COVID-19 Is Caused By Graphene Oxide

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La Quinta Columna: July 2021
COVID-19 disease is the result of introducing graphene oxide by various routes of administration.
The masks being used and currently marketed contain graphene oxide. Not only the ones that were withdrawn at the time, as indicated by the media, the swabs used in both PCR and antigen tests also contain graphene oxide nanoparticles.
The COVID vaccines in all their variants, AstraZeca, Pfizer, Moderna, Sinovac, Janssen, Johnson & Johnson, etc., also contain a considerable dose of graphene oxide nanoparticles.
The anti-flu vaccine contained nanoparticles of graphene oxide and the new anti-flu vaccines and the new and supposedly intranasal anti-COVID vaccines they are preparing also contain enormous doses of graphene oxide nanoparticles.
Graphene oxide is a toxic that generates thrombi in the organism, graphene oxide is a toxic that generates blood coagulation. Graphene oxide causes alteration of the immune system. By decompensating the oxidative balance in relation to the gulation reserves. If the dose of graphene oxide is increased by any route of administration, it causes the collapse of the immune system and subsequent cytokine storm.
Graphene oxide accumulated in the lungs generates bilateral pneumonias by uniform dissemination in the pulmonary alveolar tract. Graphene oxide causes a metallic taste. Perhaps this is starting to make sense to you now. Inhaled graphene oxide causes inflammation of the mucous membranes and thus loss of taste and partial or total loss of smell.
Graphene oxide acquires powerful magnetic properties inside the organism. This is the explanation for the magnetic phenomenon that billions of people around the world have already experienced after various routes of administration of graphene oxide. Among them the vaccine.
Graphene oxide is extremely potent and strong in aerosols, as is the alleged SARS-CoV-2. Like any material, graphene oxide has what we call an ‘electronic absorption band‘. This means a certain frequency above which the material is excited and oxidizes very rapidly, thus breaking the equilibrium with the proliferation in the organism of the toxicant against our natural antioxidant glutathione reserves. Precisely this frequency band is emitted in the new emission bandwidths of the new 5G wireless technology. That is why the deployment of these antennas never stopped during the pandemic.
We suspect in that the 2019 anti-flu campaign graphene oxide was introduced in these vials, since it was already used as an adjuvant.
With subsequent 5G technology trials in different parts of the world, COVID-19 disease developed in interaction of external electromagnetic fields and graphene oxide now in their bodies.
Logically, now that we know that the cause or etiological agent of the disease is precisely a chemical toxicant and not a biological agent, we know how to attenuate it: by increasing glutathione levels. Glutathione is a natural antioxidant that we present in reserves in the organism.
A few details will help you to understand perfectly everything that has been reported in the media. Glutathione is extremely high in children. Therefore, the disease has hardly any impact on the child population. Glutathione drops very considerably after 65 years of age. Therefore, COVID-19 is especially prevalent in the senile population. Glutathione is at very high levels in the intensive sports population. This is why only 0.22% of athletes had the disease.
You will now understand why countless studies in practice have shown that treatment with N-acetylcysteine (which is a precursor of glutathione in the body), or glutathione administered directly, cured COVID-19 disease very quickly in patients. Plain and simple because the glutathione levels were raised to cope with the administered toxicant called graphene oxide.
The discovery made here by La Quinta Columna is a full-fledged attack of State bioterrorism, or at least with the complicity of governments to the entire world population, now constituting crimes against humanity.
Bearing in mind that now it is not only the elderly in nursing homes who are vaccinated in that flu vaccine with graphene oxide, but, as you know, a large part of the population has been vaccinated, or graphenated, with gradual doses of graphene oxide.

The body has a natural capacity to eliminate this toxicant, which is why we propose you up to a third dose per year for all the years to keep the graphene in your bodies.
We have each and every one of the proofs of what has been manifested here. Meanwhile justice is trying to act, people will continue to be pushed off a bottomless cliff. If you are watching this audiovisual material, you will understand that for more than a year you have been totally and naively deceived from the highest institutions. Only now will you understand all the incongruities that you observed on your television news.

