Plea From Oregon

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It’s time for people to wake up & take action. Where are the patriots?
Here is what an Oregon farmer has to say.

Chemtrail Planes Continuously Flying Over Oregon:
Bonnie B
For months there has been at least five Chemtrail Planes going 15 hours a day flying over my farming valley here in Oregon. Tell me who is paying for the planes, pilots, chemicals? That is a huge expense just for our little state.

We can’t be the only state dealing with this. We are a farming state, a farming valley. They are killing us and our crops. My grandkids can’t go out to play in the park. What kind of monsters are flying those planes?

Why are We the People not fighting back? Why are we complacent about everything? I am so disgusted with myself for not doing more.

I don’t know about you, but I am totally fed up with the crap we are dealing with just to stay alive: Chemtrails, Vaccines, Child Trafficking, 70 million babies aborted by their mothers, Woke Agenda, Pedophiles, Transgender Agenda, Schools turning into something I don’t recognize and all the time making sure that my beautiful grandkids aren’t stolen on my watch. 

I know we came here at this time in history to help save this planet. I take that job seriously, but not seriously enough, I guess. This is our beautiful America being destroyed. Should we be doing more to help save Her?

Should we stand up and shout out from the roof tops at the injustice happening to us? Other countries are. Why are we not doing it more? Should we be going to the school board meetings whether we have kids in school or not? 

Are we just sitting around waiting for the Alliance to fix it? Or, are we sitting around waiting for the RV to make us rich before we stand up and fight?

Let’s be honest here. Our father’s and grandfather’s fought so we could be free. Are we doing our part to carry their torch for our grandkids?”

Masonic Killers:
UK Prime Minister Winston Churchill became a Master Mason in 1902. US President Franklin Roosevelt became a Master Mason in 1911. In order to become a Master Mason you are required to honor Satan by passing through the Masonic Royal Arch Rite (the Masonic Ceremony that turns White rites to Black rites) where you have a sexual orgy with children that culminates in performing a child sacrifice – the same ceremony that Queen Elizabeth went through where she killed a baby before she was crowned Queen according to Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivors who were made to participate in the rite as children at a military base in Australia – which makes one wonder what is planned just prior to the UK coronation of Prince Charles on Sat. 6 May 2023.

Disharmony – Rockefeller:
In 1953 a worldwide agreement was made based on an idea by the Rockefeller Foundation to change the frequency of music. They changed it from it’s natural harmonic resonance 432hz to the current consciousness suppressing 440hz. Those who control the world, knew what they were doing when they changed the frequency of music, they knew that humanity would become disengaged, dissonant, divided and disconnected. God, the General Orchestra Director, created the perfect symphony of life, love and light; a wonderful, monumental, magical symphony where everything and everyone plays a part in perfect harmony, unity and frequency, until unfortunately, humanity’s frequency changed. We are now playing out of tune, out of synch, in the wrong frequency – at odds with nature, life and each other.

Titanic Sinking – No Accident!
itanic Disaster that led to the Federal Reserve and World War 1: Do you really believe that icebergs are able to cut through steel hulls? Benjamin Guggenheim, Isa Strauss and Jacob Astor were all passengers on the Titanic. These three men were the most wealthy people of their time, thus their opinion was very important in the matters of government and economics. These three were valiantly opposed to the idea of a Federal Reserve Bank. (Which has nothing to do with USA, it’s privately owned bank) These three people had to be destroyed by any means, in a way that no one would suspect they were murdered. Roman Catholic secret society called Jesuits, with their bankers, desperately wanted a Central Bank in the United States. Once the Federal Bank reserve opposition was gone, they got their bank and started WW1 months later.

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It’s Time

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They underestimated us all. They thought their demonic plan would have worked in the details and everyone would have kneeled to their deranged will. They were terribly wrong. They will never change what we really are…God’s creation!
…President Donald Trump

**Correction: We are the creation of Creation**
Creation is that which is responsible for the Universe and all life.
It is spirit in the purest form and is immeasureable in its wisdom.

Don’t Be Afraid When the Military is Publicly Announced Throughout the World. They will in that Time, Reinstall Rightful Leaders and Law Makers Across the Globe.

Prepare For Emergency Broadcast System Activation:
The EBS will involve Ten Days of Communication Darkness where Phones, Internet, Credit/Debit Cards and ATMs will not work, while three eight-hour documentaries a day will be broadcast on TV and Radio 24/7.
It’s wise to have at least a month’s supply of food, water, cash and essential items on hand.

Stock Market Crash
It was said that the Global Currency Reset would go liquid for the general public following a Stock Market crash, and the Stock Market was said set to crash on Fri. 28 April. Redemption Staff have been notified to come in to work full time for a couple of weeks starting on Thurs. 27 April.

*Mon. 24 April 11am: In a difficult and complex mission, 760 children were rescued from human traffickers in seven underground tunnels beneath Kansas and Missouri. …
Carolyn Bissett, Kennedy News, Telegram.
*Patriots Tucker Carlsen, Dan Boengino out at Fox News:
The conservative firebrand was one of the most popular anchors at Fox News. Boengino and Carlsen took leave after Fox lost a Dominion Server lawsuit against them for reporting Dominion swung 2020 Election votes in favor of Biden.
*JFK Jr. Telegram:
For years, I’ve been in hiding to protect myself and those close to me. But now, I’m ready to reveal something that will change everything and make the world a better place for everyone. Who tried to assassinate me? Who died in the accident? Who helped me escape and gave me shelter? All will be revealed in my exclusive Telegram channel. Join now and be part of the journey to uncover the truth. Together, we can make a difference and bring justice to those who deserve it. Share this with the people you care about and let’s make sure everyone sees and hears this. Click the link to join”

Global Currency Reset:
Sat. 22 April MarkZ: I have had a few bond people check in this morning…they are being told to be prepared to travel and be in place by Thurs. 27 April. Many paymasters are already there and do not need to travel…..but those that do are making plans right now. Group leaders were also told to be in place by Thurs. 27 April. And many Main Stream Economists are looking for the crash to occur on Fri. 28 April. Isn’t that interesting. So they want everybody and everything in place by Thursday and a crash projected on Friday. There is a massive push right now on news. Usually Mondays are quiet and newsless….but today…news is coming at a million miles an hour. 

*The Cabal’s Bank of International Settlements and Swiss Central Bank Gold Vaults were empty – with no explanation as to where the gold went.
*As of Sat. 1 April gold-backed currency was the only true currency in the World.
*The Cabal’s fiat US Dollar was only good for the next three months in the US, Canada and Mexico. All other countries were refusing to trade with the fiat Federal Dollar.
*The Federal Reserve was said to have only monies enough to last through the end of April.
*Stock Market Crash Alert: Mark your calendars for Fri. April 28.
*Banks Closing Every Day, Charlie Ward.

Jan. 6 “Insurrection

The Illegal and Corrupt American Bar Association: The Military is the Only Way …Q

  • In the 1500s the International Bar Association was created by entities of the Roman Vatican Empire in collusion with the Pope, UK Queen and Henry the 8th.
  • In the late 1800s US Inc. created the American Bar Association (ABA) as a branch of the British BAR. Both are controlled by foreign entities. Their Rules of Civil Procedure were written under old Roman Law and do not apply to The People.
  • Every person who is part of the BAR are foreign entities who are trespassing on Human Rights.
  • These BAR Associates, society, corporations have been working under massive fraud, under cover of Law for a long time throughout the World, in every country.
  • The illegal practices of all judges, lawyers and those who enforce the illegal procedures of the null and void dead corporation entities (Vatican/Royal Crown/US Corp) are and will be subject to arrest for Crimes Against Humanity.
  • The BAR is about to be taken down worldwide and the enormous fraud is about to be revealed. End Game. The Courts are going to fall apart. The Lawyers who protect the Elite and evil is almost done.
  • Military is the only Way. …Q

World Food Shortages: Now the climate totalitarians are coming after rice, a food staple for more than 3.5 billion people around the world. As I’ve mentioned before, unelected globalist bodies (UN, WEF, IPCC etc) are using the climate scam as a trojan horse to seize control of the global food supply (among other things). Why? They know millions of people are waking up to their totalitarian New World Order/Great Reset agenda, but if you can control the global food supply, you stand a much better chance at keeping them in line.

Nancy Drew Update on the FAA: As long as I have been coming here to Washington DC the Orville and Wilbur Wright Buildings, or our Federal Aviation Administration, have been fenced in, with barbed wire and completely surrounded by concrete barriers. There has never been any sort of construction, at either building. Most of the offices are empty, and appear to be in disarray, from the outside. There are some people inside, but scarce. The buildings sport the POW flag, still.

