King Charles, Queen Elizabeth linked to Satanic Deaths

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King Charles, Queen Elizabeth linked to Satanic Deaths of Children & Murder of Witness

10 Oct. 2022, on the 58th anniversary of the permanent disappearance of ten children from the Kamloops Indian Residential School in Canada, new evidence has surfaced linking British monarch King Charles to their fate and to the death of other native children.

A group of witnesses have presented their affidavits to the special Tribunal that has convened to investigate Charles’ complicity in both the abduction of the ten children by Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip on October 10, 1964, and the medical murder of eyewitness William Combes in February 2011.

According to the Tribunal’s Public Information Office, “Our Tribunal has today received sworn statements from British and Canadian nationals. They claim to have witnessed the personal participation of Charles Mountbatten-Windsor, aka King Charles III, in ceremonies involving native children that occurred in Carnarvon Castle in Wales and at the former Catholic Indian School in Fort Providence, Canada, on October 30, 1964, and July 11, 1970, respectively.

“The first ceremony involved the ritual killing of Cecilia Arnold, age ten, and Edward Arnuse, age ten, two survivors of the original ten children abducted by Charles’ parents from the Kamloops Indian School. The second ceremony involved a similar ritual killing of an undetermined number of Inuit children provided by the clergy of the Catholic Sacred Heart Indian residential school in the Northwest Territories.

Here is what we know so far:

  • 1. At sunset on Saturday, October 10, 1964, in the hills above Dead Man’s Creek 40 miles west of Kamloops, eight of the ten children who were abducted by Elizabeth and Philip Mountbatten-Windsor from the Kamloops Catholic Residential School were ritually and brutally killed. We know from a retired British security officer that both Elizabeth and Windsor were present at the ritual. Two of the ten children were kept alive and brought to England, to the Roman-built Carnarvon Castle in North Wales. The two children were Cecilia Arnold, an interior Salish girl from Kamloops, and Edward Arnuse, a Metis boy from Quesnel. Both children were ten years old. Barely two weeks later, at midnight on Samhain, October 30, 1964, Cecilia and Edward were ritually raped, tortured, killed, and cannibalistically devoured in the sub-basement crypt of Carnarvon Castle by a coven of the Vatican-led Ninth Circle cult. Present and participating that night in that blood feast were Philip Mountbatten-Windsor and his eldest son Charles, who was inducted into the cult that night: the man now called the King of England.
  • 2. On July 1, 1969, Charles was invested as the Prince of Wales in the same location, at a ceremony in Carnarvon Castle. Exactly one year after, on July 1, 1970, Charles Mountbatten-Windsor began his first official visit to Canada along with his parents and sister Anne. The ultimate destination of this so-called “royal tour” was rural aboriginal communities in Manitoba and at Fort Providence in the Northwest Territories. And there, at another catholic residential school called Sacred Heart, aboriginal children once again died at the hands of the Mountbatten-Windsors and their Vatican accomplices.
  • 3. In the ocean of blood deceptively called Indian residential schools where child murder was the norm, these killings remained cloaked in secrecy and terror. But years later, the sole surviving eyewitness to the Kamloops abduction spoke publicly of what he saw. William Combes was then ordered to be killed by a royal decree enacted through the British foreign intelligence agency MI-6 and its counterparts in the RCMP in Canada: specifically, by the west coast “E” division of the Mounties under the authority of its black ops coordinator Inspector Peter Montague. On February 19, 2011, William was forcibly abducted from his East Pender Street slum hotel by three Mounties and brought to the catholic St. Paul’s hospital in Vancouver. William’s nurse Chloe Kirker states on record that he was in good health and had no symptoms of his official cause of death, tubercular meningitis. But by February 23 he developed what are called Mees’ Lines on his fingernails, which indicate arsenic poisoning. And yet nurse Kirker was ordered by St. Paul’s administrators to keep William off any intravenous and thereby dehydrated: in hindsight, to allow the poison to disseminate quickly and fatally. After William died, nurse Kirker was threatened not to speak of it. After she was subjected to repeated of harassment and death threats, she quit her job and moved out of the country.
  • 4. The Vancouver Coroner, Claire Thompson, took nearly four months to issue a report on the death of William Combes. On June 13, 2011, Ms. Thompson stated on record that William Combes died of “disseminated tuberculosis”, despite William’s absence of TB symptoms and the indication of arsenic poisoning. Ms. Thompson refused to answer all inquiries about William’s death. The Vancouver Coroner’s office threatened to sue anyone who publicly challenged her report.
  • 5. William Combes died the same week that Kevin Annett was invited in writing by Mohawk elders to begin investigations into mass graves of children at the former Church of England school in Brantford, Ontario: the same “Mush Hole” school where British and Dutch royal family members abducted aboriginal children routinely for over a century. A church insider with considerable evidence of these abductions and the ritual killings of children at the Mush Hole, Leona Moses, was officially silenced by Anglican Archbishop Fred Hiltz after Kevin Annett appeared in Brantford in the spring of 2011. Hiltz acted under the direct instructions of the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, according to Leona Moses. But Leona died and her incriminating evidence was destroyed in a house fire after Kevin came to Brantford and commenced investigations at the Mush Hole mass grave site. Prior to that, while Kevin was in London, England researching the Mush Hole archives, he was summarily arrested and deported from England, on May 26, 2011: three months to the day that William Combes had been murdered.

All of this proves again the murderous and criminal nature of the British Crown and its Vatican accomplice in genocide. For many years we have exposed and proved this crime in courts of law and through the suffering and blood of eyewitnesses like William Combes. But the criminals are still in charge, and they have absolved themselves of the crime and erased their atrocities and now even are erasing the erasure. And so, the genocide continues.

We have learned there is no possibility of justice in their system, which is why we have created our own inquiries and our own courts of law outside their jurisdiction. Our present Tribunal that is putting King Charles on trial is a continuation of that struggle. But we are also arming ourselves with the means to enforce the verdict of this latest trial, by building our own common law Republics that can fight and overcome these crimes against humanity. For we are engaged in a war to the death against tyranny and mass murder; and the first step in resisting those evils is to collectively declare our independence from their genocidal system in London, Rome, Beijing, and elsewhere.

This new evidence and accompanying documentation has been entered into the docket of the Tribunal and will be presented at its opening session on Tuesday, November 1, 2022. Charles Mountbatten-Windsor has been issued a Public Summons to appear before the Tribunal.