Embalmers Find Veins & Arteries Filled with Never Before Seen Rubbery Clots
Jan 26 Dr. Jane Ruby
“My God, People are walking around with this in their veins.”

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Restored Republic via a GCR (Global Currency Reset): Update as of Sat. 22 Jan. 2022
Judy Byington – References & videos not included.

Trust the Plan
Justice for the Children
Game Over – Checkmate
Get Ready
…Q on Fri. 21 Jan. 2022

Judy Note: The National Guard has been deployed in all 50 states; there were 350 military planes in constant movement around the US; the US Navy has cut off all communication between soldiers and their families; a ten foot high cement fence surrounded the White House (which has not been occupied since Trump left office and was surrounded by a eight foot high metal fence); because of a fraudulent 2020 Election, the Military took over at Biden’s Inauguration and now at the one year anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party puppet Biden Administration’s illegitimate government, was about to overthrow the illegal government and implement Military Law until a new election could be held.

Head of the World Alliance Military General Flynn announced, “In the Next 24 Hours Massive Corruption Will Be Exposed.”

The self-appointed World Health Organization (WHO) owned by Gates and China has suddenly reported that vaccination was not necessary and recommended lifting travel bans, while Sheriffs were issuing arrest warrants for Big Pharma CEO’s. The International Common Law Court of Justice in Canada and Brussels had ruled to shut down vaccinations worldwide after numerous studies showed the vaccines caused micro-clotting, heart attacks, cancer, development of an autoimmune disorder and other serious health risks.

On 1 Jan. 2022 the US Inc. was officially bankrupt, with the fiat US Dollar untradeable until a Global Currency Reset of 209 countries went gold/asset-backed, while the Kingpin of the GCR – the Iraqi Dinar – has revalued, the others to soon follow with a 1:1 value to each other.

Currencies to revalue in the first basket of the Global Currency Reset: 1. US 2. UK 3. Kuwait 4. Canada 5. Mexico 6. Russia 7. China 8. Venezuela 9. Iranian Rial 10. IRAQ 11. Indonesia Rupiah 12. Malaysia 13. Vietnamese 14. Brazil 15. Saudi Arabia 16. Qatar 17. United Arab Emirates 18. Turkey 19. Afghanistan possibly 20. India 21. Libya 22. Japan.

Red Pill, Danielle Stotijn:

  1. Imagine that We the People can escape financial slavery with a new financial monetary system, the QFS that was back upped by metal, XRP etc. Corrupt free. End of Swift. End of the FED. End of Bit Coin
  2. Imagine your TV and the media cannot be trusted but there will be an alternative soon: Project Odin
  3. Imagine all global corruption and fraud was organized, conspired and real. Imagine even the term “conspiracy theorist” was invented to have you, “good citizen” push against it.
  4. Imagine this fraud has been going on for centuries. We call it religion.
  5. Imagine this fraud became organized and evolved. We call it politics. They even had their own playbook – the Deep State Playbook.
  6. Now open your Mind and let it sink in. It was always about Global and Human control and never, ever about your benefit, health, soul, family, talent or world peace. You and I were puppets on strings. In a world were evil exists on a level you cannot imagine.
  7. Now expand even further. What if the turning of this evil elite game has started years ago? What if the FED has lost control? What if the end of slavery is truly here.
  8. What if Starlink is already up and ready for the Reset of the world.
  9. What if Covid was the turning point and the roll out of the plan changed from black to white? Staged to liberate the planet.

The US military’s DARPA program released bombshell evidence the vaccine and fake pandemic was “Premeditated Manslaughter of Millions of People Coordinated at the Highest Levels.” The newly released military documents contradict Dr. Fauci’s testimony under oath.

“Hackers broke into all of the pharmaceutical companies and stole all the medical data on vaccines. The hack revealed that some vaccine batches were 50 times more deadly than others. This supports the idea that insiders were given placebos or safe vaccines while “undesirables” were being deliberately poisoned.

“No laboratories around the world have proven the existence of Covid 19 which means the worlds’ civilian governments have been in high treason for two years.

Nanobots from vaccines connect the human brain’s neocortex to a ‘synthetic neocortex’ in the cloud. The nanobots then provided direct, real-time monitoring and control of signals to and from brain cells.

