The Storm Has Begun

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Alliance Special Forces Are Presently Arresting 64,000 CIA MS13 Cartel Members
Leading to Panic in US banks & Their Middle America Money Laundering Operations

The CIA Mind Control Program MKULTRA was found to be still in existence and centered on the torture and Human Sacrifice of Children in Satanic Rites.
Constitutional Law Does Not Exist in US Courts. The United States of America was actually crafted by the Khazarian Mafia as the Crown of England, the Pagan core of the Vatican with Jesuits, and Secret Occult Societies. All levels of the US Inc. are corporations under control of the Vatican, which owns and operates the King of England per Treaty of 1213.
The Cabal’s murder of 125,000,000 million North American Indigenous Indians in order to take over their land was considered the largest mass genocide killings ever made in the World.
Presently Alliance Military Operations Mass Arrests were taking place with 64,000 arrests of MS13 Cartel members.
As a result, the CIA MS13 Regime was collapsing and billions of their assets have been seized.
This has led to panic in US banks connected to Money Laundering Operations of Middle America working with the Cartels.

The STORM: Massive Arrests have begun with a planned arrest of 64,000 MS13 Cartel members.

  • Trump had promised to eliminate MS13. This powerful Cartel Ms13 network financed by BLACKROCK corporations, run bank and money laundering operations through North America, Middle America and South America
  • Now the Military Alliance operations were working with El Salvador and US Military Training local military and police to start Massive Storm Arrests. Operations were underway to stop the CIA DARPA MS13 Killing Project.
  • The most deadliest of Cartels, the MS13 of South American, were being arrested in mass numbers.
  • At the same time of the 64,000 MS13 cartel arrests the US unsealed Terrorism Charges Against Men Identified as MS-13 Leaders.
  • It only would take less than 32 hours to round up over 16,000 top leaders, high level and mid commanders of ANTIFA. The Mil, NG, U.S. Marshals, Mil Reserve deputized as U.S. Marshal and U.S. Sheriff’s Departments could do a MASSIVE operation against ANTIFA. Does Mil. Have a secret PLAN in place?
  • “People Don’t Feel Safe!” – Shocking Results After El Salvador Arresting 64.000 Cartel Members
  • MS13 take command from CIA Project Hands that was created for 4rth and 5th generation warfare for violent colour revolutions, killing Government officials, Leaders, Elite spokespersons and perpetrating the CIA agenda forward to control Middle America.
  • In the 2000s CIA projects began bringing the MS13 KILLING MACHINE Cartel into U.S. cities into sophisticated organized regimens.
  • These deadly gangs killed and threatened  thousands of U.S. officials who ran banks, news industry’s, corporations and public sectors that were all part of Republican parties and democrats that would not play along with Deep State Agendas (most every Ms13 are unaware they are created and funded by CIA Deep State Military Operations, much like Antifa.)
  • In 2014 to 2016 the killing force of the MS13 CIA network reached its high points in their operations of blackmail/killings through the United States territories that brought thousands of Republican investors to their end and thousands of business’s came under control of MS13.
  • OBAMA did NOTHING and ignored the PLANNED ROCKEFELLERS CIA PROJECT MS13 CARTELS AGENDA to bring Republican, alike and rogue Democrats into MS13 Cartel to control through BLACKMAIL and EXTORTION.
  • With OBAMAs/ CIA DARPA spyware that tracked all data, phone’s emails. Computers, servers (Remember Snowden).
  • The Spyware also installed unwanted pornography, Pedophilia links, fake money statements into adversaries computers.
  • These BLACKMAIL OPERATIONS by the Deep State also went hand in hand with MS13 KILLING, Blackmail and Extortion PROJECTS.
  • The Military ALLIANCE figured out back in early 2000s after 911, that the MS13 KILLING projects would be instituted in the U.S. In 2008 (it’s reported by insiders) the Military ALLIANCE made plans to install TRUMP and use Trumps Presidential Power to declare the MS13 a Terrorist group and start Operations against the [ DS] Ms13 regime.
  • Immediately as Trump was elected, in 2017 he took mass action against MS13 (Trump knew that DARPA/ CIA/ Obama/ Clintons/ Rockefellers were controlling MS13 and had them arrested through the U.S. and deported tens of thousands of them (but only a few were reported in MSM).
  • Today in 2023 the Military Alliance Operations were taking place by collapsing the CIA MS13 killing machine operations. Over 64,000 MS13 and Cartels were arrested in one of the largest mass Sing Operations just 1500 miles south of the US Border.
  • The CIA had plans to use the MS13 to create thousands of military immigration groups in the U.S. by Summer 2023 and use the millions of illegal immigrants that came into the U.S. illegally and have them come under control of MS13 planned sectors.
  • These CIA operations were meant to cause Civil WAR.