Supreme Court Ruling Favourable?

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Plan in Motion
Assets in Place
Confirmed By Alliance

It was rumored that the Supreme Court had made a positive ruling on a case of 2020 Voter Fraud (presented by Sidney Powell?). That ruling was said to be announced on Independence Day Tues. July 4. Another rumor – this time out of Japan – was that the Supreme Court had ruled in favor of the Brunson Case and would announce their decision on either Sat. 1 July, or Tues. 4 July.

Any of which could dissolve the Biden Administration and all of Congress, setting the stage to bring in soft Martial Law until a new election could be held.
The Announcement of Such was Expected to Cause Planned Riots to Break Out.

On Sun. 25 June 2023 US Navy SEALs rescued 807 enslaved tortured children from the hold of a crude oil tanker berthed in San Francisco Bay.

Restored Republic:

  • Bruce: There were two Brunson cases before the Supreme Court. The first was not granted a hearing. The second one was litigated and the Supreme Court voted in favor of the Brunsons – that Congress did not uphold their oath of office to protect the right to vote. The decision nullified the 2020 Election of the Biden Administration and all of Congress. When that decision would be made known the general public was not known.
  • Yesterday Mon. 26 June in Japan they used the Emergency Alert System to announce that Supreme Court decision on the Brunson Case, saying that the 2020 Election was nullified and President Trump would return.
  • The Alliance Military was approaching 7,000 arrests on the West Coast and around 2,000 on the East Coast.

Emergency Transmission System Warning, Ben Fulford

  • President Trump is going to tweet ‘My fellow citizens, a storm is brewing’ and that will unleash global martial law on us!
  • GESARA/NESARA will be activated!
  • The Military will remove cabal controlled governments worldwide and simultaneously arrest 500,000 sealed indictments worldwide!
  • [Seven Trumpets], aka EBS text messages alerting to tune in to TV, radio or phone, will be coming to phones!
  • Every Military throughout the World and US Military will shutdown all Media, Internet, phone and TV program. (Emergency services will still work) Internet and ATMs will not work during that time, and phones will only work if you call 911.
  • This Global Martial Law includes 10 days of communications darkness, emergency broadcast systems operating around the world, and an eight-hour documentary on fraud, corruption, pedophilia, arrests and courts around the world, to be broadcast three times a day.
  • After 10 days of communication darkness, we connected to a new network!
  • The old systems of government, education, finance, health, trade and commerce will be dismantled and replaced!
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Brunson Cases Update

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** In support of the American Patriots & therefore patriots around the world!

Brunson Cases Update:

  • The Loy Brunson Case before the Supreme Court was set for Conference (not a hearing) on Thurs. 22 June. Brunson asks why Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Mike Pence and over 300 members of Congress voted against investigating 50 allegations of voter fraud and foreign interference in the 2020 Election that had been formally presented to Congress.
  • The Raland J. Brunson Case before Federal Court Judge Jared C. Bennett asks why Supreme Court Justices Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, and Ketanji Brown Jackson supported enemies of the Constitution by voting against hearing the Brunson case, which regarded Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and over 300 members of Congress who voted against investigating allegations that there was foreign interference in the 2020 Presidential Election. Will Bennett hear the case, or will Raland Brunson be compelled to appeal his case to the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals?
  • On Mon. 19 June Loy Brunson discussed his Supreme Court Case against 388 members of Congress for Dereliction of Duty and Breach of National Security: Take Your Power Back | The ANSWER San Diego | FM 96.1 AM 1170 – San Diego, CA
  • If you want your voice to be heard go to:
  • Your Letter is Mightier Than a Sword, Brunson: Loy Brunson NEW SCOTUS RULE 11 CASE #22-1028 ~ Your Letter is Mightier Than The Sword ! (
  • Patriots are asked to send letters to the Supreme Court Justices in support of hearing the Brunson Cases. “We encourage everyone who supports our efforts to go to to easily send a letter to the Supreme Court. You can also find more information about the case at and to order a copy of the petition!”  Brunson Brothers Music – Petition The Supreme Court…
  • NEED MIRACLES?  Raland Brunson of the Brunson Brothers Supreme Court Cases is now shipping out copies of “MIRACLES: In God We Trust” and “A More Perfect Union” manufactured by Raland’s duplications company To support the cause you can order your copies of these important Liberty Education DVDs for a donation of only $25 – which includes FREE shipping and TWO FREE pocket Constitutions. Donate here: 
  • Super Patriot Liberty Library – perfect for Home School Education, or as a legacy gift to children and grandchildren. Educate to Save America. The package is full of valuable materials including free garden seeds. It is still offered at only $450, but with $60 worth of added value items: Only-450 
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The Storm is Upon Us

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Trust The Plan
…JFK Jr., 19th Vice President of the Republic

Major Cyber Attacks Happening Across the Globe
These Cyber Attacks Could Shut Down the Infrastructures of 250 Targeted Major Cities, plus the Entire Global Financial System
And Lead to Lockdowns, Blackouts and Martial Law.

It has been confirmed that on Sat. 17 June 2023 Tanks and Troops were deploying inside the US and Canada. The Military was positioning itself in 27 states, including the state of Washington, Idaho, California, Arizona, Colorado, Texas, Oklahoma, Kentucky, Iowa, Michigan, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, where the city of Philadelphia was under Military control. Citizens in many areas of the US reported tanks, troops and assault aircraft being deployed on the streets throughout the US on Saturday, 17 June.

We are close to a Military Takeover:

The Q Movement:
On Mon. 19 June we were set to commemorate the end of slavery with the Juneteenth Federal Holiday, plus would be celebrating the beginning of the Q Movement. On 1 April 1860 twenty Generals, who had formed the Q Movement, organized behind Abraham Lincoln to make him president of the US in order to defeat the Khazarian Rothschild Mafia, which had established a slave trading system and owned 99% of American slaves.
The Movement Continued With His Death, and the Death of President Kennedy – Both of Whom Tried to Abolish the Khazarian Rothschild Mafia Cabal and Return to the Original Concepts of the US Constitution.

