Storm of the Century

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From GCR 30th May

The Storm of the Century Has Arrived
Worldwide Emergency Broadcast System Activation Expected At Any Time
We remain at Defcon Level Two Red Alert.

US National Terrorism Advisory Bulletin Issued for Wed. 24 May through Fri. 24 Nov.
US Military Ordered to Activate Martial Law.

Emergency Broadcast System Activation Imminent:

  • The EBS has been publicly announced worldwide.
  • The EBS will trigger Martial Law and the Global Currency Revaluation worldwide.
  • Martial Law will be especially prominent in 17 major US cities.
  • People will have only 24 hours to get where they need to be and to secure essential supplies for a shutdown that could last up to four weeks.
  • The EBS will involve three to twelve days, some say two to four weeks, of Worldwide Communication Darkness.
  • Phones, Internet, Credit/Debit Cards and ATMs will not work. Schools, stores, businesses, banks will be closed. The Mainstream Media will be shut down.
  • You are advised to have a month’s worth of food, gas, cash, water and other essential items on hand.
  • Through Project Odin the Tesla Towers will turn on and the World will switch over to Tesla Free Energy and the Star Link Satellite System.
  • Three eight-hour documentaries a day will be broadcast on TV, Radio and phones 24/7 across the Globe. The documentaries will explain what is going on. Truth will be revealed out of the darkness.
  • For your own safety please follow Military instructions including staying indoors if so instructed.
  • The Military will be active wherever the Cabal has a stronghold.
  • Thousands of banks will close as the White Hats crash the fiat currency financial system.
  • On Thurs. 1 June Bond redemption will be paid out.

Global Currency Revaluation:

  • On Thurs. 1 June the US would default on it’s debts, thereby missing loan repayments that were bound to send world markets into a tailspin.
  • Also by Thurs. 1 June all 209 countries would be connected to the new Quantum Financial System.
  • On 1 June 2023 at 8:00 pm EST the Quantum Financial System’s Fed ISO 20022 will activate a universal language for global financial networks to communicate with each other.
  • On Thurs. 1 June Bond redemption will be paid out.
  • Head of the Global Redemption Committee, Dr. Charlie Ward, indicated on his show that Tier4b notification would come after the EBS – which was expected to begin at any moment.

Watch The Water:
Shanghai China weather service recorded the hottest May Day in 100 years. Could a Tsunami happen near the mouth of Yangtze River [Near Southern Japanese Islands] sending flood downstream enough for them to have to take the floodgates out in the Dams at 3GD & Chongqing? It would take out Wuhan first Big Pharma Soros & Gates Labs where AIDS was created.  …Whiplash

Warning: GMO Fake Synthetic Food:
Buyer Beware: GMO ice cream is here. To be clear, these fake ice creams are NOT PLANT-BASED. They’re SYNTHETIC. The fake ice creams are created in a lab using an unregulated, extreme form of genetic engineering called Synthetic Biology. And because all new methods of genetic engineering have been deregulated and the new sham GMO labeling law that went into effect this month exempts synbio, these fake ice creams will have no GMO labeling. Patented lab-created proteins that mimic cow’s milk proteins are the basis for these products. There are no safety studies required, nothing at all to make sure they’re actually safe with no short or long-term health risks. Without long term safety testing, there is no way to know the potential adverse impacts on health over time. There are already concerns about allergenicity. How do you identify this fake ice cream? Look for something on the label that says “Made with Perfect Day”. It could be a logo, or just the words.

“Mystery Babylon, the Jesuit Order & American History” This Documentary reveals the hidden truth of the Roman Babylonian Vatican, the order of the Jesuit, Titanic, Rockefeller Banking System and Protestant movement in America, interwoven with nefarious affairs of the government.

Continue ReadingStorm of the Century

EBS Imminent? – Update

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Judy Note: The FDA announced that the “Internet would go down by Thurs. 25 May” was misinformation put out by the FDA. I apologize to my readers for falling for it. Not funny, FDA – please grow up.
*This is not unexpected from the FDA, which is a corrupt organisation.

Issued May 24, 2023, 2:00 pm EST Department of Homeland Security on ALL Federal Continuity Directives outlined a Continuity of Government until 2024: The United States remains in a heightened threat environment. Lone offenders and small groups motivated by a range of ideological beliefs and personal grievances continue to pose a persistent and lethal threat to the Homeland. Both domestic violent extremists (DVEs) and those associated with foreign terrorist organizations continue to attempt to motivate supporters to conduct attacks in the Homeland, including through violent extremist messaging and online calls for violence. In the coming months, factors that could mobilize individuals to commit violence include their perceptions of the 2024 general election cycle and legislative or judicial decisions pertaining to sociopolitical issues. Likely targets of potential violence include US critical infrastructure, faith-based institutions, individuals or events associated with the LGBTQIA+ community, schools, racial and ethnic minorities, and government facilities and personnel, including law enforcement.

**Is this what we all have been waiting for??!!
From a GCR 25th May

Emergency Broadcast System Activation Imminent
The EBS would involve two to twelve days of Worldwide Communication Darkness. Phones, Internet, Credit/Debit Cards and ATMs would not work, while three eight-hour documentaries a day would be broadcast on TV and Radio 24/7 across the Globe.

Early Wed. morning 24 May the 50 US politicians who received special phones were taken to an undisclosed government bunker facility for Continuation of Government activity.

FDA Says Internet will go down by Thurs. 25 May
US Military to Enforce Martial Law by This Coming Memorial Day Weekend
For your own safety please follow Military instructions including staying indoors if so instructed.

It’s only wise to have at least a month’s supply of food, water, cash and essential items on hand.

Judy Note:

Continue ReadingEBS Imminent? – Update

Zelensky & Ukraine – The Truth

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From Contact Report 844 Friday, 5th May 2023, 18:11 hrs – BillyMeir & the Plejaren ET Quetzal.

