GAME OVER – We Hope!

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We have been told almost endlessly that the end is near, so we all wait with patience. We should all prepare for the unexpected. From the Judy Byington Report 24th June.




…Q on Telegram SUN. 23 JUNE 2024

THE END IS NEAR: “My fellow Americans, over the course of the next several days you will undoubtedly realize that we are taking back our great country (the land of the free) from the evil tyrants that wish to do us harm and destroy the last remaining refuge of shining light”.

…The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) Q on Telegram Sun. 23 June 2024









1. The real Joe Biden, Obama, Hillary & Bill Clinton, John Kerry, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Tedros, Pope Francis, Guterrez and many others have already been executed for Treason 18 USC 2381 and Serious Crimes against Humanity (Covid PsyOp & BioWeapon Injections Democide) EO 13818.

2. The current Wartime President & CIC of the United States always was and is Donald J. Trump.

3. The entire Biden Administration is on purpose faked, a Central Casting Stratagem.

4. That the United States declared by Wartime President Donald J. Trump a US led Global Defense War 50 USC 1550, current and ongoing, since December 20th 2019

5. That I reported the current and former Swiss Governments and all other rogue NAZI elements and Supras to the US DoD during wartime for crimes against Humanity, Corruption and Treason vs the United States during wartime (Swiss born Covid PSyOp) 18 USC 2381 on January 27th 2024 by myself without lawyers, also to the JAG Corps Officers of the USAF and USSF.


“My fellow Americans, over the course of the next several days you will undoubtedly realize that we are taking back our great country (the land of the free) from the evil tyrants that wish to do us harm and destroy the last remaining refuge of shining light.” The End is Near Join:

· Confirmation (to the public) of what is occurring will then be revealed and will not be openly accepted. Public riots are being organized in serious numbers in an effort to prevent the arrest and capture of more senior public officials.

· On POTUS’ order, a state of temporary military control will be actioned and special ops carried out.

· False leaks have been made to retain several within the confines of the United States to prevent extradition and special operator necessity.

· Rest assured, the safety and well-being of every man, woman, and child of this country is being exhausted in full.

However, the atmosphere within the country will unfortunately be divided as so many have fallen for the corrupt and evil narrative that has long been broadcast.

· We will be initiating the Emergency Broadcast System (EMS) during this time in an effort to provide a direct message (avoiding the fake news) to all citizens.

· Organizations and/or people that wish to do us harm during this time will be met with swift fury – certain laws have been pre-lifted to provide our great military the necessary authority to handle and conduct these operations (at home and abroad)”.


Sun. 23 June 2024 Israel to commence major attack on Lebanon:

On Sun. 23 June 2024 Russian source said, “A deliberate terrorist missile attack was carried out on the city of Sevastopol by five American missiles equipped with cluster warheads.

Sun. 23 June 2024 British Member of Parliament Andrew Bridgen is warning the world that NATO is planning to launch a False Flag Attack on a European city using a nuclear “dirty bomb” and to put the blame on Russia. Bridgen says he is receiving information from defense analysts in military intelligence who have told him there is plenty of nuclear material floating around from Ukraine.

NATO Attacking Russia – Missiles Hitting the Russian City of Belgorod:
Belgorod is a city that serves as the administrative center of Belgorod OblastRussia, located on the Seversky Donets River, approximately 40 kilometers (25 mi) north of the border with Ukraine. East of Kiev.
Michael Jaco & Scott Bennett Live Update From The Battle Front Of Russia Ukraine War!

Continue ReadingGAME OVER – We Hope!

Jab Fraud & Plandemic Exposed

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Dr. David Martin Addresses the European Union Parliament

*Coronavirus Vaccines Don’t Work – Known since 1990

*Coronavirus modifies & mutates too quickly for vaccines to be effective

*Coronavirus escapes the vaccine impulse – every publication 1990-2018

I wrote the following transcript, since everyone should become aware of the sequence of events around the Coronavirus & it’s vaccine. There are some omissions & simplifications in this transcript.

