White Hat Intel Update July 6

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Extracted from Judy Byington Report

Update 6th July
White Hat Intel:

  • ALL Governments in the WORLD are being removed by MILITARY.
  • Everything Connects: The Event – 34 Buildings bombed, Dams etc. Global Stock Market Collapse via precision Cyber Attacks. Think Executive Order 1221.
  • Once Governments are removed, Federal & State Etc, we will be electing people  governments that are 10% the size of what they are currently.
  • There will never be 2 Party Preferred Politics ever again.  No more Democrats, No More Republicans, No More Liberal, No More Labor.
  • If elected Governments do not work FOR THE PEOPLE they will be removed by the Military. They will only be 20 to 25 People sized.
  • P.S I think U.S only has to elect Congress.
  • Russians accused President Joe Biden, former President Barack Obama, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and billionaire George Soros of involvement in the Plandemic conspiracy. The Chinese and Russians insist that “whoever commits such immoral and inhuman acts must be punished.”
  • The Russians note that since the Americans broke a 1976 treaty not to use biological, weather manipulating, earthquake causing and other weapons of mass destruction, they are now entitled to use their own arsenal of such weapons.
  • The head of MI6, upon getting this evidence promised “We will sanction the United Nations on a shoot to kill.” In other words, the named officials, including those working at the WHO and UN, will be shot on sight.
  • The US military, meanwhile, responded by sending –in defiance of the Biden regime- a military plane with more than 100 generals representing all military units to avoid a comprehensive nuclear war the KM was trying to trigger, Pentagon sources say.
  • As a result of this meeting “Biden’s days are numbered, regimes will collapse and heads of those countries participating in this scheme will be overthrown,” the sources promise.
  • World war ESCALATION being aggressively pushed by Biden and NATO because tyrants need a food scarcity crisis to reach global depopulation milestones
  • The Covid Plandemic was launched in order to achieve two key things: 1) Rapid expansion of authoritarianism by terrorizing the population with covid fear, and 2) Global depopulation / extermination through Covid vaccines which are actually gene-altering infertility jabs and “clot shots.” These jabs also alter human DNA and result in gradual cancer deaths over a decade. (You will see huge spikes in cancer deaths for 2021 and 2022 once the numbers are officially reported.)
  • Financial analyst Edward Dowd, who works with statisticians that are analyzing CDC data, has concluded there are so far 1.1 million excess deaths in the United States since the vaccine push began.
  • In order to achieve the much larger die-off they desire, globalists need to decimate the global supply chain that provides food and energy to the world. These are also interrelated since energy (in the form of natural gas) creates nitrogen-based fertilizer that’s used to produce food. In addition, energy is a critical farm input in the form of diesel fuel that powers tractors and transportation trucks.

Update 1st July
White Hat Intel:

