World War III Inevitable

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The world leaders are dumb as can be seen recently where NATO leaders pose for a photo together with Zelensky, showing solidarity with Ukraine & it’s war-mongering leader.

“UK Vows to Deploy Troops into Ukraine, Democrats Chant War After Trump Roasted Zelensky”

Contact Report 906:
Saturday, 15th February 2025 00:03 hrs
Unpleasant and Frightening Findings, Peace Talks, and Trump is Out of His Mind

Billy: [Talking to Quetzal]
Sure. Let us talk about something else now, though, because as you said a long time ago, those things are going to happen in the near future that the neo-NAZI hangers-on – who do not even know that is what they are in their mindless and irresponsible confused bogus thinking – are going to provoke all the more all the coming evils through their own idiocy. As you said a few weeks ago, Trump will once again take the helm in the USA and this time he will not only turn America upside down, but the whole world in his unreality and madness. He will especially shock the neo-NAZIs of the German government and the EU dictatorship because he will not favour those who have done the US President Biden’s bidding and supplied weapons and money to the war monger Zelensky, enriching himself quite generously, as Bermunda noted. Well, you said that Trump is no longer in his right mind, but somehow out of his mind, so he can no longer organise his thoughts clearly and logically and cannot really order everything as it should be correct. He really does feel and behave like an untouchable emperor, as you described him. And it will also happen with the EU dictatorship and Germany, as you said, that they will probably not be involved – just as Zelensky or any other representative of Ukraine will not be involved, as you explained – and as Bermunda said a good 3 months ago. This is when there will be negotiations between Russia and the USA in the near future regarding peace efforts or peace negotiations, etc. Zelensky and Ukraine should therefore not be included, nor should the entire EU dictatorship and Germany, but whether this will really be the case remains to be seen, but for the time being this requirement will be met, because these two in particular did not behave neutrally during the Ukraine war and also continue to not behave neutrally. Germany should be robbed because it supplied weapons to Zelensky, who is a traitor to his own people anyway and sent his murderous organisation, the military, into the war, where nothing but murder is committed. Although Putin also acts in the same manner, the difference between him and Zelensky is that he is not war-mongering. But seen correctly, every military army is nothing other than an unscrupulous organisation of murderers, whereby America in particular is making a name for itself with its army of murderers, which is interfering all over the world in a hegemonic mania and in a world policing behaviour. After all, America is to blame for the war in Ukraine because US President Biden provoked Putin for so long for the sake of turning Russia into a pig that Putin started the war. This is because, contrary to America’s promise in the 1990s, NATO established itself in the former Eastern Bloc countries and now the senile US President Biden wanted to complete this so that Ukraine would also ultimately become a NATO country – in other words, contrary to America’s promise that no NATO expansion would take place from Germany. However, this promise was broken by America shortly afterwards and the expansion of NATO into the former Eastern Bloc countries began, which Putin had every right not to allow. However, Biden stubbornly insisted that Putin started the war in Ukraine in order to push through and hoping that America would still keep its promise, but this did not happen and the war has now been going on for three years. So what to think of America, and what a promise from America means for those in power, is only as much as stinking dirt on their shoes, which is trampled all over the world, soiling and stinking and hegemonising, and can no longer be wiped away. This is because the low intelligence of all states and the majority of all peoples allow this indifferently, either out of blind and lowly intelligent America-friendliness, or out of America-fear and therefore cowardice.
That is correct, Bermunda has already said so several times, and I have also mentioned several times in the same sense, for a breach of a promise must never take place, because as a result of a breach of promise not only is all trust destroyed, but it also leads inevitably to enmity and all the time to inextinguishable mistrust. However, as far as the peace negotiations between Russia and America are concerned, the European Union dictatorship in particular, and therefore all the states belonging to it, will very probably be excluded if the peace talks between America and Russia actually take place within the planned framework. This will therefore also affect Germany, if what has been planned so far is effective.
Correct, and in this regard we have the saying: once a liar is told, he is not believed, even if he speaks the truth once. Bermunda said with regard to the wrong actions of the government in Germany that this is the fault of that part of the German government which is neo-NAZI in its mindset, which in its low intelligence or in its non-thinking, which only allows it to think and behave accordingly, does not even know that it is effectively neo-NAZI in its thoughts and actions. This is also the reason why they have irresponsibly supplied weapons and money to Ukraine and the war-mongering Zelensky according to the will of the US ex-president Biden and also continue to do so.