Dr. Martin:
10 years ago in the European Union Parliament, Dr. Martin warned the world of what was coming – should Europe allow for patents on biologically derived materials as the US has done? He warned that the weaponisation of nature against humanity had dire consequences. This advice was ignored.

the weaponisation of nature against humanity had dire consequences

What do we want humanity to be?
It all began by about 1913/1914. The alleged pandemic of the last few years did not happen overnight. Coronavirus as a model of a pathogen, was isolated in 1965 – identified as one of the first infectious replicatable viral models that could be used to modify a series of other experiences of the human condition. It was isolated once upon a time associated with the common cold. In 1965 it was immediately identified as a pathogen that could be used & modified for a host of reasons. In 1966 the very first COV coronavirus model was used as a transatlantic biological experiment in human manipulation between the US & UK. So this is something which has been long in the making.

In 1967 the first human trials on innoculating people with the modified coronavirus was carried out. So, this pathogen has been engineered for over 56 years. All this in violation of biological & chemical weapons treaties.
So we thought that it was acceptable to take a pathogen from the US & infect the world with it. There should have been a conversation about the ethics of this.

violation of biological & chemical weapons treaties

Ironically the common cold was turned into a chimera in the 1970’s.
[A chimera or chimeric virus is a virus that contains genetic material derived from two or more distinct viruses]
In 1975, 1976, 1977 we started figuring out how to modify the coronavirus by putting it into different animals – pigs & dogs. Not surprisingly by the time of 1990 we found the coronavirus as an infectious agent was an industrial problem for two primary industries – dogs & pigs. Dog & pig breeders found that the coronavirus created gastrointestinal problems & that became the basis for Pfizer’s first spike protein vaccine for the coronavirus – patent filed in 1990 (so, no operation warp speed!!).

In 1990 they found out that there was a problem with vaccines.
They don’t work! Thousands of publications say that. These are independent research publications which show unequivocally that coronavirus vaccines do not work.

The coronavirus is a very malleable model which transforms & changes & mutates over time. Every publication on vaccines for coronavirus from 1990 until 2018 concluded that the coronavirus escapes the vaccine impulse – it modifies & mutates too quickly for vaccines to be effective.
That’s following the science. That is their own indictment

vaccines do NOT work on coronaviruses

In 2002 the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, patented “an infectious replication defective clone of coronavirus” [‘infectious replication defective’ means a weapon]
It means something meant to target an individual but not have collateral damage to other individuals.
Funded by NIAID’s Anthony Fauci
This preceded SARS 1.0 by a year. It came from the above lab.
SARS was bioengineered.
SARS is not natural – developed by humans in 2002. The common cold is natural – influenza-like illness, called gastroenteritis – the natural coronavirus.

an infectious replication defective clone of coronavirus
a bioweapon

SARS is the research developed by humans, weaponising a life system model to actually attack human beings. Patented in 2002. – the CDC filed the patent on the coronavirus isolated from humans in violation of ‘Biological & Chemical Weapons Treaty & Laws’ which apply to the US.
When the CDC in April 2003 filed the patent on the SARS Coronavirus Isolated from Humans, they downloaded a sequence from China & filed the patent on it in the US; that’s a violation of the treaty; that’s a crime. The US Patent Office went as far as to reject that patent application on 2 occasions until the CDC bribed that office to over-ride the patent examiner, to ultimately issue the patent in 2007.

a violation of the treaty – that’s a crime

The RTPCR (coronavirus test) was identified as a bioterrorism threat by Dr. Martin in the EU sponsored events in 2002 & 2003. In 2005 this pathogen was specifically labelled as a bioterrorism & bioweapon platform technology. From 2005 onwards it was actually a biowarfare enabling agent; “that doesn’t sound like public health”, “that sounds like a weapon to take out humanity; it feels like that for that is exactly what it is”. “We have been lured into believing that Ecohealth Alliance & DARPA & all of these organisations are what we should be pointing to, but we have been specifically requested to ignore the facts that over 10 billion dollars have been funneled through black operations through the cheque of Anthony Fauci & a side by side ledger of NIAD & a Biodefence balance sheets shows equivalent dollar for dollar matching that no one in the media talks about. This has been going on since 2005.

in 2005
this [coronavirus] pathogen was specifically labelled as a bioterrorism & bioweapon platform technology

