Moses is an important figure in a number of religions. What is the truth about Moses? Was he a Hebrew or an Egyptian? He led the Exodus & the pharoah’s charioteers were engulfed by a wall of water – a divine intervention?
The following is a translation from –
‘An Open Word’ – Billy Meier 1975
“Religion of God”
Correction: 1350 B.C.—> 1453 BCE
Historical dates are out by about 100 years earlier.
Monotheism & Akhenaton:
1215 But if one goes back even further and looks for the beginnings of Judaism, one is suddenly astonished to find that this cult religion basically found its beginning with a certain Pharaoh Akhenaton, with an Egyptian, who as the first known great figure in the history of religion invented monotheism – the one-god religion.
1216 The outcome of this mystery leads back to Egypt, 1350 [1453] years before the so-called Christian era, towards the end of the 18th dynasty.1217 At that time a certain king Amenophis IV proclaimed a new cult religion in the name of ATON as the only deity.
1218 Full of religious zeal, this new religious figure saw himself as a kind of prophet and, of course, as an important reformer in the matter of his latest inspiration – the one-deity cult religion.
1219 Thus he also changed his name as of the sixth year of his reign and called himself, always with his dear God Aton in mind, accordingly Ech-n-Aton (Akhenaten), which means approximately interpreted: ‘It pleases the Aton’ or what is much more probable: ‘Light of Aton’ (thus, nevertheless, a light or an arm candlestick of his own graces, if one considers that Akhenaten played the extended arm of the God Aton by his reforming and prophethood).
1220 As king, he was at the same time the chief honcho, the chief priest of the new cult, held services in the “palace” of the obelisk and composed hymns in praise of God, which emphasized monotheism quite clearly: “O thou only God, beside whom is no other …” and: “God alone shalt thou honor and love with all thy heart,” etc. etc. (Doesn’t that sound a lot like Christian religious doctrine?)
1223 However, to spread the new religion, it required more than just holding services in the royal family.
1224 Moses, Akhenaten’s brother, who was the first priest in the new monotheistic religion, was therefore designated as the implementer.
1225 Moses (Egyptian: child), however, quickly realized that he would meet with little success with his mission among the Egyptians and therefore chose – like all reformers – the path of least resistance; the lowly people, the poor people, who had always suffered under the yoke of the bigwigs and lords and were looking for ways out, which is why these people were a found and plentiful source of sustenance for Moses.
1226 Thus he buried his dream of succeeding Akhenaten and turned to those who were known as nomadic shepherds and gypsies and a society thrown together from afar, and who were called Hebrews.
1227 A term by which the gypsies were titled at that time.
1228 Unaware until then of any system, of belonging together, and of no religion of their own, they quickly allowed themselves to be conned into his religion by the now missionary Moses, in the hope that by accepting the religion they could abandon the nomadic and slave life and become resident in the Egyptian cities.
1229 But this was a bad mistake on the part of the Hebrews, because the Egyptians did not want to have anything to do with them in this form, since these were a group of people who, as a result of criminality, inbreeding and fornication, met with evil hatred among the Egyptians, not least because the Hebrews were multiplying and spreading rapidly.
1230 This was considered so harmful and shameful even by the Pharaoh that he issued an order to kill all male children of the Hebrews immediately after birth.
Moses Leads the Hebrews:
1231 Now in these Hebrews Moses saw his great chance, he who had first commanded the armies of Pharaoh and who had led war against Abyssinia.
1232 As a priest he saw a completely new possibility for himself, namely to become the highest leader of a people in the time of Akhenaten.
1233 It did not bother him in the least that the Gypsies (Hebrews) were not a real people, but an outcast society thrown together from all directions.
1234 But it was also very convenient for him that these Hebrews were still abysmal pagans and had never belonged to a religion of their own, so they were easily accessible to the new teaching.1235 Since Akhenaten’s monotheistic religion rejected any notion of hell, witchcraft and magic were also frowned upon, but Moses was a master in them.
1236 Since the Hebrews very quickly fell into an evil delusion after adopting the new religion, Moses found in them the most suitable people in whom, through his tricks and alleged magic arts and in conjunction with the new religion, he could achieve and enforce his goal of rule without much effort.