The leadership resp. presidency always only has to perceive the group decisions and always has to be concerned to implement them in reality resp. to make sure that they are followed. The leadership or presidency has to present its concerns as an agenda item to the actuarial office, which in turn has to present the concern to the group at the next meeting and the group then has to decide on the YES or NO vote. This should never be changed, because this rule actually prevents a person or an ‘elite’ belonging to him from seizing the helm of power and acting as the ruling force, as is the case with state governments, leading to injustice, discord, hatred, revenge, retaliation, persecution, murder and manslaughter and even war and destruction. What would be important is that the peoples would not be so lax and only make their fist in the sack, but remove unfit and autocratic rulers from their offices.
To demonstrate and shout about in a stupid way and to believe in a stupid way and to delude oneself that the wrong-governing rulers of both sexes will be impressed by this is more than just stupid stupidity and cowardice. And unfit sole rulers do not only exist in various countries of the Earth, but there are elements unfit to govern in every government of all states, also here in Switzerland. In many cases, they are nobodies and nonentities from the large part of the ignorant and uneducated people, who may have attended schools to learn the lowly education of reading and writing, etc., but who have no ability whatsoever to learn and work out for themselves how to run a state.
If, in this respect, one thinks of elements such as.
*Josef Stalin the shoemaker’s son and dictator of the USSR, whose real name was actually Iosseb Bessarionovich Dzhugashvili and who was born in the small Caucasian town of Gori, which at that time belonged to the Russian Empire (today Georgia); then
*Adolf Hitler, who was Austrian, but who was then a NAZI dictator in Germany, who failed in secondary school and was called Schickelgruber as an illegitimate, but who took his father Hitler’s name at the age of 40; then also
*Saddam Hussein, who was the son of a poor peasant family; also
*Nicolae Ceaușescu, who was the son of a peasant farmer from Wallachia, later Romania; not ultimately, but still named Francisco Franco, who was the son of a bon vivant and naval officer who resisted convention and a deeply religious mother. And with regard to the present, the clown and actor
*Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelensky should be mentioned, who, as the son of a cyberneticist and an engineer, is a war criminal and a straw man of America and has drawn many government officials of various countries to his and America’s side in Ukraine, who are stupidly and carelessly supplying him with weapons and are guilty of the fact that the Ukrainian war has now been going on for so long, instead of the fact that it would have been over and finished after only 16 days without the arms supplies of the irresponsible powerful of other states. And here, this letter that was leaked to me, speaks its own language about what this Zelensky really is, namely not just a clown. If I may read it to you, for it is written in German, not very well, but still to be understood, if I can read it well and to some extent also in German?
You can.
Good, it is from a woman called …, and she writes in addition to the fact that she has to have this letter written – obviously by someone who does not really know German either – because she herself does not speak German:

“I am …, and I am very well acquainted with Volodymyr Zelenskyj, but you do not have to mention that, I mean my name. So I see a lot of you on the pages where you have many newspaper articles and you can also show what I say, what you really have to do. I know Wolodymyr very well and I know from him how he thinks and he wants to destroy Germany and as a Jew he wants revenge for everything because the Nazis murdered millions of Jews and many Germans of today are no better. So he thinks like that and demands weapons from the Germans, which they also give to him. And he says that they will also hit Russia with them, which helped the Allies from the West to eliminate the Nazis in the Second World War. Even today there are still stupid Nazis in the government and they do not realise that Volodymyr is only using them so that Russia can also be destroyed and that they are falsely thanking Russia for helping to put an end to the war. … “

That’s all I really want to read out, but if you want to read for yourself? On the whole, however, if I understand correctly, I find that Germany is supplying weapons to Zelensky as ‘thanks’ for the fact that Russia, together with the Allies, helped to defeat the NAZIs and thus ended the war, and precisely that in this process the present NAZI government of Germany – as Ptaah calls it – is ‘thanking’ the Russians for having helped to end the NAZI existence and NAZI murder and to pacify Germany again. Truly, however, if this is so, then the neo-NAZI government of Germany – as Ptaah calls it – is working underhandedly to punish Russia because its army, in the last world war, together with the Allies of the West, defeated the NAZIs and collapsed the NAZI system. By supplying weapons to Zelensky, the neo-NAZIs can now take revenge on Russia in this manner, because the weapons will be used against the Russian army. Zelensky is really clever and sneaky, because in this manner he strikes two blows at the same time and can take revenge on Germany, which the stupid people in the government do not notice and do not realise that Germany is once again being made a pig of and is falling behind enormously and is once again making itself the enemy against Russia.
However, the fact that since the end of the war America has still been squatting in Germany as the main occupation, conducting it politically and using it underhandedly today in order to use the clown and warmonger Zelensky in Ukraine as a straw man for the war against Russia, so as not to have to step directly into the limelight and admit that behind everything there is only the America hegemony known from time immemorial, is not recognised by the stupid rulers of Germany, nor by the EU dictatorship powers. Besides, I think the Jew-hatred will break out again on a large scale, because the mere fact that Zelensky is a Jew and that he is a warmonger who is sneakily and vindictively abusing the neo-Nazis in the German government, as is written in the letter, will set the devil loose all over again. That is what I think, because it will not do with the fact that Jew-hatred has been festering for centuries, brought about the Holocaust and with it some 4 million dead Jews as well as some 60 million others dead worldwide. The mere fact that the neo-NAZIs in Germany are supplying weapons to Zelensky – not to Ukraine, but really to the war-mongering Zelensky – only brings treacherous America closer to its delusion of hegemony. This with the additional help of all those states that supply weapons to Zelensky and thus effectively and truly wage war against Russia. The claim that this is not the case is nothing more than an infamous lie and deception, because the West is effectively waging war against Russia, insidiously steered by America, which in its hegemony mania has known no limits since time immemorial and is supported by the majority of Americans. The minority, however, which is against all the delusions of world domination, the wars and everything violent, unjust, inhumane and evil that America organises in its own country and in the whole world, has no chance whatsoever to break through in order to shape everything for the better and humanity. On the contrary, they will be harassed and punished if they even say something that does not suit those who always refer to national security and above all to God and believe that America has the sole right to be able to direct the world. Not only politically, but also with the military and its wars, etc., with the murderous secret services, as well as with the sects and the delusion of God, for which they walk over not only millions, but effectively over many billions of corpses worldwide.
No, it is too much of what you have read as it is. What you have heard says enough, both with regard to Zelensky and also with regard to America, which you have now mentioned. Moreover, everything is indisputable, just as it is indisputable that the West – and America in the front line – is waging war against Russia, for what the Western states allow themselves to do, namely to supply weapons etc. to Zelensky, are effectively acts of war and an open war against Russia, which, however, is a new kind of warfare as it appears on Earth for the first time. Moreover, it is worth mentioning that the weapons are effectively being delivered to Zelensky, as you say, not to the state of Ukraine, most of whose population wants nothing to do with the war, as we explored.
I also know that, because that’s what various people in Ukraine told me when I was there with Bermunda and also with Florena [Both Plejaren – Billy will have gone to Ukraine in their beamship]. There were even people who said that this Zelensky should be taken by the devil, because he only brings suffering and fear as well as death, ruin and destruction over the whole country, as well as that America is behind everything, and that this should also be taken by the devil. Zelensky, he said, was only a straw man of America and, moreover, greedy for power and even more stupid than stupid. But this letter here, I will destroy it now if you do not want to read it, because I do not want anyone else to get hold of it and the woman to get into the devil’s kitchen. Therefore…
Even if you tear it into such small pieces now …
… don’t worry, I will still burn the cutlets.
Quetzal:That’s what I was going to recommend.
I was just thinking of that myself, because I know what caution takes. But now back to what I was actually talking about: What has become of the good-for-nothings of the people, namely not only dictators, but mass murderers and destroyers of a great many human achievements, is well known. But the idiots of many states of arms suppliers to Zelensky are so stupid that they do not realise the truth, especially that America is behind it all and wields the sceptre of it all in order to indulge in hegemony. Like many others, however, most of the powerful in the state governments have no idea of how the countries must be run because they have no leadership qualities whatsoever, moreover, they are often just puppets of other states, just as the ineffectual Zelensky in Ukraine is just a straw man of the Americans.