The Haarp array in Norway that was causing the La Palma volcano in the Atlantic to erupt was taken out by British Special Forces, according to an MI6 source of Ben Fulford. The La Palma volcano has stopped erupting, meaning the East Coast of the United States was no longer being threatened with a 100-meter tsunami.

Young ARMY soldiers will be battling ‘seasoned freedom fighters’ across two dozen North Carolina counties in a two-week ‘guerrilla warfare exercise’ where they attempt to overthrow an ‘ ILLEGITIMATE GOVERNMENT’


Mr. Alex Azar, DEFENDANT

Dr. Anthony Fauci, DEFENDANT

Dr. Peter Daszak, DEFENDANT
Dr. Ralph Baric, DEFENDANT






Count 1: 18 U.S.C. § 2331 §§ 802 – Acts of Domestic Terrorism resulting in death of American Citizens

Count 2: 18 USC $ 2339- Conspiring to Commit Acts of Terrorism

Count 3. 15 U.S.C. $1-3 – Conspiring to criminal commercial activity

Count 4. 18 USC $ 175 – Funding and Creating a Biological Weapon
Count 5. 15 U.S.C. §8 – Market manipulation and allocation

Count 6. 18 U.S.C. § 1001 – Lying to Congress

Count 7. 15 U.S.C. § 19 – Interlocking directorates

Count 8. 18 U.S. Code § 2384 – Seditious conspiracy

SWIFT to GCR, Danielle Stotijn:

We are about to make the switch from the Deep State’s Federal Reserve SWIFT System of fiat dollars, Bitcoin and unregulated crypto to the Quantum Financial System of Ripple, XRP asset-backed ISO. That currency will be XRP.

XRP was always going to be the new currency of the financial world because of it’s blockchain technology which by the way, fare outs the technology of Bitcoin. Not only that, XRP will be a corrupt free currency because it is regulated and backed by Gold.

Bitcoin lacks the technology, the regulation and is backed by nothing. This is the reason it became decentralized but also the most corrupted evil dirty laundry crypto of the dark cabal world.

It was the ideal way for Cabal, Mafia and all puppets of the evil world to cover trails of human trafficking, drugs, Adrenochrome, political weapon deals and so on and so on.

The QFS will end the times of the FED controlling the financial world via the SWIFT banking system and Rothshild Cabal practices that creaated money out of thin air, while holding all Gold in the tunnels of the elite underworld and as people died. There is enough gold on this planet to feed the whole world easily.

The military operation Q was the plan to end all evil and bring the Gold back to the people. End all slavery and corrupt systems that supported the elite.

This is the fall of the Cabal. The cabal is over. The Fed is dead. SWIFT is history. And so will all non regulated crypto’s be very soon. Gold and Silver will return to the people on the QFS. XRP will be backed by Gold. XLM will be backed by Silver.

NSA sources say “US Naval HQ shaped like a swastika has been flooded and connections to NAZIs destroyed.”

There was a massive volcanic eruption in Tonga. Tonga has some Chinese-owned tunnels and deep submarine access thanks to the deep waters that surround the shallow coral shoreline. They have been destroyed.

A senior Russian FSB source said, “We do not want to rule Ukraine, we just want to remove the fascists installed by UN agents like Victoria Nuland.”

The FSB and Russians view the UN as their real enemy and the fake Biden administration as UN proxies, according to the source.

“Russia is trying to rebuild the USSR. The UN is trying to put military all around Russia and support color revolutions. However, when the UN tries to destabilize they are not doing anything new, they have been repeating the same thing for 20 or 25 years so now we know how to stop them.”

Russia is perfectly entitled to seize Ukraine by law. Ukraine is nothing more than a money-laundering operation.

The removal of Prince Andrew opened naval intelligence files showing there were 16 biochemical warfare plants being run by the Nazis in Ukraine. The Nazis were also actively assassinating all political opponents in Ukraine, CIA sources note.

