World Under International Martial Law

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Tues. 8 Aug. 2023 Charlie Ward:
According to Ground Command the entire world is currently under international or global martial law
(n.b. NOT national martial law)

Judy Byington:
As of Wed. 9 Aug. International Martial Law was in place around the World due to a
Global Financial Crisis,
Global Cyber Security Crisis
Pending World War III Scenario in the Middle East.

African Nations Shock The World: Celebrate Independence From Foreign Entities.
Indigenous Peoples International Day Wed. 9 Aug.
RUSSIA: The Kremlin has notified the UN of its intent to order martial law in Russia. This is a prelude to widespread mobilization.
Large scale Military Exercises were set to run worldwide from Wed. 9 Aug. to Fri. 18 – while the Cabal UN was pushing China, UK Royals and the US CIA to go against Israel – all of which has opened a door to a World War III Scenario.
Over 3,000 US Marines and Sailors Arrive in Middle East in Deployment Aimed at Iran.
Ethereum Rock: Japan’s Underwater Volcano to trigger shutdown of International Shipping.
The MOAB is The Event: Declas, Global Currency Reset, Gold Standard, Nesara/Gesara. In the movie “Hunt for Red October” there was a very tense Standoff. The Soviet Union & USA were on the brink of War. Think Nuclear Stand-off. Define Nuclear Stand-off. IRAN is next. Will it bring China into it? …Whiplash347
Aug. 9 through 18: The US Navy and Marines were planning a large scale exercise that would encompass six Maritime Commands, seven Fleets and 22 Time Zones. 25,000 sailors and Marines prepare for global conflict in large scale exercise.
Governments around the Globe were currently bankrupt and thus not recognized as Sovereign.

  • Individual governments have zero control and are in the process of renegotiating for sovereignty. In other words the governments and/or government Incs are currently not recognized as Sovereign and need to register with the Archivists and Hall of Records via Ground Command and/or revised Global Intelligence Agency (GIA) structure/s.
  • Also, all countries are currently declared bankrupt and the IME, UN, World Bank, WEF, etc. are also defunct corporations without any sovereignty.
  • These will be replaced by a revised GIA and entity known as CARE.
  • The IRS is being restructured and may be replaced completely. Janet Yellen has been fired (not public yet) and the US Federal Reserve + Treasury had been on notice till 30 June 2023 that if they could not pay the Global Repository back the quadrillions owed, it would be handing over ALL its assets including property, commercial property, land, business assets, etc.
  • We are about to see the real truth and the real news unfold before our eyes. Brace yourselves for short term volatility, medium term change and long term prosperity.

The IRS was being restructured and could be completely replaced with a flat tax. The Federal Reserve and old US Treasury have handed all assets over to the White Hat Military.

The US Supreme Court has refused to consider blatant issues of voter fraud in US Elections and thus was expected to be dissolved shortly by the White Hat Military, along with other federal agencies, the Biden Administration and Congress.

President Donald Trump: “Our country has been invaded. We will use all state, local, federal and military resources necessary to carry out the largest nationwide deportation operation in American history.”
POTUS said that all hospital equipment to become obsolete. No more Chemo & Radiation. Big Pharma, no more medical research. 6000 cures.

Tues. 8 Aug. Trump Live on Telegram, Whiplash:

  • Long ago in early 2021 I told you a War was being set up and countries were preparing (nobody believed) I said it would lead to a Nuclear Standoff. We are here now and quickly growing, but don’t worry it’s all STAGING for the STORM ARREST WARS
  • I WARNED a MASSIVE WORLD COLLAPSE was going to happen that break banks and would escalate (that happened as nations went into recession including EU countries and hundreds of thousands of small banks collapsed through the world in 3 years ….. And major banks were bailed out and wall street lied about yearly reports on behalf of their corrupted governments and banks)
  • As people gave up after the supposed Trump loss and Epstein supposed death, I gave you important information: TRUMP Was COMING BACK EVEN MORE POWERFUL.
  • The 2020 stolen Election was a military operation given purposefully to Biden to EXPOSE a U.S. corrupt captured system.
  • The EPSTEIN SAGA was only the beginning. Congress has possession of Hunter Biden laptop. Inside that laptop is Deep State military coded sequence files that connect the CIA, Epstein, and other intel.
  • In 2019 I warned everyone that the Deep State was going to release the virus (people thought it was a conspiracy)
  • In 2020 I gave all the info that digital IDs  would be initiated through the fake pandemic and Force vaccinations and lockdowns would occur ( people thought was conspiracy)
  • I gave so much information on military operations happening through the world in tunnels to earthquakes.
  • I told you long before anyone that MUSK was going to acquire Twitter and MUSK was receiving funding from Kask Patel.
  • The new investigation is in NEVADA and currently KEEFE D’s house was searched and evidence was seized.
  • What going to happen? Inside sources say the case will eventually fall apart in the first 2023 staging, but this is planned.