Those who are or were once at the helm of power are let off the hook and spared and protected from any punishment, as is happening in Switzerland, for example, because … despite evil misconduct, no measures were taken. This, as also not when neutrality was brought to bear by the EU dictatorship against Russia with the adoption of sanctions, thereby making a pig of Switzerland’s neutrality and certain states had declared themselves the enemy against Switzerland. Nevertheless, those misfits and government incompetents who are squatting in power – who, like all rulers, should undoubtedly be a role model for the people – are behaving completely against all rules of ethics and morality with their actions, posturing and behaviour. Nevertheless, these fallible rulers are left scot-free when they commit a crime and should be punished for it. This is irrespective of whether they have managed to get themselves to the helm of government or whether they have been put in power through elections, etc. So the holders of government power are women. So the government power holders, female and male, are spared and not punished, as opposed to all that when an ordinary citizen does the same or even less than what the power seekers have done, they are made to pay or put in jail for it. This is an injustice beyond compare. So where is ‘equal rights for all’? Nowhere. The same kind of evil deeds that those in power do and are neither reprimanded nor punished are punished with severe penalties such as imprisonment or fines. As a rule, the purpose of punishment is to make people think twice about what they have done wrong and to prevent them from doing it again, which is nothing other than retribution.

In America, for example, ex-president Trump is left free and scot-free, although he is liable as the author of the storming of the Capitol [I believe that this is not so – this invasion was caused by the Deep State], while those from the people who followed his call are maltreated with years in prison. Or when one thinks of Germany, where former Chancellor Merkel launched the ‘welcome culture’ for refugees, which has since flooded Germany – and Europe in general from Africa and other poor countries – with hundreds of thousands and even millions of economic refugees, thousands of whom die on the way – mostly drowning in the Mediterranean – then one truly has to ask where justice is. The whole thing has nothing to do with humanity, just as it has nothing to do with helping the human beings, for truly the refugees usually run from one misery to another – or go to their deaths, as I have already said. So the pretended humanity is nothing but a lie of this Mrs Merkel and her supporters, a deliberate inhumanity in order to make herself seem great and to present herself as the ‘saviour of many human beings’, whereas in reality these human beings end up in misery or in death, but this does not matter to this Mrs Merkel and her supporters and therefore she is not punished, but still praised and honoured with a medal.

That all human beings are equal before the law and that all are punished equally for the same law-breaking and misdeeds is only a pious lie and fantasy, because depending on the status of office, activity and monetary wealth, the human being on Earth is punished or protected for an unjust deed. This, in any case, if the person in question is not one of the common people, who is automatically burdened with the harshest punishments as soon as he does something that is not necessarily righteous, and this regardless of whether he knows or not that it corresponds to right or wrong. In particular, however, those human beings are neither reprimanded nor punished who hold higher offices or hold a position in government or are even the rulers themselves, and this is also the case in Switzerland, as has been proven, since fallible persons are simply let off the hook even in government, even though they have done wrong and even endangered the peace of the country to the outside world, or others want to do so because they are under the delusion that they have to barter Switzerland away to the EU-Europe dictatorship.

But what you mentioned, that somebody wants to come here from the little ones [ETs capable of tracing negative energies], I think I already know and I am probably correct in assuming that the religious energies are to blame for the fact that since the last world war everything has been getting more and more out of hand and the overpopulation has increased so rapidly. When I consider that at the time when Sfath went his last way [1950s], there were about 2.7 billion people on Earth, which was already over 4 times more than is sustainable for a planet like Earth, and now there are as many as 9.25 billion, which is about 19 times too much for the Earth, the ecosystems and thus for the fauna and flora and thus for the whole of nature and its living beings, then it is possible to understand all the misery that the earthlings have caused on this planet. So in just 70 years, humanity has gone from 2.7 billion to more than 9 billion, to the detriment of the planet, all its ecosystems, all of nature, its fauna and flora, the atmosphere and the climate. But this goes much further, because the hatred of the earthlings has also increased immensely, as have the wars, intrigues, crime and all other evil, the murders, which are constantly increasing, with the murderers being younger and younger, even children, who kill their own kind. This, as well as, in general, discord and xenophobia, as well as racial hatred and greed for money have become rampant, whereby in the past only thousands of francs or dollars played an important role, but then hundreds of thousands, then quickly millions, which just as quickly became hundreds of millions. Today, it’s billions, and in the case of the super-rich, hundreds of billions.

The other day, Michael [Michael Horn] also asked me what could have caused the blatant change to why today humanity is surrendering to the Earth in degenerate and evil ways and why the world is being completely destroyed. In response, I could only tell him what I know and also think, namely that everything can only be based on the fact that the religious delusion has driven human beings to all evil and to the destruction of the planet, of all ecosystems, of nature and of the fauna and flora, as well as to the serious degenerations of the human beings of the Earth, and which it now continues to drive without hesitation. In this I think that it is not the delusion of God itself, but the religious energies that are released from it and have a malicious-destructive effect on the human beings and impregnate their minds with hatred, revenge, retaliation, xenophobia, racial hatred, enmity, rage and destructive mania and cause them to go berserk. This harmful and destructive religious energy, this delusional energy of faith, also produces a mania for flight, as a result of which many human beings are seized by fear and flee from their home countries, because they are tormented by fear of no longer having a future in their home country and of perishing. Thus, since the beginning, and still today and even further into the future, they have sought their salvation in fleeing to industrialised countries, tormented by fear or in false hope for a better life. They do this as economic refugees in economically better-off countries, where they want to seek their fortune, but very many lose their lives on their flight and thus never reach the destination of their hopes and dreams. Frau Merkel, however, did not care, because she did not give it a single thought from the very beginning, just as she will never give it a thought.
It will be as you say.
Yes, unfortunately nothing is done by the peoples to avoid all the evils done by governments, just as idiotic votes and so elections are accepted by the peoples instead of being rejected when these are arrived at by the most diverse parties and the peoples are ‘enlightened’ by misstatements concerning all the values of the same. The peoples do not think independently for the whole, consequently they simply vote according to the propaganda of lies, instead of considering the whole in a real and reasonable way and nipping the evil in the bud. Also the idiocy that is to come in June here in Switzerland, because stupid, crazy and non-thinking people are having a vote held on an ‘energy initiative’ that has not been considered in terms of its consequences, because the lunatics are incapable of considering this. The lunatics launching the whole thing to ban petrol vehicles, oil heaters and diesel oil vehicles etc. is beyond idiotic and proves how short-sighted and stupidly stupid the initiators of this vote are, who would cause a nationwide disaster with their crazy idea if this came about. So it is only to be hoped that there will be enough sensible voters who will reject the idiotic request of the stupid-dimwits and act according to what has been said since time immemorial: Nip all idiocy in the bud.
But that is not being done.
Of course not, because otherwise there would not be this chaos everywhere. The fanaticism of faith and religion alone, as well as the too rapid development of technology, electronics and now the coming Artificial Intelligence – which will dangerously rise above the rudder of reason and bring death and destruction – as well as the flooding and false humanity taking place in Europe regarding economic refugees, are increasingly taking over and bringing more and more unsolvable problems with them. It is still not enough that the Earth’s population is already 19 times above what the Earth can bear. The idiotic demonstrations of the ‘Last Generation’ and other ‘environmentalists’ who do more harm than good are sick in the head and achieve exactly the opposite of what should be done. Let the IPCC be told: it is not too late to stop climate change if it is concerned about stopping the progress of overpopulation, because all the evil results from overpopulation. What emerges from the main message of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in its synthesis report, that should be taken into account. And as far as the Corona vaccine damage is concerned, the fact that hundreds of thousands, even millions, are suffering from it today is denied, as is the fact that many died from it, also in Switzerland, as well as the fact that many have to bear lifelong after-effects. Because those responsible for the health authorities – as I said – vehemently deny the truth. Various governments of various countries still collected for their lies, as well as for the fact that they knew in the early days that only distilled water was used as a vaccine, because no vaccine was available at all. So the whole thing was something that was, of course, completely useless. It usually takes vaccine researchers 10 to 15 years before anything useful or even beneficial is researched, but in the case of the Corona rampantly spreading disease, it was ‘vaccinated’ against before it had really broken out worldwide as an actual pandemic and had never been researched before.