“We The People”: If We the People will not assure the restoration of our precious Constitutional Republic, our children will be lost and our nation will be destroyed. We all have a part to play in this peaceful, faithful, informed, prayer-filled participation and with repentance in our hearts for the wickedness of this nation that we have been a party to, by sins of commission OR omission. …PortialeePlace on Telegram

34 Q Clearance: From several years ago, but relevant now:

  • My fellow Americans, over the course of the next several days you will undoubtedly realize that we are taking back our great country (the land of the free) from the evil tyrants that wish to do us harm and destroy the last remaining refuge of shining light.
  • On POTUS’ order, we have initiated certain fail-safes that shall safeguard the public from the primary fallout which is slated to occur 11.3 upon the arrest announcement of Mr. Podesta (actionable 11.4). Confirmation (to the public) of what is occurring will then be revealed and will not be openly accepted.
  • Public riots are being organized in serious numbers in an effort to prevent the arrest and capture of more senior public officials.
  • On POTUS’ order, a state of temporary military control will be actioned and special ops carried out.
  • False leaks have been made to retain several within the confines of the United States to prevent extradition and special operator necessity.
  • Rest assured, the safety and well-being of every man, woman, and child of this country is being exhausted in full.
  • However, the atmosphere within the country will unfortunately be divided as so many have fallen for the corrupt and evil narrative that has long been broadcast.
  • We will be initiating the Emergency Broadcast System (EMS) during this time in an effort to provide a direct message (avoiding the fake news) to all citizens.
  • Organizations and/or people that wish to do us harm during this TIME WILL be met with swift fury – certain laws have been pre-lifted to provide our great military the necessary authority to handle and conduct these operations (at home and abroad).

JFK Justice on Telegram:

Penance is coming.
Regardless of what you think, you are not yet awake.
You do not know how deep this goes.
If you knew, you could not sleep.
Many of you could never go on.
You need each other.
You need every ONE of you.
Learn to play nice with each other or be left behind.
If one stumbles, pick them up.
If one asks a question, give them the answer.
That is how we grow.
There’s no more room in the plan for arrogance and self importance.
If you turn ONE away, you’ve hurt the plan.
If you hurt the plan, you’ll be left behind.
We are watching.
We see it all.
There are no secrets.
You would never believe the files kept on everyone of you, for that matter, you’d never believe
WHERE they are kept.
Prepare for the next phase.
Prepare each other.
You are one.

Trust The Plan
BlackRock, US Corporation Bankrupt
US Globalist Cabal Taken Down
The Entire Global Banking System To Be Destroyed By Mon. 19 June

Restored Republic: Operation Q

  • Firstly, Operation Q is an extensive information dissemination program, geared towards shedding light on global corruption and conspiracy, encouraging the masses to venture deeper into research, fueling their “great awakening.” This awakening refers to an understanding of the scale and severity of the corruption and manipulation that is taking place worldwide, an understanding that is often obscured by mainstream narratives.
  • Secondly, Operation Q aims to obliterate corruption, fraud, and human rights violations on a global scale. Its mission is to dismantle the crippling shackles of manipulation that bind nations and inhibit progress, restoring fairness and justice to the world stage.
  • The third objective of Operation Q is to return the United States to its Constitutional rule of law and restore governmental control to the people. This is not merely confined to America; the ripple effect of this operation is meant to echo across borders, liberating people worldwide. In essence, Operation Q is poised to be the most significant anti-treason, anti-sedition event in global history, a rerun of the Declaration of Independence but on an international scale.


  • The US, Canada, Europe, Japan, Israel, UK, Taiwan, Australia and New Zealand were teetering on the brink of in-solvency.
  • On Thurs. 1 June at 8:00 EST the Quantum Financial System’s Fed ISO 20022 activated a universal language for global financial networks to communicate with each other. The 209 major countries now had their new gold/asset-backed currencies live on the Quantum Financial System.
  • On Sun. 4 June the new Iraqi Dinar Rate (the Kingpin of the GCR) settled on Bank Screens.
  • On Mon. 5 June the NY Stock Market began a Death Spiral as it reacted to the announcement of a new US $36 Trillion Debt Ceiling with no way to borrow the money – causing the US Treasury to drop bonds.
  • Over last weekend the Admiral’s Group began releasing funds, the Iraqi Parliament approved their budget (with the new Iraqi Dinar rate in it to be retroactive to 1 Jan. 2023) – which would be signed off by the Iraqi President on Sat. 17 June.
  • On Fri. 9 June Michael Reuben, Head of the US Paymasters, sent out contracts to 28 Paymasters – who were told they would be paid within 24 hours after signing their contract.
  • On Sat. 10 June the RV started in Zurich.
  • By Sun. 11 Jan. France, Mexico and Canada had joined Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa in BRICS. Egypt and most of Africa have asked to join BRICS, while Germany is considering joining. There were 118 countries that would be at BRICS meeting this weekend of Fri. 16 June who all wanted to be part of BRICS.
  • Tues. 13 June Q’s Timeline: (30 days from Mother’s Day) MOAB attack on the King and Queen. On that Tues. 13 June Whales flew to Reno and large Church Groups and Indian Nations likely went liquid, though under strict NDAs not to talk about it.
  • Wed. 14 June evening MarkZ: The expectation was that the new Dinar Rate will be printed in the Sat. 17 June Gazette. Tier 1 and Tier 2 are fully positioned but cannot yet spend their dollars. There was a lot of ranting, raving and screaming from groups in Tier4a telling them to not say anything, or they will claw back everything. A lot of NDA’s going on right now. Every time we turn around there is someone with a new NDA.
  • Fri. 16 June NESARA will activate, which includes increases in Social Security payments and payment of Reclamation Allowances in the last week of June.
  • “Activation of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) will trigger Martial Law and the Global Currency Revaluation.” … Free Inhabitant Tier4b notification to set exchange/ redemption appointments would come after the EAS – which was expected to begin at any moment.
  • Sun. 18 June GESARA/NESARA announced during EBS Disclosure implementation.
  • Mon. 19 June 2023 was the US Federal Holiday of Juneteenth that commemorated the beginning of the Q Movement, where 20 generals got behind the election of Abraham Lincoln to end slavery. On that same Mon. 19 June Tier4b was expected to receive notification to set exchange/ redemption appointments, plus the Bank of England would migrate to the International Payment System ISO 20022.
  • Wed. 21 June Special Counsel John Durham to testify on his report to House Judiciary Committee (1788 became law on June 21). This was also the Satanic worshipper’s Summer Solstice, one of the most important Satanic Holidays of the year celebrated with sexual orgies using both adult and child victims, followed by a human sacrifice of any age, male or female. Six year-old Jenny Hill’s witness to a Satanic Child Sacrifice Rite on June 21 1965 in Garden Grove, California: Woman Sees Human Sacrifice – YouTube
  • Thurs. 22 June Supreme Court to consider whether or not to hear the Brunson Case – that could take down the Biden Administration and all of Congress for not investigating allegations of voter fraud in the 2020 Election.
  • The last week in June 2023 Social Security increases would begin, plus Restitution Allowances and Med Bed appointments would start.
  • The first part of July the new Quantum Financial System will be completely interfaced in computers around the World that would be coordinating currency transactions through the International Payment System ISO 20022.
  • Judgment in July, White Hat Intel: EBS White Hat Senior Intel Revealed! When & Trump Special Report! June 2023 | Prophecy | Before It’s News (
  • Sun. 23 July Inauguration of Pres. Donald J. Trump and his VP, JFK Jr, a celebration where those in the World Protection Program would come out.
  • Tues. 25 July Queen Diana’s Coronation.
  • In Mid August Jim Rickards said BRICS is releasing their new commodity backed International currency. This is the death of the Petrodollar.

