Real Trump Clone Dead – UPDATE
Update 18th Feb:
Benjamin Fulford explained that the Real Trump died in 1989.
Also, that the Trump that died in the helicopter crash was an avatar & that the Real Trump was safe under Cheyenne Mountain.
Watch this video – the latest at the end of last week + another is included:
Comment 10th Feb:
Colonel McGregor & Judge Napolitano:
Comment 9th Feb:
As yet I have not seen any other commentator saying that Trump is dead.
As I state below Trump before the crash compared with now re Gaza, Netanyahu, etc. is very strange behaviour.
Strange behaviour by Trump recently can now be explained if Trump has been replaced by a controlled ‘look-a-like’:
*Now buddy-buddy with Satanic Netanyahu – appeared on stage with him.
*Wanting to kick out the Gazans.
*Executive Order anti ICC – International Criminal Court. ICC wants to arrest Netanyahu.
*Aiming to destroy Iran
Benjamin Fulford thinks that Trump may be killed at the Super Bowl
Just like 911 when Americans were so incensed that they wanted Bin Laden to be tracked down & killed, then if “Trump” is killed, supposedly by Iranians, then US citizens will demand that Iran be attacked.
** This did not happen. Still the “strange behaviour” seems odd.
Benjamin Fulford appeals to Colonel Douglas McGregor
The Planetary Liberation Alliance would like to offer Colonel McGregor the position of “Field Marshall of the United States of North America”
Watch this latest Benjamin Fulford video:
Please alert people to the above.
Benjamin Fulford has a paid subscripton, but gives a weekly report available to the public -usually available about Fri/Sat.
I get this from “Before It’s News”. A number of other of his videos appear there, but are either out of date, an old collection rolled into one, or even his photo used.
He always starts his video with the date & it is about 20 min long. It may be a week delayed, but a subscriber may upload it early.
Meanwhile, it will be interesting what Colonel McGregor says next & what Benjamin Fulford tells us next week.