Nothing is effectively being done for peace either, because in this respect, too, exactly the opposite is happening: war. Truly, something must be done for peace – above all, peace must first be created within oneself – then not only externally, for peace is not created with wars, for only murder and destruction take place, and in the process one country triumphs over the other, which is then imposed with sanctions. However, this does not create peace, but only victory over the other party or state, which is not an iota of peace, but only a war-free state of calm, in which, however, a new debacle is always lurking underground and can break through. For this reason alone, wars and battles should not be fought by the people, who very quickly murderously and destructively promote every mischief immeasurably, but only by the governmental opponents. Consequently, no country would need an army and not billions of money for it, as mass suffering and deaths and destruction could also be avoided.
Regarding ‘peace’, you wrote something in 2018 that you should mention again here in our conversation, because not enough can be said in this regard. Besides, they are very good words that you have quoted.
What do you mean by that? Honestly, I do not remember that very well, because I have considerable difficulties with memory in relation to my brain stroke.
Find it, then use it here in my remarks when you recall our conversation and write it down.
Okay, I will, it’s beginning to dawn on me. If I remember – yes, I think I remember, because I think it was when I was talking to Ptaah about how Earthlings always need a reminder that they need to be reminded regarding the need for peace.
That may be, I do not know, because I was not there.
So I will find it out and put it here.

Billy’ Eduard Albert Meier, BEAM

Semjase Silver Star Center, Hinterschmidrüti 1225, 8495 Schmidrüti/ZH Schweiz/Switzerland


True peace can only come about on Earth among the world’s population,when every sensible and reasonable human being finally takes the first non-violent step towards it without violence, in order then to take every further step in peace and consciously to the final consequence of peace.

SSSC, 10th September 2018, 16:43 hrs Billy

**This item needs correction, which I will do later.

Continue ReadingZelensky & Ukraine – The Truth

Deep State Unmasked

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Deep State Unmasked – Unprecedented Military Coup Exposed!, David Wilcox

  • Prepare to have your world turned upside down as the shocking truth is unveiled before your eyes. The sinister machinations of the elite powers have been exposed in a mind-boggling military coup that defies belief.
  • Discover how ex-presidents Clinton and Obama, in cahoots with the CIA, masterminded an audacious plan to overthrow a sitting president, manipulating military intelligence to achieve their sinister objectives. This astonishing revelation will send shockwaves through the corridors of power.
  • Hold onto your seats as we delve into the darkest secrets of the Deep State. Adam Schiff, backed by the corrupt FBI, DOJ, and DOD, played a pivotal role in this nefarious scheme, fostering division and chaos that tore at the very fabric of our nation.
  • Uncover the chilling connections to a sprawling pedophilia ring, intertwined with the notorious Epstein scandal—where money laundering, human trafficking, and blackmail ran rampant.
  • But the deception runs deeper still. Gain a glimpse into the sinister agenda behind this coup—deadly vaccines, societal collapse, digital surveillance, and widespread censorship. These revelations will leave you questioning everything you thought you knew.
  • Prepare to have your reality shattered once more as we expose the hidden agenda of the global elites. Unravel the shocking plan orchestrated by the Rockefellers, involving a staged alien invasion to manipulate and control the masses. This audacious scheme, foretold by NASA’s own Wernher von Braun, will shake the very foundations of our understanding.
  • Be warned: the first alien invasion will be nothing but smoke and mirrors. Look beyond the illusion and discover the true depths of their deception. Brace yourself for the imminent disclosure—a revelation that will rewrite history and challenge everything we hold dear.
  • Stay vigilant, fellow patriots, as the world hurtles towards an unprecedented awakening. The battle between light and darkness rages on, but remember, truth and justice will prevail. Get ready to witness the greatest unraveling of our time!

We have a massive Operation in Europe called Operation Defender Europe that started on March 17 2020. This is taking control of the Vatican, it’s Mafias and seizing all of the Rothschilds Central Banks.

  • Draw a line from Intel Agencies to the Royal Family and write March 2019. The Royal Family are the owners of all of these Intelligence agencies. They own the CIA. They own all of Five Eyes. They created the Mossad in Israel and they created the Saudi Intel as well.
  • The Royal Family are of Germanic origin and created World Wars with the higher ups. They stole opium from the Middle East and Asian Wars (Vietnam & Korea) using their Intel agencies and supplied the Vatican mafias with Opium to turn it into Heroin and supply the world. They organized Terror Attacks & False Flag Attacks. They participate in all kinds of Trafficking: Drugs, Children, Guns.
Continue ReadingDeep State Unmasked

Arrests & Rescued Children

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Since 20 Jan. 2021 the US Military Special Forces have been holding Tribunals at GITMO and nightly Tribunals on Capitol Hill using evidence handed over from John Huber.
In the early morning hours of Mon. 1 Feb. 2021 and with the US functioning under US Special Forces, Joe Biden and 464 elected government officials were said arrested and released inside the Capitol Hill area. Capitol Hill had been surrounded in eight foot high barbed wire fencing since Inauguration Day 20 Jan. Washington DC remained guarded by over 30,000 National Guard troops.
On Wed 14 April 2021 US Army Gen Mark Milley, the chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, became one of over 500,000 mass arrests by the Military Special Forces. Milley was charged with Treason by Pentagon police officers, along with General Hokanson, chief of the National Guard Bureau. The generals were removed to a C-17 transport plane that took both to GITMO to face military tribunals. Pentagon Coup! Joint Chiefs Overthrown | Real Raw News
The NDAA Act signed by Trump had covered these arrests, plus the dramatic increase of DoD Special Forces military arrests from Nov. to May 2021.
Arrestees working for foreign Deep State governments and agencies were taken to GITMO, Honduras XPL (Sato Kona Honduran Military Base Detention Center) and Spain’s Santa Cruz Islands. Recently GITMO was reported to be so full that in order to make way for the 3,000 mass arrests about to take place after invoking the Emergency Broadcast System in late May, they shipped GITMO prisoners to Guam. An Antarctic military base detention center was almost full and others had been taken to detention centers set up for the purpose across the globe. US citizens working for Rockefeller Deep State entities were taken to the San Juan Guaynabo US Military Prison in Puerto Rico and the Fort Worth Naval Base Military Prison in Texas. There were reports that 40,000 members of the Mexican Cartel had recently been jailed in Guatemala.