Our gain of function moratorium conveniently in the fall of 2014 was suspended because although their grants had already been funded, they received an exemption. The Chapel Hill Laboratory received an exemption from the moratorium, so by 2016 we could publish the journal article which said ‘SARS Coronavirus is poised for human emergence’; It was WIV1 – Wuhan Institute of Virology Virus 1. This was at the proceedings of the National Institute Academy of Sciences. So, by 2017 & 2018 the following phrase entered onto common usage among the community: ‘There is going to be an accidental or intentional release of a respiratory pathogen’. The operative word is ‘release’ Not a leak. “Does that sound like a Bat & a Pangolin went into a bar in the Wuhan Market & hung out & had sex & low & behold we got SARSCov2?

the Chapel Hill Laboratory received an exemption from the moratorium

The proceedings of the National Institute Academy of Sciences:
There is going to be an accidental or intentional RELEASE of a respiratory pathogen’

The terminology ‘there is going to be an accidental or intentional release of a respiratory pathogen’ was used 4x in 2019 – 7 months before the allegation of patient number 1. Four patent applications of Moderna were modified to include the term ‘accidental or intentional release of a respiratory pathogen’. This was used as a justification for the use of a vaccine for a thing which did not exist.
This was all premeditated. In September 2019 the world was informed that “we were going to have an accidental intentional release of a respiratory pathogen”, so that by September 2020 there would be a world wide acceptance of a universal vaccine template. The intent was to get the world to accept the universal vaccine template & the intent was to use the Coronavirus to get there.

this was all premeditated
the intent was to get the world to accept the universal vaccine template & to use the Coronavirus to get there

Quote from Document: Displayed by Dr. Martin:

“Until an infectious disease crisis is really present and is at the emergency threshold it is often largely ignored. To sustain the funding base beyond the crisis he said that we need to increase the public understanding for the need for medical countermeasures such as a pan influenza or pan coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media & the economics will follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues . Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process. “Sounds like public health, the best for humanity??”

This was premeditated domestic terrorism stated at the Proceedings of the National Acadamy of Sciences in 2015, published in front of them.
This is an act of ‘biological & chemical warfare, perpetrated on the human race.
This act was admitted to in writing – that
this is a financial heist & a financial fraud
investors will follow if there is a profit at the end of the process

Nature was hijacked. This started in 1965 when a natural model was hijacked & we started manipulating it.
Science was hijacked when the only questions that could be asked were questions authorised under the patent protection of the CDC, FDA, NIH & their equivalent organisations around the world.
This was in violation of all of the codes that we stand for.
There was no independent review board – since 1965.
Morality was suspended.
Humanity was lost since we allowed it to happen.
There should be:
*No more gain of function research.
*No more weaponisation of nature.
*No more corporate patronage of science for their own self interest –
unless they assume 100% product liability for every injury & every death that occurs.

Sun. 16 June 2024 Dr. Judy Mikovits – Dr. David Martin Reveals the Truth About Coronavirus Vaccines:
28 Years of Science Said ‘They Didn’t Work.’ Pfizer made their first spike protein vaccine for Coronavirus in 1990. “And in 1990, they found out that there was a problem with vaccines. They didn’t work!” shared corporate adviser and entrepreneur with multiple PhDs Dr. David Martin. “As a matter of fact, every publication on vaccines for Coronavirus from 1990 until 2018, every single publication concluded that Coronavirus escapes the vaccine impulse because it modifies and mutates too quickly for vaccines to be effective. And since 1990 to 2018, that is the published science,” he explained. “And there are thousands of publications to that effect, not a few hundred … All of them show vaccines do not work on Coronavirus. That’s the science”.

“vaccines do not work on Coronavirus”

Continue ReadingJab Fraud & Plandemic Exposed

Prophetien und Voraussagen Prophecies and Predictions

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This book written by Billy Meier is a collection of many prophecies.
Messages Telepathically received from the PETALE-Spirit plane by ‘Billy’ Eduard Albert Meier.
The PETALE-Plane is the highest existing Spirit-form-plane of the creation-universe. This plane represents the transition to Creation-Being, therefore it is absolutely impossible for a material lifeform to get in contact with us PETALE-Powers in this plane.

Thursday, November 19, 1981, 17:28 PM:

Europe sinks into ashes and embers,

in the sand runneth the blood of Man,

the third world-fire rages and fumes,

an insanity-work – praised by evil.

Million-fold death prevails,

who mercilessly razes down Man.

There is war – the third world-fire,

conjured up by Man’s own hand;

through religion, cult, greed, hatred and power,

because mankind about love only laughs.

