Israel Prophecies Are Fulfilled?

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Excerpts from the 429th Contact, July 11th, 2006:

  1. With the conduct of war in Lebanon and in the Gaza Strip, Israeli sets itself above all human rights and agreement in regard to a supervised conduct of war, and grins maliciously in the face of the entire world which, aside from big and useless words, undertakes nothing to stop the Israelis, as well as, however, Hezbollah and their supporters and helpers, and to prepare an end to the criminal murder and destruction.
  2. For the Israelis the great criminal proponents and supporters are primarily the US American government, next to the European governments and all those who are of the same attitude as these.
  3. On the other side, with Hezbollah, it is especially the governments of Iran and Syria as well as their “fellow travelers”, and the Al-Qaeda terror organization, some Hezbollah-friendly Arabic countries and some special groupings.
    What will be murderously, criminally and irresponsibly plotted through Israel there, for war on Hezbollah and Hamas in the Gaza Strip and in Lebanon, is a very dangerous situation and can, where possible, lead to a widespread conflagration through which quite especially Israel can properly fall on its snout.
    That, quite especially then, if the Islamic world suddenly openly unites against Israel and razes it to the ground, as it has been brought to expression in various prophecies since ancient times.
    If the enemies, Israel and the Arabic countries, and therewith also the Islamic believers and Jewish believers world wide, as well as their followers, do not change their behavior and deeds towards one another and do not dissolve their reciprocal hate and their murderous deeds and behavior, for the benefit of a peaceful coexistence, and indeed in a foreseeable time, then the prophecies actually can still be fulfilled.
    Yet how does it go regarding this: In Jerusalem the few still living people will wade in ankle-deep human blood.
  4. You tell the truth with pointed words.

Excerpts from the 150th Contact, October 10th, 1981


  1. Your words speak helpless anger, my friend.
  2. Anger over the fact that you preach the truth to the Earth-humans for nothing and that, thereby, this criminal would-be politician can continue to murder under the eyes of the Earth population and realise his goals, namely – to seize the rule of the entire country more and more to himself.
  3. But you cannot and are not able to do anything in this respect by spreading the truth, for the murderous and human-blood demanding death power of the serious criminal has already become too great, so that only the fulfilment of the prophecies can bring about a change in the bloodthirsty lust for power and domination of this Ausgearteten.
  4. His country Israel, so says a prophecy [Henoch – about 10,000 years ago], will be destroyed in the distant future from the lands of the East, through war and death, when the fighters of the East will wade knee-deep in the blood of the human beings of Israel.
  5. And all this only because the leaders of all world governments are just as blind and cowardly as the populations of many countries of the Earth in order that they would put a stop to the criminal, murderous, and human-blood-thirsty, would-be politicians, and criminal politicians in Israel.

Asket’s Expanations: Asket from the DAL Universe
February 1953

  1. At that time, and also even later, it will be America, Russia and China, that very strongly push for enslaving world domination, so it will not be at a later point in time the Jewish Zionists, as many people presume, who sharpen their blood sword through mass-murdering acts of violence and with the help of the Christian religion, to subjugate the Earth, rather smaller powers and various malignant sects, whereby one such really malignant one leads back to a certain Ron Hubbard [Scientology].

The Talmud Jmmanuel – The Prophecy: Made some 2,000 years ago.
Jmmanuel (falsely called Jesus) made this prophecy when in Jerusalem.
Talmud Jmmanauel Ch. 25: Walking out of the temple.