Rescued Children:
Fri. 29 Jan 2021: US Special Op forces recovered bodies, body parts and at least a hundred surviving children from a tunnel system beneath the White House and Capitol Building in Washington DC. In the early morning hours as body bags were being delivered, multiple troops were seen coming out of the White House with at least a hundred children in tow. The children were believed to have been sexually abused, tortured and killed in Satanic Pedophile Parties hosted by political elites in an elaborate tunnel system that ran beneath Capitol Hill – that connected to other tunnel systems that ran for at least 200 miles. All was thought part of an international Child Trafficking Ring run by the Vatican and global and political elites that was tied to Jeffrey Epstein’s Pedophile Island – that lay next door to Biden’s Water Island.
On Fri. morning 5 Feb. Dr. Charlie Ward confirmed from his people on the ground at Capitol Hill that the Military did, in fact, rescue children found in rooms and tunnels constructed underneath the White House. Black vans and buses with darkened windows picked up the children for medical treatment and de briefing. Evidently they discovered multiple corpses and a lot of body bags were going into the area.
Since Oct. 2019 tortured, malnourished children and corpses in the tens of thousands have been found in a sophisticated network of Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBS) that ran beneath the US, Canada, Mexico, Australia, Asia and across Europe. For over a year US Special Forces had been in training for the rescue missions which began on Oct. 16 2019 with the rescue of caged babies and children beneath the China Lake Navy facility in California.
A military operation of 10,000 Marines and Navy Seals rescued an unbelievable 2,100 children being held in cages in underground tunnels at China Lake. The children and teens were said to have been sexually abused, tortured and killed to collect their Adrenochrome. Marines, Navy Seals Rescue 2,100 Caged Children, Teens
Although certainly not a complete list, other military operations have taken place to rescue children from a labyrinth of tunnels that stretched across the US and Globe:
April 9 2020:Over 35,000 Malnourished, Caged Children Rescued Out of US Tunnels by Military
April 21 2020:April 21 2020: Over 50,000 Traumatized Children Rescued by Military Out of Tunnels Beneath US CitiesMay 6 2020: Thousands of Tortured Children Rescued and Found Dead by US Military
Aug. 28 2020/politics/2020/08/trump-heads-rescue-of-thousands-of-tortured-children-from-underground-tunnels-3210569.html
Sept. 24 2020/politics/2020/09/vatican-pedophile-network-closed-as-gold-repatriated-to-us-treasury-3213118.html
Sept. 8 2020/politics/2020/09/military-continues-child-rescue-out-of-underground-tunnels-across-the-globe-3211555.html
Oct. 2020:/politics/2020/10/global-currency-reset-illuminati-taken-down-millions-of-children-rescued-3214480.html
Oct. 31 2019:Thousands of Children Rescued From Torture by Global Elite Pedophiles
Soon the full Durham Report would be released, followed by another round of 3,000 arrests of those found guilty of crimes including Treason during the years of investigation since Trump took office. Although refused coverage by the Mainstream Media, all of the above and more, would be made known when the Emergency Broadcast System was activated – which was expected to happen at any time.

The UN/WHO/CIA Satanic LGBT Agenda to Normalize Pedophilia:

  • “Schools must equip children to have sexual partners” said the World Health Organization and United Nations in a recent mandate sent out to schools around the World. It appeared that WHO and the UN have combined efforts in an agenda to sexualize little children in primary education worldwide for the purpose of normalizing pedophilia.
  • “Little children are sexual beings who must have sexual partners and begin with sex as soon as possible. For this reason, kindergartens and elementary schools must teach children to develop lust and sexual desire, learn masturbation, build same-sex relationships, use online pornography, and learn different sexual techniques such as oral sex.” The above is a paraphrased summary of the official guidelines issued by the World Health Organization and the United Nations to educational authorities worldwide. Meanwhile, judicial organizations are issuing statements that sex between little children and adults should be legalized, while media outlets and political parties are calling for the acceptance of pedophilia as a “normal sexual orientation.” 
  • A recent report by Stop World Control consisted of nothing but solid evidence of this Pedophilia Agenda, with many official documents, videos, books, archives, etc. All PDF documents may be downloaded from the references section at the end of this report.

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Indictments, Arrests, Tribunals

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*Extracted from the Judy Byington GCR 18th May

Indictments: 500,000 in the US
Since 2016 US Attorney General for Utah John Huber and his 740 investigators have filed over 500,000 indictments in federal courts and held State Grand Juries across the nation. That evidence resulted in charges of Treason, Human and Child Trafficking, murder, assassinations, drug smuggling and RICO money laundering against political and global elites.

Arrests: Cruise ships off Long Beach
Since Feb. 2020 a US Interim Military Government has been executing arrests of those prominent elites.“For nearly two years I’ve watched at least five large, unmarked cruise ships, parked two miles off the coast of Long Beach California, in the Pacific Ocean! All the while seeing literally 60 to 70 helicopter flights a day, fanning out in three different directions… unmarked helicopters… obviously some military and some civilian. This has happened every day, including Sundays, nonstop for nearly two years!” …Anonymous

Tribunals: Capitol Hill
Since 20 Jan. 2021 the US Military Special Forces have been holding nightly Tribunals on Capitol Hill using that evidence – evidence that was handed over to Durham and included in a report.

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The Metaverse – Fantasy Prison – Your Future!

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Kindly brought to you by the Deep State!!

The Metaverse:
Metaverse is a place where people will live digitally and be obsessed with creating their online Life:
Online [fake] house apartment;
Online self image (Avatars).
Every game, radio station and TV will be connected to each other. The show will be in the Metaverse you created, but you cannot have a political opinion that is opposite to the Facebook Metaverse rules.
Long ago the Deep State planned for you stay in your home and live through a computers AI world.
They will control all humans through these networks of the Metaverse, a New World Government, a New World Order, where they control everything you do and say.
As billions die in the real world from bioweapon viruses, death vaccines, poverty and planned wars, billions more will be controlled through the METAVERSE ..a place where you can’t smell, feel, touch, taste: it’s the virtual reality. With NFTs, Non-Fungible Digital Tokens, you buy things in the digital world that doesn’t really exist and these things you can never tangibly hold or own.
Example: buying an online football owned by a World champion team or player, but you never touch the football in real life. It’s only digital bragging rights or flaunting the digital assets.
Humans are addicted to their phones and computers and Social media /gaming networks/buying online/looking for entertainment. Now the next phase they are getting people addicted too is combining all these experiences. You can experience these METAVERSE  Events through virtual reality (shopping, concerts, meeting friends, meeting strangers, virtual reality travel, virtual reality business). The events and stagings are endless in 3D goggles/glass’s or still through your phone/computer 2D/3D graphics.
When the lockdowns happened, more and more people went to online games and shopping and social medias. Billions of people are already buying fake apartments, fake land, fake insurance, fake digital Gucci bags for their AVATARS that cost thousands and thousands of dollars; even millions $$$$$$.
Your child has been conditioned already to live digital games online.
Now [they] take the next steps of full mind control: the Metaverse.

The Deep State’s Plan is much more sinister than you can fathom.

“You will own nothing and you will be happy.”

The World Economic Forum (WEF – the same Deep State group that created Event 201 with Bill Gates and World Banks, made this statement about the Great Reset).
The corrupt organisations of the WEF, WHO, GPMB, CDC, NIH, NIAIH, GAVI, SEPI and Open Society Foundation Soros Davos Group were infiltrated by the Cabal CIA/ Vatican/ NATO/ UN/ Mossad. These same corrupt organisations which released the Virus and killer Vaccines control the Mainstream Media, World Bar Association, Social Media, YouTube, Google and Facebook.

Today, the media – Facebook, Google, MSM (mainstream media) – can lie at any point and it’s controlled by the DEEP STATE 6000 year old CABAL who created the CIA and almost all Intel agencies and WARS AND CENTRAL BANKS.
The final stages of the Deep State Plan has getting ready to hit – final Chess moves like more lockdowns, bio-weapon releases such as another Small Pox epidemic, weather weapons and a controlled collapse of the food/gas supply chain.
There is much happening behind the scenes. The Deep State will destroy themselves. The destruction of a 6,000 year old Cabal which is being taken apart.
The Chinese Communist Party is near the end. It’s end was planned long ago. The World cannot be saved if communism exists (Wuhan/ Bioweapons/ control over Western Leaders/ Infiltration of governments, media, banks). White Hats across the world in every country including China are working hard to bring down their old systems.
A Military government will be installed after the crash.
The Deep State is in the process of shutting down the Internet to cause chaos, stop banking and money transitions between companies and consumer stores, stop the free flow of information between Freedom Fighters and those who don’t take direction from the Mainstream narrative and to kill all the Declass Data hidden in the Net.
The Three Branches of Government are captured operations: Legislative, Executive; Judicial – all under foreign occupation. It takes years to prosecute a rich person, Government high ranking official, ELITEs caught in major corruption. Most aren’t prosecuted and few ever see justice, because they are protected by the Deep State controlled Three Branches of Government.
PUTIN said 95% of all the world terrorist attacks is created by the CIA.
TRUMP said he’s coming after the CIA.
When you expose the CIA, then you expose the whole corruption system connected to the Plandemic, creation of virus, planned wars, world money laundering system, fake climate agenda, a Satanic system trafficking 800,000 kids a year through the US, Hollywood, CIA Underground DUMBS and Military corruption that leads to the top. [ I heard that fpr the whole world it is 8 million].

WEF Orders Schools To Force Children To Watch Hardcore Porn ‘For Their Own Good’
*More depravity from the WEF satanists.

The WEF is now calling for schools to introduce children as young as 4-years-old to hardcore pornography in an effort to encourage children to “explore their sexuality and gender options” outside of the family home.

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US Invasion

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Breaking News! This Is WAR In The U.S.!! – Redacted News Live With Natali & Clayton Morris – 4 PM ET/3 PM CT/1 PM PT

Wednesday, May 10, 2023 15:47
*Some Notes:
El Paso:
Rio Grande – no border – outright war – flood a country with “invaders”, train & arm them.
paramilitary groups
weaponised migration
you will have to fight the armed invaders
cell phone networks overrun – invaders give free cell phones
staging area – agents to coral invaders
border is wide open
agents frustrated
situation out of control
title 42 ending, so massive influx to occur
huge caravans

How can the supposedly greatest military power in the world allow this to happen? This is like the degeneration of the Roman Empire. It is an internal war, a self destruction.

NEW Stew Peters (5/8/2023): America Becomes A THIRD WORLD Nation As Illegals Form Invasion Force To FLOOD Border
140 countries are represented in the current influx of illegal invaders coming to America.
Michael Yon is in Panama and is here to provide an eyewitness account of the caravans of illegals getting closer to the border.
Watch the first 30 min.

Many carrying TB, Epidemic Typhus – spread by lice, also with malaria, dengue.
Handouts of Rape Kits – male & female condoms, abortion pills. Also flashlights, route maps, etc.
All funded by the American tax payer.

The border has gone.

Same in Europe – Luxembourg (the jewel of Europe) – now 50% migrants & no longer safe as before.
Europe is being destroyed.

Same with Japan. Japanese import 80-90% food & energy. Completely set up for epic famine. An island near Taiwan – if something happens to Taiwan & seas are closed around Japan, then that island, for example will run out of food – their main crop is sugar!

Farmers being whacked in many countries. Animals causing global warming through gas emissions -so they say:
Lack of nitrogen fertilisers causing reduced food production.
Holland: Farmers in the Netherlands have been staging protests over emissions reduction targets since October 2019. Fertiliser supplies inadequate .Government taking the land off 3,000 farmers.
A Tri-City is planned taking up parts of Holland, Germany & Belgium. It will include the 2 largest ports in Europe 0 Rotterdam & Antwerp – note the rail link from Shanghai to Rotterdam. [China is also trying hard to take over Panama]
Rice needs a lot of nitrogen. Lack of fertiliser affecting rice production – Thailand, India, Bangladesh. Myanmar.
New Zealand is planning to put a tax on farmers for their agricultural emissions by 2025.

Europe: migrants, food shortages – will lead to massive civil war.
The Henoch Prophecies forewarn of this – Henoch born 9,308 BCE.

US under a biowarfare attack, invasion by military aged people; weapon caches, spies, dirty bombs scattered throughout interior; these people are showing up everywhere, they are hiding out everywhere, they are being paid to go to this country to cause havoc & destruction; congress has war time authority with republican majority, but are doing nothing = the borders should be militarised & shut down – NOW! Declare an immigration moratorium permanently, otherwise it will be Americans seeking asylum elsewhere.

Epic! Stew Peters Goes Head-to-Head With BBC Reporters… This Is How You Treat Fake News Media!
BBC was probably paid by Pfizer to destroy Stew Peters, but they picked a fight with the wrong guy. Stew in fact destroyed them. It is a wake up call for those unfamiliar with the plandemic.

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New US Republic – Update 7th May

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Update at bottom.

*Great news – let us hope that it is true.

The Storm of the Century
We are Entering the Final Phase

That Will Welcome In New Republics for Countries All Over the World
Watch for a Global Financial Collapse and Restoration of the New Republics based on concepts of the original Constitution.