On Friday evening, a Russian nuclear Submarine surfaced off the coast of Norfolk, VA. The sub has 16 Bulava Missiles, each equipped with ten independent nuclear warheads. At the same time, Russia sent amphibious assault ships to Sweden’s coast.

The FSB source says a deal has been reached with the US and Chinese military to take on the real source of the problem -which they think is the UN. “The entire idea of the UN is outdated. It is not a unity of countries. It is pushing the rules of only one country (the Deep State).


Stop Mass “Vaccination”

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Demonstration in Milan:
It was perhaps the most important Saturday of demonstrations since the protests began throughout Europe. There were several guests who attended the protest, but the most awaited guest was undoubtedly the Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier:
“Let’s stop mass vaccination immediately.”
“It is the unvaccinated who will be able to save humanity.”
“It is an absolute crime to give these vaccines to children today.”
” Instead of treating the sick they make them die even sooner.”

Below is the transcript of Luc Montagnier’s speech in Milan:
There are images, also extraordinary for me, of small bacteria even in the intestine, which are full of viruses. And this is a battle between bacteria and viruses, which must be defeated even with proper nutrition and hygiene. It is not the vaccine that cures, but the combination of medicines that will eliminate this disease.
Contrary to what was said at the beginning, these vaccines offer no protection, and this is emerging slowly. This is scientifically recognized by all today. It is not only scientific experiments that show it, but also all patients on whom the effects have been analyzed to prove it.
Instead of protecting as was promised, it can instead promote other infections. The protein that was used in vaccines for this virus is actually toxic, it is a poison. A vaccine should not be killing but protecting and there have been many deaths, even young sportsmen who have important problems, due to this vaccine. It is an absolute crime to give these vaccines to children today.
It can also cause very serious nerve diseases in the brain. Due to the long-term effects of this vaccine, there are a lot of people who are dying. Neurological disorders can also occur from the first dose, and not only from the second. Even today, no one can predict how many of these people who have been vaccinated now will have major neurological problems in the future.
I ask all my colleagues to absolutely stop vaccinating with this type of vaccine. Doctors today are perfectly informed of what I am saying, and therefore they should intervene immediately because the future of humanity is at stake. Many countries have forgotten about treatments, there is not only the vaccine, there are drugs that have not been used and that work very well, such as antibiotics.
It is up to you, especially the unvaccinated who one day will be able to save humanity. Only the unvaccinated will be able to save the vaccinated. Vaccinated who will, in any case, contact the medical centers to be saved. We must avoid listening and giving a voice to those who do not have the right to do so and let science speak. I repeat: it is the unvaccinated who will be able to save humanity.
In the beginning, the large pharmaceutical multinationals were very interested in vaccines for an economic issue. This has now overtaken them and we must return to respect for scientific truth. It is necessary to carefully follow the evolution of the clinical situation, especially of the vaccinated with 1, 2 or 3 doses, because there are scientific studies that concern serious brain diseases. And we need to remove the fog that has hit the scientific news. It is important that medicine and scientific truth appear accurate in the media and in the mainstream.
Especially for people who have other pathologies, such as cancer for example, it is very important that they are not vaccinated, because there is an aluminum that enters the cells and it is super carcinogenic even more and therefore instead of treating the sick they make them die even sooner. The research continues, and I and my whole team continue to research this virus. The research does not stop, we have not yet reached that point.
Man will win if he concentrates on the law of nature and only on that. Every citizen is free and must also follow political ideas, take advantage of the upcoming elections to express your opinion.

What would I say to a young person today? You absolutely must take action, each of you, and find the truth behind the lies. Long live freedom.

First Look at Kid Vax Contents
New Stew Peters Live Exclusive: First Look at Kid Vax Contents! Monoclonal Antibody Secrets Exposed and More!
Dr, Carrie Madej
Watch 10:35-29:41
Brief notes follow:
Monoclonal Antibodies:
Infusions – cocktail of antibodies – experimental
1)from donors – living or dead?
2)aborted fetal cells – from living fetuses
3)chimeric mouse-human cell line – patented cell line
Pfizer Kids Jab:
Vial from Florida
super conducting materials – graphene oxide
artificial construct will form in body

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DAY OF SHAME New Zealand 19/02

