It’s Over!

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“It’s Over.”
…President Trump, Thurs. 7 March 2024

JFK Jr. is Alive and Serving as the New American Republic VP under President Trump
While US Inc.’s USD Dies As the New Global Financial System Goes Gold/Asset-Backed

On Thurs. 7 March at Actor/Clone/Body Double (or whatever) Biden’s State of the Union Address there appeared to be a lot of mask malfunctions in the audience (including on the so-called Kamala Harris), with US Marshall badges everywhere, while government websites like DHS, ICE, FEMA and the Secret Service went down (they remained out as of this writing), along with a Truth Social outage where somehow President Trump was the lone person posting during the speech.

The President’s Podium lacked presence of a Presidential Seal, just as it did for US Incorporated President’s Obama, Bush and Clinton’s State of the Union Addresses.

Even stranger was that by early Fri. morning the US Capitol looked like an abandoned ghost town with all (actors?) disappeared, fencing removed from around the Capitol and concrete barriers, gone – as if nothing happened there on Thurs. night. Perhaps nothing did.  

The White Hats were defiantly in charge.

What We Think We Know as of Saturday Morning 9 March 2024:

  • Fri. 8 March Ben Fulford: The White Dragon Society and their Asian allies have stopped the Black Sun and Khazarian Mafia dead in their tracks. They now face bankruptcy of the West, total military defeat and a continuing purge of their high-level leadership. That is why the Black Sun now agrees to a multi-polar new, and fair, World arrangement. However, the battle is not over yet. To understand what we are dealing with we need to realize the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, the WHO, the BIS, the IMF, the World Bank, etc. are privately owned Non-Government Organizations. The same people who own them own 90% of major corporations. “The majority of the countries of the world do not control their own natural resources. The oligarchs control all the visible leaders. The leaders are not employees of the people, they are employees of the oligarchs,” says Calin Georgescu former President of Europe for Club of Rome and top UN official. “Slavery never disappeared it is more powerful than ever through brainwashing,” he adds. These people intended to turn the entire planet into a human-animal farm controlled by members of their tribe. New Benjamin Fulford: The Black Sun Organization Issues Ultimatum: Announce World Federation or Face Nuclear Holocaust | Prophecy | Before It’s News (
  • Prepare for Global Food Shortages in Hunger Games 2024: Europe is preparing for Food Outages. The combined forces of El Niño and La Niña have crippled Latin American soy output. Ukrainian and Russian grain farmers have gone to war. Indonesia has banned shipments of palm oil to Europe, while China is hungry for crops. The Mediterranean region is getting more like a desert. Cabal planned global food shortages were coming into play.
  • Thurs. 7 March Fox News finally admitted that the election of 2020 was rigged & also admitted that Big Tech, the Democrat Party, CIA, & Fake News conspired to rig the 2020 Presidential election against President Donald J. Trump!
  • Thurs. 7 March the New York Times finally admitted that the Hunter Laptop was real!
  • Fri. 8 March Millions of shrimp were washing up on the shores in Yemen. Another Cabal trick to create food shortages?
  • Fri. 8 March Michigan: Deep State Cloning Factory Destroyed in Michigan.