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Illusion Warfare Report:
The Road to Ukraine – -Join me as I LARP my way onto the Hollywood movie set we know as Ukraine.

Evidently last week the Russian Army discovered a significant Bio-weapons Lab beneath Chernobyl (one of thirty Bio-Weapon Labs discovered in the Ukraine funded by the Deep State Obama/ Biden/ Fauci/ CIA. The labs developed viruses to be unleashed on the general public for the Deep State Depopulation Agenda).
What has not been made known to the general public were the deceased and abused children the Russian Army rescued from Chernobyl”s extensive Underground Tunnel.

Zelensky, Hunter Biden — and Their Sugar Daddy, Kolomoisky

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Restored Republic GCR

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Judy Byington – 22 March

Read this to find out what is going on in the world today.

Judy Note:
*According to Putin Tues. 22 March is the Red Letter Day for the GCR.
*100+ nations have global agreements called „Project Sandman” to drop and end dominance of U.S. dollar and petrodollar.
*As of Fri. 18 March at 6pm EST the fiat US Dollar was no longer being used in International Trade.
*US elections on November 3, 2020 were won by President Donald Trump in all 50 states.
*On January 20, 2021 at 12:00 noon the United States was taken over by a military government led by Secretary of Military General Christopher Miller and Commander-inChief, the lawfully elected President Donald Trump.
*The role of the fake Joe Biden was being played by three different actors. His entire “crew” was a cast selected by President Trump’s team.
*The White House and Capitol and all federal buildings in Washington have been empty and closed as of January 20, 2021.
President Vladimir Putin was currently shattering the last remnants of the New World Order in an operation called Z.
*Putin and Trump are allies and collaborators.
*Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the US Army is President Trump!
*The new global Alliance of White Hats controls the situation of the entire planet.
*We were witnessing the most incredible movie in the history of mankind.
*We have another clean up – Taiwan. There, the work will be done by Chinese President Xi Jinping, and this operation will begin at any moment.
*American Bio-Weapon Labs in Ukraine: deadly viruses and danger to the population. “America has allocated more than $2 billion to finance secret biological laboratories in Ukraine. The Ukrainian authorities persistently hide even the existence of these laboratories, and people are panicking because of an outbreak of unknown diseases.
*Biolabs in Ukraine “Ironically, our government used Ukraine to divert attention from the atrocities committed at home in connection with the creation of Covid-19 and the response to it.
*On Mon. 21 March former US Attorney General William Barr said that, “Biden lied to the American people about his son Hunter”s emails,” about the same time Biden announced to the press, “There is gonna be a New World Order out there and we’ve got to lead it.”
The White Hats who were fighting Globalism and the New World Order were headed by Q (JFK Jr.), President and Melania Trump (Q+), China”s Xi Jinping (who, with help of the White Hats, was ousting the Chinese Communist Party), Russia”s Putin (who, with the help of the White Hats was ousting the Russian Communist Party), Ben Salman of Saudia Arabia, Modi of India, Jong of North Korea, Bolsonaro of Brazil and Orban of Hungary.

