Maui Massacre

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You Cannot Dictate What My Rights Are
I Will Not Comply To Your Unreasonable and Made Up Mandates
I Will Not Shut Down
I Will Not Shut Up
I Will Say What I Please
I Will Protect My Children – And All Children
I Will Write and Publish What I Feel Is the Truth
I Am A Patriot
And, We Patriots Are Making The World Great Again

The devastation of Lahaina was well planned, with several objectives. The main objective was to remove the descendants of the original inhabitants by destroying their homes, maiming them, killing them and killing (or traficking) their children, who would be the future descendants, and those who survived would have no option but to go somewhere else.

FEMA – Federal Emergency Management Agency – A bastard organisation
FEMA moved in for the kill with a large number of mongrels (2.500?) intent on savaging those who lived, covering up what really happened and — the children?!
Karli Boone: She has been trying to report on the missing children of Maui. When she repeatedly asked Mayor Bissen to disclose where the children were the Maui police head locked her. The four schools in Lahaina served over 3,000 students before the fire. Only 400 of them were now enrolled in other schools, with 200 doing virtual learning. That leaves at least 2,400 children unaccounted for. Maui residents have reported children burned alive, baby bones found still locked in car seats and the bones of a small boy laying on top of his dog evidently trying to protect it. The Maui police have a 12 mile blockade around Lahaina in a communications blackout that won’t let the press in. Over 1,200 Hawaiian Children Missing, Parents Believed Murdered by Deep State FEMA | Crime All-Stars | Before It’s News (

Christchurch Earthquake: At 12.51 p.m. on Tuesday 22 February 2011, a magnitude 6.3 earthquake caused severe damage in Christchurch and Lyttelton, killing 185 people.
Timothy W. Manning a deputy administrator of FEMA was in New Zealand as part of a U.S. delegation visiting for trade and global security talks and for a review of the country’s cleanup efforts after a 7.0-magnitude quake in September. Talk about being in the right place at the right time: Manning is a trained geologist, paramedic and firefighter – the perfect combination for earthquake response.
Manning spoke Wednesday morning from Christchurch and said that he was about to board an airplane when the quake struck.
“A number of New Zealand police officers asked for any doctors, paramedics or people who could assist. We joined up with a group of construction workers [at the airport] and commandeered a shuttle bus and worked our way into town and went block by block, searching for survivors. . . . Now I’m working in support – as FEMA always is, in international assistance situations – in support of USAID and the State Department. I’m at the city operation center to assist and provide any assistance to Americans who may need help.”
The Next Day: “I was supposed to leave yesterday but skipped the evacuation flights in order to stay here. I’m here for as long as I’m needed.”


