to use to form the vaccine. The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine does not contain a preservative.

Each 0.3 mL dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine contains 30 mcg of a nucleoside-modified messenger RNA (modRNA) encoding the viral spike (S) glycoprotein of SARS-CoV-2.”

Dr. Young found a mere 6 nanograms/ml of RNA. Yet there should be 180 mcg in an 1.8 ml vial, which is 100 mcg/ml. That’s 0.006% of the stated amount of RNA in the vial.

This is a trace amount.

Certainly what Young found does not match the product description and contains little to none of the stated active ingredient.

Thermofisher, the manufacturer of the Nanodrop RNA extraction kit used by Young, reports, “The NanoDrop instrument’s… detection limit for total RNA concentration is 1.5 μg/mL, affecting its accuracy and precision at low concentration levels.”

These facts taken together indicate that this is a miniscule concentration of RNA. It’s basically none.

In fact, Dr. Young has shown in many videos that graphene is the primary destructive agent in the injection, and not an mRNA-based process that produces a spike protein. He and others have explained the ubiquitous appearance of spikes on dying or damaged cells as the result of some toxin or stressor or deficiency condition.

The Quinta Columna researchers and others have also found evidence of digital device identifiers called Mac addresses emanating from the COVID-vaccinated, and certainly the magnetic phenomena displayed by jab victims has been widely observed across social media.

In order to entertain a theory of gene editing, you have to have some genetic material that could persist and cause changes. The gene editing theory looks unlikely when you have little to no genetic material.

And there is much more evidence against the gene editing theory of the COVID jab, which will be covered here.

However, in the conclusion of his important paper, Dr. Young unfortunately belies his own and others’ results. He states:

The Pfizer, Moderna, Astrazeneca and Janssen drugs are NOT “vaccines” but complexed Reduced Graphene Oxide or Graphene Hydoxide nano particulate aggregates of varying nano elements attached to genetically modified nucleic acids of mRNA from animal or vero cells and aborted human fetal cells as viewed and described above.” (bold added)

First, as noted above, AstraZeneca and Janssen were not RNA-based injections. But there was only found a little nitrogen in the AstraZeneca and neither nitrogen nor phosphorus in the Janssen. Still if they were supposed to be synthetic or modified “viral vectors”, there should be some nitrogen and phosphorus.

So Dr. Young’s statement as to those jabs cannot be true.

Second, Dr. Young only quantified RNA in one of the vials, which was Pfizer, which was the best choice as it is most deadly and most widely administered in the US. He reported a trace concentration of RNA, 6 nanograms/ml vs. the officially stated 180 mcg per 1.8 ml vial expected per the FDA’s Emergency Use Approval for the Pfizer vaccine. That is a difference on an order of more than 10,000!

He did not perform RNA quantification with the Moderna, but he is raising money for his research and this might be something he could do.

Dr. Young’s conclusion as stated above does not note the micron sizes of symplasts and objects although his imagery does as shown in his published paper.  

He also provides a rather specific description of mRNA nucleic acids being attached to the nano-aggregates. However, Dr. Young cannot say he observed an attachment, because he could not have observed an attachment. He didn’t show a micrograph of an attachment if he saw one.

Was there enough there to observe an attachment? Not likely.

Also this specific description also suggests something like a bunch of RNA was observed. It does not appear that there could have been at those concentrations, and there was much greater presence of graphene and heavy metals than any presence of RNA.

Also he spends a bit of time on the derivation of the RNA, giving it extra importance, when the results did not show that.

Dr. Young showed mainly the same initial imagery as the other researchers: graphene nanoforms and schrapnel. 

Dr. Young basically took the last half of his concluding statement from the literature, referring to how “viruses” / RNA are produced in the lab, generally.

This writer does not know the exact alleged source of the alleged modified RNA as of yet, and this “RNA technology” is now the subject of a Moderna lawsuit against Pfizer.

However, whatever the source is said to be, it’s not in the vial.

What Young and the other researchers found is extremely significant and should not be dismissed without review.