2) He, however, spoke to them. “Look here at all this, for truly, I say to you, that not one stone here will remain upon the other without being broken, because outrage and unrightfulness, just like sorrow and pain and death and destruction, will rule in this city and in this land up to the distant time to come (future).
3) The people of the god-believers commit an outrage against life and the truth, and they built this city on human blood, but this people, since time immemorial, is divided, and the people who call themselves sons and daughters of Zion are god-believers, with whom I do not identify and whom want to kill me and who, therefore, are misled believers of their cult (religion, sect), and to whom I bring the teaching of truth, as I do to all human species of the Earth, from which they may comprehend (learn) and know that they are not chosen.
4) The god-believers ravaged the land at an earlier time through fire and murder, and they killed their friends with whom they first had drunk wine, and so the fellow believers of their cult (religion, sect), who are truly not knowing ones but god-believers, are misguided and led into confusion.
5) Thus did the god-believers betray their own friends, and they murdered them because of their greed, but it will likewise be done to them by the rightful masters (possessors, owners) of this land whom they have deprived of their rights and enslaved since time immemorial.
6) And when he sat on the Mount of Olive his disciples and disciplesses came up to him and said: “Tell us when will this take place, and what will be the sign for it?”
7) And Jmmanuel answered, saying: “Two times a thousand and some more years will pass, but also meanwhile (during the two thousand years) the people of the god-believers will never find peace because wars and many terrible things will threaten the unrightful occupants of the land, but see to it that nobody will deceive you, and also that you will not, despite my teaching, become god-believers.

Some Background re Israel:
Contact Report 150
Saturday, 10th October 1981, 03:15 hrs
N.B. Quetzal is telling Billy about the future.

  1. In the middle of 1982, Begin will demonstrate his true character when he allows an attack on the capital Beirut in Lebanon by war-Gewalt and destroys most of it, whereby many thousands of innocent human beings, women, men and children will find death.
  2. The murderous Ausgeartete [war-monger], Menachem Begin, will bring excuses that will attract attention in the UN and in the rest of the world, although behind Begin’s actions lies nothing other than the insane greed for the shedding of human blood and the greed for unlimited power over the whole country and all its ethnic groups.
    He is a cowardly swine and a scoundrel without equal. My reflection about him has revealed that he is a damn rotten creature who lives entirely criminally, is vindictive, and boundless in his cowardice.

  1. Thus, in the middle of 1982, it will not be enough for the criminal Begin to wage a murderous and brutal war of extermination in Beirut against the Palestinians, but this criminal will continue in even further and harder measures because he will never give up his plans for territorial reign.
  2. Thus, not only will many thousands of innocent people, children, women and men, die in Beirut, but also afterwards in the future, if this felonious wannabe big shot continues to pursue his country conquest plans, with the responsible people of the world still looking on stupidly and without understanding and even indulging him, as well as the humans of the peoples who still believe in reparations for the sufferings of the Jews during the Second World War.
  3. So it will happen that in the month of July 1982, the Palestinian refugees, expelled out of their rightful homeland, should be forced through the accomplished war events released by Begin, the land that was home to them and which belonged to them for millennia and which brought much death and destruction to them, to have to recognise it as Israel, as a state.
Continue ReadingIsrael Prophecies Are Fulfilled?

Israeli False Flag – Updated

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UPDATE: What follows below this update is a possibility, but there may be another explanation – watch the video. The Israeli’s may have underestimated Hamas. So despite all of the tech of Israel, Hamas was able to beat their AI computers. Also, there are other factors at play:
*A distraction by the Deep State.
*DS wanting a WWIII.
*Money to be made through war.

New Scott Ritter – Israel Special Intel – Iron Dome Does Not Work – Hamas – George Galloway

** Also, see my next post: “Israel Prophecies Are Fulfilled”
To thinking observers like you & I, Israel must have known this attack was going to happen, wanted it to happen, ensured that it would happen & even made it happen. Just like 911 – where, amongst many things, it gave an excuse to wage war in the middle east in particular.. This time it gives the war mongers an excuse to attack the Gaza Strip in a big way & even flatten it completely.

The Prophecy: Made some 2,000 years ago.
Jmmanuel (falsely called Jesus) made this prophecy when in Jerusalem.
Talmud Jmmanauel Ch. 25: Walking out of the temple.