Tues. 23 Aug. 2023 White Hat Intel Maui

  • Military Arrests FEMA Administrator: 
  • The Lahaina fires only happened in the industrial area, the place where the working class and poorer people lived and where the local natives refused to sell their land. The magical fire did not burn down the ELITE AREA AND HOMES.
  • Cars melted to the ground and several building made of steel melted. This is not possible because the fire is not hot enough to melt metal. ( Energy directed weapons hit several buildings and turned steel to dust)
  • In some places cars were melted and sat next to palm trees that weren’t even burnt or scorched by fire.
  • The deviation of deaths is far more than MSM is reporting.
  • UN is already in the works of building a UN base nearby with full high rise and hotels.
  • Military operations were closing in on Lahaina and human trafficking network. Over a hundred cases were reported that weren’t being investigated.
  • The multiple attacks on Lahaina was to test weapons on humans, test smart car explosions on mass scale .Destroy the city to acquire in a land grab. To destroy the underground tunnels and base trafficking humans (hide their own tunnels and destroy). To kill several people who were going to expose Pedophilia ring in Lahaina connected to the World system, Oprah and CIA operations.
  • A Media Blackout is taking place as police close off 12 mile range around the city.
  • The first reported 60 deaths and now 100 deaths are false numbers and over 1000 to 2000 dead or missing would be more accurate according to local reports and citizens who have seen the bodies and missing people.
  • There are several major reasons the police closed off the Media: the police are controlled by the government who are controlled by the Elites inside the Democrat run state who are running with CIA operations and UN ( DAVOS ) DS OPS.
  • Part of the MEDIA BLACKOUT had to do with hundreds of people who died inside smart cars that exploded like bombs.
  • The multiple attacks on Lahaina came from Energy Directed Weapons (DEWS), human arson and power line transformers that exploded like bombs.
  • The day the attacks happened Lahaina was sprayed with a low layering of chemtrail (Aluminum & Barium Nano Particles that exploded with strong 5G directed radiation microwaves, or Direct Energy Weapons or transformer explosions that act as electrical bombs).
  • The Deep State Operations ordered Police to close down roads and barricades so as to block in the people trying to escape.
  • The water was intentionally shut off by Kaleo Manuel the water official who was placed by Obama (CIA). Kaleo was ordered not release water.
  • Warning sirens to be turned off throughout the city and island.
  • The Elites off the island were warned in advanced and left the city.
  • Just two weeks before the fire, the Deep State Democratic government was in talks with the World Economic Forum people from the Gates Foundation to create an agreement to build 15 minute smart cities.
  • For over 12 years the natives of the island would not sell their land and estate to the UN World Elites who wanted to buy land in Lahaina.
  • It’s known in the world Lahaina Hawaii is the second most expensive real estate in the world next to London areas.
  • Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, Mark Zuckerberg, the UN, Bilderbergers and hundreds of world billionaires including BlackRock and Vanguard all tried to buy huge portions of Lahaina, but were denied by the Lahaina citizens.
  • Now coincidentally Bill Gates is already in talks to build high rises and Oprah Winfrey will donate billions with her investors and Zuckerberg has already deployed his team to start buying the burnt houses and land from unsuspecting Lahaina victims.
  • All donations to help the Lahaina community have been blocked by social media Giants and networks.
  • Tulsi Gabbard announced she personally visited Lahaina and there is no help available, no Red Cross or government aid happening.
  • The Deep State wants all donations stopped immediately even before it begins because the CIA BlackRock Elites were  worried that a World outreach of donations would rebuild Lahaina without Deep State control and thus their efforts to LAND GRAB Lahaina would hinder their plans.
  • What happened on Maui has to do with many Deep State Operations, but one of the many reasons Maui was attacked was because of the US Space Force Operations in Maui. Maui. Space Surveillance Complex is a U.S. Space Force operating location for the 15th Space Surveillance Squadron.This base was attacked hours before the fires happen and a huge Cyber attack took place against the United States Space Force.
  • Fortunately USSF was well prepared months before and weeks before removed all important computers, programs, servers and data. USSF left only fake Dud and computer systems behind.
  • Counter surveillance and operations were in place long before the fires.
  • Deep State US Military Operations were collectively monitored.
  • The Military Intervention 11.3 of 2024: The following Tribunals will use the Maui fires and attack on the US Military Space Surveillance Base as an Act of War and will lead to procedures and protocols pertaining to Military Intervention.
  • An official who delayed the release of water during the deadly blaze on Maui believed equity needed to be discussed before distribution. M. Kaleo Manuel, former deputy director of the Hawaii Commission on Water Resource Management, waited for more than five hours to release water during the wildfires that devastated Maui, according to reports.
  • FEMA officials are staying at $1,000-a-night luxury hotels in Maui amid recovery efforts in Lahaina Officials from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) have been slammed by locals over their slow response to the devastating wildfires that have claimed at least 114 lives and left thousands of people homeless after their houses were scorched to the ground.
  • Maui Emergency Official Resigns:
  • Military Arrests FEMA Deputy Administrator Erik Hooks:
  • They didn’t sound the alarm because it would have extinguished the fire! They knew fire could be put out by sound.

DEW Started Fires Around the World

Urgent Request For Humanitarian Aid
By Sir Donald Kaulia, Sovereign Regent, Kingdom of Akua, Hawaiian Islands

Aloha Mai Kakou,

The capitol of our Sovereign Nation in Maui has been destroyed. Thousands of people are missing and presumed dead. We are asking for any aid to help the people of Hawaii who are suffering tremendous losses.

It will take years to rebuild our capitol and unfortunately some of the losses are not replaceable – Kingdom and cultural artifacts that are now lost forever.

We are being told that in order to have assistance with this disaster we must rely on the same corrupt government that overthrew our Sovereign Nation. They are failing miserably to say the least.

Our nation’s leaders, through the Sovereign Order of Kamehameha 1 and the Kingdom of Akua Foundation, have a plan of action that will assist our people faster and in an organized humane fashion, unlike the absolute disorganized mess it is now.

The situation and needs of our people are changing rapidly. Having funds available will allow us to act and react accordingly. Please consider anything you can do to help. Funding can be in the form of Grants, Donations, Disaster Financing, or any other funding application.

Donate through Paypal: Donate (
Or Donate directly to our Account: Kingdom of Akua, LLC # 004000102516
SWIFT Code Routing: #121301772