Report Sat. 12 Nov. 2022

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The US has been under Active Martial Law since March 2020:

  • We did NOT need the 2022 Midterm to prove the Voter Fraud in Midterms that would allow a Military Takeover and Martial Law. The Military already had all of the evidence and optics needed to show Election Fraud, even before 2016. “We have it all. We’ve caught them all. All crimes and evidence of will be displayed to the public in full accordance to the law.”
  • In Sept. 2018 President Trump signed Executive Order 13848 two years before Covid and the fraudulent 2020 Presidential Election. The EO established Martial Law in the US as it wrapped around multiple Laws, Orders, Regulations, Optics and Operations from 2017 to 2021 from both Military and Federal Sectors.
  • President Trump also declared three National Emergencies, one in Executive Order 13848 and two verbally March 13 and 27, 2020, (that Congress failed to address, which was a Breach of National Security).
  • Those unaddressed National Emergencies allowed President Trump to utilize Emergency Powers and War Powers of the President under Article II and IV of the Constitution along with the National Emergencies Act, the Stafford Act, Executive Order 12148, 13912, 13919, 13848, 13961, 10 US Code Chapter 1209, 10 US Code 12406, 47 US Code 606, but more specifically 13912 and 10 US Code 1209 and 12406 to Federalize the National Guard to Active Duty that extended his powers as President.
  • Title 50 Chapter 34 specifically states the President is the ONLY who can terminate a National Emergency. Those National Emergencies were not and have not been terminated. And, until they’re addressed and terminated, the National Guard remained on Active Duty.
  • Uniform Code of Military Justice = Military Law. The National Guard is a state-based military force that becomes a part of the reserve components of the United States Army and the United States Air Force when activated for federal missions.
  • President Trump specifically Federalized 1,000,000 National Guard for no more than 365 consecutive days in Executive Order 13912 (March 27, 2020) using 10 US Code Ch. 1209 and 10 US Code 12406.
  • In order to Federalize 1,000,000 National Guard to Active Duty, President Trump would have also signed P.E.A.D.s and had a COG in place. They wanted You The People to go about your business until they ran multiple missions of trafficking clean outs, D.U.M.B.s, plus implemented the new QFS System (Executive Order 13885 and

Fri. 11 Nov. RE Sutherland Mushroom Report:

  • Our Veterans records are sold on the world markets to fund the unlawful U.S. Govt Corporation…and to get healthcare, they have to take shots of “psychedelic drugs” … per Dr. William Mount.
  • Our elderly have been murdered with Remdisivir and ventilators. 
  • The young are being inoculated with mRNA to change their DNA. 
  • The majority of adults are MKULTRA victims and will ‘believe’ whatever the television says to them… even when it conflicts with itself and has 9 different Bidens. 
  • People cannot get ahead of mandated insurances, fees, taxes… with their shrinking paychecks.
  • Illegal Immigrants take a huge chunk out of the Social Security Funding.  They get around $5,000 per month, but our retirees get $1,200.  That was not the Original Promise to our working class.  Our life’s sweat equity has been stolen… by our government.  There is no border… Congress made it official in the 1990s… we only have a boundary… and it is open.
  • Nobody knows who is paying for the ‘3 letter departments’… since we know that the U.S. Corporation was ‘dissolved’ years ago… and it was renamed under Biden as ‘White House Office, Inc.”  Congress was dismissed in 2021.
  • There are 3 sides to an ‘invisible’ war:  Cabal… Alliance… A.I. computer
  • The ‘sleeping Giants’ are waking up under Florida, Iraqi, and five other places.  The Space Arks located all over the world are going ‘HOT” as they activate – (Eyewitness Nov.8… by Special Forces JP to Dr. Salla)

The News is Fake, the War is real – it had to be this way.

  • For the first time in U.S. history, the U.S. Military White HATS have THE FULL POWER to bring down the CABAL/[ DS] Evil monarchs that have run the U.S. Government corporation for hundreds of years and hid their full identity through corruption and INFILTRATION into all sectors of the Military, Three Letter Agencies, political leaders and through a maze of World power that kept [them] at Bay from prosecution and imprisonment/ death an ENDING to their GLOBALIZATION AGENDAS.
  • CURRENTLY the U.S. Military OPERATIONS was in the MIDST (All most done) of compiling all the DEEP STATE CABAL OPERATORS and INFILTRATORS into all sectors of the three branches of The United States GOVERNMENT.
  • This was a task of finding all the Infiltrators, Moles, Sleepers, Double/ Triple Agents, Domestic, Foreign Agents and provocateurs.
  • The stolen elections of 2020 and 2022 were Military Operations to see who conspired in Treason in the Deep State Military Coup of the elections.
  • The full operations of Game Theory: Let the DEEP STATE release their virus. Subdue the world in a PLANDEMIC and then intentionally try to KILL millions with a bio-weapon vaccine and destroy the U.S. MILITARY. All this coincides with Election interference and Treason.
  • It’s all connected to the death of Evelyn Rothschilds, bankruptcy of BlackRock and the White Hat global operation to bring down the fiat Central Banking System.
  • Germany cut off the Rothschilds Banks. That was the reason the Vatican wanted all their assets back.
  • For the first time in History the U S. had everything needed to arrest the Kazarian Mafia Rockefellers, Duponts, Rothschilds, Bush, Obama, Biden, Deep State Kennedys (The bad side of the Kennedy family) CIA, Pentagon Deep State Forces.
  • All Events you were witnessing throughout the world were connected to the Storm. Have faith. You have more than you know-Q

What We Think We Know as of Sat. 12 Nov. 2022:

  • On Fri. 11 Nov. Reporter Nancy Drew showed National Guard busses unloading at the White House – that has a recently constructed strange building in front said to house Military Tribunals.
  • Fri. 11 Nov. Sun Erupts Toward Earth, Big Earthquake & Tsunami Warning: 7.7 Earthquake Near Tonga Generates Tsunami
  • WE WON! Pelosi is gone, we take Congress and, if we can stop their very obvious CHEATING, will also take the Senate. Big Victory, don’t be stupid. Stand on the rooftops and shout it out loud! …Donald Trump
  • Most Economists agree that the US will sink into a Recession this winter, yet Biden announced just prior to Midterms, “the overwhelming majority of the American people support my economic program.”
  • The Supreme Court has ruled the 2020 Election invalid: 46 out of 50 States confirmed that Biden lost the vote.
  • The Mainstream Media appears complicit in massive 2022 Mid-Term Election Fraud.
  • Information on Hunter Biden’s Laptop resulted in a 650 Page Report about Biden Family Corruption that was tied to the Chinese Communist Party and Biden property and dealings.
  • The Jan. 6 House Committee was bent on criminally indicting Trump.