The New US Republic:
US Inc. has been dissolved due to the demise of their fiat Federal Reserve US Dollar and a subsequent Global Financial Collapse that was now in the works.
This New Republic was said to be based in Texas.
There would be a restoration of the US government to the New US Republic based on fundamentals of the original Constitution.
So far there were 27 states which have agreed to join the New Republic. Canada, Mexico, Australia and New Zealand also have asked to join. Hawaii would revert back to it’s original status as a sovereign nation – the Kingdom of Hawaii.
Under the New US Republic each individual state would have more authority and power. The states can buy, sell and trade gold. There were 27 states which had applied to mint their own gold coins. …Simon Parkes Sun. 30 April 2023

Benjamin Fulford:

  • The Republic U.S. Treasury took over the Federal Reserve from the Vatican Bank back in 2018.
  • The U.S. Corporation is defunct & bankrupted.
  • The new Capitol of U.S. is possibly in Texas.
  • The new currency will be U.S.T.N. (United States Treasury Notes).
  • The new Treasury is in Texas.
  • Texas is going Gold-Backed Currency as early as September 2023.
  • Texas applied to be a part of BRICS+.
  • The United States is said to join the BRICS+ nations publicly by 2026.
  • Texas is setting up the QFS for the new U.S. Republic!

A Global Currency Reset based on gold/asset-based currencies of 209 nations would soon complete.
On 1 May 2023 the US Flag returned to fly on top of the White House, replacing a Black Flag which had flown there since 2016.
On 1 May 2023 all 50 State Flags were removed from the Smithsonian American History Museum in Washington DC, while Old Glory and the Museum’s flag remained hung.
According to Nancy Drew, before the state flags were taken down they were put at half mast for a while, as Old Glory and the Museum’s flag hung above them. Was this a hint about the changeover to the New US Republic?

“I’m only responsible for what I say, not for what you understand.”
…John Wayne

If you leave your children a world where you never stood up, they’ll inherit a world where they can’t.
Judy Byington

In 1995 New World Order proponents laid out their plans for weather control in order to starve the world into submission for their New World Order Agenda 2030. This has been in the works for a long time. We are watching it play out now.
Law of the Land: It is impossible for a law which violates the Constitution to be valid. All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void.
International Central Banks and local banks lent monies they didn’t have and were now failing: the German Deutsche Bank, Bank Santana, Royal Bank of Scotland and the Central Bank of All Banks, Credit Suisse of Switzerland. In the US: Silicon Valley Bank, First Republic and Signature Bank of New York have gone bye bye, while Comerica, In Trust, UMB, Western Alliance, Zions, Associated Bank Corp, First Hawaiian, Washington Federal, US Bank, Western Alliance Bancorp, PacWest Bancorp and Metropolitan Bank were on the verge of collapse this week.
“The Emergency Broadcast System will go off, the Markets will shut down, we will have two to ten days of Disclosure, after which Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group) will receive Notification to set exchange/redemption appointments.” …David XRP on the Charlie Ward Show (Dr. Ward, who was head of the Global Currency Reset Redemption Committee and under several NDAs, agreed with what David XRP had to say).
2023 Bank Failure Crisis:

  • 2023 Bank failures have resulted from Fractional Banking Practices that were based on lending monies they didn’t have.
  • On Tues. 2 May dozens of regional bank stocks plunged as the bank crisis continued to gain momentum.

Global Currency Reset:
Sat. 6 May MarkZ: “Nadar’s sources are telling him the same things my sources are saying – that the US Treasury is now ready to go. That the IMF is now ready to go. He is hearing possibly Sunday into Monday of this weekend, 7 May to 8 May 2023. …He is telling you what I’ve been saying all week: It’s done and waiting for the announcement. I am hearing the same thing from my treasury contacts as well – that everything is worked out and Iraq is telling us the same thing. And they will soon announce the budget and the approval of the HCL law. People in Iraq are expecting that rate change at any moment.”

Sun. 7 May Bruce: Bond Holders were being told that they should get their emails for access to their funds on Sun. night 7 May and have access to them on Mon. 8 May. As a cover for the RV, Zimbabwe was issuing a new gold-backed Bond. Settlements had until Mon. May 8 to complete – before a catastrophic default.

Mon. 8 May Anon Intel: It is rumored that “Everything is scheduled to be “over” by Mon. May 8.”

“The Emergency Broadcast System will go off, the Markets will shut down, we will have two to ten days of Disclosure, after which Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group) will receive Notification to set exchange/redemption appointments.” …David XRP on the Charlie Ward Show (Dr. Ward, who was head of the Global Currency Reset Redemption Committee and under several NDAs, agreed with what David XRP had to say).

The following nations are insolvent and cannot continue on without the reset: United States, Canada, Europe, UK, Israel, Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand and Japan.

Continue ReadingNew US Republic – Update 7th May

Detox or Die – Update 7th May

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Harsh words, but action is needed if you are to be a survivor. People must say NO, NO MORE!!

UPDATE 7th May

Dr. Lee Merritt’s Important Interview with Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea
*I had to add this video. Take action to protect yourself & your loved ones. You have to make the effort.
Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea: I had the honor to speak with Dr. Lee Merritt about what is in the shots, the nanotechnological and synthetic artificial intelligent biology threatening the survival of humanity, the multilevel weapons system deployed and how they function, how to protect oneself and detoxify from the shots, what is shedding and more.

biosphere contaminated
multiple bio weapon systems
we wont survive ongoing geoengineering, jabs, turning on freqs
demonic satanic attack
most dangerous tech weapon
nano robotics
get rid of this junk on our blood

sucrose octasulfate
activated charcoal
b;ack seed oil
[Dosing. Black seed oil has most often been used by adults in doses of 1-2.5 grams by mouth daily for 4-12 weeks.]
Exposing GO to another form of strong pulse light, such as those produced by xenon flashtubes.

GO steals electrons from red blood cells. So, electron donors are needed:
antioxidants are electron donors
methylene blue
copper supplement
colloidal gold

fear shortens telomeres
hug a tree

vitC Dr. Ana take 10g [people can’t tolerate high doses – loosens the bowels]
humic & fulvic acid

Most people prefer Chlorine Dioxide (CDS) to de-magnetize the body and NAC along with fennel and star anise teas or white pine tea.
NAC or glutathione neutralises the GO, as well as spikes to some extent.
Dr. Ana: For protection, I will alternate use of Chlorine dioxide and NAC. That is until I know more.

Graphene oxide can act as a solo trigger for most COVID symptoms. This is not a VIRUS or spike protein, but a chemical warfare agent.
GO disrupts the immune system.
GO can trigger a cytokine storm.
GO toxicity can instigate pneumonia.
GO creates a metallic taste in the mouth.
GO causes inflammation of the mucous membranes.
GO produces a loss in the sense of taste and smell.
GO is magnetic (especially at the injection site.)
GO blocks detoxification in the body by blocking glutathione.
GO may be activated by 5G frequencies.
GO was already included as an adjuvant in the flu shots in 2019.
GO passes thru the blood-brain barrier.

