Free Speech – President Trump – Update

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President Donald J. Trump
Special Announcement
Thurs. 15 Dec. 2022

If we do not have free speech, then we just do not have a free country.  It is as simple as that.

If this most fundamental Right is allowed to perish, then the rest of our rights will topple just like dominos, one by one, they will go down.

That is why today I am announcing my Plan to shatter the Left wing censorship regime, and to reclaim the right to free speech for all Americans. Reclaim is a very important word in this case, because they have taken it away.

“In recent weeks bombshell reports have confirmed that a sinister group of Deep State bureaucrats, Silicon Valley tyrants, Left wing activists, and depraved corporate news media have been conspiring to manipulate and silence the American people. They have collaborated to suppress vital information on everything from elections to public health.

“The Censorship Cartel must be dismantled and destroyed.  It must happen immediately.”

Game Over
Thank You For Playing
…Donald Trump

Wed. evening 15 Dec. the White House was lit up in green – perhaps indicating the return of Trump,  NESAR/GESARA implementation and/or the Global Currency Reset?
It’s no longer our job to awaken the sheep; it’s time to wake up the other lions. Our beloved US Constitution was literally hanging by a thread. As Patriots we are obligated to help plant seeds of understanding into the general public in order to prepare them for the upcoming Events that were bound to change our World as we know it.
National Guardsmen were spread out in all cities, many in plain clothes. Between March and May of 2020 over a million National Guards were added. National Guardsmen were spread in certain countries throughout the world, with Military Aircraft flying all over the US continent this week.
Thurs. 15 Dec. This afternoon there were over 550 Military Aircraft on Transponders flying over the US and Europe. There were even more that had switched off their Transponders.

In the Act of 1871 the Cabal took over the US government. Any laws implicated since that time (152 years) have been illegal.
While the US has been under Military Law for quite a while – (such forces controlling behind the scenes in order to take down the Deep State), the Worldwide Military Alliance Special Forces were now active throughout the Globe to help countries become independent Republics and assure God-given liberties were with The People.

Thurs. 15 Dec. President Trump’s Announcement: President Trump FREE SPEECH Announcement | December 15, 2022 – YouTube 

  • Wed. 14 Dec. President Trump on Telegram: “America needs a Superhero, I will be making a major announcement tomorrow Thurs. 15 Dec!”
  • Thursday was the anniversary of the opening of the original Superman Movie on Dec. 15 1978.
  • On Thurs. 15 Dec. Trump announced sale of his Trump Trading Cards on Telegram. The cards bore an image of Trump as a Superhero Superman.
  • On that same Thurs. morning 15 Dec. the Internet mainstream media headlined an article, “Trump’s big announcement today was sale of his Trump Trading Cards.”
  • At 1pm EST Trump released on Bitchute and YouTube his “Free Speech Announcement,” discussing how the Mainstream Media suppressed Free Speech:
  • If we do not have free speech, then we just do not have a free country.  It is as simple as that. If this most fundamental Right is allowed to perish, then the rest of our rights will topple just like dominos, one by one, they will go down. That is why today I am announcing my Plan to shatter the Left wing censorship regime, and to reclaim the right to free speech for all Americans. Reclaim is a very important word in this case, because they have taken it away.
  • “In recent weeks bombshell reports have confirmed that a sinister group of Deep State bureaucrats, Silicon Valley tyrants, Left wing activists, and depraved corporate news media have been conspiring to manipulate and silence the American people. They have collaborated to suppress vital information on everything from elections to public health.
  • “The Censorship Cartel must be dismantled and destroyed.  It must happen immediately.”
  • President Trump FREE SPEECH Announcement | December 15, 2022 – YouTube
  • After Trump’s Free Speech Announcement appeared on YouTube, the article “Trump’s Big Announcement Today was Sale of His Trump Trading Cards” suddenly disappeared from the Internet.
  • As of this writing, Trump’s Free Speech Announcement was nowhere to be found on the Internet, or on Mainstream News outlets.
  • Thurs. 15 Dec. was the deadline the FCC gave Mainstream Media to be compliant with a Do Not Suppress Free Speech Mandate. If they don’t publish the Trump Free Speech Announcement on Thurs. they could be found in violation of communication laws regarding Free Speech.
  • Kennedy TV on Telegram: Trump got all these clowns to jump the gun on his “major announcement” and they all wrote a bunch of Trump-deranged hit pieces on his digital cards. Now they all have to tuck their tails between their legs and report on the REAL announcement, which is a step by step plan to restore free speech in America. DJT plays these idiots every time, and they ALWAYS fall for it
  • If the Mainstream Media was in violation of communication laws, the Military may deem it a national emergency and take down the Mainstream Media satellites while releasing the Emergency Broadcast System over the new Star Link Satellite System.
  • Checkmate!