November Super-Saturday
It had to happen! DHBs (District Health Boards) around New Zealand are desperate to acchieve the government target of 90%+ vaxxed, with the carrot that the vaxxed will have their freedom – the vax is the “get out of jail card”!

The Wairarapa DHB is now offering a $100 gift card bribe. How cheap can a life be? Who is paying the bribe – the tax payer? I will be making a point of visiting the Town Hall green space on Saturday.
Here is an email I sent the Wairarapa DHB last night. The point is that they will be responsible for injuries & deaths as the result of this vax event (as well as the government & it’s cronies.
The “Safe and Effective” Covid Vaccine Lie
The unvaxxed have been targeted & they will lose basic freedoms. Remember, both the vaxxed & unvaxxed can spread Covid, but the vaxxed would have a greater viral load – their immune system has been severely compromised. The vaxxed also spread the spike protein.
*18.2% of US people are on Medicare. Within 2 weeks of the vax, 48,000 died.
*Vaccines contain contaminants and pathogens that can permanently maim human systems, including brain function and reproduction. Expect a wave of auto-immune disorders, birth defects, autism and infertility due to spike protein damage from the viral-pathogen-laced clot shots.
A review of COVID-19 injection documents compiled by the UK Health Security Agency (formerly Public Health England) shows that vaccinated individuals are losing general immune system capability.
Another problem is that the gene therapy jab appears to destroy hemoglobulin in the blood, making red blood cells stick together and form clots.
With charts and graphs marking age groups and vaccination status, the findings show that “children are beginning to suffer immune system degradation” too, within weeks of vaccination.
CV19 Injections Will Cause Massive Deaths – Dr. Elizabeth Eads
SCIENCE HORROR Vaccine spike protein enters cell nuclei, suppresses DNA repair engine of the human body, will unleash explosion of cancer, immunodeficiency, autoimmune disorders and accelerated aging.
EU Vax Report:
The European Union database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, and they are now reporting 28,103 fatalities, and 2,637,525 injuries, following COVID-19 injections.
From the total of injuries recorded, almost half of them (1,249,109) are serious injuries.
Dr. Fuellmich – lawyer:
“In addition to the flawed tests and fraudulent death certificates, the “experimental” vaccine itself is in violation of Article 32 of the Geneva Convention. Under Article 32 of the 1949 Geneva Convention IV, “mutilation and medical or scientific experiments not necessitated by the medical treatment of a protected person” are prohibited. According to Article 147, conducting biological experiments on protected persons is a grave breach of the Convention.
The “experimental” vaccine is in violation of all 10 of the Nuremberg Codes which carry the death penalty for those who seek to violate these International Laws.
It is clear in the statistical reporting data that this experiment is resulting in death and injury yet all the politicians, drug companies and so-called experts are not making any attempt to stop this gene-therapy experiment from inflicting harm on a misinformed public.
This is a crime against humanity. Politicians, media, doctors and nurses are accountable –such that if they are complicit in this crime against humanity they too are subject to the laws set forth in the Geneva Convention and Nuremberg Code and can be tried, found guilty and put to death. Legal proceedings are moving forward, evidence has been collected and a large growing body of experts are sounding the alarm.”
The Shot Heard Around The World: Biden Announces Plan to Forcibly Jab Children 5 & Over With Covid-19 Bioweapon!
Oct 21
Super-Saturday or Jabathon
People lined up for the jab on this day to play New Zealand style “Russian Roulette”!
To the eternal shame of New Zealand, the Adern Government organised a Death-Shot spectacle on the 16th of October. This will be remembered by future generations as the day that the Adern Government, together with the cooperation of the opposition parties, committed a genocidal crime on the people of New Zealand.

The mindless people lined up to be given the Death-Shot, many with their children – the sacrificial lambs. The satanists will be pleased, since this was like a huge pagan festival – a sacrificial festival. Prizes were won; there were sausage sizzles, music, dancing & jabbing.
We will be the laughing stock of the world. A country that was so desperate to “vaccinate” it’s people, it had to create a special carnival day.
Our politicians will have blood on their hands.
Spare the innocent children!
Dr. Zelenko: “The only reason you would want to treat (vaccinate) a child is if you believe in child sacrifice.”
Dr. Mike Yeardon: For every child who dies from COVID, 100 die from the vaxxine. That’s child sacrifice. He says, “These vaxxines have a 100-to-1 kill ratio compared to COVID in children.”
Satanic Ritual Calendar: October is an important month.
Oct 13-30: Hallows Eve, Samhain ( Halloween) – Abduction, holding and ceremonial preparation of individual for human sacrifice.
Oct 30-31: All Hallows Eve & Halloween Night.
*What a coincidence. For the first-time jabbed, the 2nd jab is 2 weeks later – on All Hallows Eve!
Neurologist Andrew Moulden Murdered for Exposing Vaccine Racket
Oct 17
A Satanic cult exploits and controls its members by making them sick. This is happening to the vaccinated. According to Prof Delores Cahill, the corona vaccines are genocidal. Begin at 31.20. Orwell’s dystopia is here. People are being given the option. Get sick and die or starve.
They will persecute and hunt down the unvaccinated. Andrew Moulton did not live to see this travesty unfold. But he did shed light on how toxic vaccines really are, and how the pharmaceutical industry and government have been poisoning us for a very long time. Healthcare is a bigger business than war. They cannot leave sickness to chance.
Often a comet will streak across the night sky and we miss it. So our true champions are murdered and flushed down the memory hole while charlatans and traitors are honored and rewarded.
from April 2, 2019 and May 20, 2020 by Henry Makow PhD
Andrew Moulden should have been awarded a Nobel Prize for showing how the “healthcare industry” is poisoning the general population with vaccines. He showed how vaccines were responsible for causing “microscopic strokes” by limiting the flow of oxygen in the bloodstream reaching capillaries.
In his 2009 interview on, Moulden stated: “I have now conclusively shown that ALL vaccines, from infancy to geriatric, are causing the exact same brain damages irrespective of what disease or disorder comes out. The damages are specific to end vascular “mini-strokes” that are beneath the resolution of our neuro-imaging, but measurable in a before/after vaccination protocol. They are also directly measurable in real time – however, this involves techniques and technology I have not disclosed to the public as yet.”
AND “The evidence is now self-evident. All you have to do now is receive the education you need to appreciate and see what is before your very eyes – layperson and Doctor.”
AND “It is no longer an opinion as I now have conclusive evidence to show that ALL vaccines are causing the exact same damages for us all in the exact same manner that wild polio virus caused paralysis, respiratory failure, death, bleeding into the brain, and more.”
For revealing the truth and trying to save innocent millions from sickness and death, which enrich the health care industry and their accomplices in government and media, Moulden died prematurely in 2013 supposedly of suicide.
Vaccines Will Produce an Out-uf-Control Pandemic
A combination of blockades and extreme selection pressure on the virus induced by the intense global mass vaccination program could decrease the number of cases, hospitalizations and deaths in the short term, but will ultimately induce the creation of more worrisome mutants. This is what vaccinologist Vanden Bossche calls “immune escape” (i.e., incomplete sterilization of the virus by the human immune system, even after vaccine administration).
Immunological escape, in turn, will cause vaccine companies to further refine vaccines that will add, not reduce, selection pressure, producing increasingly transmissible and potentially deadly variants. Selection pressure will lead to greater convergence in mutations affecting the virus’s critical peak protein, which is responsible for crossing the mucosal surfaces of our respiratory tract, the route the virus uses to enter the human body.
According to Vanden Bossche, the virus will be more cunning than the highly specific antigen-based vaccines that are used and modified according to circulating variants. All of this could lead to an increase in severe and potentially lethal cases; in effect, an out-of-control pandemic.
Covid Injection Scheme to Commit Genocide and Depopulate Earth Exposes Itself
Oct 11
Never in all of recorded history has there ever been a highly coordinated global conspiracy to inject every person on the planet with an exceedingly dangerous and deadly ‘vaccine’.
