Ohio Cabal Fear Tactic – Update 21/02

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** Scroll down for the Update.

Do not be alarmed by the Ohio fear porn. It’s happened before – remember the Covid fear campaign.
The bad guys & gals are wanting to reduce the food supply & drive people off the land. Don’t fall for it. This chemical spill & burn-off is not as bad as the MSM traitors tell us.
This is a must video – 16 min:
NEW Dr. Lee Merritt: Ohio Chemical Spill — It’s Not What You Think
My look at what was in the train, what it can do, and what it means…Dr. Lee Merritt
Get the word out to your fellow countrymen. No fear, no panic, stay calm. Dr. Sircus says to alkalise with baking soda.

Worldwide Destruction:
The deep state is destroying food crops & factories around the world & the transport of food.
New Zealand: We have been much better off than many countries, but now it is time for the ‘sleepers’ to wake up.
We are well below the tropics. It is rare for destructive tropical cyclones to come down this far. This season there have been 3. The one in January was destructive, but the recent one, Gabrielle, was the worst ever. Much damage has been done, with orchards & food crops destroyed. The price of fruit & veges has soared & will continue to do so.
I believe that these storms have been manipulated using HAARP.


Dr. Lee Merrritt Continued:
take down food supply /land grab /build smart cities
The Tanks:
1) 4 carloads of vinyl chloride: volatile liquid
no leaks – they burned it —> phosgene + HCl
acid disperses – short term event
phosgene (WWI gas) – disperses in big open areas – degrades —> CO2 & HCl
2) 1 cart ethyl ether (?) acroid – small leak, not very toxic
3) 1 cart iso butylene – no leakage – it burned – no concerns
4) 1 cart butyl acroids – spilled & caught fire spontaneously (?)- major leak -rapidly disperses (dilutes in water)- tested river & shows rapid dilution – looks like oil slick. Breaks down in sunlight, biodegrades in ground.
5) 1 cart ethylene glycol (antifreeze)- toxic – not in atmosphere – so on ground (localised)
Sprayed on wings of planes.

When we burn rubbish, dioxins can form. Black smoke looks bad – carbon which has not oxidised into CO2. When I burn a huge pile of branches from trees, etc., on our 1.5 acres in town, initially a lot of smoke is given off, but later the fire is so hot that mainly complete combustion occurs – the intense heat radiates quite a distance, so you can’t get close. At the start the smoke drifts towards neighbours, but later,there is minimal smoke – whew!

ETA: “You can’t farm your land since this stuff drops on it.”
Get out of the system. Stop believing the hysteria. This applies to people worldwide.
10,000 people died in Fukushima. A dosimeter will determine if it is safe – confiscated when Fukushima happened. Zero died of radiation (Dr. Lee). It is very deadly to dislocate people. Japanese people don’t move – generations stay.
The same with Chernobyl. Small town nearby – 3,600 died of translocation.

New Dr. Pete Chambers – Emergency Broadcast! From East Palestine – All May Not Be As It Seems!!!
*This video is a must.
Dr. Pete Chambers joins us for an emergency broadcast from the ground near East Palestine to report that not all may be what it seems, even in alternative media.
Dr. Chambers reports residents are being scared into leaving the area due to the “Smart City” agenda planned for East Palestine, with a shock discovery mid-interview by Maria and Dr. Chambers!

Local citizens not concerned – there have been spills before.
An agenda in the US – relocate people, bring in people (mainly young males) across the Southern Border. Create smart cities – “Imprison” people in them. Depopulate rural areas.
A similar case in Australia – Lismore – flooding.