Status of the Restored Republic by General Christopher Miller, Secretary of Military and Head of the Provisional Military Government of the United States to Bulgarian colleagues:
* I understand from your comments that there has been a great fever and commotion in Bulgaria regarding the visit of the US Secretary of Military. , concerns that this man will force Bulgaria into war with Russia.
* I bet many of you still believe the Media that the United States has a new government headed by the deceased 3 years ago Joe Biden.
*US elections on November 3, 2020 were won by President Donald Trump in all 50 states. The Deep State tried to fake them and the Media reported that Joe B. he has won them over. BUT! The official ballot was electronic watermarked, which the counterfeiters were unaware of. So every vote cast for President Trump was recorded on a quantum server and the fate of each ballot is known.
*The Military Alliance, which stands behind President Trump, decided to show people how deeply corrupt all government institutions are, and since then, we’ve been watching a movie that really aims to open our eyes and wake us up so this never happens again.
*On January 20, 2021 at 12:00 noon the United States was taken over by a military government led by Secretary of Military General Christopher Miller and Commander-inChief, the lawfully elected President Donald Trump.
*Until the November 2020 elections, General Cr. Miller was Director of the National Counter-Terrorism Service, a student of General Michael Flynn.
*The role of the fake Joe Biden is played by three actors. His entire “crew” is a cast selected by President Trump’s team. All his ministers are actors whose actions have no legal value including this fake military minister who visits Bulgaria and causes such a fuss – Lloyd Austin.
All these actors are talking and doing as President Trump and the White Hat Military are telling them to do. This whole show is about waking people up and doing a lot of work behind the scenes.
*The White House and Capitol and all federal buildings in Washington have been empty and closed as of January 20, 2021.
*These people have never set foot there, nor have they any access to the Pentagon! They are ACTORS ! Hold on to that!
*President Vladimir Putin is currently shattering the last remnants of the New World Order. They are allies and collaborators with President Trump.
*Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the US Army is President Trump! He would never send U.S. troops against any nation on the planet! So there is no reason to fear American soldiers.
Here in Greece, people are looking forward to them for the second year as liberators from the junta. There will be no world war!
*Russia and the United States have been allies in all wars so far. It’s all just propaganda from the last remnants of globalism.
*The new global Alliance of White Hats controls the situation of the entire planet. Soon it will all be over! In a few days time! Everything is under control!
*Bulgarian political leaders are controlled by Soros, but they don’t know he is gone and are following orders from the World Economic Forum in Davos via Brussels headquarters.
*This movie is going to end. The man who will appear in Bulgaria as a Military Minister is not such a man, but an actor from the People’s Awakening Team. His actions have no legal value. Probably the rulers in Bulgaria themselves do not know this.

? Ukraine War: Russia’s deadline passes with Ukraine refusing to lay down arms and surrender Mariupol
? The Russian large landing ship “Orsk,” accompanied by the naval forces of the Black Sea Fleet, entered and unloaded military equipment in the port of Berdyansk. Ukrainian troops that were based in Berdyansk – thousands and thousands of soldiers and sailors – surrendered the port without a fight, leaving the entire infrastructure of the port intact.
? The Russian Army destroyed a mall in Kiev which was being used as a ammo depot.
? CNN journalists printed a picture of a Serbian resort Zvonachka-Banya that was destroyed and awaiting reconstruction, depicting it as the Ukrainian Mir Hotel, saying it was ruthlessly bombed by the Russian Armed Forces. By the way, the Serbian resort was looking for an investor. Send CNN a thank you for the free ad.
? Redpillbabe: Yeah If you got one of those “I stand with Ukraine” friends, I would 100% stop what you”re doing and work your way through this thread. Torture, abuse and humiliation of average Ukrainian citizens including children by their own military – the crime “Russian sympathizers.”
? Shrink wrapping and torturing starving women and children around trees in Ukraine. This is happening frequently in Ukraine to those speaking against the Ukrainian Nazi Government.
? Ukrainian pregnant woman and model who was reported to have died from a Russian Airstrike on a hospital was still alive and part of a new Ukraine propaganda video.

Mon. 21 March Fleming: The Great Shift
The (fiat) US Dollar, issued by the Federal Reserve and honored all over the world, is recognized as backed by the full strength and credit of the United States of America, the wealthiest Nation in the world. The “wealthiest nation in the world” has been impoverished by Covid19 Robber Barons, robbing the good People of their savings, their homes, and their ability to earn with weak, and possibly destroyed health, thanks to the VAX requirement. This destruction of a Great Nation has resulted in the End of Fiat and the Golden Age, a coordinated event, pushed by Klaus Schwab and their participating malefactors. Thankfully their plan to enslave the world has been usurped and corrected to Free the World.
? Operation Lockstep – is the Rockefeller/Rothschild plan from 2010, outlines their plans for the COVID scamdemic. This playbook contains their entire plans in minute details, describing everything we have encountered so far. Their culpability is well established.
? Banks are collapsing. Basel 3 compliance was required March 1, with a 30-day grace period, is ending the last week of March all over the world. Any banks not merged – are required to meet all Basel 3 requirements or close their doors.