The Real News for Sun. 23 April 2023:

  • Everyone be patient. We are just handling the logistics and finalizing RV and NESARA Laws. …JFK Jr, Restored Republic VP
  • A Georgia hospital has chosen to let a mother of seven die rather than grant her a “vaccine” exemption for a kidney transplant.
  • Modern liberals, like the communists before them, face the decay of their system. In response, they reject introspection and reform, and instead demand more liberal democracy – that is, more controls and more extremes – to set things right. What lies at the end of that democratic road is “a new despotism.”
  • Special Forces Arrest Space Force Commander for Treason:
  • Britain conducted the first test of it’s Emergency Alert Service on Sunday 23 April, with millions of mobile phones vibrating an alarm around 3pm.
  • Deep State Saboteur Exposed For Trying to Bury Hunter Biden Laptop Story – StatesmanPost
  • Over 1900 food companies have been destroyed this year on US soil.
  • 9/11 Hijackers were CIA? Bombshell court filing claims that some 9/11 hijackers were CIA assets A recent court filing has made an explosive claim that at least two of the 911 hijackers were recruited into a joint CIA-Saudi intelligence operation that was covered up at the highest levels. A relationship between Alec Station, a CIA unit tasked with monitoring Al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden. 
  • Bed, Bath and Beyond Files Bankruptcy:
  • Pennsylvania: Massive 3-alarm fire burning at a warehouse in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
  • China: Xi Jinping is hiring 87,000 agriculture police officers, and they’re coming for Chinese farmers. A farmer knocked down an officer, who tried to pull his fruit trees in his garden.
  • Kermedic Islands: Tsunami Alert Issued After M7.3 Earthquake Strikes Kermedic Islands Region:
  • Global Shipping to Split into Western and Eastern Blocs:
  • Leaked footage captured Joe Biden planning Trump’s indictment.
  • Did You Know ROE V. WADE was passed only because Roe lied about being raped? She admitted it on Live TV. Everything you think you know is a lie.
  • On Dec. 25 Pagans worship the birth of the Sun and Sun God, the Pagan Baal King Nimrod, who ruled over the first Slave Kingdom after Noah’s flood (Tower of Babel).
  • The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believes that Christ was born around Easter – April 6 – the time of New Beginning.
  • The Rothchilds financed Hitler, Karl Marx, Lenin, Stalin and Mao. The Jewish leader Jacob Schiff ordered the murder of the Russian Romanov Family because they were Christians who refused to go along with the bankers plans to turn Russia into a Communist Country.
  • The corrupt CIA was owned by corrupt Wall Street Bankers – and thus, we won’t see the CIA go down until Wall Street goes down.
  • Black Lives Matter was a corporation functioning under a Manifesto that dictates for the destruction of the nuclear family.
  • Deep State Clones Expire After Three Years, Cloning Scientist Tells Military:
Continue ReadingIt’s Time

Prepare for EBS

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*You have been told this many times, but has it sunk in.?

Code 7: The Final Operation

  • 7 messages from President on every mobile phone in the world before they are disconnected (that won’t last long).
  • Emergency Broadcast System in ten countries and languages of: Bulgarian, Chinese, Czech, Danish, English, Estonia, French, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Lithuania, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovenia, Spanish, Swedish
  • Global power outage and switch to Tesla Free Energy
  • Quantum System implements Cyber Attacks to destroy Media and 34 buildings and Dams: White House, Jean Paul Getty Museum in LA, Vatican, Buckingham Palace, CERN in Switzerland, 3 Gorges Dam, Mossad Media Satellites destroyed
  • Water Event: Three Gorges Dam destroys 24 Nuclear Reactors deactivated and Adrenochrome Lab, with water falling on Wuhan whose population has been evacuated.
  • Black Swan Event: False Flag World War which leads to collapse of Stock Market (95% of Crypto currency value has already been lost).
  • Catastrophic Events will trigger Emergency while Military delivers food and vital products around the world.

Intel, Juan O Savin, Jaco:

  • Intel agencies are at war with each other.
  • Massive troop movements in Europe.
  • NATO is already at war with Russia, so they are going to take it to the next level.
  • The raid at Mar-a-Lago was done under White House direction with an objective to get the Nuclear Codes.  Trump has a card with codes… they call it ‘the ‘football’.  He keeps it on his person… so they were dumb asses.
  • Derek Johnson is going down to Gitmo to be a reporter at the Military Tribunals in June or July.
  • Live videos were taken at GITMO where they hold Court in the mornings and executions in the afternoons. Gitmo is ready now to broadcast LIVE.
  • Hoodlums in the streets like in LA, Chicago and New York will get a Military Tribunal in the morning and execution in the afternoon. Hundreds of thousands will be executed.
  • During Covid19 Hospitals were turned into killing fields in America and throughout the world.  They would not allow relatives to come in and get patients and threatened people with arrests.  Many loved ones died.
  • They are still using invalid voting methods – did it again in 2022. 
  • Many elected and appointed people like VP Kamala Harris have not signed their Oath of Office. So anything that passed since they came to power was all mute.

Fri. 21 April Intel, Fulford:
Biden’s failed mission to Ireland meant that the UK has joined France in leaving NATO.
The UK Prime Minister was being blackmailed over having homosexual relationships with Canada’s PM Justin Trudeau and France’s PM Macron. 

The Real News for Fri. 21 April 2023:

  • The Department of Homeland Security confirmed a Biden administration official’s Washington, D.C. office has just been raided by federal law enforcement with the official being placed on administrative leave. Transnational Organized Crime Mission Center executive director Brian Sulc’s office was raided and cordoned off with police tape.
  • Obama, Clinton & Bush speaking about Haiti disaster relief, right before they stole all of it: “The most effective way for Americans to help the people of Haiti, is to send money. That money will go to organizations on that ground who will be able to effectively spend it.”…”I know a lot of people wanna send blankets or water, just send your cash. One of the things the President & I will do is make sure your money is spent wisely.” …And then, they stole it. Crooks – all of them. How do you feel about hearing this in today’s time, especially given what you know about Haiti’s missing children, missing money, the Clinton Foundation & the Clinton’s very close relationship with Jeffrey Epstein  and Ghislaine Maxwell?
  • Ohio: Obstruction on the railroad tracks in Northeast, Ohio was found which caused the train to derail. Who planted it there?
  • President Trump was calling out James Biden’s business dealings in the Middle East way back in 2020 during this interview with 60 Minutes. Lesley Stahl, of course, pushed back. Now we find out via affidavits that James Biden was hired to broker a secret $140M Saudi deal when Joe was VP, and James even says in the affidavit that he attended a meeting “because of his position and relationship” with his older brother Joe. Long story short: Trump was right again.
  • Connecticut: Massive explosion as fuel tanker truck crashes and ignites on Golden Star Bridge in New London, Connecticut.
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SE Pacific Blackhats

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Becko (Australia) – Truth Seekers – talks with SG Anon.
New SGAnon: April Showers Intel! Military Operations Australia and New Zealand! Truth Seekers 2023
April 21
* This was important for those of us who line in Australasia, so I made a transcript for the first few minutes.
What is going on now in the SE Pacific, esp in the Aus/NZ areas.
Identification & elimination of Blackhat assets holed out on islands in that area; a lot are attempting to flee, but are unable to do so, since for example the Chinese navy has cut off their escape routes back to Asia & the Middle East.

Clean=out operations ongoing – under NZ area- v. large underground military bases – also between Australia & Antarctica.
The Antarctic Ring is an area where they (Black Hats) have had ‘carte blanche’ to do anything & everything that they wanted.
Pressure being turned up on the people. The insanity is continuing to increase by these “Manchurian Govts”. Good evidence to show that for some months both Aus & NZ as well as other 5 Eyes intelligence communities have been put into some sort of continuity of govt operation where they are being forced to accelerate their plans in a catastrophic manner. This is being witnessed right now.
People are waking up to what is happening to their world, their children & their families. This is causing a catalysing of the people.
China is preparing to go into Taiwan publicly – already privately for awhile.
This will disclose: massive bio-terrorism, massive genomic targeting & weapons trafficking, much more than Ukraine. Taiwan is the epicentre of a great deal of the world”s shipping; most of their nefarious activities including compartmentalised weapon systems, drugs & children are moved around the world through shipping containers.
So Aus/NZ govts are going as fast as they can to implement their agenda, because they know that their time is running out. We have all been fooled – “taken for a ride”! We need to hunker down & stay strong as things develop in the Pacific.
It will involve The Philippines, Indonesia.
It is very likely that the Aus military will be involved at some point, as also Japan & the Koreas.
A massive, massive event.
A lot of military drills around Aus at the moment.

Stew Peters Full Show: Treason: Docs Show CIA Recruited 911 Hijackers
The evidence that exposes every scumbag that was involved in 9/11! Stew presents the evidence and documents that blows the out of the water!!

Special Forces Arrest Space Force Commander for Treason – Real Raw News Update w/Michael Baxter
Not a video. Here is part.

United States Special Forces on April 16 arrested Chief of Space Force Operations Chance Saltzman on charges of treason after Vice Adm. Darse E. Crandall and Gen. Eric M. Smith signed a military arrest warrant alleging that Saltzman had essentially bankrupted Space Force by giving most of its $27billion annual budget to Ukraine, a source in Gen. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

Saltzman, 54, had 30 years in service prior to his arrest. In 1991, he graduated from Boston University and was commissioned into the United States Air Force. He was a career missile and space operations officer with operational experience as a Minuteman III launch officer and as a satellite operator for the National Reconnaissance Office. On July 27, 2022, the criminal Joseph R. Biden nominated Saltzman for promotion to general and appointment as second chief of Space Force operations, replacing General John W. Raymond, whom President Trump had chosen to helm the fledgling armed forces branch in December 2019.

White Hats became interested in Saltzman in early March when U.S. Army Cyber Command intercepted a phone call between him and National Security Council Coordinator John Kirby. On it, Kirby asked Saltzman to send him a progress report on the development of a “communications satellite” scheduled for completion in early 2024. Saltzman reportedly replied that the project was behind schedule because he had “loaned” $19.7 billion to Ukraine’s government, as per Lloyd Austin’s instructions.

The idea sounded so preposterous that the officer who intercepted the call at first thought it was a joke—until Saltzman said, “I was told the money would be replenished. And it has to be soon. I don’t want to end up on the wrong side of a Congressional inquiry.” Kirby reassured him that since the bulk of Space Force’s projects were classified even from Congress, he could survive a farrago of inquiries by uttering just two words: “That’s classified.”