Tucker Carlson:
Over 100,000,000 million people tuned into Tucker Carlson, that’s more than 200X more than most Mainstream media networks that reach around 500,000 thousand. Tucker Red Pilled the U.S. people with corruption of the FBI, CIA, Pentagon hiding UFO technology (the current Pentagon whistleblower that MSM didn’t cover) and the media being weaponized against the people. Tucker covered several issues that hit a 100 million people in one evening alone!!!

The Woke/LGBTQ/Trans/Democrats/Antifa Elites
The biggest beer corporation in the US collapses after pushing Woke, LGBTQ and Trans Agenda.
*What “The Fake Mainstream Media CIA Mockingbird Media” has been telling U.S. citizens is fa;se. The Democrats, Woke mob, LGBTQ movement is much smaller than the fake numbers MSM is projecting. The Woke/LGBTQ/Trans/Democrats/Antifa Elites don’t have the power, nor the people to keep corporations in power that are pushing their movement.
*Even Starbucks has started to collapse and have recalled all their rainbow colored signs on their products. They are closing stores in the U.S. and world. They fear they are inside a collapse.
*The UK has banned all Puberty Blockers across their country. This is very important because this transgender ideology movement was created by the MI6 dating back to 60s and their department heads have all been inside the Bohemian Grove.
*This is big news as White Hats have infiltrated the MI6 heavily since 2008 and sleepers are waking up. We expect MI6 Whistleblowers to come forward in the next months and expose UK corruption to the highest levels.

Prepare for the downfall of the largest beer corporation in America as their ill-conceived embrace of the WOKE, LGBTQ, and transgender agendas boomerangs on them! Unmask the truth behind the fake mainstream media narratives, exposing the true scale of opposition to the Democrats, WOKE mobs, and LGBTQ movements.
Even Starbucks trembles on the edge of collapse, forced to retreat from their rainbow-colored signs amidst widespread backlash.
MI6 Unveiled: Transgender Ideology Exposed as Deep-State Creation! Whistleblowers on the Horizon! Discover the shocking revelation that the MI6, dating back to the 1960s, orchestrated the transgender ideology movement, with their ties to Bohemian Grove sending shockwaves through the intelligence community. Hold your breath as whistleblowers emerge, exposing corruption at the highest levels of the UK establishment. The awakening spreads, and the world braces for the inevitable truth!

After the Storm, Military 11.3 ops and collapse of a fake Alien Agenda, comes the Military Tribunals. In that time Q is resurrected and named.

Israel’s Descent into Chaos:
An Unfolding Catastrophe. The nation of Israel finds itself in dire straits as it hurtles towards an imminent COLLAPSE. Concealing the true state of its markets, banks are fabricating gains as civil unrest spirals into full-blown riots. Meanwhile, the colossal COLLAPSE of SVB BANKS in California, resulting in a mind-boggling loss of $10 trillion, sets off a catastrophic domino effect rippling across multiple countries. The COLLAPSE, underway for over a year and a half, is finally unmasking the Deep State’s cover-ups and exposing their false market reports. As the Biden administration trembles, governments worldwide teeter on the brink, and the Military courts, along with the Alliance, silently monitor the COLLAPSE, knowing that it will lead to military intervention. The intricate web of connections between governments, worldwide money laundering operations, bioweapon creation, and incitement of proxy wars through the U.S. heralds an era of potential war crimes, crimes against humanity, and a global PLANDEMIC.

The Global Event:
We Stand at the Precipice of Chaos. Massive chaos looms on the horizon, as citizens around the globe remain shockingly unprepared for the impending COLLAPSE EVENT. The Great Awakening, a multi-staged process encompassing declassifications, covert operations, overt military intervention, tribunals, and the cleansing of corrupt establishments worldwide, is reaching a critical juncture. Brace yourself as the deep-rooted powers behind NATO, the UN, human trafficking, world wars, military-industrial complexes, and control over global banks face their inevitable downfall. Jeffrey Epstein, who is only beginning to reveal the dark secrets he holds, and the military intelligence with access to McAfee’s servers, unleash terabytes of corruption connecting world child trafficking rings, illicit weapons trades, and global drug cartels.

Unveiling Secret Alliances:
Poland’s Shocking Deal with Russia and China. While the world watches Germany’s strategic alliance with China and Russia, an even more astounding revelation emerges: Poland’s covert pact with these global giants. This clandestine agreement, involving Italy, France, Austria, Hungary, and more, sets the stage for their banks to merge into a powerful EU BRICS subsidiary system after the impending conflict.

The Masterstroke:
Unmasking the Hidden Hand. The banking COLLAPSE serves a higher purpose: to topple world banks, dismantle the IMF, and expose the sinister connections that extend to the WHO, Gates Foundation, CDC, and beyond. Get ready for a seismic shift that will reshape the global financial landscape.

THEY Can No Longer Hide:
Hold on tight as the world hurtles towards an unprecedented climax. Brace for impact as the tides of change sweep across nations, forever altering the course of history. Behind closed doors, a grand design is being set in motion. Trust the plan. Q.