? The 22nd – tomorrow is the date that Putin set to allow the sale of gold to commence – under the new currency and the new rate. The 22nd is a Red-Letter Date for every nation and every currency.

? Will we see the new USN tomorrow? Banks everywhere are reporting that they have this new currency ready to deliver to clients. We have heard that the huge task of converting all Tier 1 banks, holding large amount of USD, has been completed. No one anywhere will be left holding toilet paper and the United States will emerge again as the Shining Nation on the Hill!

? Corporations are collapsing. The largest Chinese corporation, EverGrande, has collapsed and disappeared today from all markets (same as Pfizer!)
? This is a clear demonstration of the end of the CCP. What many don”t know is that every business funded by the Chinese Government (CCP) is owned/ 50% and funded by the government. A failure of this magnitude, allowed to go into bankruptcy, demonstrates the inability of the CCP to carry this debt. They are dead in the water, just like the ship off the coast of Baltimore.
? The Central Bank of Iraq is closed while the nation”s business is being handled. We”re expecting great news about the New IQN this week. The People of Iraq have had enough. Haven”t we all?

? Hunter’s laptop comes out on the 23rd with all that entails. How can these evil doers escape the righteous outrage of the People? They cannot.

Whiplash347 on Med Beds, CIA and other NWO Intelligence removal, Rods of God:

? Remember POTUS saying all hospital equipment will be obsolete by the end of the year? No more Chemo, Radiation etc. Hospitals & Schools will be ripped apart. No need for medical research when you have 6000 cures including Med Beds, UV Light Therapies etc. handed to you from Tesla.

? This is why all private intelligence companies are being removed from existence. Ie Mossad/CIA & 5Eyes. Only intelligence staying is military.
? This is why we are moving away from Oil, Gas & Fuel to Tesla Wireless Technology.

? This is going to be dramatic, like the bombing of Nuclear Reactors (already done, except for 3GD),

? Rods of God cause earthquakes. The Rods of God are undetectable Tesla Tungsten Kinetic Weapons from the sky designed for blowing tunnels & Nuke Reactors – hitting with the force of a Nuclear Weapon without the fallout.

Whiplash347 on Obamagate:
? Obama Weaponized The Federal Government Against American People, And It All
Started In Ukraine.

? This Answers All Those Nagging Questions. We”ve all had lingering questions about what has gone on in America over the last several years.Who is behind all this? Who is driving us to civil war? What do these people want? How did the legacy media become co-opted? Why the precipitous slide in U.S. race relations? How did the U.S. government become infected with corruption during Obama”s watch? Why the big focus on Ukraine of all places? Why won”t anyone do anything about the destruction of America?

? This research comes from Ukraine: The CD Media has spent the last decade building up a network of contacts in-country, contacts who are tired of their nation being controlled by George Soros and the corrupt American Deep State apparatus. We know who the players are in Kyiv and Donbass. CD Media has been very active in digging out and making public the Biden crime family/DNC/State Department corruption in Kyiv. You can read all our investigative work here. But why Ukraine? Ukraine is a famously corrupt country, corruption born of past Soviet rule. It is ironic that former communistfighters like George Soros want to bring this scourge to the United States. Soros was familiar with Ukraine, from his experience in Eastern Europe. Ukraine was the 21st century wild, wild, West. What went on in Ukraine, stayed in Ukraine. Nothing was off the table. So the Deep State/DNC/Soros corrupt U.S. government machine built its base of operations there. In a few words, they developed a center of highly organized crime.

ObamaGate: Whistleblower General Flynn exposes the $50 B Gulen Terrorist Network:
? Flynn discovered that the Obama administration was creating funding and arming of Jihadist who later waved the flag of ISIS.

? These jihadist actions were taking place in Turkey and Jordan. Obama with the help of the help of CIA, NATO and his jihadist cronies, were seeking to top Assad in Syria.
? Flynn can fry Mueller and 4 treasonous Presidents and take down the NWO agenda within America and at least the last 4 administrations.