In point of fact, the overwhelming worldwide scheme to jab every human being with an untested and highly experimental shot is both unparalleled and shocking to the extreme (and that’s a gross understatement).
When anyone comes at you with a knife, you have every right to self-defense…even taking the life of your assailant if that’s the only means to protect yourself from life-threatening injuries. Right?!
Likewise, if someone is shooting at you with a firearm, you have every right to shoot them back, even if they must be killed. True?!
Similarly, should any government or corporation or other party, force a lethal vaccination on you, you have the God-given right to remove them from power and/or position post-haste.
What the COVID-19 bioweapons and weaponized Covid ‘vaccines’ really represent are patently unlawful biological and chemical assaults against humanity inflicted with the explicit intention to murder, maim, debilitate, incapacitate, mutilate and, in many other ways, do irreparable harm to the unaware victims.
No one — no government, no corporation, no business, no individual or other entity under the sun — has the legal right or legitimate authority to poison any of us or inject harmful substances into our body.
No government or corporate entity can lawfully order the administration of harmful vaccines that contain undisclosed biological and/or chemical agents, some of which are highly hazardous to human health, others being quite fatal.
Likewise, no entity has the legitimate power to injure or harm us through the enforcement of any governmental law or statute, rule or regulation, mandate or order. Neither does any governmental or corporate process or procedure, which harm or defraud, have any legitimacy in law.
Because the Big Pharma vax corporations which have manufactured the genocidal vaccines deliberately failed to reveal the full list of harmful ingredients, each of them is legally and financially liable to those who have been vaccine injured. The same is true for those who have yet to sustain any demonstrable injury or illness. (For millions of victims took the Covid ‘vaccines’ without informed consent.)
Because of hard evidence proving “Intentional Deception” by Pfizer, “the doors for lawsuits just blew wide open”
— Florida Commercial Litigation Attorney
Likewise, those governments — at every level — that willfully participated in this genocidal scheme are also liable for damages both compensatory and punitive.
However, it is the vast criminal conspiracy intentionally carried to commit mass murder and spread disease that the Covid crime perpetrators must be held immediately responsible for. For there is only one way to expeditiously shut down the Covid vaccine juggernaut rolling across the planet—the perps must be apprehended and tried to the fullest extent of the law.
Should We the People be thwarted in our rightful endeavor to terminate the Covid Super Vaccination Agenda, we possess every valid right and constitutional authority to arrest the Covid criminals and prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law—vigilante-style.
Bottom Line: Truly, we are at the crucial point of “who will take down who first”. The New World Order globalist cabal knows that, once they successfully jab a critical mass of people worldwide, they have effectively won the war. Therefore, We the People must act quickly and decisively if we are to prevent a full-blown COVID-1984 scenario from overtaking the entire planetary civilization. Exactly what does the overwhelming force of tremendous “People Power” look like?
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: The Geneva Convention & The Nuremberg Code
In addition to the flawed tests and fraudulent death certificates, the “experimental” vaccine itself is in violation of Article 32 of the Geneva Convention. Under Article 32 of the 1949 Geneva Convention IV, “mutilation and medical or scientific experiments not necessitated by the medical treatment of a protected person” are prohibited. According to Article 147, conducting biological experiments on protected persons is a grave breach of the Convention.
The “experimental” vaccine is in violation of all 10 of the Nuremberg Codes which carry the death penalty for those who seek to violate these International Laws.
It is clear in the statistical reporting data that this experiment is resulting in death and injury yet all the politicians, drug companies and so-called experts are not making any attempt to stop this gene-therapy experiment from inflicting harm on a misinformed public.
This is a crime against humanity. Politicians, media, doctors and nurses are accountable –such that if they are complicit in this crime against humanity they too are subject to the laws set forth in the Geneva Convention and Nuremberg Code and can be tried, found guilty and put to death. Legal proceedings are moving forward, evidence has been collected and a large growing body of experts are sounding the alarm.
Crimes against humanity affect us all. They are a crime against you, your children, your parents, your grandparents, your community and your country and your future.