*I am creating this post since people in the USA should take note & be aware.
SOTN Editor’s Note: Joe Biden’s Philly “Speech from Hell” was a highly calculated political and military act on the part of his NWO globalist masters. Because that declaration of war against MAGA Republicans was given so soon after he signed legislation authorizing the hiring of 87,000 IRS agents, the intentions ought to be quite clear. (Those IRS agents actually represent an illegal government-paid army of paramilitary mercenaries whose only mission is to terrorize the Right into compliance or face liquidation.) Hence, the communist-run Biden administration will commence, first, with a stealthy purge of all high-profile conservatives from all American institutions well beyond what they have already perpetrated since Obama’s first term. Many Patriots have already been rooted out of the U.S. Federal Government, Corporate America, Universities & Colleges, Medical Centers & Research Institutions, etc. via the patently unlawful Covid ‘vaccine’ mandates. However, as of September 1, Team Biden is putting their Cultural Marxist Revolution on steroids. Between now and Election Day, the Right should expect just about anything to occur that demonizes conservatives and disparages Christians across the USA. This is it, folks! These cultural marxists are about to morph into full-blown political bolsheviks as their totalitarian juggernaut rolls across the 50 states much like Chinese were shocked and awed during their devastating Cultural Revolution. The famine (sound familiar) alone during that communist-directed genocide killed more than 30,000,000 people across China.
Now for the real “RED ALERT” here: This dire warning concerns the necessity for all folks on the Right to be acutely aware of the upcoming “False Flag Mass Casualty Events” already planned by the U.S. Intelligence Community to be blamed on MAGA Republicans. The Left desperately needs a number of “shocking and heinous” mass shootings or mass bombings to blame on Trump supporters as a means of capturing undecided voters. Between now and Election Day, every conservative ought to be on their best behavior; and especially stay away from any suspicious events and large public gatherings. After all, most of those crowds are dominated by donkey Democrats, ultra-liberals, super-progressives, closet communists, cultural marxists, political bolsheviks, flaming anarchists, wannabe insurrectionists, virtue signalers, social justice warriors, LGBTQIA+ fanatics, woke protestors, and worse. Most importantly, virtually all of these snowflake crazymakers have been vaxxed to the max with 2 or 3 Covid jabs plus a couple of boosters to boot. Do you really want to spend your precious time in a horde of super-vaxxed transhumans who are shedding profusely—24/7?!?!
BOTTOM LINE: Look out. Watch out. And don’t stay out late between now and the first of the year. Halloween is starting in September this year (yet another early October Surprise); and it’s gonna get very scary … as the POTUS Imposter just showed US all wearing his presidential costume while giving his “Speech from Hell” in his Philly haunted house. See: Here it comes America—the first SEPTEMBER SURPRISE!
*This Alt Media platform has a pretty good track record for calling out the BIG ONES before anyone else even knows what’s really happening. In fact, SOTN posted the very first exposé on the Internet about the launching of OPERATION COVID-19 in Wuhan, China on January 22, 2020, several days before any other alternative news website (See: WUHAN CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC BIOENGINEERED). Therefore, our best advice to all of our readers is that it’s time to prepare if you haven’t already.