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The Storm Has Arrived

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“The Storm Has Arrived”
…General Flynn

U.S. Nuclear Bombers over Germany as Russian Tactical Nukes Arrive in Belarus
Black Swan Worldwide Event Imminent
Quantum Financial System Imminent
Global Currency Reset Imminent
Emergency Alert System Activation Imminent
Mass Arrests Imminent
Disclosure Imminent

Judy Byington:

David Wilcock:

  • We have unearthed top-secret U.S. NATO War Plans that were never meant to see the light of day, unraveling a colossal web of corruption that strikes at the very heart of global integrity.
  • Billions of dollars from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) have been discreetly stashed away in Silicon Valley banks. But this revelation is just the tip of the iceberg.
  • The arrest of Trump reverberates around the globe, but behind this intricately choreographed event lies a hidden message, ingeniously conveyed through a potent photograph. By deciphering this cryptic military communication, we unveil a breathtaking pattern—flags meticulously positioned to symbolize the stages of war as defined by the Laws of War Department of Defense procedures. This mind-blowing revelation uncovers a meticulously crafted plan, leaving no room for coincidence.
  • The floodgates of truth have burst open, overwhelming the CIA, the Pentagon, and the Biden administration. White Hat AI systems, unleashed to counter the Deep State’s AI, have sparked a seismic shift in power. We are now witnesses to an epic battle where the fate of nations hangs in the balance, and the truth can no longer be contained.
  • Buckle up for an unparalleled journey into the heart of darkness, where global power structures crumble and heroes and villains clash in an epic struggle for dominance. This is the storm you’ve been anxiously awaiting—the world will never be the same again!

**More to come

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Natural Births Banned

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WEF Bans Natural Conception: All Babies Must Be Lab-Grown by 2030

“The People’s Voice”:
The tyranny is spreading. The global elites at the World Economic Forum are now making moves to control the genetic material of every child who is born into the world in future generations…
** I suggest that you allow this website to send you emails of the videos; they are quite frequent; the commentator is excellent & the videos are short – this one is 9:33 min.

Is this the future that we want?! In the case of the Covid Bioweapon Injection, most people were conned into believing that if they were compliant & got jabbed then they would have more freedom, being able to travel, not lose their job (but, more jabs needed to keep it), they would be protected, as would people they visited, such as the elderly.


Most people will be misled into believing that there will be great advantages in doing away with natural births & instead having factory births:

Women wont have to experience the pain of child birth – a selfish advantage.
The parent(s) can select – sex of child, features (hair & eye colour, etc),
The babies will be free of certain diseases.

The genes will be edited, just like those who received the jab.

The elite want to play God – that is their dream.
Women of any age, including pre-pubescent girls, could give birth
All of this is to be avoided, given the deeply satanic nature of the WEF & it’s agendas.

The “elite” will have their own ideas as to what the “perfect child” should be for their purposes. The perfect child for a pedophile, a satanic ritual, a slave, a sex slave?

A book “Homo Deus” by Yuval Harari says it all. He reminds us that there will be few survivors of the current population – with the exception of the elite, I suppose!
He says that ‘the elites are reaching for eternal life & god-like powers”. Dreaming of course & not possible.
They want us under a totalitarian control system & genetically incapable of resistance.
Eugenics with a modern twist.
Trade in organs is very lucrative – not for the person who ends up dead!

Harari say’s that God is dead & that the WEF is assuming divine powers of creation – the MSM has ignored the WEF agenda.
Upgrading humans into God.
These nut-cases are psychopaths!
He admits that they will deprive us of everything – insects as food, confined to small spaces, desenitised by virtual reality devices & pharma drugs.
The global state will own everything, including us.
Schwab says that China is the role model for all this.

Are you going to be conned with the promise of a wonderful future – for the ELITE!
These satanic mongrels have to be eliminated – their future, not ours!

Artificial Womb
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Global Meltdown Imminent

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Are You Prepared?

Aliens not of this earth have been giving the Pentagon knowledge of advanced technology since the Eisenhower Administration. …See White Hat Intel #G

Sun. 4 June: The UN has been shut down, diplomats arrested. …Matthew Irvine

Thurs. 8 June: Obama arrested for Crimes Against Humanity.

Corrupt US President Biden: FBI Confirms Biden Criminal Bribery: An informant came forward to House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) and Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) alleging that the FBI was in possession of an unclassified FD-1023 form outlining a criminal bribery scheme involving then-Vice President Biden. The June 30, 2020 form created with information from an FBI confidential informant alleged that Biden received $5 million from a foreign national in exchange for influence over policy decisions made by the Obama regime.

Corrupt Former Speaker of the House Pelosi:Nancy Pelosi Military Tribunal, Part I | Real Raw NewsNancy Pelosi Military Tribunal, Part II | Real Raw NewsNancy Pelosi Military Tribunal, the Conclusion | Real Raw News
Corrupt Secret Service: Husband Paul Pelosi testimony at Nancy Pelosi Military Tribunal: “Mr. Pelosi, why didn’t you bring any of this to the Secret Service?” Vice Adm. Crandall asked. “Because it’s rife with corruption, and it’s likely they would have disappeared me. The Secret Service is Deep State,” Paul Pelosi replied. “Like your wife?” “Yes, like Nancy,” Paul Pelosi said.
Corrupt US Treasury: Paul had documents and digital data proving that Nancy had accepted nearly $63m from the Treasury Department in exchange for supporting mask and vaccine mandates, and pushing lockdowns.

Trump on his indictment: “I am an innocent man. The Biden Administration is totally corrupt. This is Election Interference and a continuation of the greatest Witch Hunt of all time. Make America Great Again!!!”

The Rockefellers and Rothschilds descended from the Illuminati Orsini Family of Italy, who date back to Babylon, have had five members crowned Pope and created the first Intelligence agency – the Vatican.
In 2016 right after the Trump Inauguration, the White Hat Military Alliance suddenly showed up in Italy, where they executed heads of the Illuminati Bloodline families, both Popes, 350 Cardinals, Heads of the Mafia Jesuits, plus emptied the Vatican DUMB Tunnel that runs from Rome to Jerusalem. …KatistheSea3
Over $43 Quintrillion in gold was removed from the Vatican Tunnel and returned to it’s rightful owners, mainly the US Treasury.

Tucker Carlsen: Congress has until the end of June to finish currency reset protocols. This will allow us to begin interfacing quantum computers around the world in the first part of July as we mobilize the new Quantum Financial System. We will begin to see Bridges built between countries’ computer systems that will allow us to cooperate and coordinate currency transactions through an International Payment System (ISO20022) creating more money flow and more money velocity. The demand for each country’s National Currencies will increase its value and purchasing power around the world. The second half of this year will bring in a Global Currency Reset in ways none of us can even imagine.

Operation Q:
Firstly, it is an extensive information dissemination program, geared towards shedding light on global corruption and conspiracy, encouraging the masses to venture deeper into research, fueling their “great awakening.” This awakening refers to an understanding of the scale and severity of the corruption and manipulation that is taking place worldwide, an understanding that is often obscured by mainstream narratives.

Secondly, Operation Q aims to obliterate corruption, fraud, and human rights violations on a global scale. Its mission is to dismantle the crippling shackles of manipulation that bind nations and inhibit progress, restoring fairness and justice to the world stage.

