Military Set Up Raid on Trump’s Mansion
Q Proof! Military Set Up Raid!
Military in Control.
*Watch the video:
*Knock Knock written on the cover.
*Q was writing: “Is there a benefit (think public optics) to allow your enemy to open the front door?
**Much more – look at the video.

“Something Big is Coming on Mon. 5 Sept. 12 Noon EST”
… John McAffe
Tues. 6 Sept. 6:00 pm EST: “I am ready to come out of the shadows. Now is the time!”
…(JFK Jr.?)
2020 Election Invalid
The US Supreme Court has Voided the 2020 Election due to Election Fraud.
…Lin Wood, Charlie Ward
The Global Currency Reset Has Already Occurred!!!
All 209 nation’s gold/asset-backed currencies started trading on the Forex back screens on Sun. 28 Aug.
We await a formal announcement to dissolve the US Presidency and Congress and bring in Martial Law until a new fair and transparent election can be held.
The Foreign-owned IRS From Hell: The US Inc. IRS was privately owned by the Rothschild/Rockefeller Bankers, while the US Court system and Lawyers answered not to the US citizens they were supposed to serve, but to the Crown Bar of England.
The Pope has called for all monies of the world’s Central Banks be moved to the Vatican Bank – a sign something big was happening.
The FBI, CIA, IRS and other US government agencies were being controlled by foreign entities of the New World Order.
Calendar of Events:
*“September will be a month of upheaval – a month when all the dirty things of this government will be exposed. Trump Warns of Dark Times Ahead: …Donald J. Trump Live on Telegram.
*“September and October were going to be very important months. A lot of things will happen. We will get a confession in that time about the theft of the 2020 Election. They are already caught.” …Charlie Ward
*By voiding the 2020 Election, the US government as now organized, would be dissolved. Mainstream Media Satellites would be taken down, the Emergency Broadcast System put into effect on the new Star Link Satellite System and nations around the world would go into Martial Law. The US would maintain Martial Law until a new Election could take place.
*In 29 hours to Mon. 5 Sept. 12 Noon EST: Something Big is Coming. All the right people are scared, very scared. Incoming: Epstein 98%. I am bulletproof. Trump is the legitimate president. …John McAffe.
*Tues. 6 Sept. 6:00 pm EST (JFK Jr.?) lives and going live: “It’s time for Justice! I will expose them in 4 days (from Fri. 2 Sept). Prepare for the Real Storm! It was a Plandemic and they are going to pay for their crimes. …To be in the shadows was the only choice I had. They wanted to destroy me. They want to destroy what they cannot control. I am ready to come out from the shadows. Now is the time!” …Q Victory, it’s not a conspiracy anymore.
*Sun. 11 Sept. (9/11) they will shut down the world’s economy according to Lin Wood.
*Tues. 8 November 2022 Elections: “I have on extremely good authority from three different sources that the USA election in November will not happen. This has already gone through the Supreme Court – SCOTUS – and they used a Shadow Document to overturn the 2020 Election.”…Charlie Ward
Durham Report:
John Durham announced: “BIDEN WILL BE REMOVED SOON.” After John Durham revealed that FBI agents who were involved in the Mar A Lago raid on President Trump’s home are actively under his criminal investigation, now he posted that Biden will be removed soon. You might want to follow his private channel:
The FBI, IRS and CIA were committing acts of Treason on US Citizens by order of foreign entities for the purpose of taking over America:
*The FBI was out of control, their latest being the raid of President Trump’s home where without a warrant to do so, rummaged through his family’s personal possessions.
*CIA: After World War II Nazi Mind Control Experts were given a safe haven in the US: By 1947 the CIA had been established under the National Security Act of 1947. The agency immediately implemented tortuous Mind Control methods on the developing brains of young children with the purpose of splitting their thinking patterns into multiple personalities. Their first published experiments were in the 1940s and 1950s using young male children institutionalized at the Fernald School in Massachusetts who were fed radioactive cereal. The purpose of the Mind Control experiments was to create Manchurian Candidates to do CIA bidding.
*IRS Swat Teams kicked seniors Ken and Barbie out of their home, threw away their entire personal possessions including expensive equipment Ken used to make a living, arrested them without reading them their rights, destroyed evidence Ken had filed for to bring into Court, denied them hearings and a fair trial and now had a warrant out for their arrest, having convicted them of living in and stealing from their own home. All AFTER a Federal Tax Court ruled they didn’t owe any monies to the IRS – the fact of which they were denied the right to bring forth in their jury trial.
*If they can do that to a US President, if they can do it to innocent children, if they can do that to common law-biding citizens Ken and Barbie, then what was next for you?
*You can do something about this Nazi-Style Government: Join the Global Reignite Freedom Starting Sun. 4 Sept. 2022 8:00 pm GMT With one step at a time, hand in hand, we will walk out from the society they are trying to enslave us into. Join us at info@reignitefreedom.com
*For the next time you tell someone the news is run by the CIA and they call you a conspiracy theorist: Sig Mickelson, President of CBS from 1954 to 1961: “We had been contacted by the CIA, as a matter of fact by the time I became the head of the whole News and Public Affairs operation in 1954 the shifts had been established and I was told about them and asked if I’d carry on with them”