This is from the Judy Byington GCR 17th August.
Support Lahaina where the people have suffered so much loss, including many deaths – some say 1000+.
Judy Note: The below from Sir Donald Kaulia, Sovereign Regent, Kingdom of Akua, Hawaiian Islands, is an urgent request for donations to help the people of Hawaii who are suffering tremendous losses as a result of the recent Direct Energy Weapon Attack on their Kingdom’s capitol.
When the fires began Hawaii’s Democrat governor & Biden loyalist Josh Green ordered road closures, which greatly impended any escape as towering flames laid waste to residential and resort communities in Maui. Residents reported people burning in the streets and bodies floating in the ocean – a result of victims trying to escape.
Now FEMA and the Hawaii National Guard were preventing citizen relief convoys from delivering food, water and other essentials to displaced persons. FEMA was disorganized and unhelpful.
Sir Donald writes, “Since Day One the Kingdom of Akua Foundation has supplied protein straight from our farms to the college culinary for the chefs to prep hot meals direct to Lahaina. Our Kahuna (whom is also the FEMA Chaplain) owns the farm, so we were able to bypass the road blocks like a “Trojan Horse.” FEMA is terrible and unorganized.”
Urgent Request For Humanitarian Aid
Aloha Mai Kakou,
The capitol of our Sovereign Nation has been destroyed. Thousands of people are missing and presumed dead. We are asking for any aid to help the people of Hawaii who are suffering tremendous losses.
It will take years to rebuild our capitol and unfortunately some of the losses are not replaceable – Kingdom and cultural artifacts that are now lost forever.
We are being told that in order to have assistance with this disaster we must rely on the same corrupt government that overthrew our Sovereign Nation. They are failing miserably to say the least.
Our nation’s leaders, through the Sovereign Order of Kamehameha 1 and the Kingdom of Akua Foundation, have a plan of action that will assist our people faster and in an organized humane fashion, unlike the absolute disorganized mess it is now.
The situation and needs of our people are changing rapidly. Having funds available will allow us to act and react accordingly. Please consider anything you can do to help. Funding can be in the form of Grants, Donations, Disaster Financing, or any other funding application.
Donate to Account: Kingdom of Akua, LLC # 004000102516
SWIFT Code Routing: #121301772
Hawaii National Bank, Puqinako Branch 2100 Kanoelehua Ave, Suite 201 Hilo Hi 96720
May God be with you and your families and may you continue to receive His blessings.
Aloha & God Bless Us All
Sir Donald Kaulia
Sovereign Kingdom of Akua
What’s Going On in Maui? A Police State? When fire broke out the Maui Police were ordered to close escape routes and not let cars out. No warnings were given. No emergency crews showed up. People were on fire in the streets. Others were drowning in the ocean while trying to escape the fire and smoke. Now FEMA will not allow civilians to deliver food, water and essential items to those in distress.

The above right picture is a screen shot from a video showing a destructive DEW moving through the area videoed. It looked horrific.
I Am Tired of Playing the Steeple Role In This Movie by Bonni B
- To Lahaina and to you Don, “Mahalo Nui Loa”. May God the Father be with you and your people.” Much love, Bonni B
- In 2019, Antifa tore the beautiful city of Portland, Oregon apart and used Direct Energy Weapons to burn millions of trees and hundreds of houses. My son along with 50 others took horse trailers 100 miles to save the animals and people. He took a picture out the front window of his pickup. It was solid red fire they were driving into that looked like Hell and it was.
- Now we in Oregon are on the15 state list for the Direct Energy Weapons Attack once again.
- So much smoke here in Oregon. Twenty different fires, totaling more than a million acres burned, 106 degrees for a week. Eyes burning all the time.
- What’s really bad is on rare moments we can see the skies, there are about 4 to 5 Chem Trail planes up there dumping God knows what on us too as well as poisoning all our crops that are in the fields ready for harvest.
- I vote we stand up and fight like ‘hell’ against the evil that rages against us. Fight for our place in this world for generations to come. It is what we came here to do.
- Just another day in Cabal Paradise. Together we can drive them back to hell where they belong.
Destruction of Maui Hawaii by DEW:
- Lahaina called Arson on an Industrial Scale. Multiple witnesses report seeing ‘mystery vans’ take up positions throughout the city BEFORE the fires reached buildings.”To efficiently burn a city you’d preposition accelerants throughout,” said an arson investigator.
- Wed. 16 Aug: White Hats have confirmed reports that FEMA and the Hawaii National Guard in Maui are preventing citizen relief convoys from delivering food, water, and other living essentials to displaced persons who have been wandering the island like zombies since suspicious fires turned the tropical paradise into an inescapable inferno. White Hats to Maui | Real Raw News
- Hawaii Gov. Josh Green says much of the town of Lāhainā is destroyed and hundreds of families have been displaced. Officials say “unprecedented” wildfires are raging across Hawaii’s Big Island and Maui. https://t.me/+6JOx4sxJuk1iNjFk
- White Hats to Maui: https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=227688
- Quite a few celebs own property in Maui – none of their properties were damaged. There were tunnels beneath their properties that connected them. Those celebrities including Oprah Winfrey have for years tried and sometimes succeeded to buy more property on Maui, but for the most part, the natives have refused to sell. Now with the fire damage big companies were pressuring the natives into selling.
- Maui was the center of Space Force and strategic defense of the US. Space Force does not concern itself with outer space, but cyber space. It has Intel on the 2020 Election Fraud, so people were saying that the recent Maui fires were a Cabal Attack on that Space Force Station to destroy evidence.
- “How Maui and the Hawaiian Islands was the center of Space Force and strategic defense of the US.” The Maui False Flag and how it helps a future Chinese invasion, Jamie Walden, Common Sense Show https://playlist.studeo.fm/embed/episodes/26680
- David Wolfe: “I live on Maui, the media is lying”: https://twitter.com/DavidWolfe/status/1690883877298933761
- Biden gave $700 per family in Hawaii vs $115B+ to the War in Ukraine. But then, Biden doesn’t own property in Maui like he does in Ukraine with it’s extensive underground tunnel system.
- A Maui resident trying to flee the fires on foot said that cars with people inside were blockaded and prevented from moving to safety by the Maui Police while fire spread in Maui. I’ll let you figure out who gave the Orders.
- Why is there already a book “Fire and Fury” about the Maui Fires and Climate Change on Amazon? Published on August 10, 2023. It’s only 44 pages, and I guess it could be put together that quick… most likely garbage, but still kinda suspect to me…Reminded me of Q drop 500… Fire & Fury: https://www.amazon.com/Fire-Fury-Implications-Climate-Change-ebook/dp/B0CFCTLXJJ/ref=mp_s_a_1_1