  • Hammer on the Clock…Q
  • On The Clock means Cyber to shutdown all systems on the Planet. I believe the NSA will Flood the internet with a whole heap of incriminating evidence.
  • The Space Force will turn the whole planets power off. Switching over to Free Tesla Energy.
  • Mr Pool showed us all Trains will be halted. They work on big Electrical Grids.
  • All Social Media Platforms will be removed and New Ones will be replacing them with the new Quantum Internet controlled in space. It is Unhackable. Download your Data if you don’t have 2nd copies of photos etc. We have been warned of the Global CyberSecurity Crisis.
  • CLINTON CASH—THE RUSSIA CONNECTION: The New York Times reports on multi-million dollar donations from a Canadian company anxious to sell American uranium mines to the Russians, which required State Department approval while Hillary was Secretary of State: The sale gave the Russians control of 1/5 of all uranium production capacity in the United States. Since uranium is considered a strategic asset, with implications for national security, the deal had to be approved by a committee composed of representatives from a number of United States government agencies. Among the agencies that eventually signed off was the State Department, then headed by Mr. Clinton’s wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton. As the Russians gradually assumed control of Uranium One in three separate transactions from 2009 to 2013, Canadian records show, a flow of cash made its way to the Clinton Foundation.  Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $2.35 million. Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons, despite an agreement Mrs. Clinton had struck with the Obama White House to publicly identify all donors. Other people with ties to the company made donations as well. Whether the donations played any role in the approval of the uranium deal is unknown. But the episode underscores the special ethical challenges presented by the Clinton Foundation, headed by a former president who relied heavily on foreign cash to accumulate $250 million in assets even as his wife helped steer American foreign policy as secretary of state, presiding over decisions with the potential to benefit the foundation’s donors.
  • Starlink Satellites are Particle Weapons that track every Nuclear silo on earch and destroy every launched nuclear rocket in two seconds and vaporizes them.
  • It’s been long reported by Patriots, Anons and Freedom Voices that Musk’s Starlink is a Military Operation and connected behind the scenes to Space Force, the Guardians US Intelligence Agency Number #18.
  • The U.S. Military has far exceeded Future technology into the future of Weapons, healing technology and travel.
  • Everything connects back to TESLA and Donald Trump’s genius uncle John G.Trump.
  • He was a recipient of the National Medal of Science and a member of the National Academy of Engineering. Trump was noted for developing rotational radiation therapy. Together with Robert J. Van de Graaff, he developed one of the first million-volt X-ray generators and later created the radar system.
  • John Trump was a student of Tesla and lived near him in the same neighborhood. They are both connected to military operations Time Travel Ops. the Philadelphia Experiment and to this day their works and creation of time Travel projects and machines are hidden in full operation in the Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado and under Lake Geneva in Switzerland.
  • Before Q popped up in 2017 there was a man in the early 2000s who randomly popped up in time lines and placed/ applied for Patents. This man’s babe was John Quincy St. Clair, of the Hyperspace Research Institute and is perhaps the 21st Century’s most important inventor. Later on he simply became known as John Q.

The Trump Card is very, very close to being played!
Under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment of the United States Constitution, “No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.”
Election Fraud would be a serious felony under normal circumstances, but under an active state of war it would be considered an act of treason. Think back Re: Kavanaugh conf. hearings. What are the requirements for a civilian to be tried for treason? We have been in a state of war since 2001.
Pelosi and all other members of Congress are NO LONGER members of Congress, they’ve forfeited their rights and offices by committing an act of TREASON.
Thanks to Section 3 of 14th Amendment they are no longer lawful members of Congress, (and this doesn’t even include the Supreme Court justices who are complicit in carrying out this treason against our Nation!!). They are now considered enemies of the Republic who have aided a foreign power in stealing an election. When you have committed an act of treason, you forfeit your rights as an American. You have no rights. Military law vs civilian law?
Any evidence is admissible in a military tribunal court, so Pelosi’s stolen laptop, along with the other 11 stolen laptops, can be used in her military tribunal along with everything else Pelosi has done, to lock her and the others away for good.
History will show that Donald Trump tried every legal avenue to solve this crisis against our Constitution. It will show that all others failed to address this Act of Treason. He tried to resolve this peacefully. His only recourse left was to use the military, but it will be a LAWFUL use of the military as these people have broken their oaths and committed TREASON and INSURRECTION.
President Donald J. Trump is LEGALLY REQUIRED to act on this because of his own oath to the Constitution, to protect our Republic from enemies Foreign AND DOMESTIC.
The crimes on their indictments will read; TREASON, SEDITION, and CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY. When the whole world finds out they launched a virus to steal an election, the Great Awakening will begin. They’ve sealed their fates!
And again, remember the brilliant preemptive/ offensive maneuver our President made when he signed the Executive Order and National Emergency Act on September 12, 2018…Any foreign or domestic interference in our National Elections carry severe consequences!
Of course High Treason being chief among them as well as asset seizure/forfeiture, including those who deliberately aid in the execution and dissemination of misleading propaganda enforcing such treasonous activities! Trump Card!

Fulford – Collapse of the US Corporate Government
The collapse is accelerating as the Khazarian Mafia “Biden” Regime falls into pariah status.