? The Russia hoax is nothing more than to target Flynn, push him out of the Obama administration and to surpress the Gulen terrorist Network to be exposed.

? These treasonous administrations created funding of ISIS for a coup in Turkey and growing the largest sleeper cell of terrorists in history.

? Bombshell: It was Bill Clinton who brought Gulen and his terrorist network to the United States. In 1998 Bill rolled out the red carpet and had him flown here in a private CIA plane. He knew full well that Gulen was wanted in Turkey and other nations for terrorist activities. Gulen owned over 200 charter schools, funded by the US and paid for with tax

? The US/Jihadist morphed into thr Arab spring, destabilized the middle east and created the orchestrated migration crises.

? Hillary took part in the launching of the Arab spring as secretary of state under the Obama administration.
? Flynn blew the whistle on the involvement in the Gulen terrorist Network of the Oboma administration and by default of HW Bush, G Bush, Clinton, the state department, FBI, CIA and the DOG.

White Hats on Inside the Storm:
? Soros is breaking the Chinese banking system and Rockefeller controlled banks are pulling money.

? Inside sources say BITCOIN will RISE before the [CRASH] then bust. The ripple effect will be felt from country to country as China Stocks and companies reach into all nations.

? THE GREAT RESET agenda of UN WEF WHO WORLD BANKS GPMB OBAMA BUSH CURRENT ELITES has always been to break [CRASH] THE MARKETS. Bring in global currency and digital tracking/ human tracing.
? THE CRASH IS IMMINENT AND TAKEN PLACE .. Effects of food shortage.. INFLATION.. RISING GAS PRICES is evident and happing and GROWING.

? When the CRASH happens Banks will not move money. Transactions will freeze and electric companies cannot pay for natural resources such as coal. Delivery companies will be at a standstill. This leads to closed markets, stores closing and hunger.

? MANY EVENTS are taking place.

? Bidens WAR on Americans will affect the MARKETS. Half of Americans are rejecting BIDEN’S MANDATES. Threatening to quit their jobs. Police. Doctors. Nurses. MILITARY. Blue collar citizens. That’s over 85,000,000.000. Million of citizens who are rising against BIDENS { DICTATORSHIPS} WAR.

? This amount of Americans can CRASH the market. [DS] Biden. OBAMA VATICAN (world bank] will make TRILLIONS on pulling money from Retirement/Insurance/ and Benefits (most average Americans are owed 50 to 65 thousand in retirement.
? Joe Biden declaration of WAR on Americans is to break the economy, crash and divide and then bring in the New World Order fiat digital currency.

? The Delta deaths COVID-19 Plandemic is distractions and also for killing humans in the eugenics program of Rockefeller’s plan UN Agenda.

Inside the War: White Hats vs. Deep State, Iron Eagle Q:

? White Hats knew long ago that these Events had to happen. Nobody could stop these events. It was a massive Event planned for 60 years.

? White Hats have Plans in place for Military Control once the Crash happens that includes Mass Arrests.
? Inside the War is a very important battle for the next Internet. Both the White Hats and the Deep State plan to kill the present Internet and put up a new one of their own.

? The Deep State wants a New Internet that will be digitalized with Internet Passports into their New World Internet.

? These passports will be only for those who abide by the World infection laws (growing currently), those who co-operate with the online banking (new rules/ Standards/ regulations)

? The Deep State has a plan to control the Whole World through their Internet and through all peoples banking and social networks .
? This New Internet they want to launch is The Great Reset – restarting the Internet.

? The White Hats Internet through the Star Link Satellite System has the most advanced security and unbreakable encrypted System ever created to serve mankind.

? The features behind the New Internet has A.I systems to identify online pedophilia, human trafficking networks and world money laundering systems.

From the White Hats Intelligence:

? Soros has not been seen for months. His kids publicly divide his future. He’s only an internet front now representing Rockefellers agenda, WEF and Davos. The last speech he gave was suppose to be from Davos, but it was revealed that the filmed video was from Francisco (previously filmed in summer).

? China/ Taiwan have reached a secret agreement to reunify Taiwan. Taiwan will keep their Armed Forces, Democracy and hold their own elections.
? Japan will not get involved in the fake war between Taiwan and China.

