White Hat Military Activated!

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Extracts from a GCR

The Fed Is Broke!
White Hat Military Activated!

We Are Q
We Got Them All!
Prepare For The Storm!
And The Biggest Intel Exposure in History!
Classified Documents Will Be Revealed Tues. 18 July at 11:30 EST.

CIA Sex Crimes:
Since 1953 CIA Agents have been committing Crimes Against Humanity, yet to this day they have been free from investigation, charges and arrests, let alone any attempts at prosecution.
A recent Report says CIA Staffers committed sex crimes against children; 51 CIA Agents conspired to interfere in the 2020 Election and others made false statements before Congress about Hunter Biden and his laptop, but all have yet to be charged or prosecuted for any of these Crimes.

Worst of all, since 1953 the CIA has been using billions of US Taxpayer monies that had no accounting through use of their Black Budget, to fund an International Child Sex Trafficking Ring run out of the Vatican for Global Elite Satanic worshippers who practiced pedophilia and Child Sacrifice.

Some of that money was used to sexually abuse, torture and kill thousands of children in the CIA Nazi MKULTRA Mind Control Program. CIA Mind Control was based on Satan worship involving pedophilia and Child sacrifices. According to adult survivor victims, the CIA MKULTRA Mind Control of children was so torturous that it severed their thinking patterns into multiple personalities.

CIA MKULTRA Programming was the subject of two Congressional Hearings in 1964 and again in 1977. Nothing came of the Congressional findings. Evidence was destroyed. The Intel received from survivor witness testimony was never released to the public, nor were charges made against perpetrators. Survivor testimonies have been erased from the Internet.

Even though the CIA MKULTRA Program was said to be shut down in 1977, Adult Survivors, along with a 2007 survey of victims, indicated that it was still going on today.

A deeply buried international Child Sex Trafficking Ring was used to blackmail politicians and other influential Elites. This Satan worshipping sex, torture and Child Sacrifice Ring was said to be funded by the CIA and run out of the Vatican.

CIA Funds Child Sex Trafficking Cult Run Out of the Vatican | Politics | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)

*General Patton is the real father of President Trump — His real mother is a McCleod from Scotland.
*Trump says the Secret Service found who brought Cocaine into the White House, recently found another stash near Kamala Harris’s cars and claims the agency “knows everything.”
*There is great deception around us and many false prophets. We should pray for knowledge, wisdom and discernment. Patriots, don’t be fooled by people who are misleading and asking for money! Trust in God’s plan! …Q Classified
*Bill Gates [his clone?] plans to collect information from human bodies and is promoting a new technology for electronic tattoos. The priority is to collect information about the human body for medical monitoring. Gates wants to achieve even more in the medium term and possibly replace today’s Smart Phones with this technology.

Mon. 17 July White Hat Intel:

  • Lithuania was in a Death Grip controlled by CIA, M16 Deep State Pentagon Regime. The only way they can break this death grip is by staging a War against Russia!
  • Game Theory Operations by military assessment configurations say Lithuania wants to deliberately create chaos/ fear in their country and in their Economic structure and create MASSIVE civil unrest that would lead to over overthrow of their [Deep State] government.
  • Lithuania wanted to intentionally create a civil (near) war in their own country in order to over throw the CIA regimen that was controlling their country.
  • White Hats will start moving the Lithuanian People to massive protests by dropping Deep State information into the country.
  • EU nations are unaware that a MAJOR COLLAPSE of the EU will happen, sending the nations into 3rd world countries for months. This Game Theory Plan will awaken the sleeping EU Nations into taking action against their governments and the coming plandemic attack, vaccine attempt and false climate agenda.
  • These actions are necessary and lead to nations rebelling against the New World Order, UN, CIA, Rockefellers, Rothschild, World Banks control.
  • Globalists were in panic as RFK Jr. says Covid Virus was manmade.
  • Major Hollywood actors are set to go against the Hollywood Pedophilia Network.
  • The CIA warned Hollywood Elites that Congress was planning to go after Epstein, Human Trafficking and the Biden Laptop that will connect Hollywood Pedophilia and the Child Satanic Sex trade. This is the reason Hollywood actors are on strike – that is a CIA False Flag Operation.
  • The Hollywood strike is proof A I. has replaced famous actors in videos.