“I hope you’re right,” Saltzman told Kirby. “I was promised protection.”

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Latest News

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SGAnon: “We now have the identification and elimination of Black Hat assets in Australia and the Pacific Theatre, plus clean out operations in New Zealand and Antarctica. China was moving into Taiwan that was the epicenter of massive bio-terrorism, bio technology and human trafficking. The White Hats were now getting it under control – although a massive Event was coming.”

On Thurs. 20 April 2023 at around 4:30 am there were EBS Tests in Florida and New York

On Sat. 1 April the new gold/asset-backed Global Financial System became official, including the gold/asset-backed US Note.Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) was expecting to be notified to set redemption/exchange appointments on Fri. 21 April or Sat. 22 April and could begin those appointments three hours later.

WARNING, this is not a Test. This is an Actual Emergency. Be on the lookout for unexpected Amazon Deliveries. They may contain a powdery substance. If you receive one of these packages, immediately call emergency services and/or poison control.

SGAnon: Within the next 4-8 weeks we will have a massive financial event in the world.

2020 Election Fraud: The House Intelligence Committee has ordered Secretary of State Blinken to turn over by May 4, all documents related to his role in interfering in the 2020 election by asking CIA official to produce an Intel Letter suppressing the Hunter laptop story as Russian disinformation.

Wed. 19 April 2023 Raland Brunson Facebook Post:

  • With the help of my brother Deron I successfully filed a law suit against three members of the US Supreme Court: Justices Elena Kagan, Sonia Sotomayor and Ketanji Brown Jackson. 
  • They were legally and officially served on March 17 2023. 
  • I’m accusing them of aiding and supporting enemies of the United States Government by refusing to protect the Constitution by denying my petition regarding the allegations that there was interference in the 2020 Presidential Election.
  • They had to lawyer up.
  • A SCOTUS Judge does not have power of influence over a lower court – none. 
  • Either grant me a hearing, or be removed from office.
  • Does my judge have the power to remove them from office? Yes.
  • If I lose I can also appeal it…all the way to SCOTUS.
  • Deron and I are preparing an offer: If they can acquire the vote of another associate Justice, which will give me the four-needed votes and grant me a hearing, I will drop my case against them!

The Real News for Thurs. 20 April 2023:

  • El Paso: A group of over 1,000 immigrants are rushing the border at El Paso.
  • Canada: $100 million worth of gold stolen from Canada’s largest airport.
  • 50 Million Americans Under Severe Weather Threat This Weekend.
  • New York City to Monitor Food Consumption
  • Crime in NY City: Jim Jordan Chairs Judiciary Hearing Targeting Manhattan D.A. Alvin Bragg
  • Globalists Now Targeting Rice for food destruction – the crop that feeds half the World:
  • Oklahoma: (Weather Manipulation?) A large oil tank farm has exploded from a lightning strike in Bethel Acres, Oklahoma. Witnesses reported seeing the entire sky red on Wed. 19 April.
  • Istanbul, Turkey was covered by a huge black cloud that covered the Sun for almost five minutes on Wed. 19 April.
  • Sudan: U.S. sending Marines to Djibouti to prepare for an evacuation of U.S. Embassy staff in Sudan.
  • Africa: you need an ID to access water supply
  • Paris France: Protesters invade Euronext, the Paris Stock Exchange after anger against Macron’s pension reform on Wed. 19 April.
  • New York: US authorities arrested two men Monday for setting up a Chinese “police station” in New York and charged 34 Chinese public security officials for a campaign to monitor and harass US-based dissidents.
  • All royalties and prime ministers around the world have been removed, arrested or executed (2020).
  • On Thurs. 20 April Starship, the most powerful rocket ever developed, lifted off from Starbase Texas, and then exploded in the air.
  • Bill Gates donated $319 million to media organizations over the years. Soros funneled $131 million to 253 media organizations in 4 years. Bezos bought the Washington Post. Pfizer spent $2.8 billion in media advertisements just last year alone (A vaccine so awesome you have to spend 2.8 billion dollars a year to convince people to take it.)

*There is so much going on & we don’t have the time to watch the videos that we would like to.
Here is a selection. Even the headlines tell us much.

Benjamin Fulford Mega Report 4/20: Ukraine War Ended!! Fall Of Fake Biden Regime Imminent!! 250000 Ukrainian Soldiers Dead!! Nazi = NATO!! Khazarian Mafia Losing Control All Over The World!!

Dolly Parton’s Death Jab Bioweapon Witchcraft Propaganda Has Not Aged Well at All!

Breaking News!! Midwife Says NO Normal Placentas Since Vaccine Rollout… Vaxxed Or Not!! “Covid Bumps” Calcification Of The Placenta Of Vaccine Moms!! Silver-Grey Shrunken Placentas!!

The Disturbing Connection Between Mass Shootings & Microwaves! Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Interview! – Man In America

Dr. Ana Mihalcea – Major Chain Grocery Meat Full of Structures Like Vaxx! Australia & U.S – BBC Drops Bombshell About Vaxx Injuries – An Inconvenient Truth – A Necessary…

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*For months we have been told to expect certain events which have not eventuated, or may be slow to do so. No doubt things are happening & we are impatient for full disclosure. We just have to hang in there, prepare & hope for the best.

Extract from “Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Tues. 18 April 2023

In a few hours the whole World is going to change!
People won’t believe their eyes when they see this!
Donald J. Trump and Elvis Presley are going LIVE together!
After 45 years, Elvis Presley is ready to step out of the SHADOWS!
Donald J. Trump and Elvis Presley will EXPOSE THE ELITES!

Many Politicians and government appointees jobs at risk for not signing Oath of Office to protect the Constitution:
JUAN:  I heard from Ann Vandersteel who did a broadcast yesterday with breaking news.

On Friday, a bunch of politicians and appointees had been NOTIFIED that their documentation and certification for taking the Oath of Office … (which is REQUIRED … for all office holders, whether they are elected or appointed)…. Was NOT on filed.

They had been FOIA-ed and could not produce those documents.

There might be a ceremonial taking of the Oath when a person takes office, but it MUST be followed up with a signed and notarized written Oath that is FILED correctly.

The penalty for violating the Oath of Office is perjury.

FACT:  Signing these documents is MANDATORY.

FACT:  They must certify their oath BEFORE they begin the duties of their office.

And the signed document must be Witnessed…. By the Notary who puts their seal on it… and filed correctly

People like the head of the CDC, and Secretary of the Army, etc. need that signed Oath.

The breaking news also said that Vice President Kamala Harris did not certify and file her Oath of Office.

She was put on NOTICE in the last 48 hours…. That she has 10 days to get that done, she is out of office.

I have been going over this with other people in the legal arena.

The reality is… anything these uncertified people have done up until that documentation is filed correctly…is NOT LEGAL.

Mon. 17 April Ann Vandersteel: Do we have Public servants in office right now acting as ‘elected officials’ without swearing allegiance to the Constitution? Immediately terminate positions for those who cannot produce an affidavit swearing allegiance to the Constitution: 

For those individuals who have failed or refused to produce an affidavit as required by 5 U.S. Code, Section 3332, demand that those persons provide the U.S. Attorney and this Court with the compulsory affidavit within ten (10) days. For those individuals who do not produce the 5 U.S. Code, Section 3332 affidavit within ten (10) days as described above; as well as, those who have admitted they do not possess the requested affidavit and those who have produced defective affidavits:

a.     Immediately terminate their appointments or positions;

b.    Render all official acts, bills, laws, regulations, or any official actions whatsoever, including the appointment of any subordinates void ab initio and;

c.    Replace and restore all proper, former office holders until competent replacements can be lawfully appointed.

A Writ of Quo Warranto [Document shown – Case Number 2023] to the U.S. Attorney in the District of Columbia…Petitioner-In Re: LISA MCGEE…stating that ‘Numerous Oaths of Office CANNOT be found on file for many of our federal officials including:

1.     U.S. Vice President, Kamala Harris

2.    Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin III

3.    Director of Center of Disease Control and of Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Rocheli Walensky

4.    U.S. Secretary of Treasury, Janet Yellen

5.    U.S. Secretary of Energy, Jennifer Granholm

6.    FDA’s Principal Deputy Commissioner Janet Woodcock

7.    U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services, Xavier Beuerra

8.    U.S. Secretary of Transportation, Pete Buttigieg

9.    Secretary of State Antony Blinken

10.  Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, Alejandro Maynrkas

11.  Secretary of Commerce, Gina M. Raimondo

12.  Department of Justice, Attorney General Merrick Garland

13.  Commissioner of Food and Drug Administration, Robert M. Califf M.D.

14.  Secretary of Labor, Marty Walsh

15.  Deputy Secretary of Labor, Julie Su

Barack Obama’s Family Admit He’s NOT American and Michelle Is ‘Not What He Seems’

Illegitimate President
Is there anything real about America’s first black president – or is he a total fraud? Are Barack and Michelle Obama the biggest con jobs in history?
Who is Barack Obama? His older brother claims the president has been lying about everything including where he was born. His supposed former classmates claim he didn’t attend Columbia University. The man is a carefully constructed fake, designed to inflict maximum damage on America and the free world.
And according to Barack Obama’s own family, his wife, Michelle, is actually a man. Where does the deception end?
Malik Obama says everybody in the Obama family calls Barack “Fake ass” and has a major truth bomb to drop about Michelle Obama too. Malik’s revelations come at the same time as Columbia University graduates, who were supposedly in the same class as Barack Obama, admit they have no memory of him at all.

Continue ReadingPEOPLE, IT’S TIME!

Welcome Your New Wealth

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*This may sound exciting, even unbelievable. If it comes to pass, we should remember that there is much more to life than the material. What is more important is our spiritual and consciousness evolution. We need enough of the material to be comfortable; too much wealth can divert us from what is more important in life.

Welcome Your New Wealth With Open Arms And A Smile!, Jared Rand:
Thurs. 13 April

  • So now we have a Quantum Financial System, which is all not on world technology, it’s a mingling of good intending beings for this transition.
  • I know people who have exchanged and you never hear from them and they never say another word.
  • Allegedly there’s this book, 49 pages whatever, in the book it tells you who you can donate to and who you can’t, I don’t know who invented that one because the quantum system already identifies the parasitecles that are trying to rekindle any kind of powerbase.
  • You have to be careful of some of the descriptions of things and how they’ve been laid out for the people who are involved with the exchange.
  • All Americans are going to be wealthy, there’s no ifs and buts about it, it’s an inevitability and eventually the rest of the planet. All Americans are owed a massive amount of money.
  • Right now the parasites are rushing to put together an immediate crash so they can introduce a central bank digital currency.
  • People look at the stock market and say “How can it be doing so good?” It’s not, it’s all fake.
  • We have a corporation that’s been kicking the can down the road trying to avoid paying its debts and after over 200 years it’s now over and all the versions of it are over.
  • Revaluation of currencies has to happen, it’s logic, it’s not a secret, it’s not unusual, other countries throughout the ages have revalued their currencies.
  • You have to revalue the currencies to equalize the playing field of the new structure of planet Earth, in order to do that we go back to a gold backed currency
  • The people in this country will become wealthy because the RV and all the RVers will do their exchanges and they’ll have a lot of money, it’s a given, and all the bond trades, all done and taken care of.
  • American people will be paid for years, none will be broke, none will be poor, slums will disappear, the gangs will disappear too, it’s a total restructuring of humanity on this planet.
  • It will be difficult for some people because they’re headlong thrusted into the game the parasitecles have been playing.
  • So the people will be hydrated well, I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a weekly payout to people, it’s going to help everybody get on their feet.
  • Since we’re so near there’s a lot of creeps trying to discredit and redirect people.
  • This money that you’re going to be receiving is yours, the people will benefit greatly who have hung in there over the last 15 years or more with this RV through all the crap, all the made up stuff and the false starts.
  • We’re all in this together, I don’t care what your status is, we’re all one people and we help each other, this is a major transition and the majority of the people really don’t have a clue.
  • We all know that the money will be fantabulous but that’s when our responsibility begins
  • When I talk about new Earth it’s literal because all these new technologies will be implemented, all the old antiquated technologies, that hold people back from growth, will be gone.
  • The American people will be paid money for about 12 years, by then we probably won’t need money any more, we really won’t, and I think some people are insecure about that or the new digital system attached to our new monetary system.
  • We have the gold backed currency, then we have the digital end with certain software programs running the digital end, and there’s no shenanigans from corrupt bankers ever again to mess with it.
  • This is a huge adjustment, I don’t think people comprehend it. Why take it seriously? This is a transition that’s already done!
  • You look at this whole happening that’s progressing, on the left side you have the old Earth that some people are still connected with, to them it seems so real that it’s doom and gloom. Then on the right you have new Earth, and new Earth is operating and absolutely smoothly moving along. That’s the new structure and that’s where all the new technologies will come in.This is a spiritual evolution for humanity.
  • This RV isn’t going to be like you thought it was, it’s going to be a lot simpler, these folks have been working on this for years, these people aren’t rookies.
  • This is a whole different existence, this wouldn’t be happening in old Earth, the RV happening in new Earth not old Earth, the energy is too dense in old Earth, new Earth is higher frequency and easier to introduce the RV
  • This is a major, major change, people will have Quantum accounts, no one will be able to mess with their money, money will be sent freely across the planet, that’s a huge difference.
  • Use discernment with all the new technologies that will be coming out.
  • CBDC is old Earth, if we look at what’s really happening we see a new Earth and you see a lot of happy people, you see the elimination of disease on the planet, you see the elimination of the body dying from old age.
  • So for the people that aren’t in the RV it’s no big deal because you’ll get paid very nicely for a long time.
  • Who’s in charge of releasing the massive amounts of hydration starting with the RV? Who are the ones in charge of releasing the wealth? Rumor has it that it’s the Chinese Elders.
  • There’s two sets of Elders in Asia, quite a few years ago there was a group of nasty bankers that saw the writing on the wall so they migrated to China and set up shop and called themselves the Elders, they’re fake, their spirituality is in the toilet.
  • Now, there is a real group of Elders, this is a group of Chinese and other Asian heritages that protect massive quantities of wealth until such a time when things are cleared up enough where they say OK we’ll release it.
  • People ask what’s the status on the Federal Reserve note? 80% of the people on planet Earth, and it’s growing, are no longer using the US Dollar, it’s pretty slick how they’ve hidden that in the US.
  • When you start putting two and two together you’ll start realizing wow this is really near, that’s reality, this is really, really, really near.
  • So we transfer to the currency end of it, the rainbow currency, gold backed currency, then we add on the digital end with Lobstr and Stellar software programs and then we have the digital transfers to the Quantum system and then the SWIFT fiat system is dead, this is like overnight guy’s, then the new system rises up out of the ashes of the old one.
  • When the parasitecles go to exchange their currency they’ll say we’ve got a trailer full of $100 Fed notes, the bank or exchange center will say see ya, have a good day, and that’s what we’re looking at.
  • David Straight’s been running tirelessly all over this country teaching people, I wish that could have been done decades ago but it’s all about timing, the more people that are educated and start connecting the dots, they start realizing wow we have really been mistreated as a people.
  • Some of you have wealth managers, bankers or tellers that you’ve established a rapport with through the years, don’t be surprised if out of the clear blue you get a phone call, and they tell you that we’d like you to come in at such and such a time for your exchange.
  • Not everyone will get those phone calls, some people will have to dial in with an 800#
  • You’d be surprised at how many people they have listed that bought one Dinar, if you bought currency from somewhere your name was recorded and reported in and the ones that gifted currency are also probably listed.
  • The ones that stole currency are listed but not in a good light, if you know what I mean.
  • Let’s just look at the money, it’s a done deal guys, that horse has been kicked so long it’s over, it’s done, people will start getting contacted, don’t even think twice about it or try to figure out how it’s going to be played out, this is going to play out surprisingly good.
  • So don’t be surprised if some of you get a call out of the clear blue asking you to come in and exchange, that’s not what you’ve been told the last fifteen years is it?
  • There’s going to be an adjustment period no doubt about that, some will do it quicker than others
  • Within the next decade most of these advanced technologies will be moving fluidly throughout society, people will be using them in everyday lives and they will be absolutely elated at what they’ll be able to do.
  • It’s all done, it’s all done, period, the fat lady has already sung, is there anything holding anything up? No!
  • Like I said some will get a phone call and some won’t, if someone calls in and doesn’t have currency they’ll get cut off, they’re prepared to get jokesters calling in.
  • The Zim was designed for a lot of money, more than any of the other so called currencies, it was engineered and designed to do one thing, when the time came right.
  • The RV, you’re in it, you stayed in it and now it’s so near you’ll start experiencing, you’ll be in real time I’ll put it that way, you’ll say it’s real and then pinch yourself.
Continue ReadingWelcome Your New Wealth

The Global Currency Reset

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*Extracted from a GCR
Several independent sources have confirmed that:

  • By Wed. 29 March the Iraqi Dinar had revalued in-country and was trading on the back screens internationally as a gold/asset-backed currency.
  • On Sat. 1 April the new Global Financial System became official, including the gold/asset-backed US Note.
  • As of Sun. 2 April Bond financing – that funded the GCR – had been completed.
  • On Mon. 3 April Bond payouts began.
  • Wed. 5 April the USD was no longer accepted in any country except for the US, Canada and Mexico. Those three countries would accept it for about another three months.
  • Thurs. 6 April: Activation-liquidation of Dubai 1 working capital funds.
  • By Mon. 10 April the Global Currency Reset had been fully funded; Dubai 2 groups of Sovereign Buyers started contracts with various trusts; large file sellers and funds were paying out to various entities and Chinese Bond Holders received their Q Cards from HSBC (from 12 versions of Chinese Bonds), with a promise that they would have access to 1% of funds on their Q Cards by Fri. 14 April.
  • One minute after midnight Fri. morning 14 April, the GCR Codes were released, which instigated big celebrations in Zurich; the Elders were in Reno getting paid, plus Bond Holders and US Native Americans received their first payment of 1%.
  • Sun. 16 April or Mon. 17 April NESARA/GESARA was set to be released, while all banks around the world were required to be on the Quantum Financial System, or would lose their license to operate.
  • Mon. 17 April the new USN was set to be revealed, Bond Holders, plus US Native Americans would get their 9%.
  • On Tues. 18 April the Central Bank of Iraq had said that the Iraqi Dinar would have a “new monetary value.” Intel reported that the USN would be activated on Tues, plus Bond Holders would have access to their funds at 4 am that Tues. morning.
  • The Cabal’s Blackrock and Blackwater were bankrupt. The US Federal Reserve Dollar was dead, with only the US, Canada and Mexico accepting it for trade for the next three months, and then no more. The White Hats have taken the money away from the Federal Reserve, all Central banks, IMF, UN, and the BIS bank. Derivatives would cause many banks to be closed.
  • The White Hats have all the names of corrupt people who have currency and they will NOT be allowed to exchange in the Global Currency Reset.
  • Awake-in-3D: RV/GCR infrastructure? IMF and DCMA Announces Global Foreign Exchange Digital Currency | Dinar Chronicles

