The Dumbing Down of Humanity

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Contact report 901: Power-Obsessed World Leaders and the Dumbing Down of Humanity
Dec. 6 2024
Billy Meier

Over the last 8 decades, humanity on Earth has become extremely and so intrusively inattentive and fast-moving and without any real profound interests that it is leading to more and more disasters.

People are now just foolishly and thoughtlessly chasing after sporting events, pleasure and wealth, without being self-motivated and doing anything sensible.
Altruism is no longer in demand at all, in such a wise that there is a complete alienation from fellow human beings, consequently there is no longer any consideration for them and they are not given any thought or any valuable and honest behaviour, and also no selfless concern in complete unselfishness and selflessness. The majority of human beings do things and ‘help’ their fellow human beings simply out of a desire to make a big profit and gain advantages for themselves. As a result, ‘helping’ is not done because it is considered necessary as a human being’s duty, loyalty or for any other reason of true humanity and the human being feels obliged to do so. It is not done out of selfless concern for other human beings, but things are done and ‘help’ is given simply out of a desire to gain profit from it, i.e. not in order to really help in feeling humanity, and therefore also not because it is a human being’s duty, loyalty or any other altruistic reasons that oblige them to do so, because altruism is a human obligation that states that the human being should endeavour and act helpfully out of concern for the well-being of other human beings. This means that human beings should engage in altruistic behaviour for the benefit of other human beings, which should also be based on mutual and therefore future reciprocal support.

Sporting events, frivolous behaviour, pleasure of all kinds, luxury, electronic entertainment, doing nothing and ‘lazing around’, as well as wealth, have become so ‘ingrained’ in human beings and thus the order of the day that they are slowly but surely rotting away.
The majority of humanity is visibly becoming more and more lax with regard to various interests, and consequently also more inactive with regard to valuable self-activity, as well as with regard to profound thinking and thus becoming more and more non-thinking and therefore lowly intelligent and hypocritical, especially through faith, which stifles any clear, reasonable and real self-thinking.

Today’s technology, which was invented 1,500 to 2,000 years too early and with which today’s humanity is not yet able to deal and cope, leads the Earthlings into a dilemma of faith and decay.
Through modern technology and all the products of electronics, tablets, notebooks and computers of all shapes and sizes, the world today is not only the most popular in the market, but is flooded with all humanity. There is hardly a human being left who does not walk around with a mobile phone in their ear or hand, possibly endangering themselves in the overflowing traffic of life. The modern technology that today’s human beings cannot control has made them inattentive in their perception, because they only focus on the technical products available to them, primarily their mobile phones. As a result, however, they lose interest in their surroundings and are also unable to concentrate, as they are constantly distracted from reality and are no longer focused on it because it no longer exists in their inattention to it. Information about reality is no longer perceived, neither absorbed nor stored. This is because the ability to perceive is completely blocked and there is also no longer any self-control and therefore no stability or cognitive effort, which means that the functions of learning, remembering, knowledge, effective connections and, as already mentioned, perception and independent thinking are completely absent. As a result, all conscious concentration disappears and is thus lost and impossible to exercise. The human being, however, becomes stultified as a result and prevents and blocks his innate ability to develop or consciously evolve. He atrophies in all cognitive abilities, loses all conscious interests, becomes level-headed, dull-witted, stupid and somehow apathetic towards reality and its truth.

And it is frightening to realise that this is already effectively spreading among the majority of humanity. And this fact of the gradual dumbing down of large masses of Earthlings can probably no longer be stopped.
This is also realised by those who sit in the governments of the world and know that they can do what they want with impunity, because the large masses of the already dumb in the nations have become so stupid that they no longer even think of rebelling against it, consequently they let everything happen to them that is ‘served’ to them.