Young shared his evidence in his first and all-important Corona Investigative Committee interview with lawyers Rainer Fuellmich and Viviana Fischer.

Yet, during this interview Dr. Young played along with a narrative that he does not espouse and that his results contradict, by claiming he found mRNA and implying that it works as suggested and even like Royal Lee’s protomorphogens, which are nuclear components purified — nucleic acids being much among them as well as proteins — and used therapeutically in natural medicine.

So, Dr. Young did by way of this comparison, endorse this mRNA theory. 

But he did not find evidence of this theory.

There is forming an alternative view of graphene, that it is an adjuvant. Even Dr. Wagh downplayed graphene in her public presentations, and did not educate people as to its novelty and importance.

Perhaps she is unaware, or simply did not wish to speak on something outside her expertise, if it is, but the only “novel” pathogen in the whole COVID scenario is graphene. All others are known.

Evidence suggests graphene oxide is a primary ingredient of the COVID mass injections and no mere adjuvant.

In fact, Dr. Young demonstrated evidence and stated in his many videos with Ramola D, the Everyday Concerned Citizen reporter, that graphene is the mechanism of harm and that the harm is done directly to our blood, and specifically to our red blood cells.

Unfortunately, Dr. Young is a friend and colleague of former government employee Dr. Judy Mikovits, whom he speaks of so highly despite the fact that their work is totally conflicting. In fact, Dr. Young essentially espouses Otto Warburg’s cancer theory (acidosis) while Mikovits thinks cancer — and everything else — can be caused by viruses. 

Mikovits is in touch with most of the top alt media reporters. 

All evidence from independent researchers shows no one found mRNA in the COVID injections. Young reported a small quantity in Pfizer, but at orders-of-magnitude lesser concentration than that stated in Pfizer’s EUA letter so as to be negligible. He did not quantify any RNA in Moderna.

As noted, all researchers found graphene oxide as well as metal contaminants.

The results of multiple independent researchers show that graphene, and not RNA, is likely a primary active ingredient in the COVID injections.

Blood analysis findings, autopsists’ as well as morgue and embalmers’ findings also show that graphene is very probably responsible for the types of damages we see, but this will have to be shown.

Such findings of graphene oxide and other toxicants provide powerful evidence against the spike protein / gene editing theory of jab harm and evidence for graphene as the primary toxicant with other adjuvant toxicants.

Moreover, researchers who observed the vials over time observed lots of micron-sized and also square objects. These square, micron-sized objects sometimes evolved to show networked patterns akin to circuitry, suggesting graphene-based technology.

No mere salt crystals these.

And, as noted, electronically animated nano-objects began to form as vials were observed over time, as graphene is electromagnetic in nature.

Also consider:

It would be very expensive for pharma companies to really pack these vials full of modified RNA as described and then maintain the 70 degrees below zero temperatures to maintain it across a supply chain. Former Ventavia employee and whistleblower Brook Jackson reported that the temperature was not maintained at what passed for Pfizer’s clinical trials.

Labor-intensive lab processes such as creating RNA are neither cost-effective nor mass-reproducible. UMass-Amherst lab researchers admitted as recently as last year that “RNA therapeutics” were not cost-effective due to the lengthy and expensive process of RNA purification and again, only in August of 2021, created a process to remedy this.

That is to say, RNA production had not achieved scale at least commercially, as of August 2021.

A process that demands multiple rounds of cell culturing (serial passaging) as is supposed in the idea of a synthetic viral “bioweapon” is certainly not mass reproducible at the levels suggested by a global vaccination program.

Big Pharma is essentially now subsidized by government and has merged with it. Whitney Webb now reports Moderna’s booster RNA is being made by a CIA-linked company called National Resilience, or Resilience. One of its primary products is said to be “RNA modalities”.

Yet, these companies who are closely connected to the US deep state, some of whom like Moderna have never made a product before, who claim RNA is their business — despite such business not even being at scale in the industry as of exactly one year ago — have produced RNA vaccines with no RNA in the vials? This is what it seems.

Is it pseudoscience or pseudoreality? Probably both.

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