Benjamin Fulford Appeals for Help from West Tokyo Police
This important message I found this morning.
Benjamin Fulford: Emergency Broadcast 2.19.25: Fulford Seeks Protection From Military White Hat!
Having watched this video I conclude that the uploader made a stupis mistake:
“Seeks Protection From Military White Hat”
It should read:
“Fulford Seeks Protection From the Japanese West Tokyo Police”
Benjamin Fulford seeks help from the Military White Hats
The uploader can’t have listened to the video properly.
Listen to this video to also gain an understanding as to the situation in Japan.
*The Japanese police are not police. They are enforcers for gangsters.
When Fulford went to the police with evidence that the Japanese Govt had murdered 500,000 of their own citizens (from vaccines), they refused to take action, even though he had given them much evidence.
Austraian agent Sasha Zarrick was asked by the West Tokyo Police to give false testimony that Fulford was a drug dealer, to give them an excuse to put him in jail; e refused. He later blew the whistle on the Fukushima attack, saying it was a terrorist attack using a stolen nuclear weapon. The result was that he was forced into a mental hospital by the same police & later he was thrown in front of a train & killed.
They have tried to use 2 lady friends of Fulford to frame him, and they have put pressure on other other people as well.