Sat.15 April American Patriot:

  • Starting Sunday 16 April the shift to all things Quantum begins. All banks around the world are using QFS (Quantum Financial System) exclusively. 
  • Any bank that attempts to transfer money via SWIFT loses its ability to be in the banking/financial industry.  The authorities (of White Hat) are not fooling around.
  • This is about putting a final nail in the coffin for “Money Laundering” and wrongdoing.  When the general public, and bad actors involved in illegal activities, find out that the QFS is tracking the movement of money for 50 movements (and more), they will break out in more than a sweat. 
  • Desperation will have set in, leading to (potentially) desperate acts.  So, all the doom and doom warning videos and discussions of EMF attacks/ blackouts/ blackouts, whatever the evil Cabal might entertain in retaliation, is possible, but not likely.
  • We can see the evidence.  Payers everywhere are reaching out to your downline with reports of money being released.  The only wait is for the Quantum to let go of everything, according to approved, verified GOLD accounts maintained by tens of thousands of good people, Dreamers, just like you and me. 
  • These are people in CMKX, on many platforms that were created to participate in the Glory Days of the Trust and Paper Money Buy/Sell Ponzi Scheme, which proliferated in the 1990s. These are people who joined Groups Private and received SKR, government bonds and currencies that were subsequently traded on similar platforms.  These accounts number in the tens of thousands and Quantum has touched everyone to qualify both the recipient, the source of funds and all the people who participate, in fees, in commissions, all the people who in some way participated in obtaining this money.  What an incredible feat that has been!
  • This massive Momentous Event will touch all corners of the world, especially those most damaged by the evil Cabal Cartels that have been instrumental in this corruption.
  • Evidence that this is underway can be found in the announcement made on Fri. 14 April by the Central Bank of Iraq, which states that Iraq will have a “new monetary value” within the next 3 days.  The CBI is closed Sat. and Sun, so that means Tuesday!
  • Evidence that NESARA/GESARA is underway will be on enormous display from all directions.  Mississippi and Kentucky have announced that there is no STATE INCOME TAX.  North Carolina has approved a bill to hold a State Convention and secede from the Federal Union, this after the same Assembly that took place in Abilene, TX, at the end of 2021, it seems that it is time to finally see the end from the tyranny of the WEF/ WHO/ UN and its Evil Class. 
  • Quantum has been activated and there is no going back! All Bank Operations must be carried out 100% with the Quantum System and any non-certified bank, which means that they lose their license to operate if there is not a digital certification attached to each transfer, as in other banks such as Wells Fargo which already operates 100% in the Quantum System. 
  • This is in every country in the World. Cheaters will no longer be able to cheat.

The Real News for Sun. 16 April:
Bragg Corrupt:
New York: Manhattan D.A. Alvin Bragg possesses exculpatory evidence showing Donald Trump did not intend to pay Stormy Daniels alleged hush money before the 2016 election, undercutting the prosecutor’s felony case that Trump falsified 2017 repayment records to benefit his campaign.
The Secret of the Illuminati:
The Secret Covenant of the Jewish Secret Society known as the Order of the Illuminati. Issued under the supreme authority of the Jewish Bograh and sanctioned by the Jewish Rothschild dynasty (Europe ) and the Jewish Rockefeller dynasty (USA).
Climate Policies:
Deputy managing director of the IMF, Bo Li, admits that countries are required to enforce climate policies as a condition of borrowing money from the IMF. So Globalist financial bodies under the UN, are forcing governments to force corporations to force YOU into complying with totalitarian Net Zero policies, in order to solve a non-existent problem (the “climate crisis”).
Transhumanist Agenda:
Part of the Satanic NWO agenda is to create mass infertility around the world which in part has been achieved thanks to the Convid vaccines, GMO’s, fluoridated water and microplsctics. The EctoLife company is helping accelerate the transhumanist agenda by creating artificial womb pods which is promoted through the WEF and other NGO’s under the guise of sustainability and depopulation.
Bill Gates Chinese Connection:
Bill Gates has invested in Chinese companies that are improving the CCP military. He and Warren Buffett both invested in a company called “BYD” that, among other things, is developing technology to launch military satellites into space for China. So Bill Gates is subsidizing that. But more than that, Bill Gates is also an advisor to President Xi. He was brought into something called the Chinese Academy of Engineering, which sounds so wonderful and khaki-oriented. It is actually an organization that is obviously controlled by the Chinese Communists and is only open to members who are considered politically reliable. The organization itself says so. Bill Gates is a member in the capacity of this body, advising the Chinese government on technological conflicts.
Worldwide Military Operation have arrested or are to arrest and hold Military Tribunals on Global Elites including Obama, Biden and 80% of Congress:

Continue ReadingThe Global Currency Reset

Corrupt Voting & Legal Systems

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*What applies to the USA, also applies in a similar way to much of the rest of the world.

The Ken & Barbie vs. Goliath IRS Tax Case has shown that our entire US Court System has illegally operated since Abraham Lincoln suspended Habeas Corpus in 1861.
The US Military counted official watermarked ballots of the 2020 Election and found that Trump won in every state by an over 80% vote, after which Trump didn’t leave office, but put the Military in charge. The Military staged a Biden inauguration in part on a Hollywood movie set where he gave his Oath of Office on a Satanic Bible.
It was estimated that 80% of Congress was involved in pedophilia and collusion with foreign powers, especially the Chinese Communist Party, to influence the 2020 Election.
Biden Lost: There were now 46 out of 50 states that have recounted the 2020 Election vote and confirmed that Biden lost the vote.
Allegations of Fraud in the 2020 Election: If SCOTUSconsidered the Brunson Case and ruled that Congress did not investigate the 50 formal allegations of fraud in the 2020 Election before certifying the Election (which they did not) and therefore violated their Oath of Office, then the Biden Administration and all of Congress would automatically be suspended.
Another complication has come into play in that it has recently been found that most members of Congress and those in the Biden Administration never took an Oath of Office to the Constitution. Therefore, they were never legally in office in the first place – which would pave the way for a Military Takeover until a new election could be held.

RALAND BRUNSON- BIG NEWS- BREAKING – Debbie Faris 4 15 2023:
Debbie Faris talks to Raland Brunson about the SCOTUS Petition and the NEW EFFORTS in the Fight to hold 3 Lib members of SCOTUS to their CONSTITUTIONAL OATH. April 14 2023: Breaking news from Raland Brunson, the Brunson v. Adams et al SCOTUS case 22-380 originator. He is now suing three Supreme Court Justices and here are his thoughts, shared publicly for the first time. Raland wants our participation, go to to download the letter to Utah Federal Judge #BrunsonCharge #LetsGoBrunson $2.00 and they send it out for you.

COMING APRIL 20TH: Flight of the Brunson Brothers
This fight is not about reinstating Donald Trump, it’s about taking America back! The Brunson Brothers engineered a case to sue the United States congress for not upholding their constitutional oath when a little over two years ago, its members openly stated the election needed to be investigated, and yet, 380+ members ignored their oath and certified the 2020 fraudulent presidential election.
You can join the Brunsons in their petitions to save the Constitution and free and fair elections by sending SCOTUS a letter: Brunson Brothers Music – Petition The Supreme Court…

You Can Help Save Our Beloved Constitution, Which is Hanging by a Thread:
The Brunson Case alleges that 385 members of Congress, plus Biden, Harris and Pence violated their oath of office to protect the Constitution and committed Treason by not investigating 50 formal allegations of fraud in the 2020 Election.
So far the Supreme Court has refused to hear the case on two separate filings, though a third filing 23-4042 from Tenth Circuit Court in Denver, has now reached the Supreme Court on Rule 11 (National Emergency).
18 USC 2382 Misprision of Treason: It appeared that by federal statue, the Supreme Court must hear the Brunson case, or risk being be tied to the alleged Treason, “Whoever of, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of Misprision of Treason.”
On March 17, 2023 Raland Brunson served three Supreme Court Justices – specifically  Justices Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, and Ketanji Brown Jackson. The justices have already “lawyered up”: Read Raland Brunson’s stellar filing against them here:
If SCOTUS ruled that Congress did not investigate the 50 formal allegations of fraud in the 2020 Election before certifying the Election (which they did not) and therefore violated their Oath of Office, then the Biden Administration and all of Congress would automatically be suspended.
Another complication has come into play in that it has recently been found that most members of Congress and those in the Biden Administration never took an Oath of Office to the Constitution. Therefore, they were never legally in office in the first place – which would pave the way for a Military Takeover until a new election could be held.
How We the People can get involved in a matter of National Security and require the Supreme Court to hear the Brunson Case:
You can join the Brunsons in their petitions to save the Constitution and free and fair elections by sending SCOTUS a letter: Brunson Brothers Music – Petition The Supreme Court…

NEED MIRACLES? Raland Brunson of the Brunson Brothers Supreme Court Cases is now shipping out copies of “MIRACLES: In God We Trust” and “A More Perfect Union” produced by Raland Company.  To support the cause you can order your copies of these important Liberty Education DVDs for a donation of only $25 – which includes FREE shipping and FREE pocket Constitutions. Donate here:

Super Patriot Liberty Library – perfect for Home School Education, or as a legacy gift to children and grandchildren.  Educate to Save America.  See the bounteous package of valuable materials here:

Free Liberty Garden Seeds:

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The Storm Has Arrived

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Trump Never Left Office
The Military Is In Charge
The Storm Has Arrived!

*The following is extracted from Judy Byington’s GCR. She has worked diligently to give us her update.