Political power-greed and cult-religion,

ever since they scoffed at truth,

through this they now release the war,

in 666 – the sign of evil.

Also the regular citizen carried this blame;

for politics and religion he smolders in homage.

That makes him guilty of the downfall,

taboo is to him all drive for truth.

Man is not interested in the truth,

but only in cult-politics and falsehood,

through which the third world-fire ablazes,

and millions of dead from mankind demands.

For this Europe will be the central point,

where glistening the deadly spark alights.

In Germany alone, where life still blossoms,

a hundred atom-suns are ablaze.

Which emblazing everything will destroy,

in screaming fire, when people will die.

Irresponsibly the world powers will twist to see,

that the Europeans the world-fire will see,

by which the lands and life will die,

when thundering atom-fires will burn.

The mighty ones of the world powers, they play,

by which the subordinates lose their life.

In safe bunkers the mighty ones will hide,

while the subordinates unprotected spend the night,

by which they are doomed to death;

but the mighty ones survive in the bunker closet.

Those, the great ones of the world poker for power,

and each one of these laughs up his sleeve,

because united they throw down the deadly fire,

on to peace-searching Europe as their hire,

for the efforts of Europe for a lasting peace,

which for so long is searched for down on Earth.

Many atom-deaths will waft across Europe,

while chemical- and bacterial bombs fall down.

Radioactive rays destroy much life,

under neutron waves the lands ashake;

a slow death they torturously spread,

which for days, months and years will march ahead;

but still more manifold deaths stalk about,

and Europe slowly will be empty of Man,

because the mighty, the irresponsible ones,

will not raffle their own land off for war,

but far from their own home in Europe-land,

they quench their power-greed in the third world-fire.

So Europe becomes the play-ball of power,

when death of the world-fire laughs,

when the mighty ones in safe places,

hoard reports of victory and ruin,

about Europe and the people, who will die.

** This is a message from the highest spiritual plan, where those spirits are at the last step before merging with the Creation itself. They are all-knowing!

Continue ReadingProphetien und Voraussagen Prophecies and Predictions

The ‘Great Bear’ Prophecy

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As the long foretold “far future” unstoppably approaches, we await the Great Bear that will come and tear apart the “evil doings of the Western powers”

NATO – Europe & the USA – wants to attack & destroy Russia, using the Ukraine as a battle field. Russian forces went into Ukraine to protect the Russians in the east, to destroy the over 40 Bioweapon Factories, to put a stop to the child trafficking & to save 30,000+ children who were being brutally tortured to extract adrenochrome. organs & to be trafficked.
The people in Europe in particular should rise up against their satanic masters & put a stop to this madness – attacking Russia. Do they really want to sacrifice their lives?f

The Prophecies of Henoch: Extract from Two Hundred Fifteenth Contact Saturday, 28th February 1987, 02:09 hrs

I would like to point out that prophecies are always changeable and can be changed for the better if human beings make positive changes in their thoughts, feelings and actions, leading to that which is better and positively progressive.
Therefore, it is possible that negative or evil prophecies do not have to be fulfilled if the preceding causes will be purposely changed in a manner that positivity and good develop out of them instead of negativity and evil.
However, this does not apply to predictions, as these rest upon events that cannot be changed, are inevitable and surely and definitely will occur in the future.
Predictions rest upon a preview and thus on a direct viewing of the future, and have to do with neither prophecy nor with a calculation of probability.
Thus, the possibility always exists- always provided that the human being of the Earth becomes reasonable, that through a reasonable change of thinking as well as through a reasonable development in feeling and an equally reasonable conduct, everything changes for the good, better and positive, whereby the prophecies do not have to fulfil themselves.
However, if this transformation does not occur, a very evil, wicked and negative time lies ahead for the Earth and its entire population in the coming new millennium.

248. Yet Russia will not rest and will attack Scandinavia, and in doing so will embroil all of Europe. And months before that, a terrible tornado will have swept across northern Europe, causing great devastation and destruction.
249. It must still be stated that the Russian attack will occur during the summer, in fact, starting from Arhangelsk. Denmark will not be dragged into the war, due to the insignificance of this country.
271. But death, destruction and annihilation will not only rage in Europe but also in America, where much suffering will have to be endured and many deaths as well as destruction and annihilation will be.
272. America and Russia will have the most terrible weapons of mass destruction at their disposal—a fact which is already the case to a certain extent today—and will clash with violent force against each other at that time of conflict, whereby Canada will also be dragged into this conflict.
273. The source of this conflict will substantiate the Russian attack on the American State of Alaska and against Canada.
274. This conflict will result in mass killings of human beings as well as devastating destruction, annihilation and epidemics, etc., which mankind of Earth will never have seen and experienced up to that time.
275. Not only nuclear, biological and chemical weapons will be used en masse, but also enormously deadly systems of computer-controlled weapons that are only in the beginning stages of development today, or will be invented and constructed during the third millennium.

