NEWS UPDATE – 24th Feb

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The Deep State has been keeping busy:

  • Biden, Congress and the World Health Organization have approved a treaty that allows WHO to take over control over the individual American’s own health.
  • Presently the Dole Food Company was under Cyber Attack with all North American production shut down.
  • On Thurs. 23 Feb. five environmental scientists heading to evaluate the disaster in East Palestine, Ohio were killed in a plane crash. Trump was in Palestine with needed food and supplies, while Biden kept quiet and refused federal aid to victims and investigators got closer to finding cause of derailment of the train owned by the Cabal’s BlackRock.
  • On that same Thurs. 23 Feb. multiple victims including media reporters, were shot in Pinehillls, Florida; a fire involving Uranium broke out at the Tennessee National Security Complex where America’s first atom bomb was developed and two major earthquakes hit Central Asia and Turkey.
  • Texas border agents caught on camera forcing to daily release hundreds of illegal migrants into the US.
  • Make a Stand for Health Freedom: Biden and the US Congress has made a treaty with the World Health Organization that allows WHO to override the sovereignty of Americans.
  • You can help in the fight to have Sovereignty over your own health: EXIT THE WHO | Stand for Health Freedom
  • A Feb. 23 2023 Remix News report that the Biden Administration blew up the Nord Stream gas pipelines running from Germany to Russia, with the help of Norway, is being billed the biggest story the majority of the global media is trying its best to ignore. However, some countries, security experts, former government officials, and even a number of top European newspapers are refusing to let the explosive claims be buried by the next news cycle, with calls for an international investigation growing louder.
  • The Biden Administration readies an additional $10 billion in economic assistance for Ukraine, says Yellen – even as the US ignores and refuses funding for the Ohio disaster.
  • Why? The Cabal’s BlackRock owns the majority of stock in the Railroad that caused the Ohio disaster – and were suspected behind the Fires in California that destroyed homes and millions of acres of timber.
  • Expect more False Flag Suicides as the Epstein papers are released.

Q) The Storm Rider: European News outlets NOW reporting U S. could be behind the Nord Stream ATTACK.

  • This is very important as millions of people in Europe began sharing the news information through Facebook and social media. This is going to open doors to investigations in Europe – that leads to exposing the War
  • A report that the Biden administration blew up the Nord Stream gas pipelines running from Germany to Russia, with the help of Norway, is being billed the biggest story the majority of the global media is trying its best to ignore. However, some countries, security experts, former government officials, and even a number of top European newspapers are refusing to let the explosive claims be buried by the next news cycle, with calls for an international investigation growing louder.
  • The international media once went along with claims of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Can the same media be trusted to investigate the Nord Stream sabotage attacks?
  • Feb. 23 2023 Remix News, John Cody: Did the US blow up Europe’s Nord Stream pipelines? Europe’s media considers the possibility. A report that the Biden administration blew up the Nord Stream gas pipelines running from Germany to Russia, with the help of Norway, is being billed the biggest story the majority of the global media is trying its best to ignore. However, some countries, security experts, former government officials, and even a number of top European newspapers are refusing to let the explosive claims be buried by the next news cycle, with calls for an international investigation growing louder.
  • Of course, Russia was the first country pushing aggressively for an investigation, and China was not far behind. In an illustration of China’s skeptical position on the issue, Wang Wenbin, spokesman of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said: “What has perplexed people is that officials and media of the United States have remained unusually silent on this, and related European countries also seem to be heavy in misgivings. These abnormal reactions make it more convincing that the Nord Stream explosions are extremely complex. Given the seriousness of the criminal act of undermining a major transnational infrastructure facility and its grave consequences, the international community is entitled to demand a thorough investigation.”
  • Q ANONS already knew long before hand these EVENTS and that the CIA was behind the explosions.
  • What’s more interesting is the Democratic, Republicans and normies in shock China is joining with Russia in the WAR