Canadian Researchers Examined Vials of Pfizer and Moderna Covid Injections.
Dr. Nagase found no signs of mRNA or DNA.
After reviewing electron microscope images of elements contained in the Covid Pfizer and Moderna injections, Dr. Daniel Nagase revealed that, strangely, the contents of the Pfizer and Moderna “vaccines” show no signs of biological material, including mRNA or DNA.
Here is a link to an interview with Dr. Nagase:
The Transcript:
A droplet of Pfizer vial contains thousands of structures. A spectrum of the X-rays from an electron microscope shows carbon (highest peak) then oxygen (next on right), a little sodium & chloride, as well as silicon & palladium. The peak on the left is irrelevant. The next larger peak is platinum ( a layer is used to protect the sample). There is no nitrogen or phosphorus, hence no biological material. The 2 small rectangles in the Moderna image show where the electron microscope analysed the material producing spectral graphs like the one below.
Other parts of the vials analysed showed the presence of other metals, but still no nitrogen or phosphorus.
The vials were at room temperature for 1 to 2 months. Since they were sealed, if protein was present, the nitrogen & phosphorus would still be within the vials – none were detected. At this relatively higher temperature, the graphene oxide would be able to assemble into the structures which were clearly visible. Thus the reason for injecting the contents into the bloodstream of people must have been to form these structures once a higher tenperature had been reached. This can be the only reason for the very low storage temperatures. I have used a bluetooth scanner in the city of Masterton in New Zealand & recorded 166 12-digit codes with “unknown” labels after walking about 150 metres & then back along the main street. These codes must be from “chipped’ people!

Every living thing, whether it’s a virus, plant or animal, is made up of proteins that contain nitrogen, carbon, oxygen, and phosphorus. “You would expect to see carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, and phosphorus – all the things you would normally see in a protein,” he said. The team of researchers found carbon and oxygen but none of the samples contained nitrogen or phosphorous. There were no signs of biological material.
“X-ray diffraction spectroscopy didn’t detect any nitrogen or phosphorus. So, if those complex shapes – that rectangle with all the dots arranged in a grid – were the result of some kind of biological process … then there should be nitrogen and phosphorus there in addition to carbon and oxygen. Because every living thing, whether it’s a virus, plant or animal, is made up of proteins that contain nitrogen, carbon, oxygen, and phosphorus.”
Dr. Nagase examined a “ball with the legs growing out of it” found inside a Moderna sample. “This shape, this ball with the legs growing out of it, for some reason has aluminium in it. And I can say with certainty that this isn’t a mould spore or some other type of biological contamination, because the only thing in it is carbon, oxygen, and no signs of nitrogen, no signs of phosphorus, which would indicate something biological of origin. So, this thing that’s growing is non-biological.”
This confirms what Polish biologist and geologist Dr. Franc Zalewksi discovered last year about what he called a “something” or a “thing” and was later called a “nano-octopus” by La Quinta Columna.“It seems to have one head and three legs. I did some tests and here are the results: aluminium, bromine and carbon,” Dr. Zalewski said. He established that the head of the “thing” was made of aluminium.
A surprising and new discovery that Dr. Nagase and the researchers made was an unusual element from the lanthanide series – thulium – in a fibre-like structure found in a Pfizer sample.
Dr. Nagase and the researchers found a variety of shapes and structures inside the “vaccine” samples they tested – crystals, chips, strands, bulbs, spheres, fibres and balls with legs growing out of them – “we have polymorphic, which is many different forms,” he said.
“They all seem to be made predominantly out of carbon and oxygen and they were in both the Moderna and Pfizer samples, and they seem to be in fibre forms. In the Moderna sample, the carbon-oxygen structures seem to be taking nanosphere forms and crystalline forms. And in the Pfizer sample … seem to only be forming fibres and crystals.
“So again, what are all these things doing? Carbon-oxygen can certainly be a sign that there’s graphene in it but how do they make graphene take all these different shapes: from spheres to fibres to crystals, this is a technology that I am not aware of with my scientific knowledge.
“I don’t even know if this carbon technology, this carbon nanotechnology is in every batch or is it just in the batches they sent to Canada? Is Canada one half of an experiment and certain States in the US are getting a slightly different batch without the carbon nanotech? And then are countries around the world being given different injections, and we’re being observed to see, ‘well, who dies the fastest, who gets the sickest or what kind of illnesses result’ from experimental ingredients being indiscriminately and without disclosure being given to people?”