2) He, however, spoke to them. “Look here at all this, for truly, I say to you, that not one stone here will remain upon the other without being broken, because outrage and unrightfulness, just like sorrow and pain and death and destruction, will rule in this city and in this land up to the distant time to come (future).
3) The people of the god-believers commit an outrage against life and the truth, and they built this city on human blood, but this people, since time immemorial, is divided, and the people who call themselves sons and daughters of Zion are god-believers, with whom I do not identify and whom want to kill me and who, therefore, are misled believers of their cult (religion, sect), and to whom I bring the teaching of truth, as I do to all human species of the Earth, from which they may comprehend (learn) and know that they are not chosen.
4) The god-believers ravaged the land at an earlier time through fire and murder, and they killed their friends with whom they first had drunk wine, and so the fellow believers of their cult (religion, sect), who are truly not knowing ones but god-believers, are misguided and led into confusion.
5) Thus did the god-believers betray their own friends, and they murdered them because of their greed, but it will likewise be done to them by the rightful masters (possessors, owners) of this land whom they have deprived of their rights and enslaved since time immemorial.
6) And when he sat on the Mount of Olive his disciples and disciplesses came up to him and said: “Tell us when will this take place, and what will be the sign for it?”
7) And Jmmanuel answered, saying: “Two times a thousand and some more years will pass, but also meanwhile (during the two thousand years) the people of the god-believers will never find peace because wars and many terrible things will threaten the unrightful occupants of the land, but see to it that nobody will deceive you, and also that you will not, despite my teaching, become god-believers.

FALSE FLAG OPERATION: It was a classic Khazarian CON & Mossad DECEPTION! A Total and Complete Zionist HOAX! Just Another Neocon FAKE-OUT! And Talmudic Freemasonic FRAUD!

Submitted by The Israel Watchman – SOTN

Our sincere apologies for posting only this short INTRO, folks, but this one is gonna be a real doozy.  For the alleged Hamas attacks on Israel were  specifically designed to be Israel’s “Gulf of Tonkin”,  “Pearl Harbor” and “9/11”, all in one.

So you can imagine just how complicated and convoluted this long-planned and highly organized false flag operation and global psyop truly is.  After all, no one does MELO-dramatic false flag attacks like the Modern State of Israel—NO ONE!!!

That the super schmucks in Tel Aviv even thought they could pull off this little caper reveals just how overwhelmingly deluding the perfect marriage between arrogance and ignorance can really be when it takes place in a patently apartheid nation-state.

KEY POINT: It is absolutely impossible that, collectively, the Israeli, American and British intelligence services did not have complete foreknowledge of every aspect of the October 7th ‘surprise attacks’ allegedly staged by Hamas.  Just as the same intel agencies were fully aware of the details prior to the 9/11 false flag operation (perpetrated by the same three nations), they knew this was planned out in a similar manner.  How could they not?  As stated in a previous searing exposé:

“As for the choreographing of this latest war, it’s common knowledge that there are more MOSSAD spies and spooks living in Palestine than there are real Palestinians. In light of that little data point, it ought to be very easy to see how Israel could pull off this classic false flag invasion in a New York minute.

To be continued later today —

Conclusion (preliminary)

The apartheid Modern State of Israel was literally established as a highly structured RICO-level international crime syndicate engaged in multiple criminal activities which include human trafficking, organ trafficking, drug trafficking, nuclear weapon trafficking and arms trafficking.  Israel was set up to operate completely outside of the traditional norms of the world community of nations.  Which means they can get away with any crime wave, anytime, anywhere, anyhow they so plan.

Only when folks apprehend the true depth and breadth of Israel’s many worldwide crime sprees since 1948, can anyone really understand that the present false flag operation is but a cakewalk for the uber-terrorists who currently occupy TelAviv and Jerusalem.  Which means that virtually ALL of the terrorism perpetrated around the globe today begins in Israel.  And that especially includes both bioterrorism and chemical terrorism such as the OPERATION COVID-19 biowar via the SARS-CoV-2 bioweapon (that’s not a coronavirus) to depopulate Earth, as well as the weaponized Covid Super Vaccination Agenda to commit genocide(s) the world over.

