Real Trump Clone Dead – UPDATE

Update 18th Feb:
Benjamin Fulford explained that the Real Trump died in 1989.
Also, that the Trump that died in the helicopter crash was an avatar & that the Real Trump was safe under Cheyenne Mountain.
Watch this video – the latest at the end of last week + another is included:

Comment 10th Feb:
Colonel McGregor & Judge Napolitano:

Comment 9th Feb:
As yet I have not seen any other commentator saying that Trump is dead.
As I state below Trump before the crash compared with now re Gaza, Netanyahu, etc. is very strange behaviour.

Strange behaviour by Trump recently can now be explained if Trump has been replaced by a controlled ‘look-a-like’:
*Now buddy-buddy with Satanic Netanyahu – appeared on stage with him.
*Wanting to kick out the Gazans.
*Executive Order anti ICC – International Criminal Court. ICC wants to arrest Netanyahu.
*Aiming to destroy Iran
Benjamin Fulford thinks that Trump may be killed at the Super Bowl
Just like 911 when Americans were so incensed that they wanted Bin Laden to be tracked down & killed, then if “Trump” is killed, supposedly by Iranians, then US citizens will demand that Iran be attacked.
** This did not happen. Still the “strange behaviour” seems odd.

Benjamin Fulford appeals to Colonel Douglas McGregor
The Planetary Liberation Alliance would like to offer Colonel McGregor the position of “Field Marshall of the United States of North America”

Watch this latest Benjamin Fulford video:

Please alert people to the above.
Benjamin Fulford has a paid subscripton, but gives a weekly report available to the public -usually available about Fri/Sat.
I get this from “Before It’s News”. A number of other of his videos appear there, but are either out of date, an old collection rolled into one, or even his photo used.
He always starts his video with the date & it is about 20 min long. It may be a week delayed, but a subscriber may upload it early.

Meanwhile, it will be interesting what Colonel McGregor says next & what Benjamin Fulford tells us next week.

Continue ReadingReal Trump Clone Dead – UPDATE

RFK Jnr. Just Got Ambushed!

RFK jr. Just Got Ambushed! We Have 24 Hours! Not a Drill!

Emergency Alert for Patriots:
Globalists are at it again. One of the most crucial battles for America’s future is happening behind closed doors – a Republican is trying to stab us in the back. Senator Bill Cassiddy, a so=called conservative from Louisiana, is blocking RFK Jnr’s confirmation as Trump’s pick for Health & Human Services. This is an absolute betrayal of the America First Movement.

RFK Jnr has been exposing “Big Pharma”, calling out the “Corrupt Medical Establishment” and fighting for the freedom of patriotic Americans. The “Global Elite” hate him & Cassidy is doing their bidding.

This is a direct attack on Trump’s “Make America Great Again” movement – MAGA. Also an attack on “Make America Healthy Again”.
If Cassidy doesn’t vote yes tomorrow, then RFK Jnr is done.

Also, other patriots may also not make it – Tulsi Gabbard, Kash Patel.

The Governor of Lousiana is calling Cassidy out.

Call Senator Cassidy & give him the message – you want him to vote YES!

Patriots are now mobilising.

Rep. Chip Roy has just stepped up and is calling out the traitors.

The Senate’s voice mail system has just crashed due to the sheer amount of calls demanding that these 3 people are confirmed. They are receiving over 600 calls per minute!

PH: 202 224 3121 and demand a vote for RFK Jnr.
Also: 202 224 5824

People are in the streets.
Join them.
Take a stand.

Or, will you let the globalists win?

Stand up
Fight Back
Don’t be steam-rolled by the DEEP STATE.

Continue ReadingRFK Jnr. Just Got Ambushed!

Military Official Probing COVID Cabal Killed

Whistleblower: Military Official Probing COVID Cabal Killed in DC Air Crash 2025
In the heart of Washington D.C., a catastrophic air collision between a military Black Hawk helicopter and a commercial airliner sent shockwaves around the world. The mainstream media rushed to label it a tragic accident, but as the investigation unfolds, mounting evidence is revealing a far more sinister truth.

Eyewitness accounts, conflicting reports, and strange actions by key players point to a clear conclusion: this was a carefully orchestrated strike. A targeted operation designed to eliminate a powerful figure on the verge of exposing dangerous secrets – secrets the deep state would stop at nothing to keep buried.

Now, military whistleblowers have come forward, confirming what many had feared: this wasn’t an accident – it was an assassination.

This video also covers the Pennsylvania air crash.

“The People’s Voice”
Note: There will be plenty of fake news on social media to cause confusion & distractions.

CNN had pre-written articles published online before the crash.
The blackhawk helicopter did not have it’s transponder on.
The Wikipedia page popped up fairly quickly with a long list of references.

A high ranking military officer was on board the airliner. He was investigating top ranking members of the Cabal.

Note: No bodies from the helicopter found yet – it could be remote controlled.

The evidence points to an assassination.

Also, see this video:
Michael Jaco: Alert! Military Preparation for Major Global Event!
Sunday, February 2, 2025 9:56

Continue ReadingMilitary Official Probing COVID Cabal Killed

Australian Police to Arrest Gov’t Officials Involved in ‘mRNA Genocide

Watch this video from “The People’s Voice” – the top one.

Continue ReadingAustralian Police to Arrest Gov’t Officials Involved in ‘mRNA Genocide

Real News – Fake News

I will be placing here people who are worth listening to. And more.
Benjamin Fulford:
Benjamin Fulford has a paid subscripton, but gives a weekly report available to the public -usually available about Fri/Sat.
I get his videos from “Before It’s News”. A number of other of his videos appear there, but are either out of date, an old collection rolled into one, or even his photo used.
He always starts his video with the date & it is about 20 min long. It may be a week delayed, but a subscriber may upload it early.

