Corrupt Voting & Legal Systems

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*What applies to the USA, also applies in a similar way to much of the rest of the world.

The Ken & Barbie vs. Goliath IRS Tax Case has shown that our entire US Court System has illegally operated since Abraham Lincoln suspended Habeas Corpus in 1861.
The US Military counted official watermarked ballots of the 2020 Election and found that Trump won in every state by an over 80% vote, after which Trump didn’t leave office, but put the Military in charge. The Military staged a Biden inauguration in part on a Hollywood movie set where he gave his Oath of Office on a Satanic Bible.
It was estimated that 80% of Congress was involved in pedophilia and collusion with foreign powers, especially the Chinese Communist Party, to influence the 2020 Election.
Biden Lost: There were now 46 out of 50 states that have recounted the 2020 Election vote and confirmed that Biden lost the vote.
Allegations of Fraud in the 2020 Election: If SCOTUSconsidered the Brunson Case and ruled that Congress did not investigate the 50 formal allegations of fraud in the 2020 Election before certifying the Election (which they did not) and therefore violated their Oath of Office, then the Biden Administration and all of Congress would automatically be suspended.
Another complication has come into play in that it has recently been found that most members of Congress and those in the Biden Administration never took an Oath of Office to the Constitution. Therefore, they were never legally in office in the first place – which would pave the way for a Military Takeover until a new election could be held.

RALAND BRUNSON- BIG NEWS- BREAKING – Debbie Faris 4 15 2023:
Debbie Faris talks to Raland Brunson about the SCOTUS Petition and the NEW EFFORTS in the Fight to hold 3 Lib members of SCOTUS to their CONSTITUTIONAL OATH. April 14 2023: Breaking news from Raland Brunson, the Brunson v. Adams et al SCOTUS case 22-380 originator. He is now suing three Supreme Court Justices and here are his thoughts, shared publicly for the first time. Raland wants our participation, go to to download the letter to Utah Federal Judge #BrunsonCharge #LetsGoBrunson $2.00 and they send it out for you.

COMING APRIL 20TH: Flight of the Brunson Brothers
This fight is not about reinstating Donald Trump, it’s about taking America back! The Brunson Brothers engineered a case to sue the United States congress for not upholding their constitutional oath when a little over two years ago, its members openly stated the election needed to be investigated, and yet, 380+ members ignored their oath and certified the 2020 fraudulent presidential election.
You can join the Brunsons in their petitions to save the Constitution and free and fair elections by sending SCOTUS a letter: Brunson Brothers Music – Petition The Supreme Court…

You Can Help Save Our Beloved Constitution, Which is Hanging by a Thread:
The Brunson Case alleges that 385 members of Congress, plus Biden, Harris and Pence violated their oath of office to protect the Constitution and committed Treason by not investigating 50 formal allegations of fraud in the 2020 Election.
So far the Supreme Court has refused to hear the case on two separate filings, though a third filing 23-4042 from Tenth Circuit Court in Denver, has now reached the Supreme Court on Rule 11 (National Emergency).
18 USC 2382 Misprision of Treason: It appeared that by federal statue, the Supreme Court must hear the Brunson case, or risk being be tied to the alleged Treason, “Whoever of, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of Misprision of Treason.”
On March 17, 2023 Raland Brunson served three Supreme Court Justices – specifically  Justices Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, and Ketanji Brown Jackson. The justices have already “lawyered up”: Read Raland Brunson’s stellar filing against them here:
If SCOTUS ruled that Congress did not investigate the 50 formal allegations of fraud in the 2020 Election before certifying the Election (which they did not) and therefore violated their Oath of Office, then the Biden Administration and all of Congress would automatically be suspended.
Another complication has come into play in that it has recently been found that most members of Congress and those in the Biden Administration never took an Oath of Office to the Constitution. Therefore, they were never legally in office in the first place – which would pave the way for a Military Takeover until a new election could be held.
How We the People can get involved in a matter of National Security and require the Supreme Court to hear the Brunson Case:
You can join the Brunsons in their petitions to save the Constitution and free and fair elections by sending SCOTUS a letter: Brunson Brothers Music – Petition The Supreme Court…

NEED MIRACLES? Raland Brunson of the Brunson Brothers Supreme Court Cases is now shipping out copies of “MIRACLES: In God We Trust” and “A More Perfect Union” produced by Raland Company.  To support the cause you can order your copies of these important Liberty Education DVDs for a donation of only $25 – which includes FREE shipping and FREE pocket Constitutions. Donate here:

Super Patriot Liberty Library – perfect for Home School Education, or as a legacy gift to children and grandchildren.  Educate to Save America.  See the bounteous package of valuable materials here:

Free Liberty Garden Seeds: