SE Pacific Blackhats

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Becko (Australia) – Truth Seekers – talks with SG Anon.
New SGAnon: April Showers Intel! Military Operations Australia and New Zealand! Truth Seekers 2023
April 21
* This was important for those of us who line in Australasia, so I made a transcript for the first few minutes.
What is going on now in the SE Pacific, esp in the Aus/NZ areas.
Identification & elimination of Blackhat assets holed out on islands in that area; a lot are attempting to flee, but are unable to do so, since for example the Chinese navy has cut off their escape routes back to Asia & the Middle East.

Clean=out operations ongoing – under NZ area- v. large underground military bases – also between Australia & Antarctica.
The Antarctic Ring is an area where they (Black Hats) have had ‘carte blanche’ to do anything & everything that they wanted.
Pressure being turned up on the people. The insanity is continuing to increase by these “Manchurian Govts”. Good evidence to show that for some months both Aus & NZ as well as other 5 Eyes intelligence communities have been put into some sort of continuity of govt operation where they are being forced to accelerate their plans in a catastrophic manner. This is being witnessed right now.
People are waking up to what is happening to their world, their children & their families. This is causing a catalysing of the people.
China is preparing to go into Taiwan publicly – already privately for awhile.
This will disclose: massive bio-terrorism, massive genomic targeting & weapons trafficking, much more than Ukraine. Taiwan is the epicentre of a great deal of the world”s shipping; most of their nefarious activities including compartmentalised weapon systems, drugs & children are moved around the world through shipping containers.
So Aus/NZ govts are going as fast as they can to implement their agenda, because they know that their time is running out. We have all been fooled – “taken for a ride”! We need to hunker down & stay strong as things develop in the Pacific.
It will involve The Philippines, Indonesia.
It is very likely that the Aus military will be involved at some point, as also Japan & the Koreas.
A massive, massive event.
A lot of military drills around Aus at the moment.

Stew Peters Full Show: Treason: Docs Show CIA Recruited 911 Hijackers
The evidence that exposes every scumbag that was involved in 9/11! Stew presents the evidence and documents that blows the out of the water!!

Special Forces Arrest Space Force Commander for Treason – Real Raw News Update w/Michael Baxter
Not a video. Here is part.

United States Special Forces on April 16 arrested Chief of Space Force Operations Chance Saltzman on charges of treason after Vice Adm. Darse E. Crandall and Gen. Eric M. Smith signed a military arrest warrant alleging that Saltzman had essentially bankrupted Space Force by giving most of its $27billion annual budget to Ukraine, a source in Gen. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

Saltzman, 54, had 30 years in service prior to his arrest. In 1991, he graduated from Boston University and was commissioned into the United States Air Force. He was a career missile and space operations officer with operational experience as a Minuteman III launch officer and as a satellite operator for the National Reconnaissance Office. On July 27, 2022, the criminal Joseph R. Biden nominated Saltzman for promotion to general and appointment as second chief of Space Force operations, replacing General John W. Raymond, whom President Trump had chosen to helm the fledgling armed forces branch in December 2019.

White Hats became interested in Saltzman in early March when U.S. Army Cyber Command intercepted a phone call between him and National Security Council Coordinator John Kirby. On it, Kirby asked Saltzman to send him a progress report on the development of a “communications satellite” scheduled for completion in early 2024. Saltzman reportedly replied that the project was behind schedule because he had “loaned” $19.7 billion to Ukraine’s government, as per Lloyd Austin’s instructions.

The idea sounded so preposterous that the officer who intercepted the call at first thought it was a joke—until Saltzman said, “I was told the money would be replenished. And it has to be soon. I don’t want to end up on the wrong side of a Congressional inquiry.” Kirby reassured him that since the bulk of Space Force’s projects were classified even from Congress, he could survive a farrago of inquiries by uttering just two words: “That’s classified.”

“I hope you’re right,” Saltzman told Kirby. “I was promised protection.”