In a study published in Nature Nanotechnology, the researchers found that giving mice a compound called sucrose octasulfate can detoxify graphene oxide.
We cannot claim that zeolite will detox graphene oxide because no studies have been conducted to my knowledge. However, it seems logical that zeolite may be one of the best candidates to detox graphene since zeolite itself is a magnetic compound. It should be recognized that this bioaccumulation of toxins is causing a lot of issues for people.
These are must videos. It may be difficult to follow all of what Karen Kingston tells us, but we must make the effort to become informed.

Maria Zeee and Dr. Rima Laibow – 90% of the Global Population will Die! – NWO Agenda!
April 27
Dr. Rima tells us that a wealthy head of state came to her for treatment in 2002. She said:

“You know it’s almost time for the Great Culling to begin.”
“The culling of the useless eaters.”

These are the type of psychopaths who want us dead. They have no feelings for anyone but themselves.

Greg Hunter & Karen Kingston – Covid-19 Bioweapon Vax Is Not Genocide, It’s Extinction!

Lipid Nanoparticles in Meat
What You Get From The Jab – Bioweapon

The FDA document on the right is hard to read. Here it is:
Violations of 21 U,S.C. 312.42b.1l/b2l & 21 U.S.C.
Karen Kingston
N.B.: This was on the FDA website on Oct 22, 2020 – a month before Pfizer submitted their data.

FDA Safety Surveillance of CPVID-19 Vaccines:
DRAFT Working list of possible adverse event outcomes

* Subject to change* [I would say much more to be added to this list]

Guillain-Barre Syndrome
acute disseminated incephalomyelitis
Transverse myelitis
narcolepsy & cataplexy
acute myocardial infarction
autoimmune disease
pregnabcy & birth outcomes
other acute demyelinating diseases
non-anaphytacticallergic reactions
disseminated intravascular coagulation
venous thromboembolism
arthritis & arthralgis/joint pain
Kawasaki disease
multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children
vaccine enhanced disease
deaths “As you would expect!”

These are the outcomes, not side effects. Some of what Karen said –
eating away at the nervous system – convulsions & seizures
meant to target the central nervous system, the brain & to cause deterioration
targets the cardio system
spontaneous abortions, miscarriages, birth defects, sterility
blood clotting
**By law the trial should have been stopped**
*This is an absolute abomination. So much suffering, pain and anguish.
The bastards aim to maim & kill us.

Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and former Pfizer employee who understands complicated medical and biological contracts.  Kingston also understands what it takes to make or defend a legal case against Big Pharma.  She has years of experience on multiple levels.  Kingston contends you do not need new laws to stop the CV19 mRNA technology.  Everybody simply needs to understand the CV19 vax and the mRNA technology are proven bioweapons.  The data shows millions have been disabled or murdered by the CV19 bioweapon/vax so far.  Is it going to get worse?  Kingston says, “Unfortunately, it is going to get worse.  The worst is yet to come. . . . The FDA did have to prove that these were safe.  Based on the information that they had in October and November of 2020, they should have never moved forward . . . with the trials.  So, they broke the law.  They knew it would cause all these disabilities and deaths. . . . I predicted a 25% myocarditis rate in July of 2021.  I have heard experts say we may be looking at 100%  . . . if they got two or three shots.  So, it’s going to get bad.”

Big Pharma and government are allowing mRNA technology (the same deadly bioweapon in the CV19 injections) to be put into the entire food supply.  Kingston contends this is to turn humans into trans-humans in something called “Directed Evolution.”  Kingston explains, “Directed Evolution is forcing the evolution of humans to merge with DNA from reptiles, insects and artificial intelligence.  It’s the bio-digital merger.  This is what this is, and there are multi-trillion dollar industries around this. . . . There is a whole bio-data division in DARPA in the U.S. military.  It is about merging the bio-digital with humans.”

Many have been calling the CV19 bioweapon/vax that features technology poison such as graphene as a genocide.  Kingston contends it is far more than that.  Kingston says, “This is not for the benefit of humanity.  This is going to lead to our extinction.  I just do not know why people do not understand that.”

Kingston demonstrates the electromagnetic properties of mRNA on a beef steak.  The quarter she uses sticks to a part of the meat where the mRNA had assembled because the mRNA creates a magnetic field.  (All patents Kingston has reviewed prove, without a doubt, mRNA is an electromagnetic device.)  Kingston says there is no need to pass new laws to stop evil Big Pharma, government and food producers from putting this in our food.  mRNA is a bioweapon, and it is illegal to put this in anyone’s food.  Kingston says, “It’s not that you want informed consent about mRNA technology in your food,  every state has laws on the books where weapons of biowarfare cannot contaminate the food supply.  I think what is most important is that we seize these mRNA injections.  Once we seize the shots and we get legal custody of that to show American citizens and global citizens what the technology is in the shots, then we can start shutting it down around the globe.  Not just in the ‘vaccine’ market, but show this is what is being put into our food supply and why all of this needs to stop.”

Kingston contends the FDA and CDC knew early on mRNA CV19 bioweapon injections were going to cause a long list of serious debilitating and deadly diseases.  They continue to push the mRNA bioweapon on every aspect of our lives with no end in sight.

Kingston predicts by 2030, there will be 200 million disabled or murdered Americans by mRNA and CV19 bioweapon/vax injections.”

There is much more in this interview.

Everyone Has Been Graphinated… The Vaccine Is A Directed BioWeapon
Dr. Robert Young
*Here are some brief notes which I made.
GO – graphene oxide – very thin with thickness 1 nm
Can’t get out of body. In many things – jabs, masks, PCR & Antigen swabs, food, antibacterial soap contaminated
Stimulated by 4G – 2.4 GHz
Totally fake pandemic
lipo nanoparticles directed bioweapon – organs & glands specifically targeted
heart targeted – exercise generates heat – causes self assembly
multi targets – different parts of body
in other jabs – in everything
mozzies – transfect
can’t change genes
but, changes environment of cells, hence expression of cells

em red -ve?
cells – out?
polarity reversed?
assigned a MAC address
1.1 billion
salt (good salt – himalayan)- demagnetises – pulls toxins out
eliminate sugar
GO + charge
to get GO out need em material that has a surface charge opposite to GO, so negative
clay – Montmorillonite – highly adsorptive (-ve) , adsorbs, binds, urinate out or defecate or sweat it out
GO carries a + charge
EDTA breaks down the GO rather than chelate it. [however Dr. Ana Mihalcea uses it effectively on her patients]
US govt killing it’s own people
become your own doctor

pH urine indicates pH of blood
pH of ocean 8.4 is ideal – need 9 if sick
take care of the water – we need good water

HIV tests bunk like PCR
Dr. Young was once put in jail
cars, planes – our voltage goes up
vax in livestock gets into us

giving more GO to kids (to sterilise) & elderly(to knock them off)
hydrosol to deliver the package containing GO – used to hack you – they (deep staters) control your organs
you are owned by patent holders
“Truth vs Deception”

Continue ReadingDetox or Die – Update 7th May