The third objective is to return the United States to its constitutional rule of law and restore governmental control to the people. This is not merely confined to America; the ripple effect of this operation is meant to echo across borders, liberating people worldwide. In essence, Operation Q is poised to be the most significant anti-treason, anti-sedition event in global history, a rerun of the Declaration of Independence but on an international scale.

Continue ReadingGlobal Meltdown Imminent

White Hat Intel – Update

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Fake Alien Invasion Pending
World Food Supply Crisis in Motion
Global Financial Crisis: Central Banks Bankrupted
Fiat US Dollar Abandoned For The Great Gold Rush
Canada Under Martial Law

**This Last Week the Alliance’s Canadian Military seized power under Martial Law over the nation of Canada in order to cleanse the Canadian Government. The government had handed over their sovereignty to the UN and mandated the killer vaccine for The People.**

  • Behind the Scene Trump is preparing to make the US a World Super Power in the honor of goodness and greatness of the American People.
  • No matter what happens in the next months inside the Near Death Civilization Event plans are already under way for Trump to publicly return as Commander in Chief (in real time Trump is the Commander in Chief, and Cheyenne mountain recognizes him as the true leader and authority over the Highest military commands).
  • The Plan for Trump to build the United States into a Global Economic Power within one year and half is connected to highest volumes of Natural resources and gas. Oil and global energy the United States posses.
  • China, Russia, South American BRICS nations all know the U.S. is going to produce over 25-30 million barrels of oil a day and take over the world energy structure market.
  • Trump is already in talks with South America and China as the U.S. will out produce Russian Energy.
  • After the Great Collapse and Near Death Civilization Events of 2023 2024, the Golden Age of 2025, 2026, 2027 begins. Plans are already being played out for the dismantling of the CIA, FBI and 11.3 Tribulations Storm Arrests.
  • Military Intelligence assessments throughout the World know Trump would take over the World’s Power Energy Structure. BRICS Nations would be begging to be part of the US Super Power – a clean power away from the CIA Globalists. The Swamp has to be drained first before Trump creates the greatest nation on Earth to give Freedom to the rest of the World through a Gold-backed system.
  • After the restoration of the US Super Power, the truth of free energy will unfold. A fake Alien invasion will be exposed on a national level – that will lead to declassification of technology connected to infinite energy of med beds, floating crafts, floating cities – far beyond what anyone thought possible.
  • Everything comes in stages including bringing down the Deep State Satanic Cabal connected to World Leaders, Banks, Corporations Blackmail System of Human Trafficking Rings and World War mongering.
  • Everything you are watching is staged. This includes the Deep State pushing their agenda. It WILL all back fire. This is called Game Theory Operations and will lead to Military intervention.
  • Durham didn’t fall. His report was in the hands of the military two years ago. Everything happening now is for Congressional records that will show the failure of the captured U.S. government and courts.
  • You are in the beginning of the GREAT AWAKENING WORLD PROJECT that leads to a Golden Era. But for now we are inside the COLLAPSE of the deep state Power structures.
  • Pentagon Shuns Tech Giants Microsoft and Amazon! The military unleashed a powerful blow, rejecting contracts from Bill Gates’ Microsoft and the CIA/Mossad-connected Amazon, shaking the very foundations of their services.
  • Hold on tight, as the plot thickens! The CIA’s servers, with half of them residing under Amazon’s umbrella, and the surprising assassination of Haiti’s president on the same fateful day that Microsoft (owned by the CIA) and Amazon (tied to CIA/Mossad) faced contract denials, reveal a startling web of intrigue. Could it be that the slain president possessed explosive information linking the CIA, Amazon, and Microsoft?
  • We dig deeper, unearthing submarine tunnels in Haiti, intricately connected to the likes of Clinton, Mossad, CIA, and the infamous Epstein.
  • It all circles back to the enigmatic subterranean network in Texas and clandestine operations.
  • The revelation unfolds before us like a tangled web, connecting the dots across various layers of power. And the protagonist in this unfolding drama is none other than the 45th President himself, who boldly takes on social media giants Facebook, Twitter and Google in a legal showdown. Deep within those CIA servers hosted by Amazon lies a treasure trove of information, while Microsoft’s networks, software, and backchannels clandestinely penetrate the Pentagon and the computers of world leaders. Illegal data collection, spying, the infamous Obama Gate, and the far-reaching FISA scandal all become integral pieces of this high-stakes puzzle.
  • As the summer heat intensifies, so does the pressure on those who have operated in the shadows. The time for truth and justice is at hand, with revelations bound to send shockwaves through the corridors of power. Brace yourselves, for the world is about to witness a scorching summer like never before!
  • Prepare to have your mind blown as we expose a shocking plan by the CCP to steal the 2020 elections and capture control of the United States government. Discover the intricate web of deceit involving mainstream media, intelligence agencies, and tech giants that facilitated this foreign operation. The truth will leave you speechless!
  • Enter the covert world of the Devolution Plan, a classified operation by the U.S. military to protect and preserve President Donald Trump’s administration. Explore the power dynamics within this plan, with key figures like Ezra Cohen Watnick wielding unprecedented authority. Brace yourself as declassified information is revealed!
  • Uncover the astounding truth behind the secret operation to replace politicians, high-ranking officials, and even generals and admirals. Dive deep into the covert maneuvers executed to ensure Joe Biden’s victory as part of a grand global military sting operation. The fate of the nation hangs in the balance!
  • Witness the chilling moment when the Chinese Communist Party unleashed the deadly bioweapon known as COVID-19. Discover the sinister connection between this act and a nexus of power involving the Obama administration, the Vatican, and the Rothschilds. The military’s response to protect the Constitution will leave you in awe.
  • Hold on tight as we enter the final phase of the Devolution Plan: the reconstitution of America. Experience the intensity of this moment, where the military takes the reins and dismantles the forces that conspired against the nation. Stand strong, patriots, as the grand finale of this gripping movie unfolds before your eyes.
  • Discover the unwavering commitment of the military to safeguard the Constitution and defend the United States. Witness their crucial role in monitoring foreign and domestic entities involved in the CCP’s foreign operation. Brace yourself for the climactic ending that will determine the future of the nation.
  • Prepare for the ultimate revelation as the truth behind the 2020 elections and the Devolution Plan comes to light. Nothing is as it seems, and every action has meaning. Stay strong, patriots, as the final pieces of this extraordinary puzzle fall into place. The conclusion is within reach!
  • Unveiling the Shadowy Web: Illuminati, Papal Knights, and Secret Alliances! Prepare to be astonished as we peel back the layers of clandestine power and hidden connections that span centuries. The Illuminati, driven by their pursuit of a utopian New World Order, aimed to shape our world using enlightenment principles. But their banishment by the Bavarian government in 1782 only scratched the surface of a much deeper conspiracy.
  • The Knights of Malta, with roots predating the Order of St. John, wield immense influence. Surprisingly, even the Archbishop of Canterbury holds the esteemed title of Papal Knight under Francis I. And behold, the enigmatic Jacob Rothschild is a Knight of the Queen’s Order of the British Empire and the Order of Merit. With the Queen deferring to the Pope, the Rothschilds’ ties to European Knighthoods become clear, serving as crucial allies to the Papal Knights of Malta. Notable figures like Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush were also bestowed with the prestigious Knight of Malta award from the Order of Merit.
  • Within this intricate tapestry, we discover that the illustrious Rothschilds were known as the “Guardians of the Vatican Treasury.” Famed Knight of Malta, Pat Buchanan, is revealed as a key player collaborating with the CIA’s Operation Mockingbird, a covert program aimed at controlling the U.S. media. Further down the rabbit hole, we encounter the Duke of Gloucester, the Grand Prior of the Knights of St. John, and the First Grand Principal of the Supreme Grand Lodge of Royal Arch Masons of England. The intricate dance continues as the Pope defers to the Jesuit Superior General, and even King Abdullah of Jordan emerges as a product of Jesuit training from Georgetown University.
  • Behold the I.H.S. symbol, prominently displayed at the Jesuit World Headquarters in Rome. Nestled within this sacred emblem, we encounter nests symbolizing a rising Phoenix. According to Manly P. Hall, this mythical creature represents resurrection and a Christ-like figure. Chris Pinto, on the other hand, suggests that the Phoenix embodies the false Christ of the new Aquarian Age.
  • The reach of these Papal Knighthoods extends beyond borders, encompassing Jewish and Arabic leaders in the Middle East. Notably, Nadhmi Auchi, an Iraqi-British billionaire businessman and Papal member of the Royal Order of Francis I, is said to have connections with Saddam Hussein’s regime. French President Nicolas Sarkozy’s rendezvous with Syrian President Al-Basshad, another Knight of the Order of Francis I, further illustrates the interconnectedness. The Vatican-loyal Constantinian Order finds support from Ex-President of Lebanon Emile Lahood, while influential members of the House of Saud, such as Prince Khalid al Faisal and Prince Bandar bin Khalid, proudly bear the Papal Order of Francis I.
  • Shimon Peres, the Jesuit-trained statesman, garners Vatican support and is even knighted into the British Queen’s Orders of Saints Michael & George. Some, like Barry Chamish, label Peres as a Sabbatean due to his alignment with Vatican interests over those of regular Jewish people. Astonishingly, apostate Labor Zionists, predominantly Ashkenazi Jews, aided Hitler’s Nazi Empire, subjected Sephardic Jewish children to dangerous radiation experiments, and continue to exert powerful influence in Israel today. Freemasonry, a mysterious society with roots in the Kabbalah, intertwines with Romanism and ancient Babylonian religion, creating an eerie parallel.
  • Join us on this mind-bending journey, exposing the hidden ties between secret societies, Papal Knighthoods, and the enigmatic web of power that transcends borders. Brace yourself, as the revelations shake the very foundations of our understanding!
  • Prepare to have your mind blown as we expose a shocking plan by the CCP to steal the 2020 elections and capture control of the United States government. Discover the intricate web of deceit involving mainstream media, intelligence agencies, and tech giants that facilitated this foreign operation. The truth will leave you speechless!
  • Enter the covert world of the Devolution Plan, a classified operation by the U.S. military to protect and preserve President Donald Trump’s administration. Explore the power dynamics within this plan, with key figures like Ezra Cohen Watnick wielding unprecedented authority. Brace yourself as declassified information is revealed!
  • Uncover the astounding truth behind the secret operation to replace politicians, high-ranking officials, and even generals and admirals. Dive deep into the covert maneuvers executed to ensure Joe Biden’s victory as part of a grand global military sting operation. The fate of the nation hangs in the balance!
  • Witness the chilling moment when the Chinese Communist Party unleashed the deadly bioweapon known as COVID-19. Discover the sinister connection between this act and a nexus of power involving the Obama administration, the Vatican, and the Rothschilds. The military’s response to protect the Constitution will leave you in awe.
  • Hold on tight as we enter the final phase of the Devolution Plan: the reconstitution of America. Experience the intensity of this moment, where the military takes the reins and dismantles the forces that conspired against the nation. Stand strong, patriots, as the grand finale of this gripping movie unfolds before your eyes.
  • Discover the unwavering commitment of the military to safeguard the Constitution and defend the United States. Witness their crucial role in monitoring foreign and domestic entities involved in the CCP’s foreign operation. Brace yourself for the climactic ending that will determine the future of the nation.
  • Prepare for the ultimate revelation as the truth behind the 2020 elections and the Devolution Plan comes to light. Nothing is as it seems, and every action has meaning. Stay strong, patriots, as the final pieces of this extraordinary puzzle fall into place. The conclusion is within reach!