? Attempts to create a war in China will fail.

? The Deep State Cabal Rothschilds now owe another 23 million to Asian Cabal leaders. The Rothschilds were in a panic because they didn”t repay on the Jan. 1 deadline. That was part of the reason to push the war in Ukraine and China. Currently the Rothschild families were selling off their holdings.

? After the Kazakhstan infiltration of the country, attempt to create vaccines passes and control food, Putin had had enough. The Kazakhstan people revolted with the help of the Russian Military Intel and ops.

? Putin couldn’t wait on Ukraine as the Davos/HRC/Obama Deep State group next eyed Ukraine to unlease Bio-Weapons that targeted Russian Slavic ethnic groups.
? George Bush was the head in creating implementing/ creating bioweapons (project for new American Century) that targeted certain ethnic groups such as Slavic and help create SARS to target Chinese and Asian ethnic groups. However, the human immune system recovered far faster than expected. (Bird flu, Ebola, SARS were Bioweapons).

? Expect Russia to declassify server data evidence on US Ukraine Bio-weapons Labs and Nuclear dealings (creating Nuclear Bombs from sourced Middle East Deep State Operators).

? The tides are turning on the Switzerland Deep State operations that were controlled from Lake Geneva. Special US Military Forces have trained the Switz Military Forces on how to surround the encampment and bring down their own Deep State Operations and CIA Bases

? The Fukushima Event was caused by Deep State Military operations that were guided by the Rothschilds.

? The day after the Fukushima meltdown Netanyahu called the leader of Japan and threatened them with extortion money. He wanted Japan to move over 40 million people to North Korea. The Rothschilds wanted to set up a New World Order State with hundreds of MSM news outlets and gatherings to hear the Japan leaders response to the Fukushima Event.
? Japan mentioned the extortion and threat to move 40 million but not one single news agency told the story. The power of the Rothschilds (Kazarians) easily silenced the media outlets.

? Netanyahu is in protective custody and gave up information and servers.

? A Deep State Regime vs. Deep State Regime War in Asia and the Middle East has begun.

? The Rothschilds selling off their assets and not repaying their debts to other Elite entities was causing a ripple effect – a war within the Deep State.

? Several like Netanyahu, the Ukrainian president, several African presidents, ect, were jumping ship and declassifying information.

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News items of interest to counteract the MSM bullshit & missing news.

Dr. Carrie Madej Urgent Warning About Fast-Acting Cancers After Monoclonal Antibody Treatment
First, the public was told that treatment with Monoclonal Antibodies (MAB) was the “miracle cure.” The federal government covered the cost ($3,000 to $5,000) per dose of the drug.
What could go wrong? According to Dr. Carrie Madej, the result of (MAB) is an uncontrollable, fast-acting, metastatic cancer (stage IV) within 1 to 3 years after treatment.

Delta Force Seizes Emergency Broadcast System: Delta Force Seizes Deep State Stronghold
Tues 15 March
Delta Force and other units of the Armed Forces special operations community brazenly seized a major Deep State stronghold that was home to the criminal Biden regime’s gestapo police force, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and its not-so-secret headquarters in Virginia.
The cornerstone of FEMA’s secret world sits nestled in the sprawling Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, less than fifty miles from Washington.  It has served as the shadow government’s primary emergency hideaway since the 1950s. Beneath the mountain lays a sprawling labyrinth of tunnels, corridors, and chambers from where the Deep State plotted to enslave law-abiding American citizens.
Mount Weather is also home to the nation’s primary “Emergency Broadcast System,” or EBS, transmitter, a computer network capable of interrupting every type of communication from cellular phones to cable television to internet backbones. In essence, the national EBS is a more powerful and sophisticated version of emergency transmitters such as the Amber Alert System and the emergency messaging system used by the National Weather Service.
“The military now controls the mountain. The doors are impregnable. This mission was a long time in the making, and now we control the EBS. Stay tuned—a message may be coming very soon,” our source said.

