Maui Firestorms

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More evidence as shown below

Here’s how the NWO pyroterrorists actually started and spread the MAUI firestorms
From SOTN – State of the Nation
*Much information here. Follow the links
When it concerns any complex crime scene like Lahaina, it’s never about the what happened, it’s about WHO did it and WHY.  At this early stage of the criminal investigation being conducted by citizen journalists all over the Internet, the volumes of actionable evidence is simply overwhelming.
It ought to be intuitively obvious that the the Maui firestorms were both stealthily started and methodically spread by a series of highly coordinated acts of pyroterrorism, yes?!

The turning of the tide
has finally begun

The highly calculated and cold-blooded execution of OPERATION TORCH MAUI has awakened people across the planet to the massacres that have been systematically carried out over decades by the New World Order globalist cabal.

Much more importantly, the weather wars and DEW warfare being waged against humanity for many years has been exposed as never before.  So much hard evidence of intentional mass murder was quickly recovered at the Maui crime scene that such a genocide could no longer be denied.

The sheer enormity and gravity of the manmade Maui firestorms, and their extreme consequences for all Mauians, has made a very deep and indelible impression on folks around the globe.

Who on planet Earth hasn’t been victimized to some degree
by these barbaric acts of geoterrorism, pyroterrorism
and geoengineering?!

The shock and awe of the Maui conflagration has profoundly impacted a critical mass of the collective human consciousness and in so doing has clued populations everywhere into the awesomely devastating effects of Directed Energy Weapons.

Make no mistake:


Our time has finally arrived to terminate these savage mass casualty events perpetrated by the NWO cabal.  For they only become more and more emboldened with each successive mass murder they seemingly get away with.  Which means that We the People must rise up and stop this cataclysmic madness.

Eyewitness Account:
This resident witnessed the police blocking fleeing cars & later hearing loud explosions.

Another Eyewitness: A heart-rending account.
Watch the first 2.5 minutes.