So what have the “Conspiracy Theorists”

Continue ReadingWhite Hat Intel – Update

Blackout Thwarted

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Current Military Action: *See more at bottom of following article – David Wilcock.
According to NSA sources, “White Hats” are currently attacking the Fort McPherson base complex in Atlanta, Georgia. It is here that the Rockefeller citadel of AT&T and CNN conducts fake psychological operations of the Joe Biden administration.

Judy Note: On Mon. 5 June the announcement of upping the US Debt Ceiling to $36 Trillion with nowhere to borrow the money put the Stock Market in a death spiral; on Memorial Day the Military thwarted a Deep State nationwide Blackout; right now the White Hats were in the process of attacking the fake White House in Georgia – where Actor Biden has played president of the US and has pretty much won the war – a Deep State sanctuary for money laundering where thousands of children were tortured in US funded bio-weapon labs.

Military and Trump Thwart Deep State Memorial Day Blackout
Michael Baxter – RRW

The White Hat partition of the United States military thwarted the Deep State’s attempt to cripple the U.S. power grid and cause mass chaos over Memorial Day Weekend, sources in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

Continue ReadingBlackout Thwarted

Spirituality – True or False

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This post was initially called “Truth & Untruth”

We all have choices in life. How much we evolve in a lifetime depends upon which path we tread. When we are young we are easily mislead. We trust & believe what our parents & teachers tell us, but as we grow older we (should) learn to question everything as we step forward on the path of life.