Last week all phone systems including AT&T were switched over to the new Star Link Satellite System‘s Quantum Computer.
The old Cabal-owned SWIFT Global Financial System was taken down so that the Quantum Computer‘s new gold/asset-backed Global Financial System codes for the Global Currency Reset could be implemented in banks across the world.
After which Mass Arrests of Deep State Global Elites began in full force, their financial assets frozen.
Now that Russia and China have declared they are gold-backed-asset-backed, with solid, verified assets as required by the International Monetary Fund, all countries will follow, beginning with the US.
Now at least Russia, China, North Korea, India, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Poland, Iran, Japan, Iraq and Venezuela were believed to be functioning on the gold, asset-backed currency standard.
Russia’s Putin sanctioned Biden, Clinton and at least twelve other US Inc. Cabal leaders, resulting in their bank accounts and monies being frozen – forever.

Civilization Near Death Scare Event: The Russians found in Ukraine – the Epicenter of the Cabal‟s Satanic Operations – 30 Bio-Weapon labs of the New World Order, along with a Depopulation Plan to wipe out 70% of our population this next Fall.
Documents and proof of 336 such Bio-Weapon labs across the world that Globalists
Obama and Biden had set up and funded with US Taxpayer dollars, were presented to the
UN last Fri. 11 March – which took no action.

Considering discovery and presumed destruction of the Globalist‟s Bio-Weapon labs
along with destroying their money-making DUMBS and Underground Tunnels across the
globe that held their International Gun, Drug running and Child Sex and Human
Trafficking rings, when added to their recent failure to establish medical tyranny through
Covid-19 and knowing the Cabal would go down fighting to their very last breath, the
question then arose: Was a large scale False Flag Cyber-Attack imminent?

Putin said, “Friday evening (11 March) will be beautiful for the whole world.” Friday
11 March was the day that Russia announced to the World at the UN Security Council
Meeting, that the US Deep State MIC, had harmed much of this world and must be
stopped. It was the Day that Truth Was Shared. It is also the day that begins

Summary of the Russian Federation Complaint at the UN:
“We have called the meeting. We have discovered a clean-up operation of biological
warfare operations in Kiev. We have discovered that they were weaponizing the plague,
anthrax and other lethal pathologies controlled by the United States”

Russian Federation: We received the information from the biological laboratories in
Kiev that they were studying the H5N1 virus, which has a mortality rate of 50%. We
also found that they were studying the Plague, leptosporiosis, being able to go from bats
to humans. These studies were conducted in the heart of Eastern Europe, right next to the
Russian border. Russian Federation: We found out that they were taking blood samples
from Slavs that can be used to create pathologies that can specifically target certain ethnic

Kiev decided to use these pathological diseases on its Ukrainian citizens.Kiev is working with the US to cover up their violations of the biological weapons convention to prevent Russia from discovering this evidence.
320 containers of biopathogens were destroyed in connection with a military program.

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Who in their right mind would allow themselves to be injected with a serum which contains toxic substances? Who in their right mind would give “informed” consent when they have not been properly informed? Who would trust the government & health ministry when lies have been told, such as the jab is “safe & effective”?

Frontline Doctor: Millions Will Get AIDS From COVID Shots By Fall
23 March
Key Points:
Dr. Eads: We are seeing vaccine related AIDS (VAIDS) in the hospital now from the triple vaxed.
The spike protein in the CV19 vaccines is called the Lentivirus. It is made up of HIV and AIDS along with SARS and MERS. That’s why the vaccinated and boosted are so sick. That’s why they dominate the hospitalizations regarding Covid illness as well. Because the immune system is depleted, many kinds of disease such as cancer can spread like wildfire.

