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Mon. 10 Oct. 2022 Charlie Ward:

  • The Plan to take down the Deep State Cabal has happened much quicker than expected.
  • In less than two years the Cabal has destroyed the American economy and border.
  • Everything the Mainstream Media is putting out right now are lies.
  • These next six months will be very bumpy until March 2023.
  • The QFS takeover will take six months.
  • The US Dollar and Euro will disappear. The USTN was 1:1 with the US Dollar. The USTN was gold backed.
  • On their side they have the DOJ, FBI, CIA, Big Tech and big Pharma.
  • We have The People on our side.
  • Right now we are under Military Rule but in the next six months we will see the Military come out in the open.
  • The real King Charles is dead. We will see the demise of the fake Charles in the near future. They have already announced he has a serious disease.
  • Why is King Charles dead? Perhaps it had something to do with a recent Tribunal

    Trump Live on Telegram: “Penance is coming. Regardless of what you think, you are not yet awake. You do not know how deep this goes. If you knew, you could not sleep. Many of you could never go on. You need each other. You need every ONE of you. Learn to play nice with each other or be left behind. If one stumbles, pick them up. If one asks a question, give them the answer. That is how we grow. If you turn ONE away, you’ve hurt The Plan. If you hurt The Plan, you’ll be left behind. We are watching. We see it all. There are no secrets. You would never believe the files kept on everyone of you. For that matter, you’d never believe WHERE they are kept. You are One: Where We Go One, We Go All (WWG1WGA)!”

Restored Republic:

  • Charlie Ward: These next six months will be very bumpy until March 2023. Right now we are under Military Rule but in the next six months we will see the Military come out in the open. On the Deep State side working against us was the DOJ, FBI, CIA, Big Tech, Big Pharma and Mainstream Media. The real King Charles is dead and we will see the demise of the fake Charles in the near future. They have already announced that he has a serious disease.
  • There were 120 countries (over 50% of the world currencies) on the verge of bankruptcy joining the BRICS Alliance nation states. Their peg to China provided the necessary guarantee to gold/asset-backed currencies.
  • This was the death of the Central Bank and fiat US dollar – and only a Global Currency Reset could save our global economy.
  • The Cabal (Chinese Communist Party/ Rothschilds/ Rockefellers/ Vatican/ Blackrock and DAVOS Group) launched a failed Coup to take over BRICS and the Global Currency Reset in which over half of the world’s currencies have shifted.
  • As a result, CCP leaders were arrested and executed. The Chinese lower class demanding more meat and goods has brought the CCP into a brink of full collapse.
  • With the principal owner of US Corp, Blackrock International, finalizing their bankruptcy, Banks, Countries and Government around the Worldwere in Economic collapse requiring Military intervention.
  • Russian, Chinese and other specialists have entered the US via Mexico to help US Special Forces hunt down and destroy the remaining Khazarian Mafia leadership and strongholds in North America.
  • Germany, UK, China, US were seeing a system collapse with a Stock Market crash, gas and coal shortages unable to produce enough electricity for production of world goods. World inflation in construction industry destroying small companies.
  • China has experienced two months of flooding in twelve provinces that has caused huge disruption in worldwide chain of production, goods and aluminum. China was buying U S. and European Goods and meat with their cash surplus and causing mass inflation. There has been a nearly 30 billion loss and jobs in the U.S. auto industry due to China withholding micro chips/ chip shortage. China was expected to devalue their currency which will affect the World wide stock market at over 22% and destroy over quarter billion small and large businesses in the first four months.
  • South American agriculture industry has been hit by high temperatures. Exports of seasonal foods were in chaos on corn, soy beans, coffee. A coffee shortage was expected as Vietnam slows exports/South America drought and frost effects coffee production.
  • Many countries have seen the Market Crash and thus reduced their exports to save for their own reserves. LA and New York ports have back up shipping cargos, with millions of U.S. goods, produce and supplies drifting afloat with no time of delivery in sight. Insurance companies have begun to panic.
  • You were advised to stock up on cash, food, fuel and essential goods supplies.

Judy Note: What We Think We Know as of Wed. 12 Oct. 2022:

  • The Supreme Court has already overturned the 2020 Election; Biden is out and the Military is in charge – which they plan to make known as the October Surprise.
  • The last week in October the Military will reveal all lies we have been living with over the Emergency Broadcast System.
  • Also in the last week in Oct. we expected to see various countries being taken over by their Militaries.Military Reserves/Army expected to be activated in the U.S, Canada, UK, EU, Iceland, South American, Mexico, African regions, Malaysia and over 80 other countries.
  • FOX News: Ballot Harvesting was a part of a Sting Operation of the Biden Crime Family, who were now being arrested and detained. Word was that in the coming days they will be living off GITMO and facing Military Tribunals!
  • Wed. 12 Noon EST 12 Oct. 2022 Trump Live on Telegram to reveal many things about the royal family and American people. (This was previously scheduled for Mon. 10 Oct).
  • There has been a failed coup by the Deep State (Chinese Communist Party/ Rothschilds/ Rockefellers/ Vatican/ Blackrock and DAVOS Group) led by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), to take over BRICS and the Global Currency Reset. The Coup ended last week with CCP members arrested and executed by the Alliance.
  • On Sun. 16 October theChinese plan to announce their new political stance as a Republic.