BOTTOM LINE: Israel has BIG plans with respect to their long-planned ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT with Jerusalem as its capital.  Hence, the IDF’s extraordinarily brutal, barbaric and sadistic counterattack against the Palestinians in Gaza is meant to both shock and awe them (as well as the world community of nations) into submission.  In this fashion, the Khazarian Cabal is threatening the entire planetary civilization never to leave the Zionist reservation; and to do so in the future will only occur on pain of death.

The final conclusion to this terribly tragic saga is still being written by Israel’s increasingly barbarous and wanton violence now being perpetrated against the Palestinians in Gaza and elsewhere, so much more will follow here today and this week.

Continue ReadingIsraeli False Flag – Updated

Truth Tellers Being Eliminated

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New Dr. Jane Ruby (9/29/2023) Exclusive — ‘After Talk’ w/Todd Callender – Truth Tellers Are Being Murdered
It seems that DEW weapons are being used to maim & kill people.
In this Dr. Jane Ruby Show exclusive After Talk segment, Attorney Todd Callender reveals that frontline doctors are being targeted for speaking out, the recent stroke of Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, murders of Dr. Zev Zelenko, and Dr. Rashid Buttar as well as attacks on many other health freedom warriors. Beware!

Continue ReadingTruth Tellers Being Eliminated

WARNING – Delete Windows OS

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WARNING: Microsoft Will Be Fully Weaponized Against All Users, Targeting Dissenters Starting September 30th 2023

*I am taking this seriously. Since I have an older PC with WIN XP, I will install a linux program & opt for a dual boot; I have no data on this PC. I like Zorin OS Pro – US$39, excl. sales tax. This will be a test of Zorin; if OK I may go full Zorin on my main PC, or dual.
I have 4 browsers – Firefox (not so good today), Brave, Vivaldi, Yandex. I will be moving out of hotmail & only use my email.


WARNING: Microsoft Will Be Fully Weaponized Against All Users, Targeting Dissenters Starting September 30th 2023

And – The United Nations declares Disinformation is an Act of Terrorism

On Sept. 30, 2023, Microsoft will Enable Mass Surveillance and AI Training with User Data

(((I found this early yesterday on and I Dropped Everything.

What We The People did to Target and Bud Light was just Childs Play.

What we have here is a True Example of First Class Digital Tyranny.

100% Digital Fascism.

This will lead to Real Life Targeting and Persecution of Truth Tellers and Champions of Free Speech. And even You.



After going off on this for 16 hours straight, I decided I better wrap this up before I Passed Out.

And This Waring Damn Well Needs to Get Out ASAP…




Why do I suspect this is all somehow related to the October 4th-11th FEMA Emergency Broadcast Test?

The proximity of the Timing can not be a coincidence.

They are Attacking us on Every Front Simultaneously

Or as Klaus Schwab names it:




With every passing day the Bars to Your DIGITAL Prison close ever tighter.

They are no longer even hiding it



130 Microsoft Products will have Mandatory User Agreements that will Force You to Surrender All Rights to Privacy

Microsoft will Claim the Rights to All of Your Data

Artificial Intelligence Will Spy on You and Learn How to Control You



Or Coarse we know the true definition means DISSIDENTS who Oppose the New World Order Tyrants

From September 30th 2023 Forward –




Create a new partition. Transfer all of your data. Reformat your main partition and install Linux. It is FREE

If you don’t know how, you better learn or get some help.

How it is legal to change the User Terms on Products you bought many years ago is a crime in itself. That is why you do not own Microsoft Products you buy. You merely licence their use.

It figures that it was never just about corporate greed. It is, and always been about TYRANNY and Control.

Continue ReadingWARNING – Delete Windows OS