Dr. Eads says it is particularly bad in the double CV19 vaxed and boosted. She calls the third injection ‘The Kill Shot’. Stabford Study: “The spike protein in the CV19 vaccines is called the Lentivirus. The Lenti contains a combination of HIV, types one through three, SRV/1, which is AIDS, MERS and SARS. In the Stanford study, the best-known Lentivirus is the human immune deficiency pathogen, which causes AIDS. This is why we are seeing autoimmune and neurodegenerative decline after the Covid 19 (Vax) especially the booster. . . . It permanently changes the genome of the cell. That is why this is so terrifying to us in the medical community. We just don’t know how to attack this.”
So, the CV19 vaccines are actually injecting people with AIDS? Dr. Eads says, “That is exactly what I am telling you. That is what the Spike Lentivirus is. It is made up of HIV and AIDS along with SARS and MERS. That’s why the vaccinated and boosted are so sick. That’s why they dominate the hospitalizations regarding Covid illness as well.”
Because the immune system is depleted, many kinds of disease such as cancer can spread like wildfire. Dr. Ryan Cole says he’s seeing cancer up as much as 2,000% from the vaccines. Eads says, “I have some stunning numbers from the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) . . . . I am just going to read a few cancers: malignant neo-plasma of the esophagus up 794%. malignant neo-plasma of the stomach, colon and pancreas up 524%. Breast cancer up 387%. . . . Ovarian cancer up 537%, Testicular cancer up 269%. These are numbers from 2021. . . . When they found out attorney Thomas Renz and the whistleblower had the data, they scrubbed the data and altered it, which is totally against the law.”
Dr. Eads is treating vaxed and unvaxed in her practice. She will tell you what you can do to help yourself, especially if you have been vaxed. Dr. Eads talks about the ongoing propaganda to get you to take the so-called boosters. Dr. Eads explains why you should stop all CV19 shots now. Dr. Eads also contends there is a huge disinformation campaign going on to make you think the CV19 shots are safe and not causing blood clots, heart attacks, strokes, cancer and a host of other diseases–including AIDS.

New Zealand Ruling Class Data Suggests The Fully “Vaccinated” Are Getting AIDS
March 9

New Zealand’s ruling class has released data showing that those who are fully “vaccinated” are getting acquired immunodeficiency syndrome or AIDS. The newly released data is showing a major degradation of the immune system.

But just like Public Health Scotland originally did before they were exposed, and just like the Government of Canada is doing now, the New Zealand Ministry of Health only provides a cumulative total of COVID “cases” from the 16th of August 2021.
This is both irritating and extremely misleading when you consider New Zealand is currently experiencing its largest wave of Covid-19 to date.

But that isn’t the only deception. On the 16th August 2021, the date the New Zealand Ministry of Health has chosen to provide a cumulative total, just 18.4% of the population of New Zealand were considered fully vaccinated.

According to Reuters, COVID-19 infections are increasing in New Zealand, with 20,632 new infections reported on average each day. That’s 99% of the peak — the highest daily average reported on March 7. New Zealand has administered at least 10,757,940 doses of COVID vaccines so far. Assuming every person needs 2 doses, that’s enough to have vaccinated about 109.4% of the country’s population, however, only 78% are considered fully “vaccinated.”

Now that we know the Covid-19 case rates by vaccination status we’re able to use Pfizer’s vaccine effectiveness formula to work out the real-world vaccine effectiveness.

Unvaccinated case rate – Vaccinated case rate / Unvaccinated case rate = Vaccine Effectiveness

The following chart shows the real-world two-dose Covid-19 vaccine effectiveness between 6th Jan and 11th Feb, and between 12th Feb and 24th Feb 22 –

Between 6th Jan and 11th Feb, the real-world Covid-19 vaccine effectiveness proved to be minus-94.4%, but by the 24th Feb, the real-world vaccine effectiveness fell to minus-281.35%. This means the fully vaccinated are 3.8 times more likely to be infected with Covid-19 than the unvaccinated/one dose vaccinated population. This is what double vaccination has done to the people of New Zealand.

Much of the data slowly being released by both Big Pharma and the rulers show that these shots they are trying to force on everyone are slowly giving the population who took them AIDS, which is a complete degradation of the immune system.  When this happens, literally the smallest cold can be detrimental, as the immune system will be too weak to fight off any virus.

When people finally realize what has been done to them, will the masters have the nerve to say “well, no one forced you to take the shots?”

Continue ReadingDUMB NEW ZEALANDERS Update 24/03