Spiritual Development

Explanations regarding the term “Laws and Recommendations of Creation”
By Christian Frehner, Switzerland

Since Creation, the Universal Consciousness of our DERN Universe, is not a person or some personification (quite contrary to the belief in God, The Father, by various religions), but an impersonal spiritual energy or power, It (Creation) never enacted any recommendations that stipulate or dictate to the human beings to do or not do this or that.
Note From Blogger:
Our spirit is a fragment of Creation. It is an energy form & it has no shape – it could be imagined as being like fine filigree. Unlike our material consciousness (our personality), our spirit is immortal & evolves during each incarnation, until eventually it merges with the Creation after several billion years. Through the evolution of it’s creations, the Creation evolves.

A recommendation (“You shall …”) is valid only in the material realm, and it (the recommendation) can only stem or emerge from a “source” where certain individual aspects and a direct reference to the “coarse matter” human being-who owns a consciousness capable of evolution-exist. (The latter indicates that recommendations are not applied within the realm of flora and fauna.)
While recommendations leave it up to the individual whether or not they will follow/observe them, it is quite different with respect to the creational laws which can also be called laws of nature where phenomena and events, etc. within the material Universal belt are concerned. In order for Creation to exist and evolve, and also everything that exists within Its entire universe, it is necessary that laws exist which secure an order and which make the entire “system” possible and continuing. For a better understanding, imagine the following example: We people here on [Earth] have to rely on the fact that gravity is directed toward the centre of the Earth, and that it does not, from time to time, suddenly change toward some other direction, e.g. toward the moon. Just imagine how everything that was not securely fixed to the planet would suddenly be sucked off to the moon!
Regarding laws of Creation, one can distinguish between those within the entire Creation (including the spiritual realm), and those that mainly apply to the material realm. (Of course, this is just an academic separation because, as we all know, within Creation everything is connected to each other.) The above-mentioned example regarding Earth’s gravity also demonstrates that the effects and composition of the laws of nature are relative, because they can be “conquered” under certain circumstances (like, e.g. through the application of levitation or the utilisation of technical devices, etc.). By this, the restricted/limited scope of the law of nature is overcome.

For a better understanding, or as an aid, some examples are listed below:

Laws of Creation:

Structure of the seven belts of the Universe (there are seven, not four or ten, etc.)
Formation (creation) of new-spirit forms during the Universe’s expansion phase (number, composition, situation, etc.)
The existence of love (in its highest form as universal love)
Striving (the fundamental law of all evolution; without striving there is no life)
The bipolar structure/composition of everything that exists (the positive and the negative etc.)

Laws of Creation with special impact on the material realm (laws of nature):

– Law of causality (cause and effect)
– Laws of reincarnation.
– Seven-step construction of matter.
– Interactions within chemistry.
– Effects of thoughts: force of sending and force of “beating/striking” upon its return (may be compared to a boomerang)
– Origin and vanishing of planets, galaxies, etc.
– Effects of light on the growth of plants

Recommendations for the personal benefit of human beings

To observe these recommendations guarantees to the human being that he may rapidly progress on the path of his evolution.

Additionally, human beings who observe these recommendations are a good example to their fellowmen.

1. You shall have no powers and gods, idols and saints other than Creation.
2. You shall keep holy the name of Creation and not abuse this name.
3. You shall make every day into a day of celebration and keep it holy (control it).
4. You shall not break your bond with Creation, including this: You shall not commit adultery.
5. You shall honour Creation just as you honour, respect and love your father and mother.
6. You shall not kill in depravity.
7. You shall not rob and expropriate.
8. You shall not bear false witness against the truth, Creation and life.
9. You shall never, never speak an untruth.
10. You shall not greedily covet material wealth and your neighbour’s possessions.
11. Do not curse the truth.
12. Never, never put Creation’s recommendations and Creation’s laws into unworthy cults.

If one ponders these “principal recommendations” which were transmitted to the people on Earth by the Petale spirit level, one inevitably will come to the realisation that an immeasurable amount of precious thoughts and ideas are hidden behind these recommendations, which in the daily routine can show one the path to a life that is righteous and responsible. Alone the sixth recommendation is so very profound and far-reaching-from the eradication of floral and faunal species to the psychic and consciousness-related “murder” of fellow humans that there is no room in these short explanations to deal with everything in detail.

It is important to know the following: So-called “Creational recommendations” do exist if they are, or have been, derived from “Creational laws” or “laws of Creation”, respectively. Basically, recommendations result from all laws, no matter from where the latter originate. These Creational laws and recommendations, which can be called “the laws and recommendations of life”, serve for the purpose of enabling, preserving and supporting life. To observe these creational recommendations is the duty of every knowledgeable and responsible human being, because in this manner alone, peace and harmony may be achieved and secured in the long term among all people and with the whole of nature.

From 845th Contact, Sunday, 14th May 2023, 15:09 hrs
Billy Meier & the Plejaren Jjfa

… Excuse me, there is no particular reason to talk about anything, because I use my free time to talk to you a little bit, because I am interested in a lot of things. So, on Earth you have different main religions, Catholicism, Protestantism, Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism. Catholicism and Protestantism are equally based on the same false assumptions, untruths and illusions, so I don’t understand the difference, especially of the terms and values of ‘Catholicism’ and ‘Protestantism’, so I ask you what they mean? If you can explain that to me?

First of all, Catholicism means that the believing human beings who belong to this denomination are so-called Christians who believe the nonsense that Jmmanuel, aka Jesus Christ, died after being nailed to a wooden cross and then rose from the dead and ascended high into heaven to God and was his only son. A nonsense belief that actually only exists in so-called Christianity.

Well, the term ‘Catholicism’ actually goes back to the ancient Greek word ‘katholon’, which roughly means ‘all-embracing’, consequently Catholicism assumes and advocates in terms of belief that the Catholic faith is all-embracing and all the trimmings are what guarantee and assure the ‘Kingdom of God’, at least for those who believe in Catholicism.

The opposite of Catholicism is Protestantism, which should more correctly and accurately be called ‘evangelism’ and human beings belonging to this faith should be called ‘evangels’. But this cannot be generalised, because evangelism – whose term actually comes from ‘preacher’ resp. ‘evangelist’, a reciter of New Testament narrative fantasies – is not content with a single direction of faith. In truth, there are many religious Protestant sects that are oriented away from the main religion resp. have a different faith and are dependent on their religious orientation, which is why they are called Protestants.

