Detox or Die – Update 7th May

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Harsh words, but action is needed if you are to be a survivor. People must say NO, NO MORE!!

UPDATE 7th May

Dr. Lee Merritt’s Important Interview with Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea
*I had to add this video. Take action to protect yourself & your loved ones. You have to make the effort.
Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea: I had the honor to speak with Dr. Lee Merritt about what is in the shots, the nanotechnological and synthetic artificial intelligent biology threatening the survival of humanity, the multilevel weapons system deployed and how they function, how to protect oneself and detoxify from the shots, what is shedding and more.

biosphere contaminated
multiple bio weapon systems
we wont survive ongoing geoengineering, jabs, turning on freqs
demonic satanic attack
most dangerous tech weapon
nano robotics
get rid of this junk on our blood

sucrose octasulfate
activated charcoal
b;ack seed oil
[Dosing. Black seed oil has most often been used by adults in doses of 1-2.5 grams by mouth daily for 4-12 weeks.]
Exposing GO to another form of strong pulse light, such as those produced by xenon flashtubes.

GO steals electrons from red blood cells. So, electron donors are needed:
antioxidants are electron donors
methylene blue
copper supplement
colloidal gold

fear shortens telomeres
hug a tree

vitC Dr. Ana take 10g [people can’t tolerate high doses – loosens the bowels]
humic & fulvic acid

Most people prefer Chlorine Dioxide (CDS) to de-magnetize the body and NAC along with fennel and star anise teas or white pine tea.
NAC or glutathione neutralises the GO, as well as spikes to some extent.
Dr. Ana: For protection, I will alternate use of Chlorine dioxide and NAC. That is until I know more.

Graphene oxide can act as a solo trigger for most COVID symptoms. This is not a VIRUS or spike protein, but a chemical warfare agent.
GO disrupts the immune system.
GO can trigger a cytokine storm.
GO toxicity can instigate pneumonia.
GO creates a metallic taste in the mouth.
GO causes inflammation of the mucous membranes.
GO produces a loss in the sense of taste and smell.
GO is magnetic (especially at the injection site.)
GO blocks detoxification in the body by blocking glutathione.
GO may be activated by 5G frequencies.
GO was already included as an adjuvant in the flu shots in 2019.
GO passes thru the blood-brain barrier.

In a study published in Nature Nanotechnology, the researchers found that giving mice a compound called sucrose octasulfate can detoxify graphene oxide.
We cannot claim that zeolite will detox graphene oxide because no studies have been conducted to my knowledge. However, it seems logical that zeolite may be one of the best candidates to detox graphene since zeolite itself is a magnetic compound. It should be recognized that this bioaccumulation of toxins is causing a lot of issues for people.
These are must videos. It may be difficult to follow all of what Karen Kingston tells us, but we must make the effort to become informed.

Maria Zeee and Dr. Rima Laibow – 90% of the Global Population will Die! – NWO Agenda!
April 27
Dr. Rima tells us that a wealthy head of state came to her for treatment in 2002. She said:

“You know it’s almost time for the Great Culling to begin.”
“The culling of the useless eaters.”

These are the type of psychopaths who want us dead. They have no feelings for anyone but themselves.

Greg Hunter & Karen Kingston – Covid-19 Bioweapon Vax Is Not Genocide, It’s Extinction!

Lipid Nanoparticles in Meat
What You Get From The Jab – Bioweapon

The FDA document on the right is hard to read. Here it is:
Violations of 21 U,S.C. 312.42b.1l/b2l & 21 U.S.C.
Karen Kingston
N.B.: This was on the FDA website on Oct 22, 2020 – a month before Pfizer submitted their data.

FDA Safety Surveillance of CPVID-19 Vaccines:
DRAFT Working list of possible adverse event outcomes

* Subject to change* [I would say much more to be added to this list]

Guillain-Barre Syndrome
acute disseminated incephalomyelitis
Transverse myelitis
narcolepsy & cataplexy
acute myocardial infarction
autoimmune disease
pregnabcy & birth outcomes
other acute demyelinating diseases
non-anaphytacticallergic reactions
disseminated intravascular coagulation
venous thromboembolism
arthritis & arthralgis/joint pain
Kawasaki disease
multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children
vaccine enhanced disease
deaths “As you would expect!”

These are the outcomes, not side effects. Some of what Karen said –
eating away at the nervous system – convulsions & seizures
meant to target the central nervous system, the brain & to cause deterioration
targets the cardio system
spontaneous abortions, miscarriages, birth defects, sterility
blood clotting
**By law the trial should have been stopped**
*This is an absolute abomination. So much suffering, pain and anguish.
The bastards aim to maim & kill us.

Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and former Pfizer employee who understands complicated medical and biological contracts.  Kingston also understands what it takes to make or defend a legal case against Big Pharma.  She has years of experience on multiple levels.  Kingston contends you do not need new laws to stop the CV19 mRNA technology.  Everybody simply needs to understand the CV19 vax and the mRNA technology are proven bioweapons.  The data shows millions have been disabled or murdered by the CV19 bioweapon/vax so far.  Is it going to get worse?  Kingston says, “Unfortunately, it is going to get worse.  The worst is yet to come. . . . The FDA did have to prove that these were safe.  Based on the information that they had in October and November of 2020, they should have never moved forward . . . with the trials.  So, they broke the law.  They knew it would cause all these disabilities and deaths. . . . I predicted a 25% myocarditis rate in July of 2021.  I have heard experts say we may be looking at 100%  . . . if they got two or three shots.  So, it’s going to get bad.”

Big Pharma and government are allowing mRNA technology (the same deadly bioweapon in the CV19 injections) to be put into the entire food supply.  Kingston contends this is to turn humans into trans-humans in something called “Directed Evolution.”  Kingston explains, “Directed Evolution is forcing the evolution of humans to merge with DNA from reptiles, insects and artificial intelligence.  It’s the bio-digital merger.  This is what this is, and there are multi-trillion dollar industries around this. . . . There is a whole bio-data division in DARPA in the U.S. military.  It is about merging the bio-digital with humans.”

Many have been calling the CV19 bioweapon/vax that features technology poison such as graphene as a genocide.  Kingston contends it is far more than that.  Kingston says, “This is not for the benefit of humanity.  This is going to lead to our extinction.  I just do not know why people do not understand that.”

Kingston demonstrates the electromagnetic properties of mRNA on a beef steak.  The quarter she uses sticks to a part of the meat where the mRNA had assembled because the mRNA creates a magnetic field.  (All patents Kingston has reviewed prove, without a doubt, mRNA is an electromagnetic device.)  Kingston says there is no need to pass new laws to stop evil Big Pharma, government and food producers from putting this in our food.  mRNA is a bioweapon, and it is illegal to put this in anyone’s food.  Kingston says, “It’s not that you want informed consent about mRNA technology in your food,  every state has laws on the books where weapons of biowarfare cannot contaminate the food supply.  I think what is most important is that we seize these mRNA injections.  Once we seize the shots and we get legal custody of that to show American citizens and global citizens what the technology is in the shots, then we can start shutting it down around the globe.  Not just in the ‘vaccine’ market, but show this is what is being put into our food supply and why all of this needs to stop.”

Kingston contends the FDA and CDC knew early on mRNA CV19 bioweapon injections were going to cause a long list of serious debilitating and deadly diseases.  They continue to push the mRNA bioweapon on every aspect of our lives with no end in sight.

Kingston predicts by 2030, there will be 200 million disabled or murdered Americans by mRNA and CV19 bioweapon/vax injections.”

There is much more in this interview.

Everyone Has Been Graphinated… The Vaccine Is A Directed BioWeapon
Dr. Robert Young
*Here are some brief notes which I made.
GO – graphene oxide – very thin with thickness 1 nm
Can’t get out of body. In many things – jabs, masks, PCR & Antigen swabs, food, antibacterial soap contaminated
Stimulated by 4G – 2.4 GHz
Totally fake pandemic
lipo nanoparticles directed bioweapon – organs & glands specifically targeted
heart targeted – exercise generates heat – causes self assembly
multi targets – different parts of body
in other jabs – in everything
mozzies – transfect
can’t change genes
but, changes environment of cells, hence expression of cells

em red -ve?
cells – out?
polarity reversed?
assigned a MAC address
1.1 billion
salt (good salt – himalayan)- demagnetises – pulls toxins out
eliminate sugar
GO + charge
to get GO out need em material that has a surface charge opposite to GO, so negative
clay – Montmorillonite – highly adsorptive (-ve) , adsorbs, binds, urinate out or defecate or sweat it out
GO carries a + charge
EDTA breaks down the GO rather than chelate it. [however Dr. Ana Mihalcea uses it effectively on her patients]
US govt killing it’s own people
become your own doctor

pH urine indicates pH of blood
pH of ocean 8.4 is ideal – need 9 if sick
take care of the water – we need good water

HIV tests bunk like PCR
Dr. Young was once put in jail
cars, planes – our voltage goes up
vax in livestock gets into us

giving more GO to kids (to sterilise) & elderly(to knock them off)
hydrosol to deliver the package containing GO – used to hack you – they (deep staters) control your organs
you are owned by patent holders
“Truth vs Deception”