Billy Meier 1949 as a 12 year old:

NOW FULFILLING: Billy Meier’s Russia, UK, Falklands and Antarctica Predictions
The following was verifiably first published, by Billy Meier, on October 10, 1981:

178. Your words are of appropriate correctness, but this pope will not be able to pursue his evil deeds for much longer.

179. He has also already predetermined his end through his criminal actions, but I do not want to make any statements about that at the moment.

180. It is more appropriate that I tell you that this deceitful man is now scheming to visiti your home country, Switzerland, where he wants to appear in Geneva and continue his acting.

181. In addition, he will also endeavour to get to Argentina, in order to break in on the population there, and with his dishonest manner, concerning the war between Argentina and England.

182. Namely, in the month of April 1982, the Argentines will militarily seize the Falkland Islands, which are under the English colony, whereupon England will send out a war fleet, which will then lead to a real small-scale war between the two states, which will claim many human lives and war material.

183. This war, however, will be a sign of a third world conflagration threatening in the third millennium.

184. Moreover, this will also be the actual fundamental point for the fact that in this world war, if it cannot be prevented, England will be attacked from the East with great might.

185. This, however, is still in the far future, and when the time comes, no one will look for the justification for the attack on England in this forthcoming Falklands conflict which will break out in the month of April 1982, although, truthfully, the origin will lie there.

1982 Falklands-WW III Prediction

Billy Meier gave an interview in 1982 in which, when asked about the Soviet Union, he responded mentioning Russia instead. The Soviet Union officially dissolved in 1991, 9 years after this interview. (He also said “before 2000” in this interview but meant to say “after 2000″.)

The accuracy and significance of Meier’s prescience now emerge, as two recent articles in the British press confirm that the “still far future” is now more closely upon us:

May 13, 2024:

The Falklands have just become the most valuable piece of real estate on earth

Russia’s discovery of vast oil reserves in the British Antarctic Territory has fired the starting gun on a mad scramble for resources

May 27, 2024:

Huge Falklands update over fears Putin could make £33trillion oil grab

Vladimir Putin and the UK appear to be heading towards a major conflict over a huge oil field in British waters near the Falkland Islands.


Attack from Germany
31.The planned ban on cash shall bring about the dispossession of the populations, while, however, the elite of the governors and of capitalism can, for their part, “swim” in joy and splendour. And the entire financial system of the entire world shall be toppled, in order thereby to newly arrange all existing state debts of all countries, and indeed such that generally only the populations of the countries come to harm. Already in the USA and in the EU dictatorship, there exist secret plans to start a war from Germany against Russia, which shall be named as the reason for the entire arising worldwide crisis. And that thereby the blame for this war is to then be shoved onto Russia, naturally completely unrightly – if it actually comes about – is clear right from the start. And if this war actually occurs, then from that martial law is deduced, which suppresses the incensed population – which will be completely dispossessed – through strong and ruthless military and police powers.

Continue ReadingThe ‘Great Bear’ Prophecy


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IT’S TIME – BOMBS INCOMING: The White Hat Global Military Alliance in coordination with local law enforcement authorities, were cleaning up the last of the International Child Sex Trafficking Ring Perps, or in other words: the Political and Global Elite Satan worshippers who, in honor of Lucifer and in a quest for fame, fortune and glory, torture, rape and sacrifice drugged children on alters and harvest their organs while drinking their Adrenochromed blood.

