Banks Failing Worldwide

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Judy Byington:
NESARA/ GESARA Laws were as result of 209 nations pledging to a 1,000 year Peace Treaty in order for their countries to participate in the Global Currency Reset and Quantum Financial System.

According to Bruce, the NESARA USA part was set to be announced by the US Congress Speaker of House Kevin McCarthy on Sat. 1 April or Sun. 2 April.

With the Alliance Special Forces now seriously hunting down, arresting and carrying out death sentences on those Satanists, I wonder how April Fools Day will play out for them this year?

Support our President Trump, Flags Out
Fly the American Flag, Trump Flag, Let them hear and see us
Show them who the Majority Is
Flags on cars, trains, buses, overpasses, homes etc. Flags Everywhere
Take a pic of your flag posted all over Social Media
We are the Majority
For Our President
For Our Country

The QFS Destroys the Central Banking System.
Crisis Gone GlobalBanks continued to fail worldwide as the new Global Financial System took over.
All banks which were not Basil III and IV Compliant by Tues. 28 March would be closed and bought out at $1 each by the World Capital Bank, which was owned by the Chinese Elders.
The Chinese Elders and their World Capital Bank already owned all movie studios as well as the banks HSBC, Wells Fargo, Chase Manhattan, Bank of America, Lloyds of London, the IMF and Deutsche Bank, including their hotel chains, real estate developments and mortgages.

On the new Global Financial System run through the StarLink Satellite System, there was complete transparency and security for your bank account. Bitcoin and Etherium will not be worth anything, while the gold/ asset-backed currencies of various countries will be at a 1:1 with each other. Money transactions will be expressed in XRP digital currency that records all transactions to catch the spending of dirty money.
Under the GFS, Banks will no longer lend monies, but rather function as financial service centers that include wealth managers. In 3-5 years Banks were expected to no longer be needed.
On 1 April 2023 a New Beginning for People of the World will be implemented through Freedom from Debt Laws NESARA (US) and GESARA (Global).
The NESARA part was set to be announced by the US Congress Speaker of House Kevin McCarthy on Sat. 1 April according to Bruce.
US Social Security Recipients would see an increase of at least $1,000, perhaps more, in their monthly checks beginning 1 April 2023.
With the EBS we will be asked to return our homes within 3-5 hours, where we will have 10-12 days of EBS broadcasting of documentaries to tell people what was going on.

By Mon. 20 March – the first day of Spring – the Global Currency Reset of 66 nations began after the Iraqi Dinar revalued in-country and began trading on the Forex. (According to Bruce,“Iraqi citizens have been exchanging in country at a decent rate just under seven and that’s the in-country rate for dinar.”)
By Wed. 22 March currencies of over 200 countries and 11,000 institutions had completed their digital integration of bank accounts from the Global Central Banking System to the Quantum Financial System (GFS) ran through #ISO20022 and the new StarLink Satellite System.
By Thurs. 23 March those over 200 countries and 11,000 institutions had completely disconnected from the old Cabal SWIFT fiat monies CBDC System and switched over to the new gold/ asset-backed Quantum Financial System.
“Operation Sandman” was complete – a collaboration of 100+ nations’ global agreement to simultaneously sell off their US Treasury holdings, sending them back to the US to collapse the US Dollar and end the dominance of the Petrodollar.

JFK Secrets on Telegram:

  • Central Banks are shutting down — bankrupted. Old financial systems bankrupted. Congress, White House, IRS, Federal Reserve is shut down — U.S. Corporation is bankrupted.
  • Gold-backed currency, digital assets, QFS, Nesara/ Gesara is growing! QFS Nesara Gesara is manifested.
  • The Global/Galactic Alliance are still working on removing the vise-grip on humanity from the DS cabal — currently removing the satanic spell on the global mass. The Great Awakening journey will be more intense & get more turbulent.
  • Earth & humanity are under construction while business is still open. The DS are in full panic mode, desperate & wounded & is lunging wild attacks.
  • Satanic energies cannot hide anymore as it is prevalent for all to see throughout the matrix society. True colors are being revealed. Much more ugly truths shall be revealed to the public.

Crisis in Israel – “Israel Will Be Last!”
(Q said that Israel would be last).
As protests against the Israeli government increase, the US Embassy in Yerushalayim has told Americans to leave Israel immediately. The international airport is closed, hotel chains are shutting down and doctors only take urgent cases. All shopping malls, schools, universities, national parks, government offices, museums and banks are closed.
…and not a word has been said about it in the Mainstream Media.

France: Large demonstrations against the government continue for over a week.
Germany:Germany braces for biggest strike in decades – Bild
African Nation of Chad Has Taken Over Assets of Exxon Mobil

We appeared to be weeks, days, or perhaps hours away from a Global Financial Collapse, Nuke Scare & activation of the Emergency Broadcast System worldwide 10 Day Lockdown & Blackout that carried with it, a Diana-JFK Jr.-Caroline-Michael Jackson Come-back.

Anonymous High Up Contact: Remember, everything is “smoke & mirrors”… from the possible Trump arrest to the Big Guy / fake president’s arrest. The war is still happening largely behind the scenes, with major [DS] players, in every profession, being taken out one-by-one! Whenever the military hammer finally does fall, it will primarily be an “ankle brace” round up & the mass incarnation of the remaining “small fries,” many of whom have already been convicted under Military Law. The Alliance is now focused on the evil ones capabilities to “make war” and do massive damage… i.e. the Alliance is focused on the destruction of their monetary supply (Central Banks / Fed). Once this final phase of the mission is complete, all else will manifest rather quickly! I still maintain, in 7 days, 7 weeks, or in 7 months… no one knows, but a select few.

Prosecutorial Misconduct – Violation of Oath of Office – Treason in Case Against Trump, Community Support Foundation: “A new Bombshell Document has destroyed the Manhattan DA’s Case against Trump. On Wed. 22 March Trump was set to be indicted, charged with a felony and set for arrest. Instead, the New York Grand Jury investigating Trump was dismissed after a 2018 letter surfaced from Michael Cohen’s lawyer. The letter was addressed to the FEC and declared that Cohen used his own personal funds to pay Stormy Daniels. The Trump Camp was not a party to the transaction and did not reimburse Cohen for the payment. The document was among close to 600 pages of evidence in favor of Trump that the DA had intentionally withheld from the Grand Jury investigating Trump. – It’s OVER.”

Today we have popular anti – Liberal revolutions (farmers in the Netherlands and Belgium, populists in Italia, Left and Right Populists combined in France etc). We are witnessing a European spring as Europe slowly is getting rid and shedding the yoke of Neo Liberal Technocracy and its dictatorship of Capital, Surveillance and Scientism.

U.S. Senate votes 68-23 to end COVID-19 “national emergency” that’s been in place since 2020.

Klaus Schwab

  • Klaus Schwab was founder of the World Economic Forum. His father was industrialist and fascist Eugen Schwab, who was close to Hitler.
  • Klaus was born in Nazi Germany in 1938. At the time, his father not only ran the strategic company “Escher-Wyss,” but ran his own concentration camp, where prisoners had to work for free. The income from this company gave Klaus Schwab a comfortable existence.
  • Schwab was regarded by independent researchers as the organizer of the COVID pandemic, biological terrorism, mass genocide and the main ideologist of modern Western fascism.
  • Satanic Bloodlines such as the Schwabs around the world were bringing people to their knees and have been for generations — Schwab was a Rothschild from his mother’s side.