**this is some type of technology that can use carbon and oxygen that’s in
the environment to self-assemble into fibre-like structures, crystal-like structures, bulblike structures, is this actually going on inside people’s bodies after they get the injection? And then does it take a long time? Does it take two to three months for these structures to gradually form inside the blood? And what are they doing there? And
what’s the purpose of them being there?
*From another source, which adds content & reinforcement:
Electron microscope images appear to show carbon nanotech, aluminum, thulium in Pfizer and Moderna’s covid-19 vaccines
31st May
Survive the News at
A Canadian researcher and ER doctor recently put the Pfizer and Moderna covid-19 vaccines under the microscope to see what they are made of. The electron microscope images show no sign of biological material, not DNA nor the glorified mRNA that the experimental injection was supposed to deliver.
Lead researcher, Dr. Daniel Nagase is a former ER doctor who was persecuted for using ivermectin to treat covid-19 patients in Canada. On involuntary leave since 2021, Dr. Nagase has been traveling through Alberta and British Columbia to educate others on the treatment options for covid-19.
Canadian researcher claims to finds non-biological aluminum and carbon nano-particles in Moderna vaccines
When the contents of the vaccine were put under an electron microscope, Dr. Nagase was able to identify basic elements like carbon and oxygen. “You would expect to see carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, and phosphorus – all the things you would normally see in a protein,” Nagase said. However, none of the samples contained nitrogen or phosphorous, not in the X-ray spectroscopy or the electron microscope images.
“X-ray spectroscopy didn’t detect any nitrogen or phosphorus. So, if those complex shapes – that rectangle with all the dots arranged in a grid – were the result of some kind of biological process … then there should be nitrogen and phosphorus there in addition to carbon and oxygen. Because every living thing, whether it’s a virus, plant or animal, is made up of proteins that contain nitrogen, carbon, oxygen, and phosphorus,” he said.
Dr. Nagase found some very interesting shapes inside the contents of the so-called vaccines. One of the non-biological life forms (in the Moderna vaccine) contained neurotoxic aluminum and looked like a “ball with the legs growing out of it.” The object was not a biological contaminant because it did not contain nitrogen or phosphorous. “So, this thing that’s growing is non-biological,” Nagase concluded.
He found no mRNA in the samples, either. The mRNA is the principal ingredient of the vaccine that is intended to interfere with the biological process of protein transcription in human cells. The mRNA is the vehicle by which toxic, lab-made spike proteins are encoded. According to this discovery, it’s safe to say that not all covid-19 vaccine lots are the same, and some may have no mRNA at all because it degrades easily and may not be preserved properly. Nagase cautioned that there is no way of ensuring that this vaccine lot was properly refrigerated to preserve the mRNA.
Pfizer vaccine appears to contain rare-Earth metal, thulium
The Pfizer sample contained an unusual fiber-like structure that contained a rare-Earth element called thulium, says the researcher. Thulium is one of the highly-reactive elements in the lanthanides series of the periodic table. This rare metal is easy to work with and is used as a source of radiation in portable X-ray devices. Under the electron microscope, these thulium samples were found in various polymorphic forms, including crystals, chips, strands, bulbs, spheres, fibers, and balls with legs growing out of them.
Polish biologist Dr. Franc Zalewksi previously discovered these one-headed, three-legged objects in 2021. He found bromine, carbon, and aluminum in the peculiar structures, and he named them “nano-octopus.” Pathologists have also found unknown objects in the blood of vaccinated Germans.
“I don’t even know if this carbon technology is in every batch or is it just in the batches they sent to Canada?” Dr. Nagase questioned. “Is Canada one half of an experiment and certain States in the US are getting a slightly different batch without the carbon nanotech?” As post-vaccine deaths pile up, more doctors are asking questions.
Informed consent has been vanquished from medicine over the past three years, so Dr. Nagase asks, “Are countries around the world being given different injections, and we’re being observed to see, ‘well, who dies the fastest, who gets the sickest or what kind of illnesses result’ from experimental ingredients being indiscriminately and without disclosure being given to people?”