Trust the Plan

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**There is so much happening around the world that it is hard to put everything into perspective. Many people are still asleep – “The Sleepers” – & they are in for a rude awakening – “The Great Awakening”.
Be prepared for anything so that you can weather the storm. There is hope for a brighter & better future. Hang in there. Be a true patriot. We, the people, are rising up & we will win!
Here in New Zealand it appears that most people are still asleep. They have had it too easy. There is plenty of food in the supermarkets & for most people, life goes on as usual. It is not until people start hurting that they wake up to the truth. Most do not do their research on the internet & soak up the fake news on the radio & TV, unlike the US where it seems that the critical mass of 81% of the people have woken up to reality.
[Last week Juan O Savin reported that the General Population was at an Awakened Level of over 81%. Therefore, the EBS was set to activate at any time.]
The bulk of the people in the US are very patriotic. Here in New Zealand there is even a movement to change our name from New Zealand to Aotearoa, even though many New Zealanders have fought & died under the New Zealand flag.

From “Special Restored Republic” 25 & 26 Nov – Judy Byington:

*Martial Law, EBS, QFS Set to Activate
Trust the Plan
*The Silence Has Broken
We Are Entering the Final Stage
Are You Ready?
Leaked Q Files, Restricted data, documents, videos, images and files that will change American history
…Donald J. Trump Live on Telegram Thurs. 24 Nov. 2022
*Over 380 US Congressman May Be Charged By the Supreme Court With Illegal Action Involving 2020 Election Investigation.
Game Over
It Will Be Sooner Than You Expect
Q Power
…”The Great Awakening”

Important Message from John F. Kennedy Jr, 19th Vice President:
“As we face the EBS & Military Tribunals, I urge all Americans to prepare for Martial Law. There will be active military on the streets at key locations to maintain Governmental powers during this transitional phase to ensure maximum safety during Operation Warp Speed. These measures are in place for the immediate fallout after the EBS when the lights go out just know that the White Hats Are In Control. Understand that we faced an evil the likes of which no one has ever seen, because the strings that control the world were inside you (Tugging on the strings of your heart to drain you like a battery). The truth is a force of nature. (The Matrix Was A Documentary). p.s. – Arnica works best.”

Elon Musk:
In Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter not only did we gain control of their “Psychological Command Center” we also managed to show the corruption, BOTS, willful suppression and censorship of Finance, Business, Healthcare, Big Pharma, Wall Street and Central Banksters.
SG Anon Video:
Host: “They say Elon Musk wants to chip us and put something into our brain… to make us hybrids or half robots. So do you think Elon is a Black Hat who is under the control of the White Hats?  Or is he organically a white hat?”
SG:  “My belief about Elon is that he CAPITULATED.  If you ask him whose side he is on, he will say that he is on the side that wins.  He is a survivalist.  Most of these individuals are.”
Elon has an extremely questionable history… and a very close proximity to some very disturbing and very upsetting things.
After President Trump’s election in 2016, and after his world tour in 2017… the Crown Prince Ben Salmon went on a world tour of his own.  He met with nearly all of the Billionaires, major industry Titans, the movers and shakers around the world… and essentially he was the ENFORCER for this Alliance.
Ben Salmon asked Musk: “Are you going to capitulate and agree to work with us… or… we will remove you and replace you with a double, or remove you and reorganize the Plan … you will simply vanish and your legacy will be tarnished.”
I believe Elon is a Businessman.  He recognizes when a ‘deal is a deal’… and if it is good or bad. So it is my opinion that Elon capitulated and agreed to play a role for the acquisition of Twitter and the destruction of censorship with speech suppression.
It was very easy for him to make that optical leap for the General public, because it considers him to be outspoken as a ‘free speech Absolutist’. I believe Elon is playing a part that saved his legacy and it may prolong his life, but there is still some chance that he will see Justice of his own for crimes that he has been part and party to in his past.