1237 Thus, the Hebrews offered him the most ideal field of activity, which he also worked and exploited to the best of his ability, even if he had to use the frowned-upon witchcraft, magic, and all sorts of sleight-of-hand and conjuring tricks to do so.
1238 However, everything was even easier for him to ascend immediately to their leader, by his promise that he would liberate the Hebrew people from the Egyptians, by whom they were endlessly exploited and despised.
1239 In this way, the Hebrews were taught an Egyptian religion by an Egyptian founder of the religion, whereby, of course, all the rites were also adopted and retained in the Jewish faith to this day.
1240 For example, circumcision, which was basically nothing more than a hygienic measure (for the same reason, in later times, the founder of Islam, Muhammad, adopted circumcision, along with many other rites).
1241 A purity ritual, therefore, of which the Egyptians of that time were particularly proud.
The Exodus:

1242 After the death of Akhenaten, approx. 1350 B.C., Moses saw his chance coming to bring the Hebrews finally under his rule and to lead them away from Egypt.
1243 The Hebrew people at that time amounted to between 4000 and 6000 people, whom Moses snatched from Egypt at night and in the mist, but this was not exactly pleasing to the new Pharaoh, since he lost a considerable number of free labor slaves, which is why he had the fugitives pursued.
1244 Moses, however, turned with his new people to the northeast, along the Mediterranean Sea, through the Sinai Desert.
1245 At that time, this was the shortest and easiest way to freedom, because at that time the Suez Canal did not yet exist, since it was built between 1859 and 1869, so it was not yet an obstacle.
1246 Unhindered, Moses and his great following went along the sea and reached the height of Lake Sinai, which at that time still drew its water from the ebb and flow of the Mediterranean Sea.
1247 As a well-traveled man, Moses was well aware of this fact, which is why he deliberately took this route when he learned that ‘his’ people were being pursued by Pharaoh’s army.
1248 He arranged it therefore in such a way that he had crossed the isthmus between the Mediterranean and lake Sinai with his people just at the time, when the flood began and the the Pharaoh’s army advanced into the dangerous and death-bringing narrowness.
Eruption of Santorini Volcano: From a contact between Billy Meier & Quetzal
1453 BCE: The Destroyer [Comet] gets dangerously close to the earth and causes severe disasters. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, elemental storms and floods of enormous proportions are the result. Volcanic ash easily obscures the sun, which lasts for several weeks. The Santorini volcano in the Hellenic Sea explodes, triggering a 180-meter high Tsunami that rolls across the Mediterranean and far into the Nile region of Egypt, flooding everything. Not only do many people die as a result, but also countless animals whose carcasses decompose after the flood rolls back, causing much harm. By this happening the are triggered (Moses time/Moses), whereby also the water of the Nile turns red because of the blood of the innumerable killed life forms and their torn and mutilated bodies. The flood rolling back again pushes back over the Mediterranean and forward to the northeast, where it then floods Syria lands and causes enormous horrors and devastations.
** See note later about the Destroyer Comet.
I believe that the perfect timing of the crossing of the “Reed Sea” (not the Red Sea – too deep) was not by chance or foresight.
I also believe that Moses was given the right time to do so by Jehav – the leader of the Giza Intelligences at that time – not to be benevolent, but to make use of this band of undesirable Hebraons (Hebrews).
I asked this question of Billy at the FIGU forum in December, 2009:
Q: Who was the Gizeh Intelligences God
at the time of Moses?
A: Jehav was the one.
Also, in his book “An Open Word”, Billy always refers to “God” as Jehovah. His reply to my question re this:
A: In the book “An Open Word“ the name Jehova was used as a general term for the old “Hebraon gods“.
Note: Jehav murdered his father to gain leadership & later he was murdered by his son who then became the leader.
Jehovah was the leader at one stage.
So much for the gods (God) in which people have (have had) great faith. They were flesh & blood human beings like ourselves, who were trying to enslave us – just like the “Elite” of today.
“When will they ever learn!”
1249 Moses’ calculation worked out perfectly, and the effect of this stratagem was catastrophic: the Pharaoh’s army was swept away by the approaching flood and drowned miserably in Lake Sinai.