With Catholicism, the so-called Christians of old were able to buy their way out of the punishment for their sins, whereas destitute resp. poor human beings, who could not buy resp. pay for an indulgence, were left to pay for their sins. The Protestants were fundamentally the protesters who later founded the Protestant Church. The ‘evangelical’ believers today are still called Protestants or evangelical Christians, but the majority of believers do not know that they are actually ‘protesters’ against the lies and false teachings and nonsense beliefs of Catholicism and the Bible. This is because they deviate from the false doctrines of Catholicism and believe the new religious nonsense of Martin Luther, which this Jew-hater has brought.

So while the believers of the Catholic Church are convinced that they are freed from sins through confession, the believers of the Protestant Church believe that their sins are forgiven and they are pardoned through faith in God alone. Protestants are fundamentally believers who have borne this common designation since 1529 and are adherents of a false doctrine whose roots go back to the beginning of the 16th century. They deviate with their faith from the actual evangelism and form themselves into thousandfold sects, which have formed in new forms from 1529 onwards, but even more so when Martin Luther (1483-1546) brought about the reform movement within the occidental Christian church and also openly proclaimed the hatred of the Jews, which then led to the holocaust of the Jews in the 20th century through the NAZI world war under the dictatorship of the Austrian Adolf Hitler and his murderous satellites. That is actually the basic thing I want to explain about this, because there would be a lot more that would have to be said.

You left the letter so openly on the table, do you want to explain the following to me … Excuse me, though, because I read the beginning and saw that …

… you really don’t have to excuse yourself, because it’s me who – well, it is a thank you letter. It’s just a lot of human beings all over the world reading our stuff and thanking us for everything, how it also makes them different and better minded.

I am interested in that. Although I have only read the first few words, but ….

… it’s really not a problem – well, it’s just a thank you letter. There are really many human beings around the globe, really many thousands of human beings, as Ptaah said recently, who read the contact reports and the special time signals and many other things of the FIGU.

I am really interested in that. Although I only read the first words of this letter here, thanking you for your work, but that stimulates my interest because …

… it’s really not a problem, like I said. So I want to read the whole thing to you, but later conceal the name of the person who wrote it when I write it down, because it’s nobody’s business who writes what, which is why I also don’t keep the letters, but shred them after I take note of them. So the following is written, which …

But come now – let me read you what is written in the letter:

Dear Mr Meier, or Billy, as you are also called,
Thank you, you are really a gift for me and in general for us human beings of this world. Please continue to publish your contact reports, your special time signs and everything else that is with you on the FIGU pages on the internet. I and all human beings need it, and I am sure that many hundreds of thousands and even millions think and feel as I do. My parents are also among them, my mother being already 94 and my father 98 years old. We all still live together in the same house since I was a child, and I am 76 years old, my husband 79, and we have 2 children, a son and a daughter, who are married and also have children, and they learn like me and my parents from everything you teach in your books and writings, which we all have. We were all slaves to the Catholic faith, but we gave it up because we had to realise that everything of faith in God, in Jesus and all the saints and angels are only lies and everything is deception and detracts from our own thinking. And since we make our own thoughts and no longer believe in the lies of the Bible, we are all better and even good, and we can really live without fear and no longer have to think about sins. Through your books and writings we have learned that we are responsible for everything we think and do, also that it is not a sin for us to do something wrong. We have learned through you and your books and writings that we must always learn and therefore also make mistakes and can also suffer harm, which we then admit and make up for or for which we must atone. But we have to do this ourselves, and no amount of praying for forgiveness will help us, only that we ourselves spoon up the soup we make for ourselves, and that we ourselves have to answer for everything we make for ourselves. All that I can say from the bottom of my heart is that I myself and all my loved ones can never express to you, dear Billy, the great thanks in words that are due to you for the fact that I myself and all of us in our families have finally become free human beings and are no longer bound by the shackles of confused faith in a non-existent God, Saviour, angels and saints. You cannot possibly know what everything of yours, your books and writings, etc., mean to our families. All of us always look forward to the new contact reports, as well as the special time signs and the good articles in your writing ‘Voice of Aquarian Time’. You, Billy, bring the word of truth to us, and you show us true life by proclaiming that which is really the truth and teaches how and that thinking for ourselves really sets us human beings free and gives us a feeling of life which can never come about through a belief. We first had to recognise and experience this through your books and writings, etc., and only in this process could we get away from faith and finally be ourselves and free, happy, satisfied and finally without fear and guilt that sins could bring us to hell and eternal suffering in purgatory. I myself can only express my infinite thanks to you, for you have made life a joy for me, but so it is also for my loved ones, my parents and my children, as well as their children.
What I would like to say in particular about the beautiful farm and the land around it, I think that a master must be at work here, because I am amazed at what I often see when I come to Hinterschmidrüti alone or with my husband. Everything is always so clean and well-kept, and the variety of trees particularly catches my eye, especially the slope in front of Schmidrüti with the dark green trees, which gives me a special impression. They are supposed to be ‘yews’, as my husband says, and these convey something to me that I unfortunately absolutely cannot find in the city. But I have photographed this little forest and had the picture enlarged and framed, and so it now hangs in the entrance to our house. I greet you warmly and with great thanks – also all of us in general.
Mrs …
– That is great, those are words I love to hear, because they bear witness to the fact that what you are striving for is actually bearing fruit and not everything just going unnoticed and blowing away like the wind somewhere and into transience.

The truth is able to become known to all human beings in some process, if they only want it, but the best process is to bring it to them through words of truth, as I am doing. In this way, therefore, truth can have an effect on learning, regardless of age and sex, so that human beings, if they really want to, can take it up, learn it and make it their own. Truth is important for all generations, for the old and the young, and can be learned through one’s own thoughts, correct reflections and insights. There are absolutely no differences or challenges that the logic, intellect and reason of those human beings who honestly, justly, willingly and endeavouringly seek effective truth, cannot meet. Truth itself is the care for the human being to be well and to live a good and right life, for effective truth is all-encompassing, immeasurable and effective, and it has nothing to do with status, spiritualistic nonsense, devil worship and the like, nor with religion and religious or worldly belief, with other unreal and unreal things, with a particular profession, with being rich or poor, with a specially acquired skill or with a particular achievement, etc. Truth is also a form of love, which every human being needs if he wants to live and exist according to this effective truth and life itself.

Continue ReadingSpirituality – True or False