Here is his video available to the public. It is on 24th Jan 2025 – he makes a mistake & says 17th Jan.

Colonel Douglas McGregor
Scott Ritter
Gary Franchi:
Lou Valentino: LV NATION
“The People’s Voice”
Clayton & Natalie Morris: Redacted
Ole Dammegard: Often with Michael Jaco

Continue ReadingReal News – Fake News


President Trump has just signed an executive order to declassify every last file on the assassination of J.F. Kennedy, R.F. Kennedy & Martin Luther King Jnr.
Trump said that people had been waiting for this for decades & that everything will be revealed
President Trump then asked his aide to give the signing pen to R.F.K. Junior.
Breaking: Trump Just Made the Most Dangerous Move of His Presidency and It’s Finally Happening
Friday, January 24, 2025 1:41
Vice President L.B. Johnson is implicated in a video clip on this video.
Mike Pompeo asked Trump not to release the files. Trump revoked his secret service detail.


The ISIS Attacks: We Were Warned

From Michael Horn – Extracts from contacts between our prophet Billy Meier 7 the ET Plejaren
January 2, 2025

Suppressed for decades by military intelligence, phony US government UFO committees, profiteering “UFO experts”,  the prophecies and predictions by Billy Meier continue to fulfill


Two terrorist attacks, at this point widely believed to be conducted by American ISIS operatives, require that the following information be published…once again.


217. Far in the West, it will be different; the United States of America will be a country of total destruction.

218. The cause for this will be manifold.

219. With its global conflicts which are continuously instigated by it and which will continue far into the future, America is creating enormous hatred against itself, worldwide, in many countries.

220. As a result, America will experience enormous catastrophes which will reach proportions barely imaginable to people of Earth.

221. The destruction of the WTC, i.e., the World Trade Center, by terrorists will only be the beginning.


175. And it will be that the fanatics of Islam will rise up against the countries of Europe and all will shake and quiver.

176. Everything in the West will be destroyed; England will be conquered and thrown down to the lowest level of misery.

177. And the fanatics and warriors of Islam will retain their power for a long time.

178. However, not only Europe will be affected but ultimately all the countries and peoples of the Earth, as the great horror expands to a war that will encompass the entire world.


258. However, the main objective of the aggressors will be to bring all of Europe under their military control, and for that purpose France will be selected to be the headquarters. France will not only be invaded by the aggressors from the outside, but will also be conquered from within as a result of collaborative forces and other forces.

259. This can be envisioned as being the many foreigners of a different religion living in France at that time, and specifically Islam, which will be this force working from within.


12.) Terrorists will spread murder and destruction world wide, thereafter they return again to their slippery cracks and hide in order to hatch new monstrosities and bring death and corruption over humanity.


83.) And it will be that fanatical Islamists carry out bloody revenge on the distant descendants of the Christians, for the earlier crusades when they accomplish their deadly and destructive acts through irrepressible terror all over the world.

84.) Threatening thunder will crack over the Earth and deaths in their thousands will rage when the criminal national powers of the U.S.A. release war into the wide world and when Israel’s national forces spread just the same terror, murder, death and corruption as the Palestinians themselves, from whom uncountable suicide bombers will go; all over the world all variety of military and rebellious forms of murderers will recruit, out of all levels of the population, and drill the recruits into being murder machines devoid of feelings and conscience, to whom also every kind of torture is a shining joy.

85.) Organized murder and terror commandoes will live secretly in cities worldwide and plan and carry out deadly attacks in order to kill thousands of people and produce unimagined destruction.


40.) And it will be that even before the time of the Third Millennium, and indeed in 1993, a political and commercial European dictator will arise that will be called the “European Union” and, in evil, will carry the number 666, as through this the citizens of all member countries will finally be brought under total control through biometric data in identification devices and in the form of small data chips in the head or body inserted in a “biometric identification system” that would be overseen and controlled through a “central data bank” whereby finally the whereabouts of every human can be exactly determined to the meter. First the USA and later the European Union will introduce this modern human enslavement, thereafter, then other countries will also follow, all preceding the Swiss, whereby, through this process, the personal and national citizens’ human rights will be drastically trimmed, which fundamentally will be originally already planned at the construction of the European Union, whereby the citizen is finally deemed fully incapable of managing his own affairs, and should be governed only by the authorities, without having a right to a say regarding certain government things and decisions.

NOTE: The following information, from 2016, doesn’t take into account the huge numbers of criminals, potential terrorists, etc., who entered the US illegally because of the Biden administration’s treasonous open borders policies: 

1. How many IS “sleepers” and/or terrorists are there in the US?

BEAM: What Florena has brought me regarding information from Ptaah, is the following, namely, that on December 31, 2016, the Plejaren had accurate knowledge that in the United States 1,407 IS Sleepers were present, while further information from the Plejaren regarding potential terrorists of other domestic and foreign groups, who do not belong to the Islamist State, were calculated to be well over 171,000, in which case these others were usually terroristicly indoctrinated lone perpetrators, as however also of a psychopathic and psychically confused nature.

Billy Meier Foretells IS Cover Up Lies by US CENTCOM
In 2015, Billy Meier predicted the disastrous situation regarding the Islamic State, the cover-up of lies by US CENTCOM ,and warned against provoking a war with Russia. Those warnings fell on deaf ears and the US is now rushing down a dead-end road to war with both Russia and China, which will utterly destroy America…as Meier also predicted in 1987.

Continue ReadingThe ISIS Attacks: We Were Warned