Full Blood Moon & Lunar Eclipse

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NOTE: My new website is under construction. It will feature a blog which will focus on health.
Fats and Oils:
Thyroid Diseases:

The White Hat Q Movement:
Lead by President Trump, the White Hat Q Movement was now in control of all, having begun earnest pursuit of Mass Arrests, Tribunals and executions of Global Elites convicted of Treason – which allowed the Global Currency Reset to be released on Thurs. 20 Oct, the fiat US Dollar no longer being accepted for international trade, Bond Holders beginning to be processed, and Events lining up for Mid Term Election Day on Tues. 8 Nov.

We are under a six day clock that ends Midterm Election Day Nov. 8. The reason Trump will be having so many rallies back to back this week was because after his last one just prior to Nov. 8, we will be moving into a very different phase.

Charlie Ward on Sat. 5 Nov. MarkZ: “I was told by a spiritual advisor that there may be a False Flag happening on the 8th, which is Tuesday. And, it will look far worse as mainstream media will blow it out of proportion. Then they will hold the election as a state of emergency is declared …and then the US army could step in and expose plots…..then the US Army will run the country for a short time. I thought I would share this possibility with you. It’s hard to discern the truth out of a whole world of bullshit.”

Global Cyber Attack incoming. Get ready! The National Guard will be activating cyber security teams in 14 states ahead of the midterm elections on Tuesday to counter any potential interference. National Guard to activate cyber security teams in 14 states ahead of midterm elections.

Midterm Election:
Simon Parkes was given Intel on what would happen with the US Midterm Election, but was not allowed to pass it on. He gives us six possible scenarios of what could happen, saying one of them was the actual Plan – it’s your guess which one was true:

  1. Republicans win both houses, which leads to Biden’s impeachment, Biden’s resignation and Harris’ resignation. Nancy Pelosi is put in as US President for a few months before she is impeached and the Republican Speaker of the House becomes President.
  2. The Red Wave is so big that it overcomes the corruption and Republicans win both houses – then the above #1 scenario takes place.
  3. The Biden Administration cancels the Midterms before Tues. and pushes elections several months. The Military may or may not become involved.
  4. The White Hats stop the Midterms, bring in Martial Law and remove Biden.
  5. The Midterms go forward but Election corruption is so bad that Democrats win both houses. Within a few hours Trump is arrested. This is a Near Death Experience for the nation, so the Military takes over with Martial Law and Trump as Commander in Chief. Trump announces NESARA/GESARA and new elections in 120 days (to March 2023) where Trump would likely be formally inaugurated.
  6. Republicans win the House. Democrats win the Senate and there is no Biden impeachment.

Study Proved Toxic Venom in Covid Vax Victims:
A Bombshell science study has found Venom Peptides in Covid Vax victims that transform the human body into a venom factory, poisoning from within. These Venom Peptides can also be mass produced, freeze dried and dropped on populations to kill the masses in line with the Deep State Depopulation Agenda.

Mid Term Election Voter Fraud Reported in 49 States:
They are still using Dominion Voting Machines in 49 states – and early voting has shown that those machines were already algorithmically flipping ballots.
Check for Wifi connections in or around voting areas and report findings to Election Authorities. Election machines are not supposed to be connected to the Internet as that is how most of the Election Fraud took place in the last Election.
Brazil: The mainstream media is attempting to silence the people of Brazil by refusing to report on the massive protests that continue to this day.

All the ships are sailing in the same direction now…about to arrive at their common destination in the month of RED NOVEMBER.
Durham Revelations.
Trump Raid.
Seth Rich.
Nord Pipeline sabotage.
Maxwell’s international trafficking ring.
Financial crisis.
Biden Crime Family investigation.
Iran Deal shenanigans.
Fentanyl drug smuggling.
Open border crisis.
9/11 revelations.
Massive election fraud being facilitated by foreign controlled EMS run by CCP agents.
Trump & his team doing even more openly public blatant endorsements of the Q community.
Buckle thyself up and gird thy loins in proper fashion. It’s going to be Biblical.
The Hunters Become The Hunted.