if weapons are delivered etc., the war will continue. But this makes all those who supply arms and give money etc. to Zelensky murderers, co-responsible for destruction, suffering and misery. And regarding Zelensky, Bermunda said that he was a willing collaborator of former President Biden and that he had practically developed the passion of a war monger and warmonger without equal. Bermunda also stated that he therefore does not want peace, but is pushing and maintaining the Ukraine war with various states through arms begging and very malicious hostile speeches and hostile lies against Russia, and will not let it come to an end. Moreover, according to this fact, he is effectively shaken by fear because he is afraid that he will have to give up his war fanaticism, his lust for war and his might if a peace agreement is reached between Russia and the USA.
Indeed, what you say, that is really so, also what you said regarding Zelensky, because he is advancing and perpetuating the war through his hostile speeches against Russia and his, as you say exactly, arms begging. As we have analysed in detail, since his appointment as leader of Ukraine, he has indulged in the absolute mindset of a dictatorial ruler, meaning that he runs everything as a dictator and in this wise deceives all those human beings who are addicted to non-thinking and thus to low intelligence and ignorance. As a result, these state leaders, who are fundamentally categorised as incompetent, are at the mercy of all the deceitful lies and deceptions of the dictator Zelensky.

In their inability to think or in their low intelligence, the state leaders are unable to recognise what Zelensky is trying to achieve through his well thought-out and calculating lies, as well as through his hateful deceptive speeches and actions of demanding weapons and finances, but also for NATO membership and the deployment of military forces from foreign countries, which he wants to banish from the country once he has won. He pursues these demands in a far-reaching and deceitful manner and hopes that various state leaders, their followers and parts of the non-thinking but believing population will be lowly intelligent or non-thinking enough to agree to his demands and that everything will work in his favour for his dictatorial power, because all those who are lowly intelligent or non-thinking are lulled by him and are therefore unable to see through his real dictatorial machinations. In the process, those leaders of the various states fall prey to their own low intelligence, who quite obviously, in their arrogance and incompetence, do not recognise Selensky’s web of lies and therefore do not realise in any wise that this man is ruled by practically unquenchable war fanaticism.

Faithfully Following the Script to Our Destruction
From Michael Horn – March 3, 2025

The power-hungry warmongers, pretending to seek peace, seem determined to take every step necessary to bring the long-foretold destruction down upon the world

Europe’s nightmare is here: They have to fight Putin without the U.S.
The Oval Office blow up between Zelenskiy and Trump laid bare for many Europeans that something critical has broken in their relationship with Washington

“After Friday’s quarrel in the Oval Office, EU leaders lined up to voice their support for Zelenskiy and make clear whose side they were on. Trump is putting the Europeans into a position where they have to choose between the U.S. and Ukraine, several officials said, and most, if not all, will pick Ukraine. For Europe, it is existential.”

The power-hungry warmongers, pretending to seek peace, seem determined to take every step necessary to bring the long-foretold destruction down upon the world.

The poor dumbed-down public, addicted to poisonous partisan politics and freedom-enslaving, delusional religions is, unfortunately, too hopelessly stupid, cowed and cowardly to think for themselves and rise up against the false leaders.

So, where is this leading?

We can find answers in the Henoch Prophecies, but keep in mind they were deliberately not presented in chronological order [Michael Horn has ordered the following, but it may not be the correct order]. This was done to counteract the tendency of human beings to be complacent, to sit and watch and wait for events to unfold sequentially, as opposed to considering the warnings, recognizing the seriousness of the situation, and taking action to avert the disasters.
Note: The prophet Henoch was born in 9308 BCE.

  1. And the doings of the European Union will ultimately be the decisive reason for the fact that from the east, military forces will invade Europe and will subjugate and destroy everything, if the entire population of Europe and their governments do not rationally work against everything, so that the threatening prophecies do not fulfil themselves.
  2. The USA will set out against the Eastern countries ahead of all other financial states and simultaneously it will have to defend itself against the Eastern intruders.
  3. But death, destruction and annihilation will not only rage in Europe but also in America, where much suffering will have to be endured and many deaths as well as destruction and annihilation will be.
  4. America and Russia will have the most terrible weapons of mass destruction at their disposal—a fact which is already the case to a certain extent today—and will clash with violent force against each other at that time of conflict, whereby Canada will also be dragged into this conflict.
  5. The source of this conflict will substantiate the Russian attack on the American State of Alaska and against Canada.
  6. Far in the West, it will be different; the United States of America will be a country of total destruction.

Even preceding the above information, there is this, from 1981*:

“America will, due to political entanglements with Canada, be thrown into another war, and a massive attack of the red storm floods from the East of America results in the largest part of the U.S.-troops having to fight in their own country and, therefore, cannot help the hard-pressed Europe.”

An excerpt from an interview with Billy Meier, in 1982: Meier specifically mentions Russia and England, the Falklands, as well as Iraq, Iran and Israel, regarding the coming WW III:
N.B. In the interview Billy mentions that the war will start before 2,000, but that was an error, although there was the Falkland’s War.

This audio is 52 minutes long
Bob Zanotti was able to get Billy Meier to agree to an exclusive and very rare interview in English back in 1982.

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