WHO Pandemic Coup D’etat

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Breaking: United States to Sign Over Sovereignty to WHO
**This also applies to other WHO nations.

ALL WHO nations would be expected to sign up on 27th Feb.

The Parties to this WHO CA+ document… Have agreed as follows:
“The world together equitably Vision: The WHO CA+1 aims for a world where pandemics are effectively controlled to protect present and future generations from pandemics and their devastating consequences, and to advance the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health for all peoples, on the basis of equity, human rights and solidarity, with a view to achieving universal health coverage, while recognizing the sovereign rights of countries, acknowledging the differences in levels of development among countries, respecting their national context and recognizing existing relevant international instruments. The WHO CA+ aims to achieve greater equity and effectiveness for pandemic prevention, preparedness and response through the fullest national and international cooperation.”

This must be vigorously opposed. It is far ranging. We don’t want:
“One Health surveillance”
Public health to be deemed to include climate, or racism, or fisheries management, and this being used to claim that addressing carbon emissions is a health issue and therefore a health ‘emergency.

From The Epoch Times…

Written under the banner of “the world together equitably,” the zero draft grants the WHO the power to declare and manage a global pandemic emergency. Once a health emergency is declared, all signatories, including the United States, would submit to the authority of the WHO regarding treatments, government regulations such as lockdowns and vaccine mandates, global supply chains, and monitoring and surveillance of populations.

“They want to see a centralized, vaccine-and-medication-based response, and a very restrictive response in terms of controlling populations,” David Bell, a public health physician and former WHO staffer specializing in epidemic policy, told The Epoch Times. “They get to decide what is a health emergency, and they are putting in place a surveillance mechanism that will ensure that there are potential emergencies to declare.”

The WHO pandemic agreement calls for member states to implement “One Health surveillance”. One Health is a concept that has been embraced by the UN, the CDC, the World Bank and other global organizations.

“The term originally meant a way of seeing human and animal health as linked—they sometimes are—so that you could improve human health by acting more broadly,” Bell said. “It has become hijacked and now is used to claim that all human activities, and all issues within the biosphere, affect health, and are therefore within Public Health’s remit. So public health can be deemed to include climate, or racism, or fisheries management, and this is being used to claim that addressing carbon emissions is a health issue and therefore a health ‘emergency.’”