Plea From Oregon

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It’s time for people to wake up & take action. Where are the patriots?
Here is what an Oregon farmer has to say.

Chemtrail Planes Continuously Flying Over Oregon:
Bonnie B
For months there has been at least five Chemtrail Planes going 15 hours a day flying over my farming valley here in Oregon. Tell me who is paying for the planes, pilots, chemicals? That is a huge expense just for our little state.

We can’t be the only state dealing with this. We are a farming state, a farming valley. They are killing us and our crops. My grandkids can’t go out to play in the park. What kind of monsters are flying those planes?

Why are We the People not fighting back? Why are we complacent about everything? I am so disgusted with myself for not doing more.

I don’t know about you, but I am totally fed up with the crap we are dealing with just to stay alive: Chemtrails, Vaccines, Child Trafficking, 70 million babies aborted by their mothers, Woke Agenda, Pedophiles, Transgender Agenda, Schools turning into something I don’t recognize and all the time making sure that my beautiful grandkids aren’t stolen on my watch. 

I know we came here at this time in history to help save this planet. I take that job seriously, but not seriously enough, I guess. This is our beautiful America being destroyed. Should we be doing more to help save Her?

Should we stand up and shout out from the roof tops at the injustice happening to us? Other countries are. Why are we not doing it more? Should we be going to the school board meetings whether we have kids in school or not? 

Are we just sitting around waiting for the Alliance to fix it? Or, are we sitting around waiting for the RV to make us rich before we stand up and fight?

Let’s be honest here. Our father’s and grandfather’s fought so we could be free. Are we doing our part to carry their torch for our grandkids?”

Masonic Killers:
UK Prime Minister Winston Churchill became a Master Mason in 1902. US President Franklin Roosevelt became a Master Mason in 1911. In order to become a Master Mason you are required to honor Satan by passing through the Masonic Royal Arch Rite (the Masonic Ceremony that turns White rites to Black rites) where you have a sexual orgy with children that culminates in performing a child sacrifice – the same ceremony that Queen Elizabeth went through where she killed a baby before she was crowned Queen according to Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivors who were made to participate in the rite as children at a military base in Australia – which makes one wonder what is planned just prior to the UK coronation of Prince Charles on Sat. 6 May 2023.

Disharmony – Rockefeller:
In 1953 a worldwide agreement was made based on an idea by the Rockefeller Foundation to change the frequency of music. They changed it from it’s natural harmonic resonance 432hz to the current consciousness suppressing 440hz. Those who control the world, knew what they were doing when they changed the frequency of music, they knew that humanity would become disengaged, dissonant, divided and disconnected. God, the General Orchestra Director, created the perfect symphony of life, love and light; a wonderful, monumental, magical symphony where everything and everyone plays a part in perfect harmony, unity and frequency, until unfortunately, humanity’s frequency changed. We are now playing out of tune, out of synch, in the wrong frequency – at odds with nature, life and each other.

Titanic Sinking – No Accident!
itanic Disaster that led to the Federal Reserve and World War 1: Do you really believe that icebergs are able to cut through steel hulls? Benjamin Guggenheim, Isa Strauss and Jacob Astor were all passengers on the Titanic. These three men were the most wealthy people of their time, thus their opinion was very important in the matters of government and economics. These three were valiantly opposed to the idea of a Federal Reserve Bank. (Which has nothing to do with USA, it’s privately owned bank) These three people had to be destroyed by any means, in a way that no one would suspect they were murdered. Roman Catholic secret society called Jesuits, with their bankers, desperately wanted a Central Bank in the United States. Once the Federal Bank reserve opposition was gone, they got their bank and started WW1 months later.