New US Republic – Update 7th May

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Update at bottom.

*Great news – let us hope that it is true.

The Storm of the Century
We are Entering the Final Phase

That Will Welcome In New Republics for Countries All Over the World
Watch for a Global Financial Collapse and Restoration of the New Republics based on concepts of the original Constitution.

The New US Republic:
US Inc. has been dissolved due to the demise of their fiat Federal Reserve US Dollar and a subsequent Global Financial Collapse that was now in the works.
This New Republic was said to be based in Texas.
There would be a restoration of the US government to the New US Republic based on fundamentals of the original Constitution.
So far there were 27 states which have agreed to join the New Republic. Canada, Mexico, Australia and New Zealand also have asked to join. Hawaii would revert back to it’s original status as a sovereign nation – the Kingdom of Hawaii.
Under the New US Republic each individual state would have more authority and power. The states can buy, sell and trade gold. There were 27 states which had applied to mint their own gold coins. …Simon Parkes Sun. 30 April 2023

Benjamin Fulford:

  • The Republic U.S. Treasury took over the Federal Reserve from the Vatican Bank back in 2018.
  • The U.S. Corporation is defunct & bankrupted.
  • The new Capitol of U.S. is possibly in Texas.
  • The new currency will be U.S.T.N. (United States Treasury Notes).
  • The new Treasury is in Texas.
  • Texas is going Gold-Backed Currency as early as September 2023.
  • Texas applied to be a part of BRICS+.
  • The United States is said to join the BRICS+ nations publicly by 2026.
  • Texas is setting up the QFS for the new U.S. Republic!

A Global Currency Reset based on gold/asset-based currencies of 209 nations would soon complete.
On 1 May 2023 the US Flag returned to fly on top of the White House, replacing a Black Flag which had flown there since 2016.
On 1 May 2023 all 50 State Flags were removed from the Smithsonian American History Museum in Washington DC, while Old Glory and the Museum’s flag remained hung.
According to Nancy Drew, before the state flags were taken down they were put at half mast for a while, as Old Glory and the Museum’s flag hung above them. Was this a hint about the changeover to the New US Republic?

“I’m only responsible for what I say, not for what you understand.”
…John Wayne

If you leave your children a world where you never stood up, they’ll inherit a world where they can’t.
Judy Byington

In 1995 New World Order proponents laid out their plans for weather control in order to starve the world into submission for their New World Order Agenda 2030. This has been in the works for a long time. We are watching it play out now.
Law of the Land: It is impossible for a law which violates the Constitution to be valid. All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void.
International Central Banks and local banks lent monies they didn’t have and were now failing: the German Deutsche Bank, Bank Santana, Royal Bank of Scotland and the Central Bank of All Banks, Credit Suisse of Switzerland. In the US: Silicon Valley Bank, First Republic and Signature Bank of New York have gone bye bye, while Comerica, In Trust, UMB, Western Alliance, Zions, Associated Bank Corp, First Hawaiian, Washington Federal, US Bank, Western Alliance Bancorp, PacWest Bancorp and Metropolitan Bank were on the verge of collapse this week.
“The Emergency Broadcast System will go off, the Markets will shut down, we will have two to ten days of Disclosure, after which Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group) will receive Notification to set exchange/redemption appointments.” …David XRP on the Charlie Ward Show (Dr. Ward, who was head of the Global Currency Reset Redemption Committee and under several NDAs, agreed with what David XRP had to say).
2023 Bank Failure Crisis:

  • 2023 Bank failures have resulted from Fractional Banking Practices that were based on lending monies they didn’t have.
  • On Tues. 2 May dozens of regional bank stocks plunged as the bank crisis continued to gain momentum.

Global Currency Reset:
Sat. 6 May MarkZ: “Nadar’s sources are telling him the same things my sources are saying – that the US Treasury is now ready to go. That the IMF is now ready to go. He is hearing possibly Sunday into Monday of this weekend, 7 May to 8 May 2023. …He is telling you what I’ve been saying all week: It’s done and waiting for the announcement. I am hearing the same thing from my treasury contacts as well – that everything is worked out and Iraq is telling us the same thing. And they will soon announce the budget and the approval of the HCL law. People in Iraq are expecting that rate change at any moment.”

Sun. 7 May Bruce: Bond Holders were being told that they should get their emails for access to their funds on Sun. night 7 May and have access to them on Mon. 8 May. As a cover for the RV, Zimbabwe was issuing a new gold-backed Bond. Settlements had until Mon. May 8 to complete – before a catastrophic default.

Mon. 8 May Anon Intel: It is rumored that “Everything is scheduled to be “over” by Mon. May 8.”

“The Emergency Broadcast System will go off, the Markets will shut down, we will have two to ten days of Disclosure, after which Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group) will receive Notification to set exchange/redemption appointments.” …David XRP on the Charlie Ward Show (Dr. Ward, who was head of the Global Currency Reset Redemption Committee and under several NDAs, agreed with what David XRP had to say).

The following nations are insolvent and cannot continue on without the reset: United States, Canada, Europe, UK, Israel, Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand and Japan.