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*For months we have been told to expect certain events which have not eventuated, or may be slow to do so. No doubt things are happening & we are impatient for full disclosure. We just have to hang in there, prepare & hope for the best.

Extract from “Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Tues. 18 April 2023

In a few hours the whole World is going to change!
People won’t believe their eyes when they see this!
Donald J. Trump and Elvis Presley are going LIVE together!
After 45 years, Elvis Presley is ready to step out of the SHADOWS!
Donald J. Trump and Elvis Presley will EXPOSE THE ELITES!

Many Politicians and government appointees jobs at risk for not signing Oath of Office to protect the Constitution:
JUAN:  I heard from Ann Vandersteel who did a broadcast yesterday with breaking news.

On Friday, a bunch of politicians and appointees had been NOTIFIED that their documentation and certification for taking the Oath of Office … (which is REQUIRED … for all office holders, whether they are elected or appointed)…. Was NOT on filed.

They had been FOIA-ed and could not produce those documents.

There might be a ceremonial taking of the Oath when a person takes office, but it MUST be followed up with a signed and notarized written Oath that is FILED correctly.

The penalty for violating the Oath of Office is perjury.

FACT:  Signing these documents is MANDATORY.

FACT:  They must certify their oath BEFORE they begin the duties of their office.

And the signed document must be Witnessed…. By the Notary who puts their seal on it… and filed correctly

People like the head of the CDC, and Secretary of the Army, etc. need that signed Oath.

The breaking news also said that Vice President Kamala Harris did not certify and file her Oath of Office.

She was put on NOTICE in the last 48 hours…. That she has 10 days to get that done, she is out of office.

I have been going over this with other people in the legal arena.

The reality is… anything these uncertified people have done up until that documentation is filed correctly…is NOT LEGAL.

Mon. 17 April Ann Vandersteel: Do we have Public servants in office right now acting as ‘elected officials’ without swearing allegiance to the Constitution? Immediately terminate positions for those who cannot produce an affidavit swearing allegiance to the Constitution: 

For those individuals who have failed or refused to produce an affidavit as required by 5 U.S. Code, Section 3332, demand that those persons provide the U.S. Attorney and this Court with the compulsory affidavit within ten (10) days. For those individuals who do not produce the 5 U.S. Code, Section 3332 affidavit within ten (10) days as described above; as well as, those who have admitted they do not possess the requested affidavit and those who have produced defective affidavits:

a.     Immediately terminate their appointments or positions;

b.    Render all official acts, bills, laws, regulations, or any official actions whatsoever, including the appointment of any subordinates void ab initio and;

c.    Replace and restore all proper, former office holders until competent replacements can be lawfully appointed.

A Writ of Quo Warranto [Document shown – Case Number 2023] to the U.S. Attorney in the District of Columbia…Petitioner-In Re: LISA MCGEE…stating that ‘Numerous Oaths of Office CANNOT be found on file for many of our federal officials including:

1.     U.S. Vice President, Kamala Harris

2.    Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin III

3.    Director of Center of Disease Control and of Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Rocheli Walensky

4.    U.S. Secretary of Treasury, Janet Yellen

5.    U.S. Secretary of Energy, Jennifer Granholm

6.    FDA’s Principal Deputy Commissioner Janet Woodcock

7.    U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services, Xavier Beuerra

8.    U.S. Secretary of Transportation, Pete Buttigieg

9.    Secretary of State Antony Blinken

10.  Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, Alejandro Maynrkas

11.  Secretary of Commerce, Gina M. Raimondo

12.  Department of Justice, Attorney General Merrick Garland

13.  Commissioner of Food and Drug Administration, Robert M. Califf M.D.

14.  Secretary of Labor, Marty Walsh

15.  Deputy Secretary of Labor, Julie Su

Barack Obama’s Family Admit He’s NOT American and Michelle Is ‘Not What He Seems’

Illegitimate President
Is there anything real about America’s first black president – or is he a total fraud? Are Barack and Michelle Obama the biggest con jobs in history?
Who is Barack Obama? His older brother claims the president has been lying about everything including where he was born. His supposed former classmates claim he didn’t attend Columbia University. The man is a carefully constructed fake, designed to inflict maximum damage on America and the free world.
And according to Barack Obama’s own family, his wife, Michelle, is actually a man. Where does the deception end?
Malik Obama says everybody in the Obama family calls Barack “Fake ass” and has a major truth bomb to drop about Michelle Obama too. Malik’s revelations come at the same time as Columbia University graduates, who were supposedly in the same class as Barack Obama, admit they have no memory of him at all.