ALERT: Phones, Radio, Media To Go Down Under Martial Law: Urgent Alert: Space Force Flexed on Deep State Showing they can/will Shut Phones, Radio, Media Down: Project Odin, Martial Law, and the Quantum Financial System… – American Media Group (

Four layers beneath the White House have been reset by the Cabal every 200 years (1050 to 1250; 1251 to 1450; 1451 to 1650; 1651 to 1850; 1851 to now). The layers were used by the Clintons, Bushes, Obamas, Cabal and Reptilians as underground work places for children and Adrenochrome Harvesting. The Special Forces found children who were born in these underground tunnels and never saw sunlight in more than 50 years. The tunnels ran for 200 miles, even beneath the US Capitol. The World is connected with Underground Tunnels for 32,000 miles. The Capitol and White House are closed. These Cabal buildings around the World will be destroyed by the Rods from God. …The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram Sun. 2 June 2024

· We are at War fighting for life and good. Not everything will be clean. Scare Event necessary. Trust the US Military and the Chain of Command. Have faith. We are in control, Patriots. You were chosen for a reason. You are being provided the highest level of Intel to ever be dropped publicly in the history of the World. Use it. Protect and comfort those around you. Where We Go One, We Go All. …Shadow of Diana on Telegram Sun. 2 June 2024


· The Fake News Media continues to spread their lies: Queen Margrethe of Denmark will step down as monarch on January 14, 2024. This was a man. He had two children. Very strange when you both have a dick. All Pedo Nazi royal families (Black Nobility) in the World were executed between 2018 and 2020. May they burn in Hell forever for what they did to God’s children. …Q45 JFK Organization on Telegram Sun. 2 June 2024

· Sun. 2 June 2024 Very disturbing and shocking: Large numbers of children’s bodies found in an underground facility in China soaked in formalin. Two million people go missing every year in China. Is this related to Organ Harvesting?

· Mon. 7 June 2021 Pope Francis Admits to Deceiving Followers, Promoting Mark of the Beast, Blackmailing World Leaders | Politics | Before It’s News (

· Fri. 4 June 2021 Queen Elizabeth, Canada, Native Chiefs, Vatican, CIA Cover Up of Child Death Camps, Mass Grave Sites | Politics | Before It’s News (

· Wed. 2 June 2021 Vatican, Canadian Gov, Pfizer, Bayer, Eli Lilly Genocide of 60,000 Native Children | Politics | Before It’s News (

· Thurs. 24 Sept. 2020: Vatican Pedophile Network Closed as Gold Repatriated to US Treasury | Politics | Before It’s News (

· Fri. 8 March 2019: Vatican No Longer Blackmails World Leaders, Though Do Child Sacrifice | Politics | Before It’s News (

· Fri. 22 Feb. 2019: Vatican Sets Child Sacrifice for Feb. 23 in Rome | Politics | Before It’s News (


· Expect a lot of children to be rescued from Child Trafficking Rings as Military, Police, White Hat Operations kick into overdrive.

· There will be so many operations that will hit MSM news stations, social media networks of police raids operations that are rescuing children through the United States.

· These very important open police operations will coincide with military operations and ALLIANCE operations that will bring in the ALARM on child trafficking through the next 10 months on the highest levels humans have ever heard of human child trafficking.

· This open operations WILL connect with the CONGRESS/ MUSK/ TRUMP/ROGAN/ RFKJR several top podcasters around the world EXPOSING the REAL pandemic: human/child trafficking sex Industries connected to elites, governments, entertainment and Deep State Military.

· The U.S. CONGRESS has plans to PUSH the EPSTEIN exposure files, the CIA . FBI is in sheer PANIC as the EVENT comes closer.

· Currently the SOUND OF FREEDOM documentary is going world wide as billionaires Alliance in EU push for the EXPOSURE and pave the way for the movie to hit worldwide from UK, to Australia and more.

· The White Hats are planning a massive move that will Red Pill the world on a fast grand scale operation.

· This all connects with the exposure of Ukraine, Biden, Hunter Laptop, Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, M16, CIA, Mossad UN. (Why do you think they kept Ghislaine Maxwell alive and the CIA, Clintons and Rockefellers can’t retrieve her, get her set free or kill her?)

· Who has the Epstein computers, servers data and FULL info?

· The U.S. Military Special Forces breached Epstein Island weeks before the FBI raided the island.

· There is exposure of Obama by his own Biographer who said Obama talked of making love to men. Even Whistleblowers came forward of his gay activities dating back before he was president. This non-coincidental events are leading up to full exposure of Obamas secret life, his marriage.

· Everything will connect to how the CIA and Democratic Party Leaders programmed the World into a gay agenda that was planned back in the 1960s and even connects to public water (what’s in the water?).