Brace Yourselves – The Storm Has Arrived!:
Military Tribunals at GITMO – Dark To Light – The Great Awakening – Government Shutdown – Comeback Bigger Than Setback – White Hats in Control – Game Over!

Prepare For Emergency Broadcast System Activation
The EBS will involve Ten Days of Communication Darkness where Phones, Internet, Credit/Debit Cards and ATMs will not work, while three eight-hour documentaries will be broadcast on TV and Radio 24/7.

*This message has been given time & time again:
It’s only wise to have at least a month’s supply of food, water, cash & essential items on hand.

  • Brace Yourselves – The Storm Has Arrived!: Military Tribunals at GITMO – Dark To Light – The Great Awakening – Government Shutdown – Comeback Bigger Than Setback – White Hats in Control – Game Over!
  • U.S. Nuclear Bomber Planes Deployed In Act Of Strength | Republican Informer
  • New Jersey: Baggage claim reportedly evacuated at Newark International airport due to security situation.
  • Tennessee: Nashville Airport Was Evacuated Due To ‘Noxious Odor;’ One Hospitalized.
  • Maine: A train carrying hazardous materials has derailed and caught fire in Rockwood, Maine.
  • Kentucky: Mass shooting with multiple people injured and fatalities at the park in Louisville, Kentucky.
  • Alabama: At least 20 people have been shot at a teenager’s birthday party at a dance studio in Dadeville, Alabama.
  • Georgia: A half-mile radius Shelter-in-place has been issued following a large chemical plant fire in Brunswick, Georgia.
  • Sudan: Civilian planes are on fire at Khartoum airport in Sudan, amid ongoing clashes between army and paramilitary forces after a coup attempt. The UN aircraft has been destroyed at the airport in Khartoum, the capital city of Sudan. The airport has been taken over by the Rapid Support Forces. The government Sudanese Armed Forces are pro-American and the Rapid Action militia (SIS) are pro-Russian.
  • Japan Prime Minister evacuated after blast at speech in Wakayama.

WARNING, this is not a Test. This is an Actual Emergency.
Be on the lookout for unexpected Amazon Deliveries. They may contain a powdery substance. If you receive one of these packages, immediately call emergency services and/or poison control. ABOVE All, TRUST YOUR FEELINGS!

  • On Tuesday April 11, 2023 Military helicopters landed at the Utah State University Campus in Cache County Logan Utah.
  • There were five individuals apprehended at USU for the manufacturing and distribution of Ricin and other highly toxic materials that were being sent to “conservatives” across the country by way of Amazon shipments.
  • The Ricin shipments were also destined against certain individuals in Cache Valley.
  • The incident was covered up with a story about USU’s ROTC Program.

I, Tom Fairbanks, was asked to make a news release warning America of this latest threat to conservatives across the country.
Tom Fairbanks
Community Health Advocate

Restored Republic:
The EBS will be brought in by “The Event” – and it will be Biblical: They will make out it’s WW3 but really they are activating Militaries, and then bombing all of these Satanic Luceriferian landmarks. They will enact GESARA funds and then We The People rebuild.

  • 34 Satanic Buildings and Dams will Fall. Rods of God/DEW Worldwide.
  • Q said some of the Satanic Illuminati Landmarks are: Vatican, Buckingham Palace, Whitehouse x 2 (USA, Germany), 3GD in China. Cern on the Swiss/French Border possible.  Big Pharma in Wuhan = Israel
  • Israel/Khazarians control the Chinese Communist Party and the Media.
  • Planes & Trains grounded. Lights/Power switched off as we change over to Tesla Free energy.
  • Bitcoin Servers/Data Center hit and turned off for good. 99.5% of Crypto gone China Coins. Enter ISO20022 Coins backed by Precious Metals.
  • WW3 Scare Event. Nuke Sirens; Water Event; Stock Market Crash; Global Martial Law;
    Castle Rock Scenario Julian Assange; Quantum Systems. Project Odin Switched on.
  • Nesara/Gesara/RV
  • Election Flipping via Military Courts – FISA
  • Military Tribunals/confessions/10 day movie – 3 × 8 hr sessions.
  • Ten countries will be running EBS to cover the whole World.
  • The ISRAELI MOSSAD controls the World’s Media out of the US.
  • Ron CodeMonkeyz said Project Odin was a powerful Anti-Deplatforming tool.
  • Project Odin is part of Quantum Starlink.
  • Our new Quantum Systems are to be protected by Secret Space Programs.
  • Q2337 tells you Mossad Media Assets will be removed. Think people like Alex Jones, Anderson Cooper etc and also Mossad Satellites.
  • Israeli intelligence – stand down.

Emergency Broadcast System Alerts:

  • POTUS will tweet “My fellow Americans, The Storm is upon us,” which was the trigger for us to go into full Global Martial Law.
  • We would then receive seven “Trumpets,” aka E B S text messages, on our phones alerting us to tune into our TV, radio or phones.
  • Via the US Military, all militaries across the Globe would shut down all Media, Internet, Phones and TV programming. (Emergency services would remain active).
  • During that time the Internet and ATMs would not work and phones would only work for calling 911.
  • This Global Martial Law would include a ten day Communication Darkness where the Emergency Broadcast System would be activated worldwide to play eight-hour documentaries three times a day (24/7) on the subjects of fraud, corruption, pedophilia, arrests and tribunals of Global Elites.
  • The Militaries would remove governments worldwide which were under control of the Cabal, while making arrests on 500,000 sealed indictments across the Globe.
  • After the 10 days of Communication Darkness, we would then connect to a new Quantum Internet.
  • Old systems of Government, Education, Finance, Health, Trade and Commerce etc., would be dismantled and replaced.
  • GESARA/NESARA would be activated.
  • In the US, the IRS (which was actually a Puerto Rican Trust owned by the Cabal) would be dismantled and replaced with a 14% tax on the sale of new items only, with no tax on food or medicine.
  • The US would go back to Common Law instead of adhering to Admiralty Law, which was only loyal to the Crown of England. Under Common Law if there was no damage or harm done, then there was no violation of the law. This would eliminate millions of laws which were used to control the masses and protect corrupt politicians. Lawyers, Judges and officers of the Court would be retrained in Common Law.
Continue ReadingThe Storm Has Arrived

Vax by mRNA Meat

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*No need to be jabbed. You will now be vaxxed through what you eat.
I’ve taken to heart what Dr, Ana has said & bought a good microscope to examine the blood of friends & family, as well as to monitor the meat & milk.
Be proactive, get out there, spread the word & help your fellow human beings.
Also, DETOX & protect yourself from WIFI. Your life is at stake! Be a survivor!

mRNA Meat Is Here! – Stores Already Selling Vaxxed Meat? – The Eugenics Operation Continues!
Josh Sigurdson reports on the news of mRNA tainted meat already being sold in supermarkets as we see a large spike in myocarditis and blood clots among the unvaccinated.
In this video, Josh reports on the recent findings and why we need to start getting from organic pasture raised farms and buying storable foods immediately.

MIT, The University Of California and The University of Mexico City have been openly talking about growing mRNA vaccines through fruits and vegetables as well as injecting it into meat for a while. China has recently successfully “vaccinated” mice with mRNA tainted milk.
Now, as the covid emergency order has been finally dropped in the United States, evidence is coming out that many major factory farms are already giving cows mRNA vaccines and selling the meat to supermarkets without the knowledge of the consumer.
This is an incredibly dangerous move that could kill millions of people.
While many major beef companies seem unaware of the trend, videos are coming out of farmers applying the mRNA to their cows as well as studies done showing the effects of vaccines on people who are apparently unvaccinated.


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Summary of American History

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Tironianae Ultra Verbum Vincet:
1) The Revolutionary War was a fraud. The “United States” did not actually declare Independence from Great Britain or the King.

2) America is a British Colony. (“THE UNITED STATES IS A CORPORATION, NOT A LAND MASS, THAT EXISTED BEFORE THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR.”  [Information taken from the Articles of Association, October 20th, 1774] [Further more] “THE BRITISH TROOPS DID NOT LEAVE UNTIL 1796.” – Respublica v. Sweers 1 Dallas 43, Treaty of Commerce 8 Stat 116, The Society for Propagating the Gospel, &c. V. New Haven 8 Wheat 464, Treaty of Peace 8 Stat 80, IRS Publication 6209.)

3) The King of England financed both sides of the Revolutionary war. (Treaty at Versailles July 16, 1782, Treaty of Peace 8 Stat 80.)

4) The gold fringe (symbolic of Royalty), which is attached to the border of every U.S. flag hanging in every courtroom across America, symbolizes America being ruled, to this day, by Great Britain, under International Maritime Admiralty Law.

5) There are no judicial courts in America and there have not been any since 1789. Judges do not enforce Statutes and Codes. Executive Administrators enforce Statutes and Codes. (FRC v. GE 281 US 464, Keller v. PE 261 US 428, 1 Stat. 138-178)

6) There have not been any judges in America since 1789. There have only been Administrators. (FRC v. GE 281 US 464, Keller v. PE 261 US 428 1 Stat. 138- 178)

7) The most powerful court in America is not the United States Supreme Court, but the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. (42 Pa.C.S.A. 502)

8) If you are of legal age and retain legal counsel in your defense, you are automatically assumed, by the court, to be a mentally incompetent ward of the court, and can therefore be remanded indefinitely to any mental institution of the court’s choosing.

9) You cannot use the U.S. Constitution (1873) to defend yourself, because you are not a party to it. (Padelford Fay & Co. v. The Mayor and Alderman of The City of Savannah 14 Georgia 438, 520.)