1250 According to today’s time calculation these events lie round 3450 years back and fall exactly at that time, when in the wild Hellenenland (Greece) the volcano Santorini exploded and an approx. 1800 m [Correction – 180m] high tsunami chased over the Mediterranean, which struck Egypt then with a devastating force and brought an immense catastrophe over the country.
1251 Masses of aquatic and terrestrial animals were crushed, and their blood dyed the waters deep red.
1252 It is only natural that many diseases and all kinds of plagues could not be avoided.
1253 Moses, however, knew how to exploit these events in his favor and preached them as God’s punishment, etc., thus convincing the delusional Hebrews of his mission to God.
Hebrew Conquerors:
1254 After the spectacular escape from Egypt, the Hebrews wandered the land for about forty years, murdering and robbing, and gradually conquered the land promised to them by Moses.
1255 It did not disturb them in any way that they exterminated and slaughtered the population of whole regions in such a way that they first made friends with them and then celebrated festivities with wine, in order to slaughter these friends then bestially, when they were drunk.
1256 Even women and children were not spared in any way.
1257 When Moses was 120 years old (this age is not determined very precisely), he was almost certainly (the proof is unfortunately missing) murdered by the Hebrews; probably out of gratitude for having kidnapped and freed them from Egypt’s bondage.
Jewish Chronicle & the Jewish Torah (Old Testament)
1258 For about 800 years no one cared about the story of Moses.
1259 But about 650 years before Christ, somehow suddenly there was a desire to write down a Jewish chronicle and religious history.
1260 Some clever scribes then made the stories about Moses – the Jewish Torah.
1261 For this only very old and confused oral traditions and assertions served, which were written down then by the scribblers as words of God and Moses history.
1262 With which success and with which accuracy this happened moreover – after eight centuries -, everybody can calculate himself.
Insanity & Nonsense:
1263 How inadequate and fantastic this Jewish Torah (in Christianity called ‘Old Testament’ or Bible) is built up and lacks the actual reality is evident from many of the claims of this Torah which are close to insanity.
1264 As the Bible reports, about one million Hebrews are said to have fled from the land of Egypt.
1265 Apart from the fact that Egypt did not have a million ‘souls’ at that time, such an enormous people would not have had to flee from the Pharaoh’s army of only about 6000 men, but on the other hand a million people could not have existed in the inhospitable and deadly desert.
1266 It would not have been possible to cross the isthmus between the Mediterranean Sea and the Sinai Sea between two tides (the exact number of the refugees can unfortunately not be given, because there is no real evidence for this, but with certainty there should not have been more than 6000 people, if everything is calculated according to the most accurate facts).
1267 According to the 1st book of Moses the number of the Israelites at their entry into Egypt should have amounted to 70 ‘souls’ (sixty and ten).
1268 But already 215 years later, at the time of Moses, they are said to have multiplied so much that their number of men in arms already amounted to 600,000.
1269 Women and children together, however, may have amounted to at least double this number, i.e. at least 1,200,000, which then results in the imposing number of altogether 1,800,000.
1270 A madness, which all reason and logic and probability vain idiocy condemns, even if the Hebrews had known how to turn their wives and daughters into birthing machines and birthing factories.
1271 About 2000 years ago (the beginning of the so-called Christian era), there were about 500 million people living on earth, which increased to around 600 million by the year 1600.
1272 So that’s 1600 years during which humanity, with a base population of 500 million, multiplied by a huge 100 million.
1273 With only 70 people (as the Jewish foundation, so to speak), the Hebrews would have developed into a giant nation in only 215 years.
1274 An insanity and nonsense without equal, if one considers that 600 million humans took thus approximately 400 years since the Middle Ages until the year 1978, in order to beget a further 3.5 billion humans.
The Destroyer Comet:
The Destroyer originated in the old Lyra-system, as did the moon.
4million years ago: The Destroyer caused a planet, which was many millions of years older than the earth, to break up, a fragment of which entered our space-time and joined the earth as a satellite, the moon, a few million years ago.
970,000 years ago: The much slower Destroyer came into the SOL-System for the first time and caused an immense earth catastrophe. Both the moon & the DC passed through a dimension gate.
The Destroyer has caused much havoc on Earth in the past. The Plejaren gave it a nudge last century, so it wont return.