· The exposure of Justin Trudeau and his family heritage and line are connected to CIA operations and honey traps. His own mother was a CIA created prostitute at the young age of 15 and had sex with Rolling Stones and famous people and politicians. By the age of 18 she married Justin Trudeau father’s Pierre Trudeau who was in his 50s and who was a pedophile himself. Both had Swingers parties and orgies through the world with politicians and Elites. The month that Justin Trudeau was born his family was just a hundred miles from Fidel Castro’ and the Trudeaus blocked all media on a secret weekend they went to Cuba. This is a fact and has been reported. In this very moment Justin Trudeau was conceived. It was well-known that Pierre Trudeau was infertile and never had children even into his 50s. Months later after Justin Trudeau was born he was introduced to his real father Fidel Castro and photos were taken.

· It’s well known in the CIA and top level Intel agencies that Arnold Schwarzenegger was CIA handled and was used also as an Elite Male Prostitute.

· As was Justin Trudeau, who was a male prostitute for the elites and was used in sex honeypot Deep State Operations. He blackmailed his way to the top through CIA/MI6 control ops to become prime minister.

· It’s also well known in the CIA that George H.W. Bush also used Obama as a prostitute. Obama was created long ago to become president, and use black communities as voters to sustain power for CIA.

· Once the Canadian government actually put out a public report insisting that Trudeau is not Castro’s son. The military ALLIANCE doors are closing in.


· Sat. 1 June 2024: Barbara Oneill: Cancer Cells Die In 42 Days! This Famous Austrian’s Juice Cured Over 45k People From Cancer & Other Incurable Diseases! (Recipe-Video) – American Media Group (

· Autism can be cured, a child was fully autistic at 3, yet by age 6 he was symptom-free and back to being a normal kid. The cure? His parents helped him to detox from Mercury and heavy metals injected into him through the childhood vaccines.

· Sun. 3 June 2024 Suppressed Footage now resurfacing online from 2020, as a result of the Scotland COVID Inquiry, shows plainly that Scottish hospitals were never overwhelmed or “at capacity” during the plandemic.

· Top Japanese Scientists DEMAND Withdrawal of COVID Shots. Dr. Masanori Fukushima, a prominent Japanese oncologist, has publicly called for COVID-19 mRNA injections to be pulled off the market, describing them as “the work of evil” and equating their impact to “essentially murder”. Moreover, Japanese researchers are sounding the alarm on the risks associated with blood transfusions from vaccinated individuals. In a March 14, 2024, preprint, the authors warn: “The impact of these genetic vaccines on blood products and the actual damage caused by them are unknown at present. Therefore, in order to avoid these risks and prevent further expansion of blood contamination and complication of the situation, we strongly request that the vaccination campaign using genetic vaccines be suspended and that a harm–benefit assessment be carried out as early as possible”.

· Sun. 2 June 2024 REPORT: Dr. McCullough warns the bird flu response is a GIANT threat to the Food Supply. “They’re coming on farms with hazmat suits doing mass PCR testing of healthy animals. All that’s going to do is raise a false case count and create orders for MASS CULLING”. It gets worse. Dr. McCullough says, “They want mass vaccination”. The FDA has already cleared the Audenz bird flu vaccine WITHOUT human trial data. Equally terrifying, CEPI (Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations) is working on a self-amplying vaccine for “Disease X”.


1. Presidents and Former Presidents Can Be Impeached

2. Presidents and Former Presidents can be Forced to Reveal Tax and Business Records

3. Presidents and Former Presidents Lose Executive Privilege

4. Presidents and Former Presidents Lose Attorney-Client Privilege

5. Presidents and Former Presidents can be Forced to Release Private Phone Records and Text Messages

6. Presidents and Former Presidents can have their Homes Raided By the FBI

7. Presidents and Former Presidents can be Subpoenaed by Partisan Committees

8. Presidents and Former Presidents can be repeatedly Indicted and Arrested

9. Presidents and Former Presidents lose their First Amendment Right to Free Speech

10. Presidents and Former Presidents lose the Right to a Jury Trial

11. VP no longer has authority to Question Validity of Disputed Electoral Votes

12. The Losing Party no longer has Authority to Submit Contingent Electors when Results are Disputed

13. Presidents and Former Presidents Don’t Have Presidential Immunity