As an example, last week the Biden avatar called a summit of the “Americas” only to be boycotted by the majority of states in the region. Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Uruguay and Bolivia were among the countries to boycott the meeting. Leaders of countries that did attend, like Argentina and Belize, took the opportunity to criticize “Biden.”

The rest of the world, including Africa, the Middle East, Asia (except for the Japanese and South Korean slave states), and a large part of Europe is also shunning the openly criminal US Corporate government. That is why an international boycott against it is causing an economic free-fall there.

That is why the Russians have begun stationing troops and warplanes in Latin America as a move to counter NATO incursions on its own borders, other sources say. This news item, for example, confirms that Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega has invited Russia to deploy its armed forces in the country “for humanitarian purposes,”

Our sources in Mexican US military intelligence say the troops are already there along with a contingent of Chinese special forces.

This revolt against the US Corporation is why Ibero American narcotics gangs have stopped supplying Adrenochrome to the Western elites.

They have now taken action. Last week Mexican police arrested a “Nelson N” the alleged head of an international gang of pedophiles. “Nelson” was inexplicably released by Dutch authorities despite being found in 2020 with over 10,000 pornographic images of infants and children.

What the Spanish article linked above fails to mention is that hundreds of naked children, each bearing an identification number, were freed during the arrest of “Nelson,” according to Mexican intelligence sources.

CIA sources reminded us that at his trial Sinaloa Cartel boss Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman, “stated in court that Comex helped launder $150 million in cartel money for [US House Speaker Nancy] Pelosi.” It appears only those who were at the trial are aware of this, the CIA source notes.

United States (Cabal US Inc.) vs. United States of America
United States is different than the United States of America. Constitution of the U.S.A. formed in 1776 and the Constitution for the U.S. in 1871.

U.S. Inc. United States is a corporation Formed in Delaware in 1871.

All Citizens are governed under Corporate Law. All corporations must have a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasure. Hence, U.S.A. Inc formed in the Act of 1871. A U.S. Citizen is an employee of U.S. Inc.

Rome once ruled the world. Cesar once ruled from “the hill.” Washington DC (Capitol Hill), the new Rome, as Washington DC is the new Rome or Empire. Take a look at a picture of St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican Square. It looks just like our Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. There is also an Egyptian Obelisk in front of it, just like the Washington Monument in D.C.

When you set up a corporation, you must have three things: A President. A Vice-President. A Secretary-Treasurer.

Just like we have with the United States, yes, the U.S. is a Corporation. A privately owned company and has nothing to do with the United States of America.

The United States of America – The Republic was founded in 1776, and the United States the Corporation was formed in 1871.

Ulysses S. Grant was President of the United States in 1871 when the corporation was formed. Funny, his first two initials are U.S.

A U.S. citizen is an employee of the United States Corporation, which is a business. The word “citizen” means “employee” according to the laws of the United States Corporation.

Washington, D.C. is a foreign corporation, and it is not a State. It’s not a part of America and has nothing to do with the 50 states at all. It is where the foreign U.S. Corporation is headquartered with its own laws.