10) “The People” does not include you and me. (Barron v. Mayor & CitCouncil of Baltimore, 32 U.S. 243)

11) You own no property. Read the Deed to the property that you think is yours. You are listed as a tenant. Legally, the term human “being” refers to an animal impersonating a human, such as a slave. Under the law, slaves can’t own property. (Senate Document 43, 73rd Congress 1st Session.)

12) We are slaves and own absolutely nothing, not even what we think are our children. Read your birth certificate. Your mother is listed as an informant. (Tillman v. Roberts 108 So. 62, Van Koten v. Van Koten 154 N.E. 146, Senate Document 43 & 73rd Congress 1st Session, Wynehammer v. People 13 N.Y. REP 378, 481.)

13) Military Dictator George Washington divided the States (Estates) into Districts based upon the ritualistic practice of dissecting Masonic squares. This is why, even today, so many towns are built on ‘the square’. America truly is “the land of the free”, Freemasons, that is. (Messages and papers of the Presidents, Vol. 1, pg 99. Websters 1828 dictionary for definition of Estate.)

14) In addition to obsession with Masonic ritual, symbols, and architecture, the “United States” is the first “Country”, from it’s very inception, to have been surveyed and engineered according to Masonic ritual and specification.

15) The United States does not have any employees, because there is no longer a United States. No more reorganization. (Executive Order 12803) Do not impersonate one of it’s creditors or shareholders or you will go to Prison. (18 U.S.C.914)

16) Before “911” and “Pearl Harbor”, the “Boston Tea Party” was the first ‘false-flag’ operation enacted to promote further hostilities toward the indigenous tribes of North America.

17) The causes behind World War I, World War II, and the Depression, were completely fraudulent. The United States was making loans to other Countries all over the World during the Depression. In the early 1930’s, the building of Germany’s Infrastructure, Railroads, Military, and funding for the Nazi Party was financed by the “United States”, including various other American Corporations and private American investors, namely Prescott Bush, the grandfather of George W. Bush.

Note that Switzerland is never involved in these fiascoes, because the “Bank of International Settlements” is located in Zurich.

18) The etymology behind what we, today in the west, would consider an innocuously ordinary, internationally dispersed banking practice called lending, is known within virtually every holy text throughout the world, including the Bible, as ‘usery’.

Usery is generally categorized as a predatory type act, or ‘preying on those who are most vulnerable’. People within the banking and loan industry, however, more commonly refer to this practice as writing a loan or mortgage. The word ‘mortgage’ comes from the Latin conjunction ‘morte-gage’, which, in English, literally means: ‘death-grip’.

19) The Federal Reserve was never legally ratified on the floor of the house and senate, and is not a U.S. government agency. It is a privately owned ‘pyramid scheme’, perpetrated against Americans by a most unethical group of world bankers, e.g. – J. P. Morgan, Paul Warburg, and J. D. Rockefeller.

20) The Internal Revenue Service isn’t a U.S. government agency, but an agency of the International Monetary Fund, aka the IMF.

The IRS was devised by bankers, to collect national debt which they, the bankers, created themselves by greatly inflating the cost of financing WWI & WWII, which they, these same bankers, instigated in the first place. The IRS then began collecting the income tax, directly imposed on the American people, as a means to insure perpetuation of an archaic class system known as ‘serfdom’, or slavery. In addition to the tax never being legally ratified, it is a direct, UN apportioned tax on the labor of the average American worker, and so therefore, according to the Constitution, is not even a legal tax. (Diversified Metal Products v. IRS et al. CV-93-405E-EJE U.S.D.C.D.I., Public Law 94-564, Senate Report 94-1148, Reorganization Plan No. 26, Public Law102 391.)

21) The 1040 tax form is quite literally ‘a form of tribute’ payed to Britain. (IRS publication 6209)

22) The IMF is an agency of the UN. (Blacks Law Dictionary 6th Ed. Pg.816)

23) The U.S. has not had a treasury since 1921. (41 Stat. Ch.214 pg. 654)

24) The U.S. Treasury is now the IMF. (Presidential Documents Volume 29 No.4 pg. 113, 22 U.S.C. 285-288)

25) NSA, FCC, CIA, FAA, FBI, IRS, and all the other ‘alphabet’ organizations, were never part of the “United States Government”, even though the U.S. held shares of stock in the various agencies. (U.S. V.Strang , 254 US 491, Lewis v. US, 680 F.2d, 1239)

26) The UN, through the IMF, issues Social Security Numbers. The application for a Social Security Number is the SS5 form. The Department of the Treasury (IMF) issues the SS5, not the Social Security Administration. The new SS5 forms do not state who or what publishes them. The earlier SS5 forms state that they are Department of the Treasury forms. You can get a copy of the SS5 you filled out by sending form SSA-L996 to the SS Administration. (20 CFR
chapter 111, subpart B 422.103 (b) (2) (2) Read the cites above.

27) According to the GATT (the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade), you must have a Social Security number. (House Report 103-826)

28) Social Security is not insurance or a contract, nor is there a trust fund. (Helvering v. Davis 301 US 619, Steward Co. V. Davis 301 US 548.

29) Your Social Security check comes directly from the IMF, which is an agency of the UN. (Look at it if you receive one. It should have written on the top left United States Treasury.)

It is not the duty of the police to protect you. Their job is to protect the “Corporation” and arrest code breakers. (Sapp v. Tallahassee, 348 So. 2nd. 363, Reiff v. City of Philadelphia, 477 F.Supp. 1262, Lynch v. N.C. Dept of Justice 376 S.E. 2nd. 247.)

31) Everything in the “United States” is For Sale: roads, bridges, schools, hospitals, water, prisons, airports, etc. Who bought Klamath Lake? Did anyone check? (Executive Order 12803.)

32) The UN has financed the operations of the United States government for more than 50 years, and now owns every man, women and child in America. The UN also holds all the Land of America in Fee Simple.

33) New York City is defined in the Federal Regulations as the United Nations, which is why
Rudolph Gulliani stated on C-Span that – “New York City is the capital of the World”. He was correct. New York City/The UN is the capital/government (governing body) of the N.W.O. (20 CFR chapter 111, subpart B 422.103 (b) (2) (2)

34) Just like Vatican City and the Financial District of London, Washington D.C. is a sovereign City-State, with it’s own constitution and flag. The flag depicts three stars, one for each City-State, with Washington D.C. representing the ‘new world military’; London representing the ‘new world monetary system’; and the Vatican representing the ‘new world religion’.

35) Great Britain is owned by the Vatican. In fact, the Pope claims to own the entire planet through the laws of conquest and discovery. (Treaty of 1213) (Papal Bulls of 1455 and 1493)

36) A Pope can abolish any law in the United States. The Pope’s laws are obligatory on everyone. Throughout History, ancient and modern, Popes have ordered the enslavement and genocide of millions. (Elements of Ecclesiastical Law, Vol. 1, 53 – 54) (Bened. XVI., De Syn. Dioec, lib, ix., ci. vii., n. 4. Prati, 1944) ( Syllabus, prop 28, 29, 44)

37) On July 7th, 2009, Pope Benedict XVI issued an encyclical letter, the most authoritative document a Pope can issue, calling for the establishment of a “world political authority”. In other words, a “New World Order”.

38) Wednesday, May 21st, 2008, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton secretly attended a closed annual meeting with approximately 130 of the world’s most insidiously tyrannical power-broker elite, known as the Bilderberg Group.

39) Every American man, woman and child is held as ‘human collateral’. Our birth certificate represents each of us as a living stock, or “live-stock”, to be traded on the world market via the FTC (Federal Trade Commission), the IMF, and that most ancient of scams, known, throughout the last millennium, to every oppressed country the world over, as – ‘the Banking and Loan Industry’ (the World Bank), with each person’s value calculated at an average lifetime estimate of revenues generated via taxation. (Executive Order 13037)

40) The good news is, under corporate law, the American people do not have to fulfill their fictitious obligations. We can discharge any fictitious obligation with that of another. Because government and various agencies/corporations can not directly interact with a living, breathing person (they must address your fictitious identity using all capital letters), we are not necessarily obliged in answering to them. Just remember, we are those who gave and continue giving government, corporate, and religious giants their power of control, therefore, if we would stand united and resolute in both our reason and purpose, e.g. – collective refusal to participate, by:

a) boycott of corporate exploitation and government taxation via ‘bartering’ amongst ourselves and smaller, locally owned businesses, while gardening and farming whenever possible;

b) conducting home births without ‘tagging’ our children with certificates, social security
numbers, or dangerous and UN-necessary drugging;

c) teaching our children at home, rather than handing them over to the state-run institution for indoctrination, needless and dangerous drugging, declination in morality, ethics, and exposure to the infectious blight of cynicism;

d) turning away from television/Hollywood, in favor of reading, writing, and speaking with one another in order of sharing truth, reason, and wisdom, so that we can ‘wake up’ and leave government, the main-stream media propaganda, and big organized religion out of our lives where they belong; – could we then begin seeing that which is, and always has been, so skillfully concealed, i.e., at any given time of our collective choosing, we can, by these and other means, take back that (our God-given, unalienable, sovereign RIGHTS) which for so long has been cleverly manipulated and patiently conditioned away from us.

Continue ReadingSummary of American History

Trust The Plan

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Global Financial Crisis
Banks Imploding Worldwide,
Which Will Bring in the Global Currency Re

Prepare For Activation of the Emergency Broadcast System
The EBS will trigger Ten Days of Communication Darkness where Phones, Internet, Credit/Debit Cards and ATMs will not work, while three eight-hour documentaries will be broadcast 24/7 on TV and Radio that explain why the 500,000 indictments on Global Elites.

