Bioweapon News

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** Since June 2021 I have had about 100+ unique visitors per day. Over the past few weeks numbers have dropped to about 40. Google tends to block or divert people who use certain words in a search engine. I found this out when using Firefox/Google, but with Yandex (Russia) no problem.
I don’t advertise on this blog, since I have no desire to make extra cash – it only costs about NZ$1/week to run this website.
I make no effort to promote this website & blog. However, today I joined twitter.
This website & blog has been created to help my fellow human beings. We will make little progress unless most of us follow the true spiritual path. Also, the truth about what is happening in the world has to reach as many people as possible.

Currently New Zealand has been/is being battered by tropical cyclones.
Cyclone Hale 11/01
Cyclone Gabrielle 14/02
I believe that the deep state mongrels are hell bent in destroying food crops, orchards, etc. & displacing people from the land. They aim to confine people in “Smart Cities” – Prison Cities!!

Stew Peters to Alex Jones: It’s a Bioweapon & the Solution Is Nuremberg 2.0!

Ohio Train Derailment Is DOD False Flag!
DOD Whistleblower, Green Beret Surgeon, Dr. Pete Chambers – Dr. Jane Ruby Show

“The Unvaccinated Are NOT Safe”!!
Strange Blood Artifacts In Vaxxed And Unvaxxed!!
Dr. Ana Mihalcea Warns Health Ranger As Both Discuss The Imminent Dangers Of Modern Living!!
IITM: Listening to this interview will give people a clearer picture of how vast and widespread the damage actually has been. People think if they just avoid vaccinated people, get bottled water and eat organic, that they will escape the damage, but I’m not convinced that survival is as easy as that.
Some Notes:
ranch animals – mRNA injections
food supply contaminated with metals
rain water contamination & also bottled water
EDTA to Detox – My experience: Take 1/8 t with water or juice before bed. It will bind with desirable heavy metals like zinc & copper, so a time gap after dinner & before brekky.
vinyl chloride – medical use, also hydrogel-even in insulin-can clot
my take-must block 5G
detox needed & clean living
keep spirits up – reduce stress – it kills
Dr Ana’s newsletter

*Buy a 90.10 Power Capsule – for protection from WIFI, for health, to decontaminate water. I will post details later.