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19/02 News: This is so important that I am putting it here. Scroll down for “Day of Shame”
**This is from the Judy Byington Report
New Zealand: A new law passed on Wed. 12 Jan. 2022 and to take effect on 1st April assures that there were no rights for the unvaccinated. This is of grave concern for ALL New Zealanders. When will this tyranny end? The COVID-19 Public Health Response (Vaccinations) Order 2021:

  1. The lockdown of unvaccinated or insufficiently vaccinated individuals.
  2. The ability to restrict travel within the country to unvaccinated or insufficiently vaccinated (e.g. a person who does not want to get a booster shot).
  3. Withhold certification from those who do not get required boosters or subsequent combinations of vaccines as may be ordered at any time.
  4. The ability to dictate the type and form of certification required for proof of vaccination status — digital or otherwise.
  5. The ability to dictate what other information may be required for the renewal of vaccine certificates, and which information may be contained on such a certificate.
  6. The period for which a vaccine certificate is valid can be changed at any time, and who it is that may be entitled or eligible to have these certificates.
  7. The specification of mandates for entire job sectors.
  8. The ordering of certain jobs to require regular mandatory testing and medical examination.
  9. Enforcement officers to be able to demand certification, pretty much at any time.
  10. The appointment of enforcement officers that can be anybody they wish to appoint, and not necessarily police.
  11. Enforcement officers to inspect and take copies of certification to be verified at a later date, before immediately returning such documentation.
  12. The provision of an assessment tool for employers to use to determine who should be vaccine mandated, however employers can totally disregard the assessment tool and mandate at whim.
  13. Legal or other representatives of employees may be refused entry to workplaces.
  14. Contact tracing information may be used against a person in order to enforce the Act.
  15. Employees who have been dismissed for non-compliance of testing or vaccination, but comply at the last minute, may still be dismissed if the employer deems revoking the dismissal to be disruptive of their business.

**Breaking News! “Very Soon All of the Vaccines Will Be Completely Stopped”

17/01/22: The New Zealand DAY OF SHAME
On this day, more than 14,000 innocent children, aged 5 to 11, were given the Pfizer Death Shot.
Bloomfiels said: “It was a ‘great start’ and good to see a high level of interest from both parents and children.”
Ignorant parents lined up at Death Shot Centres, like they were taking their children to visit Santa Claus to receive a wonderful gift which would protect them from the dreaded Covid-19 virus.
This day in the history of New Zealand will be remembered as the day when the Death Shot for 5 to 11 year olds began.
Eternal shame for the parents, the jabbers, the Ministry of Health and all of the MPs.

*Dr. Stephanie Seneff (MIT scientist) expects an increase in Neuro Degenerative Diseases in vaccinated people. She also warns parents to not let their children get vaccinated due to these risks.

Big pharma, government, church leaders face arrest as Court convicts them of Genocide, prohibits injections
Jan 17
ICLCJ Verdict and Sentence
This groundbreaking announcement announces the conviction of those involved in global genocide. It gives every man and woman on the planet the authority to seize and destroy any and all Covid-19 paraphenalia. At the same time, we can arrest anyone who is named in the verdict for crimes against Humanity.
Big pharma, government, church leaders face arrest as Court convicts them of Genocide, prohibits injections.
The International Court that forced Pope Benedict from office in 2013 has struck a blow against the COVID corporatocracy by convicting top officials of Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, China, and the Vatican of Crimes against Humanity.
The Court’s verdict sentences seventy-five individuals to life imprisonment, seizes their assets and disestablishes their corporations, and lawfully prohibits the further manufacture, sale, or use of their COVID vaccines as “products of medical genocide and mass murder”.
After a four-month trial convened under International Law, the judges of the International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ) issued their historic verdict and sentence today, along with Arrest and Expropriation Warrants against the defendants.
The convicted individuals include Albert Bourla and Emma Walmsley, the CEO’s of Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals, Xi Jinping, President of China, ‘Pope’ Francis (Jorge Bergoglio), ‘Queen’ Elizabeth (Windsor), and Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada.