Antifa extremists publicly stage plans to commit arson attacks on Tesla locations in response to Elon Musk banning them from Twitter. Elon Musk is pledging to go after accounts that are actively planning violent protests, and riots like many prominent ANTIFA accounts did with impunity. They will now be permanently SUSPENDED on Twitter.
What Elon Musk is working on behind the scenes is connected to high Level Military Tec. and World Cures [5G, Med Beds]. It’s a new formulation of  independent governments across the World that can never again be corrupted by a controlled Elite enslavement system. The Military Tech that Musk and the White Hats have designed is connected to future phones, banking and world peace GESARA full implementation Events. This is much bigger than you can fathom. There’s a reason Trump said, “We must protect Musk.” …5-22 @qthestormrider777

Supreme Court Ruling:
Supreme Court to soon rule on 2020 Election Case – considered a National Emergency: The Supreme Court has accepted a Complaint that 340 plus elected officials blocked attempts to have a 10 day required review of legally submitted Complaints of the 2020 Election. The filing seeks that all 340 plus government officials be relieved of any status within the government (aka most of Congress be fired) and place Trump back as President until a new election can be arranged.
On Fri. 25 Nov. SCOTUS had a private conference with nine Justices and determined that the Complaint would move forward. This means that SCOTUS can move on this as fast as they want, and in fact do not have to hear arguments. Either they agree with the Petition that claims the 340 plus failed to do their legally bound Duties, or they do not think the law has merit. 
Because it is deemed a National Emergency SCOTUS can now either schedule a Hearing, or rule if the Law has been broken. If so, SCOTUS will issue Orders to US Marshalls and the US Secret Service to arrest and remove 340 plus Congress members involved, thereby revoking their Credentials. This affects Biden, Harris, most Democrats in Congress and about half of the Republicans.

**This is the “Age of Aquarius” – Sudden change. Uprising. Out with the old & in with the new. We, the people of this Earth, are breaking free from the chains that bind us. Nothing can stop us. Take heart, the White Hats are winning & President Trump is the “Knight in Shining Armour” with JFK Jnr by his side!**

Judy Note: From Intel just received it appeared that Martial Law including activation of the Emergency Broadcast System could take over sometime this coming week.

We hear from the White Hats that many countries were getting ready for Military vs. Deep State Military coups in their own countries, from [redacted] Military Operations to the China Coup last month.

However, the Fall of the Cabal has it’s own consequences. The US Inc. default on October 14th meant that the imports of oil from the Middle East and goodies from Asia were drying up. That was why empty container ships were being recalled from the US to elsewhere.

As a result shortages of daily items have begun in earnest. You are encouraged to have as much storage of food, water, cash and essential items as you can afford.

Military Intelligence Intercepted The Deep State 16 Year Plan to Destroy America – 8 Years of Obama, Then 8 Years Hillary.

  • General Flynn Brought Up the 16 Year Plan To Destroy America. What if? It was all stealth. It was FISA. Military Intelligence intercepted the Deep State 16 year plan to destroy America. 8 years of Obama, then 8 years Hillary.
  • White-Hats needed someone loyal for the role of president during this operation. After approving certain clearances, the Military installed Trump into the RNC.
  • Think about that for a second: Military. Installed. Trump. The 2016 Election was rigged for Hillary. The Media was complicit. Algorithms weren’t strong enough to give her the win. White Hats controlled the election to give the people a fair vote. There was no way Trump could’ve won without this happening. That’s why they were SHOCKED when she lost. That’s why they didn’t cover their tracks. They never thought she would lose.
  • Obama used FISA courts to secretly spy on Trump’s campaign during the 2016 election. It was the worst decision ever. He literally opened the door to EVERYTHING, by giving Trump the playbook for the next 4 years.
  • FISA = Start. US Military has it all. That is why it looks like “nothing happened” for the last 4 years. It was all in the dark. It looks like these people will get away with all their crimes.
  • They will not. Trump and our military have been dismantling this web of criminals all in the dark. Top levels of corruption are under control. We had to let them complete their crimes in order to charge them to the fullest extent under the rule of law at a tribunal.
  • The election was a trap. Trump ran uncontested. An Election Monitoring (Surveillance) System was installed by the US Cyber Command, Space Force, and the Shadow Warriors of the Cyber Brigade.
  • Soon we will see the real numbers. Every part of this operation is strategically planned. Not everything will be clean. But there is no escaping it. That is why Congress did everything they could to remove Trump before he was even inaugurated, with zero success.
  • He is untouchable. It may look like he is gone from the public eye, but in reality this needed to happen. Now that he is completely out of the picture, and with the public thinking Biden has full control, the military will soon be able to announce the takeover.
  • The media was left in the dark. They are just trying to delay the military from making their next move. Everything on TV in politics right now is fake, and holds no legal standing.
  • Define: [Self Destruction] They have been left in the dark during all this, which is explains all the blatant lies and desperation. They try to make Trumps administration look like they are weak.
  • Don’t forget, Barr is a Patriot working behind the scenes. Anything stating otherwise is completely false. Durham is a Patriot burning the midnight oil. He will get the job done. Along with hundreds of others working behind the scenes to take down the establishment.