Trust the Plan

Restored Republic (s):
Around Sun/Mon 9-10 April POTUS was expected to tweet
“My fellow Americans, The Storm is upon us,”
the trigger for us to go into full Global Martial Law.

We will receive seven “Trumpets,” aka E B S text messages, on our phones alerting us to tune into our TV, radio or phones.

Via the US Military, all militaries across the Globe will shut down all Media, Internet, Phones and TV programming. (Emergency services will remain active).
During that time the Internet and ATMs will not work and our phones will only work for calling 911.

This Global Martial Law will include a ten day Communication Darkness where the Emergency Broadcast System will be activated worldwide to play eight-hour documentaries three times a day (24/7) on the subjects of fraud, corruption, pedophilia, arrests and tribunals for Global Elites.

The Militaries will remove governments worldwide which were under control of the Cabal, while making arrests on 500,000 sealed indictments across the Globe.

After the 10 days of Communication Darkness, we will connect to a new Quantum Internet.

Old systems of Government, Education, Finance, Health, Trade and Commerce etc., will all be dismantled and replaced.

GESARA/NESARA will be activated.

In the US, the IRS (which was actually a Puerto Rican Trust owned by the Cabal) will be dismantled and replaced with a 14% tax on the sale of new items only, with no tax on food or medicine.

The US will go back to Common Law instead of adhering to Admiralty Law, which was only loyal to the Crown of England. Under Common Law if there was no damage or harm done, then there was no violation of the law. This would eliminate millions of laws which were used to control the masses and protect corrupt politicians. Lawyers, Judges and officers of the Court would be retrained in Common Law.

You are urged to stock up on at least three weeks of food, water, cash and essential supplies for the transition period. The Militaries will hand out food, water and essential supplies for those in need.

Trump Arrest:

  • On Tues. 4 April Trump pled not guilty to 34 charges of tax fraud, allegations that began surfacing after the opposition couldn’t prove anything on his Stormy Daniels case.
  • On that same Tues. 4 April the 9th Circuit Court awarded Trump $121,962.56 in attorney fees from Stormy Daniels – this is in addition to the roughly $500,000 she already owed him.
  • Tues. 4 April The Great Government Scam, you are a legal slave – a chattel – to US Inc.’s Federal Reserve, Charlie Ward:
  • Judy Note: It’s interesting that the 34 charges filed against Trump alleged Tax Fraud over putting down information on the wrong ledger – with the prosecutor threatening prison if our President was found guilty.
  • Trump’s arrest reminded me of the “Ken and Barbie vs. Goliath IRS” case where even though they had proven in a federal tax court that they owed no monies to the IRS, they were twice accosted by 75 member SWAT Teams, thrown out of their fully paid for home, all their possessions thrown in unknown dumpsters including expensive equipment Ken used to make a living and arrests warrants were placed on their heads.
  • Something’s very wrong here. You’d think we were living in a Police State.
  • It is my understanding that the Supreme Court had long ago ruled that the Federal Reserve and IRS (which were owned and run by the Cabal), were unlawful. The original Income Tax Amendment was only ratified by four states and therefore was not a legal amendment to the Constitution. The IRS code has never been enacted into “Positive Law.”
  • When the NESARA Law that was formed after the Supreme Court ruling, was finally enacted, the IRS (which is actually a Puerto Rican Trust owned by the Cabal) would be dismantled. I can’t wait.
  • Biden Bad News for Indicting Trump:
  • Members of the press tried to assault Trump supporters outside of the Manhattan Courthouse.

On Sat. 1 April the Florida Grand Jury indicted Joe Biden, his Staff and CIA for Child Trafficking.
On Sat. 25 March the Global Currency Reset of 209 participating nations officially began, including a move toward full Martial Law across the Globe.
None but a select few knew the exact timing, nor when Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) would receive their exchange/redemption appointments.

Tues. 4 April 2023 Bruce, The Big Call:

  • Redemption Center personnel were on call yesterday.
  • Redemption Centers have received boxes of the new Q Phones. Will be given to Zim holders first.
  • They will give you a certificate for Android and Apple Laptops – They can be used at Staples.
  • They have a lot of USN Treasury dollars from $5 to $100.
  • We can ask up to $5,000 in cash.
  • You will have Credit/Debit cards that can be used immediately.
  • You will be given a Q Card so you can move monies from your Quantum Account into your primary and secondary accounts.
  • You are the only person who can see your Quantum Account.
  • Quantum Accounts are access accounts and do not earn interest.
  • Everyone will be under a Non Disclosure Agreement for 60 days – can’t talk about exchanges, rates.
Continue ReadingTrust The Plan

Trump Indicted – Prepare for EBS

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Prepare For Emergency Broadcast System Activation

The EBS will involve Ten Days of Communication Darkness where Phones, Internet, Credit/Debit Cards and ATMs will not work, while three eight-hour documentaries will be broadcast on TV and Radio 24/7.

The 45th, 46th, 47th President of the United States Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks at Mar-a-Lago on Tuesday, April 4, 2023, at 8:15pm EST

We will not bend.
We will not break.
We will not yield.
We will never, ever surrender.
My fellow Americans, our fight is far from over.
In fact, we have only just begun.
We will never stop fighting for our Country,
For our Flag,
And for our great, beautiful Freedom.
…President Donald J. Trump

America Has ‘Crossed the Rubicon’: Mark Levin!
*Watch this powerful video*
‘Life, Liberty and Levin’ host Mark Levin reacts to the indictment of former President Donald Trump on ‘Fox & Friends’ Friday.
“I’m shaking…. Do people not realize what is happening to us .. to our country?!???”
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.” ― Ronald Reagan

Restored Republic – Emergency Broadcast System Imminent, High Level Source

  • The Military is in training for implementation of the Emergency Broadcast System
  • The trigger for the E B S will be Vaccination mandates worldwide with lockdowns.
  • The schedule is now finally firm.
  • Only a select few know the exact timing of events.
  • During a ten day Communication Darkness the E B S will play eight-hour documentaries three times a day (24/7) on the subjects of fraud, corruption, pedophilia, arrests and tribunals.
  • We will receive seven “Trumpets,” aka E B S text messages, on our phones alerting us to tune into our TV.
  • During that time the Internet and ATMs will not work and our phones will only work for calling 911.
  • After the 10 days of Communication Darkness, we will connect to a new Quantum Internet.
  • People are urged to stock up on at least three weeks of food and water.
  • We are promised activation of the new Star-link Internet System by the end of the month.
  • Old systems of Government, Education, Finance, Health, Trade and Commerce etc., will all be dismantled and replaced.

Global Martial Law:
Origin of the below information was unknown and could not be verified:

  • We need 100% of people indoors to see what the Military will broadcast on TV worldwide.
  • It is going to be painful, but we can no longer have people divided
  • Around Sun/Mon POTUS will tweet “My fellow Americans, The Storm is upon us” and we will go into full Global Martial Law.
  • POTUS will most likely be on AF1 when he sends out, on the Emergency Broadcast System, seven Presidential messages to everyone’s phones and TV sets worldwide.
  • Via the US Military, all global militaries will shut down all Media, Internet, Phones and TV programming. (Emergency services will remain active).
  • The US Military will broadcast ten days of 3×8 hour sessions of video confessions, Military Tribunals and expose a lot of evidence.
  • They will remove governments worldwide and make global arrests on 500,000 sealed indictments.
  • GESARA/NESARA will be activated.

Trump Indictment and Other Court Games:
Fox News JUST NOW: Donald Trump leaves in a car brigade from Mar-a-Lago to head to New York City. Donald Trump’s plane heads to his arraignment in New York City.
The 45th, 46th, 47th President of the United States Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks at Mar-a-Lago on Tuesday, April 4, 2023, at 8:15pm EST
Multiple U.S. Secret Service agents connected to Former President Donald Trump have been subpoenaed and are expected to testify before the D.C. grand jury on Friday. The grand jury appearances are related to the Special Counsel Jack Smith probe into the handling of classified documents at Mar-a-Lago.
General Berger Tells Trump Not to Go to New York.
NYPD: Many New York City Police Department officers will be calling in sick tomorrow in support of Donald Trump.

Under NESARA Law:

  • The Federal Reserve and IRS (which were owned and run by the Cabal) were unlawful.
  • The Income Tax Amendment was only ratified by four states and therefore was not a legal amendment. The IRS code has never been enacted into “Positive Law.”
  • The IRS (which is actually a Puerto Rican Trust owned by the Cabal) would be dismantled and replaced with a 14% tax on the sale of new items only, with no tax on food or medicine.
  • The US would go back to Common Law instead of adhering to Admiralty Law which was only loyal to the Crown of England. Under Common Law if there was no damage or harm done, then there was no violation of the law. This would eliminate millions of laws which were used to control the masses and protect corrupt politicians. Lawyers, Judges and officers of the Court would be retrained in Common Law.

NATO is part of the World Economic Forum Federal Reserve Cartel. Everything NATO has done in the last 70 years has been supported by lies and murders. Finland was set to officially join NATO on Tues. 4 April.

Bohemian Grove was a large recreational complex for Elites in California run by the Cabal that dated back to 1901 – a time after Mark Twain became a human trafficker and brought women, young boys and girls to Bohemian Grove to entertain the rich elites who were preparing for world domination – one of the main goals being Climate Change tactics to control civilization.

Operation Sandman: A collaboration of 100+ nations in agreement to simultaneously sell off their US Treasury holdings, sending them back to the US to collapse the US Dollar.

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