According to the Public Affairs Office of the Court,
“This case involves a monstrous, intergenerational crime and its equally massive coverup. The highest officials of Church, State, and Corporations have for years personally sanctioned and profited by the systematic torture, trafficking, and murder of children in deadly drug testing experiments to produce the COVID ‘vaccine’, as part of a Criminal Conspiracy to reduce humanity to slavery. That Conspiracy murders the innocent, traffics in arms, drugs, children, and human organs, and silences or destroys those who threaten to expose it.
“Our Court has put a legal end to that Conspiracy by criminalizing the persons and the corporations responsible, and prohibiting the further sale and use of the COVID ‘vaccines’, which are the product of medical genocide and the mass murder of children.”

The Court’s verdict and sentence casts a wide net over those responsible by tracing the roots of the COVID regime to the planned genocide of indigenous people in Canada by the Vatican and the Crown of England, including in the murderous “Indian residential schools”.
The Court establishes that the public opponents of this genocide, especially Kevin Annett, have been continually targeted for destruction by the convicted defendants, who are responsible for the murder of fifteen activists and several recent attempts on Annett’s life.

“Our warrants empower not only our Sheriffs and deputized police, but people everywhere to enforce the Court’s verdict by arresting the convicted felons, seizing their assets, and halting the sale and use of the genocide-derived COVID ‘vaccines’,” says the Court.
“The killers of children can no longer evade justice using executive or corporate privilege, or by hiding behind the camouflage of contrived public health crises.”

The verdict by the International Common Law Court of Justice authorizes every man and woman on the planet to seize and destroy any covid-19 paraphernalia to prevent any further mass murders.

Continue ReadingDAY OF SHAME New Zealand 19/02

Deep State Takedown in Progress 19/02

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Global Military Alliance Operation
Zero Hour neared as a global Military Alliance Operation commanded the most extensive Intel gathering of Deep State Media Networks that the world has ever known.
On Mon. 17 Jan. the White Hats announced, “Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, Twitter, Facebook, Yahoo, Google and YouTube were in a panic as Intel connected them to Child Trafficking Rings, Money Laundering, Worldwide Election Interference and conspiring with WHO, WEF, Davos Group, CDC, World Banks, Rockefellers and the Rothschilds, etc.”

The Plan
The Chinese Communist Party was preparing for WAR. Inside sources say China knew the imminent moment was coming when the U.S. Military would respond against the Covid-19 Bioweapon Attack. Inside the Pentagon top Generals were waiting for the perfect moment to strike and arrest Treasonous Deep State spies in their Military ranks and government.

Sat. 15 Jan. From the White Hats:
The vaccine SHOT Heard Around the World was necessary to bring down the Deep State who controlled the false flow of mainstream information in all countries. The White Hats had to let the Deep State Cabal unleash the Deep State plan and had to record the crime in progress in real time. It was the only way for Military Intel to track the money, the players, compromised institutions doctors, scientists, Deep State Military, banks, etc. and to record all of their crimes. It was the Crime of the Century and had to be this way. Exposure is coming, worldwide. Military will position around the world, and then there will be Military Martial Law in major countries. The Military will arrest all who conspired with the Plandemic. Millions will be arrested throughout the world including the top 3,000 Elites who control the world banks, health, news tech and create world wars. This was the Shot heard around the world. This Event is connected to Military Intelligence in 32 countries working together. The World’s Largest Military Sting Operation.

We already knew of blood clots from expressing spike protein and were aware of autoimmune attack on one’s own tissues expressing spike protein to which our killer lymphocytes were primed, such as Myocarditis.

What’s new is the revelation that lymph node cells are also being invaded by the gene-based agents and marking THEM for auto destruction. When you destroy that part of the immune system, which we loosely call “immune surveillance”, every manner of nasty, latent infections, by viruses & also bacteria, explode, uncontrolled. Hundreds of millions of people are going to die of unrestrained tuberculosis, Epstein Barr virus, toxoplasmosis etc. etc. etc. The daily accidental production of cancer cells, normally deleted swiftly by immune surveillance, before they can divide, ceases.

The International Court that forced Pope Benedict from office in 2013 has struck a blow against the COVID corporatocracy by convicting top officials of Pfizer, Glaxo Smith Kline, China and the Vatican of Crimes against Humanity.