Israel & ISIS
Israel was last because Covid exposed the corruption in our health care and political systems, while Israel will expose the root of all corruption and evil in our religion systems.
In 1855 ISIS was formed by Kings of Morocco & Libya [HASSAN Family] together with the Royal British family.
They signed in the Mohameddi Law which was to Kill The Bloodlines of Jesus Christ.
Six years later they merged with Skull n Bones: Rothschilds, Schiff, Rockefellers, Scherff aka Bush, Kissingers, etc.
Skull n Bones-ISIS Assassinated JFK.
Whistleblower General Flynn exposed the Gulen Terrorist Network:
Flynn discovered that the Obama administration was creating funding and arming of Jihadist who later waved the flag of ISIS
These jihadist actions were taking place in Gaza.
Obama with the help of CIA, NATO and his Jihadist cronies, were seeking to top Assad in Syria.
These treasonous administrations created funding of ISIS.
The US/Jihadist morphed into the Arab Spring, destabilized the Middle East and created the orchestrated migration crises.
Hillary took part in the launching of the Arab Spring as secretary of state under the Obama administration.
Flynn blew the whistle on the involvement in the Gulen terrorist Network of the Oboma administration and by default of HW Bush, G Bush, Clinton, the state department, FBI, CIA and the DOG.
Those buildings fully collapsing in Gaza Strip being hit from one missile are controlled demolitions.
Deep State operators inside both Israel and Palestine camps have been INFILTRATED long ago (Mossad/CIA)
Israeli handlers are in fact Mossad, UK, M16, Rothschilds, CIA
Dominion Servers have a lot to hide, from human trafficking to Epstein creation to Vatican bank.
Connections from the Snake Pit of corruption by Israeli Elites run deep into United States MSM CIA control.
1855 – ISIS Formed by Sanussi Family linked too UK Royals (Khazarians)
1861 – Merged with 322 Skull n Bones(Khazarians)
1870 – 1930 BIG PHARMA (Khazarian)
1871 Act of England(Secret Constitution placed by Secret Societies) Khazarians
1912 Titanic/Olympic Sinking (Who was onboard, what really happened)
1913 Federal Reserve
1917 – 1923 Bolshevic Revolution
1945 – 1959 Operation Paperclip/Mockingbird.
1948 – Israel Formed(Khazarian/Bolshevic Govt)
1949 – Mossad = CIA Formed

Collapse of the Cabal
How do you collapse a world Cabal that controls the Central Banking System, Big Pharma, Big Tech and War Mongers that control Deep State Military within all world military regimens?

How do you expose the corruption of world leaders and EU Elite societies that created NATO and UN (fake peace keepers that steal wealth, exploit their natural resources)?

The EU SUPER POWER has been denied by India, Malaysia, Indonesia and large partss of Africa in their constant fear campaign to wage wars and create revenue from world countries in their fake agendas to gather sympathetic following in their Deep State operations.

Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, the Indian foreign minister, said that Europe should grow out of the mindset that its problems are the world’s problems.“The world cannot be that Eurocentric that it used to be in the past,” he said. “Why would anybody in Asia trust Europe on anything at all,” he added.

Behind the scenes several countries are aligning with Russia/China and rejecting the EU super power and NATO/EU rhetoric.

This SUPER POWER of EU controlled by the Rockefellers/Rothschilds/ Davos Group, who control Black Rock and Vanguard (the world’s top investor firm that controls the industry and economy in all Central Banking systems) is on the verge of collapse.

Anons/ Freedom Fighters/ Truth Tellers / World Patriots have been leaking the truth of economic world collapse since last year. They have been warning all that the World Markets reports were fake and the Central Banking System was inside a major collapse.

Only till 16 months later does EU Deutsche bank CEO admit a recession is happening (they had lied for months of false economic reports and growth)

Blame the Russians for the collapse story is falling apart as Asian countries drop the propaganda and start denying EU super power in their claim for donations.

Months ago we knew that several countries inside NATO (generals inside the countries are fighting within their regimen and their Leaders). This conflict is coming more evident as Deep State money was disappearing by the days and weeks and months.

The USD (United States Dollar) is the world Reserve currency. Almost every nation across the world holds the USD as a secure asset! But now it’s becoming clear to several Nations that the EU Super Power connected to the USD was collapsing. Several leaders through the Americas deny the Biden Regime of support and attending invites. Several middle eastern countries have cut off oil to the U.S., EU and their USD.

The U.S. and all it’s wealth and every asset is worth 193 Trillion. (But the U.S debt is 90 Trillion + U.S. Unfunded liabilities is 169 Trillion.

The world’s countries were seeing the collapse in real time and panic is hitting everywhere. The Deep State in EU is finally admitting they have no money and U.S is inside the collapse. Nobody wants the USD.

The collapse of the Central Banking System connected to the USD is in free fall.

There is no more money to fund the War Mongers paying off half of the Military Generals to ok wars. There is not money to fund the US Military food, travel, pension or oil and gas.

The U.S Military is denying artillery to send to Ukraine and the EU.

Behind the scenes a Quintillion in gold is stored inside Cheyenne Mountain, placed there by Trump,White Hats Military and Q Operations.