-The Court’s verdict sentences seventy-five individuals to life imprisonment, seizes their assets and disestablishes their corporations, and lawfully prohibits the further manufacture, sale, or use of their COVID vaccines as “products of medical genocide and mass murder”.

-After a four-month trial convened under International Law, the judges of the International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ) issued their historic verdict and sentence, along with Arrest and Expropriation Warrants against the defendants.

-The convicted individuals include Albert Bourla and Emma Walmsley, the CEO’s of Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals, Xi Jinping, President of China, ‘Pope’ Francis (Jorge Bergoglio), ‘Queen’ Elizabeth (Windsor), and Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada.

-According to the Public Affairs Office of the Court, “This case involves a monstrous, intergenerational crime and its equally massive cover up. The highest officials of Church, State, and Corporations have for years personally sanctioned and profited by the systematic torture, trafficking, and murder of children in deadly drug testing experiments to produce the COVID ‘vaccine’, as part of a Criminal Conspiracy to reduce humanity to slavery. That Conspiracy murders the innocent, traffics in arms, drugs, children, and human organs, and silences or destroys those who threaten to expose it.

“The sheepels are the ones getting vaccinated and are being led to the slaughter and mainstream media know it. Ignorant Humans are willingly taking the mark of the beast for silly reasons, and every single booster that comes out with it, it really don’t matter what you think, this is fact. They have all been warned. Whether you like it or not Graphene oxide communicates with 5g and smart devices, mRNA gene therapy melds this information into your DNA making DNA a synthetic type and Luciferase barcodes you, to make sure you get tagged like the sheep or a Piece pork live stock on a farm. Sheeps follow orders and it is dangerous to follow sheeples as they are all going to get killed. Do NOT EVER comply.” …Trump + Q The Great Awakening

The latest studies confirm that even casual use of a cell phone can cause damage to DNA. A landmark study conducted by Dr. Henry Lai of the University of Washington showed that even at low levels, exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields and radio frequencies (EMF/RF) caused DNA damage to brain cells of rats, resulting in loss of short and long-term memory and slower learning. He further noted: “DNA damages in cells could have an important implication on health because they are cumulative.” A study done at Penn State University concluded that EMF exposure produced no effect for the “first few minutes, . . . then a cascade of microbial destruction occurs.” Conservative Sun devices for protection against 5G and EMF are highly recommended.

Continue ReadingDeep State Takedown in Progress 19/02

5G Ultimate DEW System Update 9/01

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Israel Crowd Control – EM Pulsed Brain
Spain = The camera glitched right before the man fell over!!

Smoking Gun Proof They Electromagnetically Pulse Targeted People…Then Say They Have Covid
Jan 8
*From La Quinta Columna – Spain: Above image on the right.
The camera pulsed right before the man fell over!! Holy… what this is, is basically supporting evidence that they target people with invisible focused radiation… and this unseen WEAPON can be used to target people who are threat to the official narratives.
You may have noticed that certain vocal people, all of a sudden ‘get covid’?? Well, here’s our smoking gun proof, something else is going on!!! Please share widely… this is a silent war… let’s not keep it silent any longer.
I don’t know what it was, but it does look like something took this guy out. La Quinta Columna analyzed a video in which an electromagnetic pulse causes the death of a man. The video shows a glitch that occurs at the precise moment when the man falls straight to the ground. According to Spanish researchers, electromagnetic pulses are seen as interference in-camera recordings when they occur. Source: Falcons Cafe.

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Whistleblower Rescued From Hospital

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Shocking Escape: COVID Whistleblower Abused in UK Hospital Rescued by Friend(s)
Jan 4
There was once a time when the hospital was considered a safe havens and a place of healing and hope. Those days have long past.
Now hospitals have become death factories for those unfortunate enough to have to go to one..
This video is a an interview about John O’ Looney via Dr. Sam Dube and you will hear his account of the abuses and the horrors he suffered at the hands of hospital staff and ambulance staff. 

“I honestly thought I was going to die in there.”  John O’ Looney – Funeral Director

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